March 26, 2019
24 min
The four-panel comedy manga's story centers on Miyako Hoshino, a shy college student and otaku. Miyako's younger sister Hinata, who is a fifth grader, has a classmate and friend named Hana. When they meet, Miyako falls for Hana at first sight.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Miyako Hoshino
Reina Ueda
Hinata Hoshino
Rika Nagae
Hana Shirosaki
Maria Sashide
Noa Himesaka
Akari Kitou
Koyori Tanemura
Hitomi Oowada
Kanon Konomori
Naomi Oozora
Yuuna Matsumoto
Hina Kino
Kouko Matsumoto
Chizuru Hoshino
Ami Koshimizu
Emily Himesaka
Aki Toyosaki
Haruka Shirosaki
Ayumi Fujimura
Rika Kinugawa
80/100Gostei disto... Terei pedófilo escrito na testa? [Portuguese Review]Continue on AniList__WATATEN!: an Angel Flew Down to Me - _Terei 'Pedófilo' escrito na testa?___ Review/Rant de BthPortugal Em inícios de 2019 vi o meu feed de Facebook a ser invadido de imagens de um certo anime.
Eram imagens engraçadas, frames tirados sem contexto, sempre com raparigas jovens e adoráveis a fazer das suas. Após uma pequena pesquisa dei com o nome do anime, ‘Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!’, ou, como é conhecido em inglês, ‘Wataten’. Pareceu interessante, havia algo que me chamava para o experimentar, mas nunca passou dessa pequena vontade… Até este mísero ano 2020 chegar.As imagens de ‘Wataten’ continuam a invadir as redes sociais, ainda a serem usadas como meme, mesmo com muitas pessoas, incluindo eu, que as postam sem ter visto o trabalho original. A curiosidade aumentou, muitos diziam que o anime era mau, outros diziam que era mediano, eu, simplesmente disse, ‘Ok, vamos a ver de que é que se trata’.
Quando comecei a ver deparei-me com uma personagem bastante introvertida, talentosa, medricas, pervertida, duvidosa, mas com um grande coração. Miyako é o seu nome, a estrela deste enredo, do qual mais um grupo de três raparigas fazem parte, a sua facilmente excitável irmã Hinata, a calma e muitas vezes ‘voz da razão’ Hana e a feliz e adorável Noa.
As quatro são as personagens fundamentais para isto funcionar. A história, em resumo, trata de nos mostrar a Miyako, uma personagem que é ‘Shut-in’, uma estudante universitária, sem amigos, que adora o seu hobby de costurar vários fatos e acessórios para cosplay, mas raramente fabrica algo para si, pois não sente confiança necessária para os usar. Costura sim fatos mais pequenos, indicados para raparigas novas com a idade e uma estrutura semelhante à de Hinata.Num dia fatídico, a sua irmã traz uma amiga, Hana, que traz um misto de emoções que Miyako nunca tinha sentido posteriormente, o seu lado introvertido estava a ser rapidamente consumido pelo seu lado mais pervertido ao ver a criança que aos seus olhos era perfeita para experimentar os seus variados fabricos.
Facto é, que, Hana não gosta muito da ideia e muito menos da forma como Miyako olha para si. A criança, todavia, entra nos planos, pois mesmo tentando estar séria nesta situação, não consegue recusar os belos doces que Miyako confeciona e que usa para convencê-la a vestir os seus figurinos. Noa é a nova vizinha da nossa família principal e entra na história após ver Miyako da sua janela a experimentar um dos seus fatos de tamanho adulto, algo que não costuma fazer devido ao seu embaraço pessoal.Para muitos este episódio pode causar um pouco de desconforto, sendo que vemos uma adulta a olhar para crianças de uma forma amorosa demais, ao ponto de nos sentirmos seguros de a chamar de pedófila, uma pessoa que não devia de todo estar perto delas, mas à medida que vemos a série percebemos que não é bem assim. Miyako vê nestas crianças a juventude que outrora podia ter tido caso não tivesse problemas sociais. Elas são as suas amigas durante a série, são as pessoas com quem vai passar grande parte do seu tempo, são com quem se vai divertir, falar, passear e lanchar.
Contudo, não deixa de ser um pouco bizarro o que passa na cabeça dela por vezes, especialmente quando num episódio é lhe dado uns bilhetes de “Poder fazer o que quiser” das raparigas e vemos uma reação bastante pervertida da sua parte, se bem que nunca é explicito o que faria com eles. Algumas partes da história são por vezes repetidas até à exaustão, como a previamente mencionada chantagem de doces com a Hana, em quase todos os episódios é mencionado isso e o facto da reação da Noa e da Hinata não mudar muito mesmo com alguns pedidos extremos da Miyako.
Escusado será dizer que, para mim, isto não é caso para deixar de ver o anime. As várias situações diferentes em que as personagens se metem, o resto do cast que aparece para reforçar na história, como por exemplo a amiga da Miyako, Matsumoto, que nunca tinha sequer falado com ela e as colegas de turma da Hinata, a Kanon e a Koyori, e, como me poderia esquecer de mencionar, a comédia. Este anime é daqueles que nos deixa com um sorriso de orelha a orelha, mesmo nos momentos mais preocupantes para as nossas personagens, com alguns risos à mistura, o que é reforçado pela animação.
A animação deste anime é fenomenal, funciona perfeitamente com o humor e ajuda a dar mais enfâse às piadas, as personagens conseguem alterar o seu estilo visual em qualquer situação, sendo ao deformar-se ou a ficar com riscos mais carregados no desenho, tudo ajuda, especialmente quando no meio disto tudo tens uma animação extremamente suave com momentos que me põem a questionar em como raios é que um anime destes tem tanta qualidade a esse ponto.
Visualmente é bastante apelativo ao olhar, sendo que as personagens têm um estilo simples e imediatamente reconhecível, tem um shading que torna as personagens brilhantes, o que dá aquela ideia deste mundo ser uma fantasia ideal para a nossa personagem principal, os cenários fazem contraste suficiente com o que se passa à frente e têm uma textura semelhante a um lápis de cera, se bem que é apenas sobreposto aos fundos, pois são desenhados digitalmente como o resto do anime. A presença de CG é apenas limitada aos raros veículos que apareciam.Algo que eu queria falar um bocado também, em específico, era sobre o último episódio, nomeadamente a primeira parte, onde as raparigas atuam na peça de teatro. Essa parte está extraordinária, não só a animação, mas também musicalmente. As vozes das raparigas e a música que acompanhava foram perfeitas, diria que esta deve de ter sido a parte com mais qualidade deste anime.
Overall, recomendo este anime, mas, com precaução. Há pequenas coisas que podem chatear e incomodar o espetador, tal como aquele enfâse nos gostos mais pervertidos da personagem principal ou em algumas coisas que são usadas em demasia na escrita do anime.
É um anime bastante puro e adorável que conta com as pequenas histórias diárias deste grupo de personagens, mas aconselho a verem pelo menos 2 episódios para verem se é para vocês ou não.SmugHat
25/100An anime that made me clear my browser history and wish I used a VPNContinue on AniListHow this anime started made me want to clear my browser history and wish I used a VPN.
Most shows have some form of underlying message to them, whether it be to better yourself, there's more to life than work, power comes at a price, follow your dreams, etc. Whatever it may be you should be able to find some form of message, and if I'm being overly kind to this anime I would say it's 'you can still make friends', however this is portrayed in the weirdest/creepiest way imaginable.
Miyako is a shy university student that rarely leaves the house and doesn't have any friends. Her younger sister Hinata invites her friends to their house to play and meet her older sister, whom she adores. Miyako then has Hinata and her friends dress up in cosplay outfits that she made, takes photos of them modeling in the creepiest way, while obsessing over 1 girl in particular (Hana). Miyako then buy their silence of what happened at their house by baking them all pastries.
If the message is 'you can still make friends' why is it gone about in this way, this is legitimately the behavior of a pedophile!
The humor of this anime is often overshadowed by these pedo undertones, the jokes are typically at the expense of Miyako, with the punchline being the police will be called on her for acting the way she does.
I know that droves of fans of this series are quick to defend Miyako, rushing in to say she's not a pedophile, that she never did anything with Hinata or her friends to be remotely considered one. Let's do a little metal exercise, instead of this implied yuri relationship, let's swap Hinata's older sister Miyako's gender. What if Hinata had an older brother instead, and he does the exact same thing with Hinata and her friends. He has them dress up in cosplay outfits, photograph them all while obsessing over 1 younger girl in particular, then makes them all freshly baked pastries so they don't tell their parents what took place at their house.
The never ending Miyako debate aside, good luck finding a character arc, how the characters are written at the start is essentially how they are in the end. Most casual viewers are led to believe there is some character development between those who are a stalker/obsessive and those who are being stalked/obsessed over. When in reality the characters being stalked/obsessed over simply get used to their stalker, like some mild form of Stockholm syndrome and not genuine character growth.
So many questions are raised throughout the anime and essentially no message should be taken away by the viewer.
Why is Miyako so obsessed with Hana?Why is it portrayed that it's ok to buy off Hinata and her friends with sweets?
What is Miyako doing with all these photos of Hana? She never mentioned it was for submitting them for her university studies.
Why is there an unmarked van outside my house now?!
Here's my takeaway.
Don't accept sweets from strangers. Don't do anything a stranger asks that makes you feel uncomfortable. If someone is stalking you get a restraining order. If you have a child, look into getting a nanny cam.Ciaora39
81/100Loli-tastic anime that is charming at its core.Continue on AniListIn literature, there is a saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” There is another similar one in anime, “Don’t judge an anime by its first episode.” Some would argue more than that, but you get the idea. More often than not, the first episode in any anime does not always represent what you will be getting for the rest of the show. In recent years, anime studios would have the idea of making the first episode the most eye-catching or batshit crazy one of the rest. Then the rest of the episodes come off tepid or dull compared to the first one. Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita, shortened as WATATEN, fits as an example of this, although from a different result. It gets more fun and enjoyable from beginning to end.
One word to describe WATATEN is adorable. Seriously, if you don’t like moe or cuteness in anime and are one of those that think it is a blight to anime as an art form, this would be their antichrist. This is one of the most cutesy, moe anime shows I have seen in a long, long time. Not just from the character design perspective, but the voice acting in the episodic stories. There were moments when I would go crazy from the cuteness displayed by all the cute little girls. So this is just a fair warning for those who may not be prepared for something like this. Then again, look at the poster, and you can probably already guess what is in store here.
In the first episode, we are introduced to the main heroine, Miyako, or Mya-nee. She is introduced as someone infatuated with one of her little sister’s friends, Hana-chan. Many have interpreted Mya-nee to be a pedophile based on how she shows her affection from the first episode. That episode is probably the most “creepy” interaction Mya-nee shows in the entire series. Again, this is sort of a thing with many writers these days to make the first episode absurd and crazy to entice people to keep watching. However, as WATATEN goes on, Mya-nee’s antics do not go far into pedo territory as it comes off more as that adult that can’t help but love how cute a child is and would want to protect it. Wanting to dress Hana-chan in cute cosplay clothes makes Mya-nee have a hilarious charm to her that never struck me as creepy. Maybe it’s the fact that the show has a shoujo-ai tag to it that might throw some people off, but it never comes across as too lovey-dovey like other anime of that genre.
Mya-nee herself gets better as a character that is adorable and hilarious to see in what she does and says to the girls. We learn more about her as a character, making her less two-dimensional than what you would expect of a protagonist in these types of anime. The interactions with her little sister, Hinata-chan, are hysterical, and a few of them almost feel real to how I know some friends with little sisters interact. What gives Mya-nee her adorable charm is Reina Ueda's performance as her. She sells this character from her frantic embarrassed voice and how wacky she inflects her voice whenever Mya-nee goes crazy.
The rest of the girls that make up the quintessential cuties (Hinata, Hana, Noa, Kanon, Koyori) all have their unique personalities that brighten up the show. Hinata is the energetic little sister that you both love and hate if you were her sibling, just like every other little sister. Hana is Hinata's best friend that Miya-nee loves unconditionally of how cute she is. Her calm/stoic demeanor does change ever so slightly when she sees something sweet or eats pudding; that way, she won’t seem like a one-note character. Nao is the funny, energetic blonde child who always gets perturbed whenever Miya-nee doesn’t think she is the cutest, resulting in hilarious moments. Kanon and Koyori do have their moments, but they barely get enough screentime for me to remember much about them. That is not to say they are bad; they just could’ve added more scenes with them, including garnering any memorable ones, unlike the previous three.
Many people compare this to UzaMaid because another little girl character is in a platonic onee-chan relationship with the female protagonist. However, unlike that anime, WATATEN does not feel as tedious with its jokes about Mya-nee being all lovey-dovey with Hana-chan. They don’t just involve one girl to another but preferably multiple ones. On top of that, they aren’t just the same joke pulled repeatedly from every episode. Each episode goes into different scenarios where all the girls go through a different situation and don’t feel tact on. The cuteness factor only goes up all the way through, which made me feel giddy with anticipation every time I start an episode.
With a studio like Doga Koba, you know you will be into a visual treat of cute goodness with titles like Himouto-chan, New Game, and Gabriel DropOut under their belt. While WATATEN does not stand too far off from its comfort zone, its art style has a pastel color scheme to the backgrounds and the character designs that give it its distinctive look. Unlike the previous anime I’ve mentioned, WATATEN‘s designs look more fluid and less conservative in the line drawings. It makes everything look a little elegant. The OPs and EDs fit the anime perfectly with its lively singing in your usual cutesy tone. However, they’re nothing too substantial for me to download on my PC, unfortunately
This anime was the season’s palate cleanser. In other words, something that you can watch without thinking too hard about it. If I were to make a comparison, it would be Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka. Something to make your heart warm and fuzzy, nothing else. We all need at least one or two in every anime season and hope they are good at their craft. Maybe not another one where there might be contention to debate whether the protagonist might be a pedo. Whatever gets people talking.
Grade: A-
ANIME ComedyIchigo Mashimaro
ANIME ComedyMitsudomoe
ANIME ComedyGabriel Dropout
ANIME ComedyKodomo no Jikan
ANIME Slice of LifeGochuumon wa Usagi desu ka?
ANIME ComedyKoisuru Asteroid
ANIME ComedyAsobi Asobase
ANIME ComedyKiniro Mosaic
- (3.5/5)
Ended inMarch 26, 2019
Main Studio Doga Kobo
Favorited by 895 Users
Hashtag #WATATEN