June 20, 2011
24 min
Haneda Takashi has a secret he cannot speak of. To leave his dull school-life, he was supposed to have escaped to another world. However, he is reeled in by certain ties on his heart. One of these is Kobato, his awkward younger sister. The other is Watarai Asuka, his negligent girlfriend.
Chitose Shuusuke is a poor freeloader. He passes his days working at various part-time jobs. One day, he has a disastrous first encounter with Tamaizumi Hiyoko. The next time they meet, Shuusuke discovers that they are fellow employees at his part-time job.
Narita Hayato sees himself as a "hard-boiled" person. Back-breaking jobs are nothing to him. Hayato shuns normal human contact, but, during the nights, he would get together with delinquents and other denizens of the night. One such night, he meets the cheerful and oblivious Otori Naru.
The relationships with these girls will greatly affect these 3 young men. But what, exactly, is the relationship these young men have with each other?
(Source: AnimeNFO)
Asuka Watarai
Mayumi Yoshida
Hiyoko Tamaizumi
Ryouko Ono
Naru Ootori
Yuuko Gotou
Hayato Narita
Junichi Suwabe
Kobato Haneda
Ai Matayoshi
Shuusuke Chitose
Hiroaki Miura
Takashi Haneda
Hiro Shimono
Youji Haneda
Tsubasa Yonaga
Sayaka Aoki
Miyako Yamashina
Yukiko Takaguchi
Kakeru Ootori
Satoshi Hino
Ai Kohda
Saki Nakajima
Harue Kasuga
Hiromi Ootsuda
Kinako Mochizuki
Chiaki Takahashi
Eriko Hino
Kiyomi Asai
Tomoko Fujino
Karura Itami
Tetsu Inada
DJ Condor
Tomokazu Sugita
Karuo Karube
Hideo Ishikawa
Yuu Yoneda
Emiko Hagiwara
Masako Takauchi
Yuka Komatsu
Kazuma Morisato
Hideki Ogihara
52/100very disappointing , but had some cool ideas and likable charactersContinue on AniListFirst impressions,
So when I first got into this show I got incredibly confused by the show itself,
But after sticking though it and watching it twice I got what this show about,
All though I am pretty sure that was because when I first got into the show I was still new to anime, But at the same time this is generally confusing at times.Story, 5/10
So we without wings is a story that about the adventures of are 3 main characters,
Which I am going to talk about them one at a time.The first one being about Takashi haneda a bata male high school student who claims he a prince from another world and by another world I mean generic Japanese RPG fantasy world but stays in order to look after his little sister,
one day he is asked out by a girl named Asuka watarai who only reason to date him so far is in order to stop other guys from hitting on her,
So his story arc is manly focused on blacking out and
Going to fantasy land and being a bata male in the friend zone while at school.
This by far was probably one of the most boring story arcs I had ever had to sit through the entirety of this show and honestly it's only ether got interesting to me when the twist about him starts interfering with his life.
Which doesn't happen intill the ending episodes.The second being about Shusuke chitose a happy go lucky Youthful Young man who visits a bar named Alexander and is also a freelance journalist and book reviewer, who one day meets a girl by the name of hiyoko tamaizumi an up and coming novelist which are main character confuses to be a porn star,
Who starts working at the bar Alexdander in order to help with her income.
Seeing that he made a mistake he decides to also work at Alexdander in order to change her opinion about him.
This arc is manly focused on him luring the ropes of working at a bar and trying to get this girl to change her opinion on him,
Which dose led to some funny things,
So this arc was a bit more entertaining to me and it wasn't that boring,
But it's still nothing special.And my favorite out of the story arcs dum roll please................................
Hayato narita a steet smart loner who works odd jobs and every now again gets involved in gang fights, one day while looking for a job he comes across a girl named naru ohtori a local school girl and the little sister of a local gang leader,
Who comes to him in order to help her find her missing bike.
This arc is manly focused on what happens to the city around night time With the gangs and night life in full swing,
Which is probably more interesting and entertaining for me at least to see gangs fighting each other and the overall atmosphere of the night life,
While some school girl try's to get into the main character pants.
So this arc nothing really that special but probably for me the best story arc to watch.Now it's time to get to that twist I mentioned,
Now you're probably thinking by the sounds of this story it's pretty much about these 3 guys who only relation is that they all live in the same city,
Well what If I told you that all the main characters are actually the same person,
Well actually different people that share the same body,
So this is actually about a day to days life of a person with the spilt personally disorder with each personally taking over the body at different times,
With Takashi in control in school time , Shusuke in the afternoons and Hayato at night, who are basically there to protect the true
Personally yoji haneda.I am here watching this and thinking to myself that this is actually a pretty interesting idea I wonder where there going to go with it,
This could make some very interesting drama if they handle it right
And what do with it Nothing much,
Because for the most part the story pretty much focused on comedy which made me laugh at times,
But they only uses the spilt personally thing in order to make this show a little different from the crowd it's basically becomes nothing beyond a gimmickThe only time they actually used it for drama was at the end and a few other scenes which pretty Much frizzed out and didn't even matter in the grand scheme of things especially when you're trying to have a dramatic moment that had not built up or had the tone to support such a scene,
But I still liked the ending even though it was kind of rushed.So we with without wings had good premise and interesting narrative set up
But sadly all of this was good on paper and it didn't use all those ingredients to its full potential.Characters, 5/10
The first main character Takashi was pretty much a basic bata male,
Who isn't that interesting at all,
I do like him a bit more at the end when he came to turns with his problem
But it came to little to late for me to care.The second main character Shusuke was very enjoyable for me to watch,
His happy go lucky personally helped make this show a lot less boring than it should have been,Th third main character Hayato was probably my favorite out of the three,
I really like his loner take no shit personally he was also fun to watch as well.Another thing before I move on I really want to talk the relationship that the three personality have with each other,
That there all there to protect and care for each other even if it results in one of them disappearing for ever,
It kind of this brotherly love kind of relationship.The supporting cast was ok for the most part,
Some of them where quite fun to watch,
But there not the deepest or the most likable characters I have seen,
Most of them are just bland character archetypes,
Which wasn't that bad because quite a few of them didn't feel like archetypes.
But there just kind of there just to fill space a guess.Art, 6/10
The animation was quite decent,
Nothing mind blowing but looks alright.It's has the nice visual novel style to it.
I quite like some of the character designs.
Sound, 5/10
I actually quite liked the op song,
I found it nice to listen to,
Nothing great but honestly.
The ending song was kind of mah to me.The ost was alright to listen to,
It was on point for when it was used,
But sadly it's very forgettable at lest for me.Enjoyment, 6/10
I quite enjoyed this anime dissipate it problems,
Because a really did enjoy the comedy and the over all atmosphere and I found this a decent time passer.
But what really hampered my enjoyment is that this could have been if it had focus a lot more on the spilt personally thing.Overall, 5/10
So if you like V.n anime or basic rom-com drama then probably check this one out,
You may not get the feels but you have an ok time passer,
If you don't like this type of show then probably stay away,
Because even though it's ok by the standards of what it is.
It is still a mah show as a whole.TheRealKyuubey
40/100A unique and original concept just isn't enough to make up for incompetant writing and execution.Continue on AniListTurn the right corner in Yanagihara City, you can find anything. Like any other city in the world, Yanagihara is populated by individuals of all walks of life... But here, the connections shared between them carry an extra dose of fate. This is especially true for three young men, each living an unremarkable life in the most remarkable way possible. Haneda Takashi is a student, living with his younger sister as he attends high school, while guarding a mortal secret; That he is actually a holy knight from another world. Chiitose Shusuke is a broke part-timer who both works and drinks at the bar Alexander. Narita Hayato is a night owl, hardened by a succession of dirty jobs, wandering the red light district at a time when all the ne’er do wells come out to play. Each of these young men is a charismatic enigma unto himself, drawing in the people around them while simultaneously keeping them at arm’s length... But the one connection they can’t avoid is the one they share with each other, and as the lines blur between reality and fantasy, the clock ticks down to an eventual reunion that will change their lives forever.
It’s been a long time since I talked about Studio Nomad... In fact, the last time I did so was in my Rozen Maiden review, way back when I still believed my blog had a future... And while Rozen was a bit lacking in the visual department as their first ever title, I’m happy to say Wings looks a lot better. It is, of course, yet another anime with a lacking budget that made up for it through sharp direction... I’ve been reviewing a lot of anime like that lately, and Wings is largely more of the same. On screen motion is limited, but still smooth where it needs to be. The backgrounds are intricately detailed and distinctive, to the point that I was never confused about where we were in the story, regardless of how often the narrative switched between the three protagonists. The only real issue I had with the visuals was the character designs, and while I’m sure this probably wasn’t an issue in the hentai game, where your path through the story was likely limited to three separate paths where characters COULD resemble each other without complicating things, having every single character active at the same time did the product no favors.
The character designs are somewhat generic and repetitive, which is a shame, because most of them are fairly visually appealing, and the color scheme would have been attractive in its own right if it wasn’t so played out. Thanks to the nature of the adaptation, there are dozens of named characters, or at least it feels that way, and there are several groups of characters that look bafflingly like each other. On the other hand, this IS an ecchi show, and while the actual ecchi scenes are limited, the characters look pretty damn good naked. Don't get me wrong, there's really only a couple of sequences of uncensored fanservice, namely in the cold-open of one episode and the final OVA episode, but in a world of conveniently placed hair, steam and barbie doll bodies, Wings proves loudly and proudly that it has the goods, and they’re worth waiting for. Those moments are by far the slowest, as the animators were able to linger on fanservice keyframes for a few seconds at a time, but the artwork in this show shines brighter than the animation anyway, so that’s not a big deal.
The English dub was a Funimation effort, which is probably a good thing for a show with such a massive cast. The ensemble is made up of a generous blend of classic talents and actors who started with the company in the 2010’s, and while quite a few of the female actors decided to use false names in the credits... I will not expose any of them if I can help it... More recognizable names like Brittany Karbowski, Felecia Angelle and Lara Woodhull didn’t even bother. Out of the three male leads, all three were very well cast, at least for the time. Joel McDonald brought a soft cadence and a demure delivery to Takashi, the quietest and most unassuming of the three. He comes off as both gentle and just distant enough that you can kind of believe his backstory. Ricco Fajardo is fun, goofy and lighthearted as Shusuke, and for Narita... Well, there’s a bit of a problem. I don’t doubt Scott Freeman felt like the right man for the job at the time, especially given his experience in harem anime before, but in retrospect, it’s a little creepy to hear a character who’s almost immediately surrounded by thirsty underage girls played by a dude who... Well, if you know, you know. Not Funimation’s fault at the time, but damn can hindsight be a bitch. Anyway, it’s a strong dub overall.
There are plenty of different sources an anime can be adapted from, and while manga and light novel adaptations are usually pretty straightforward, anime based on dating games and visual novels are kind of a genre unto themselves. In game, the protagonist has multiple different paths he can follow, and when adapting that format to a single linear narrative, the writers have to get creative in order to find ways to represent as much of the story as possible. For some, like Clannad and the rest of the Key trilogy, this means building a new narrative out of all the available segments, so each issue can be dealt with before the main character seals the deal with his main love interest. Some shows like Stein’s Gate can take a more creative approach, and ultimately, that’s what We Without Wings did. I haven’t played the visual novel myself, so I don't know for certain how it’s structured... I imagine you can play all three protagonists’ stories separately, switching or not switching at my own discretion... But for the anime, they took an admittedly ambitious approach.
When the story begins, we have three perspectives. We start with the high school boy, followed by the bar-hopper, followed by the night owl, and we follow them throughout their days, stepping into each character's shoes as they explore their designated habitats, each with his own eccentric stable of acquaintances and issues, as they subtly begin to drop hints that not everything is as it seems, and as much as I’d love to continue from here on without spoilers, that’s going to be really difficult considering just how little there is to grab onto in this show, outside of the unraveling mystery. There’s no real plot, there’s no real driving force to the narrative, there are no stakes... Hell, I don’t even think there’s an inciting incident in this entire damn show. Each of the three stories just moves at it’s own pace, while the mystery unfolds around them, and the mystery just unfolds on it’s own as you watch the show. We get clues and hints, and we get reveals that correspond to them, but there’s no real sense of timing or pay-off to almost any of it.
Now this is just my opinion of course... You have every right to disagree with me if you feel so inclined... But there are certain anime out there, however rare they may be, that I honestly think you’re better off going into spoiled than blind. I gave this nod to School Days late last year, on the grounds that it offered a unique experience that was perfect in its own way, but that you would have to be in the mood for in order to enjoy it. For We Without Wings, there is so little to grab you in the early episodes(aside from uncensored nudity, which I appreciated), that the only way to appreciate the framework of the narrative on the level it deserves is to know what the ultimate reveal is going to be. Going in blind, this is an anime that does not make a lick of fucking sense until your second time through, and even then, only barely. Because of this, I am going to spoil at least one of the few big reveals, purely for the sake of clarity. I understand completely if you believe that’s an unethical way to write a review, but my only other option would be to keep things vague and do a short-form review, which just feels wrong for a full length series.
To rip the bandaid right off, all three protagonists are the same person. They are all one young man, dealing with sort of a multiple personalities situation. This isn’t really a huge spoiler, as I think most viewers would figure it out pretty early on... The fact that they all have slightly different hairstyles and are all active at different times of the day is kind of a dead giveaway... And the show does drop some other clues, if you know where you’re looking. These personalities are aware of each other, and they refer to the body they’re inhabiting as both a ‘vessel’ and a ‘cockpit’ depending on the situation. Now, right at first glance, this seems like a promising concept, and potentially a really clever way to subvert slice of life anime tropes... And I really wish I could say you’re right, but like I said before, the story overall is really poorly executed. The clues to what’s really going on should be really jarring and unsettling, and the pay-off to each one should be earth shattering. Instead, each one is either confusing, poorly timed, or just kind of limp.
For example, there’s a pretty over-the-top gang fight in one night time scene, where a rival gang leader gets shot in the shoulder. Later, a recurring character from the Alexander segments who kind of looks like the gang leader takes a second to rub his hurt shoulder. Okay, so maybe they’re the same person? Well, okay, sure, but there are a ton of characters in this show, several of whom are lazilly written to the point that they COULD conceivably be the same character, so you start to think, ‘who else doesn’t actually exist?’ But then in another random throwaway moment later on, you see the night owl hanging out with a bunch of cosplay otaku, and it suddenly hits you “Wait a minute, that gang war wasn’t real? How much was Narita imagining? Was the one dude punched in the shoulder, instead of shot?” Moments like this should have been structured to give you chills, but all they result in is raised eyebrows. I don’t know, maybe I’m asking for too much, but I’ve seen anime that played fast and loose with reality before, and I know what a gut-wrenching twist is supposed to feel like. Shows like From the New World and Battle Athletes Victory had reveals that would take the fucking wind right out of you, and in comparison, Wings just kinda falls flat.
The mystery unfolds over the course of the series, but there's no inciting incident to kick it off, no stakes to give it tension, and no plot to drive it forward. It unravels purely because it's being observed. The only clue that I did find a little striking... Aside from one random sex scene that came out of nowhere, was never addressed again and added nothing to anything... Is the moment when Takashi, who we’re supposed to believe is the main personality, wakes up in his home to find his little sister lying nearby completely naked, covered only in a blanket. He reacts with displeasure at this, as a brother should, but his lack of interest isn’t enough to excuse the implication that one of his alternate personalities just used his body to sleep with his sister... Like the one lone, out of place sex scene, this is never brought up again, but it does add a new, somewhat disturbing layer to the fact that his sister is very obviously aware of his multiple personalities, to the point that she makes him multiple different meals depending on who’s in charge and what his tastes are. This is all compounded even further by a late revelation that when the two of them were little, their mother was abusive, and accused them of incest because of how clingy they were with each other. Okay, well, I feel bad for them and all, but having prior knowledge that the mother wasn’t exactly wrong does take some of the sting out of it.
Look, I’ve made my feeling clear on incest in the past. I’m not a fan. Still, if you’re trying to shock the audience in an edgy series, and you don’t care about the moral integrity of you story, then dropping an incest bomb IS a surefire way to add some shock value to the material... And Wings couldn’t even do that right! I’m sorry, but if you already had me going “Ummmmmmmm...” Several episodes prior, and then you wait until the end to kind of hint at something I’ve already picked up on, that takes a baffling level of incompetence. Even Big Order, the cringey little brother of Future Diary, knew how to use this twist effectively. There is one genuinely effective twist near the end... I won’t spoil it, I’ll let you experience it on your own... But then the fallout from that twist, which is genuinely the only potentially tense moment in the series, is resolved pretty quickly and easily. From then on all that’s left is an entire OVA episode of fanservice and hot springs nudity, because as much as this anime pretends to have a layer or two of depth, or even a smart mystery with a rewarding solution, this is just a pretentious fanservice show with a twist that’s dead on arrival.
The sad thing is, that even when you break it down to its lowest point of value, I legitimately can’t think of a single person whom I would recommend this to. Sure, if you’re a fan of anime nudity, and you’re sick of all the no-nipple cop outs from supposedly “adult” ecchi anime like Chivalry of a Failed Knight and A Sister’s All You Need,” you might be willing to give any show that’s full of actual nudity a shot, but even from that perspective, you could do so much better. Check out Highschool DXD, you’ll actually find an awesome story. Check out Strike Witches, you’ll find a much more likeable and distinctive cast of characters. If you check out This Ugly Yet Beautiful World, you’ll find a much more interesting(and better looking) pretentious failure. If you check out Nakaimo, you’ll find a fellow ecchi that tried to use an engaging mystery to rise above the sum of it’s parts, but at least this one has the fucking decency to be coherent. With no plot, no stakes, too many characters and no real glue to tie all the necessary story beats together, We Without Wings just doesn’t know how to do anything right, leaving it not only without wings, but without a leg to stand on.
We Without Wings is available from Funimation, with a bonus OVA episode included. The original game has not been released stateside, nor has a hentai free version that was created later for general audiences. Several manga adaptations have also yet to cross the ocean.
We Without Wings had an intriguing and surprisingly original concept, but all the potential in the world can’t make up for incompetent writing and execution. The direction it tried to take its visual novel adaptation was certainly inspired, but it created problems that the writers just didn’t have the right answers for... With literally dozens of named characters, even the most interesting among them was never fleshed out enough, and I’ll give you a free cookie if you could remember at least five names off the top of your head after your first viewing. Shows like this should be willing to get dark, and they should do so specifically for the purpose of making the audience give a shit... Well, the darkest it ever gets is the occasional implication of incest, and there is not a single thing in this show that’s worth giving a shit about I appreciate its lack of censorship, but even that doesn’t amount to much. High quality visuals and English dub aside, it’s a deeply frustrating and unsatisfying series that could have been great if it stopped meandering enough to work on its presentation, but alas, here we are.
I give We Without Wings a 4/10.
70/100A confusing yet unique story which covers mental illness in a fascinating mannerContinue on AniListWe Without Wings - Under the Innocent Sky, often abbreviated to Oretsuba, is not an anime that appeals to the majority of viewers. Yet, the thematic construction and unraveling of the narrative leads to one of the most unique psychological presentations I have witnessed within the medium. It is an adaptation of a visual novel of the same name by Navel and is notoriously impossible to translate due to the author’s complex and culturally unbridgeable prose, restricting the source material from those who do not speak or understand the nuances of the Japanese language.
The plot follows three men and their connection to various women, Haneda Takeshi, a feeble and chuuni high school student who escapes from bullying through the belief he is a knight from another dimension; Chitose Shuusuke, a lively and affable yet unsuccessful playboy who works multiple minimum wage jobs in order to sustain himself, and Narita Hayato, a brooding and edgy delinquent who roams the streets of Yanagihara city at night. While these men may initially seem disconnected on the surface, they share a substantial commonality connecting them intrinsically. Unfortunately, the girls lack substantial characterization and development, mostly existing to flesh out the male leads and provide often overwhelming and unnecessary fan service. That being said, each girl’s relationship with the corresponding male protagonists serves to highlight how each character’s shattered psyche indirectly affects others around them. In contrast, the male leads are fairly well-written, all representing different forms of psychological turmoil and mental illness, which leads to the construction of the unique narrative structure.
Oretsuba’s narrative and story are analogous to a disharmonious band which plays entirely out of tune, yet within the deafening cacophony, a wholly new melody can be found, one which is beautiful in its unorganized discord. Equally parts perverse and chaotic, the anime is a comedic mess that seems too disconnected to amount to anything meaningful. Yet, given the psychological state of the main characters, the randomness makes sense through the lens of mentally ill individuals who cannot perceive reality in a cohesive or neurotypical manner, and the unique comedic elements create an absurdist outlook on the world where nothing makes sense and is enveloped within a veil of neurotic confusion. However, this extreme amalgamation of comedy, psychology, and ecchi is a double-edged sword, as Oretsuba can be perceived as disgusting, unfunny, and nonsensical depending on the viewer's perspective, which is understandably what makes the anime so unappealing to wider audiences as a whole.
There isn’t much to say about Oretsuba’s music as it is unmemorable and stereotypical for a production of Oretsuba’s caliber, consisting of typical J-pop tunes which dominate so heavily within the industry. The animation is crisp and luminous but not particularly special or atmospheric; it is reasonably visually appealing but not a memorable aspect of the anime in the slightest.
Overall, We Without Wings - Under the Innocent Sky is an anime that is exceptionally unique yet difficult to recommend to others due to the confusing and perverted elements of the story, yet underneath the facade of a raunchy comedy, it creates and perpetuates an intriguingly complex perspective into the mind of disturbed and traumatized individuals who cannot view the world through the viewpoint of an average person.
ANIME MysteryChäoS;HEAd
ANIME ComedyNHK ni Youkoso!
ANIME MysteryOccultic;Nine
ANIME ComedyBakemonogatari
- (3.05/5)
Ended inJune 20, 2011
Main Studio Nomad
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