August 18, 2017
90 min
The film is set on one day during summer vacation, and follows a group of boys who try to view a fireworks display from the town lighthouse to see if they look round or flat when viewed from the side. Meanwhile, one of the boys, Norimichi, receives an invitation from his crush Nazuna to run away with her.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Nazuna Oikawa
Suzu Hirose
Norimichi Shimada
Masaki Suda
Yuusuke Azumi
Mamoru Miyano
91/100Piece together this puzzle of a film, it's worth it!Continue on AniListI think this film is very underrated because of the plot's subtlety, but it is a wonderful film. I like that the producers don't really spoon-feed you explanations so you have to pay attention and piece together your own conclusion. (You should watch it twice!)
It is definitely a coming-of-age film, I think his friends (as one dimensional as they are) served to show his immaturity and how he slowly changed throughout the film. At the start of the film, he pretty much liked her because she was pretty. However, with more decisions he made through the film, he developed from an ignorant character to a passive observer to finally someone who could think and act for themselves.
I like the use of fireworks. Whenever I think of fireworks, I think of a memorable point in life (like graduation). Fireworks represented the end of that chapter in his life. When he saw the fireworks, did he regret it or did he appreciate all the memories that lead up to this moment? Many of the 'if I had done this' thoughts the main character had was sparked after seeing the end.
Theory: I think the "magic of the sphere" allowed the main character to create an alternative world where his wish would come true. Doing things over, he was able to truly learn about the female lead and "save" her. The world is made through own memories, perceptions, and experiences which appear dream-like at times, but isn't. For example, when he wished to take her away from her parents, the scene at the train station was fuzzy because he was shocked when he first experienced it focusing only on the events that were occurring not the world around it. When he wished to take her away to somewhere they could be alone, they both escaped on the train to end up back home because he couldn't imagine the city of Tokyo and never had the thought of leaving his hometown.
Near the end of the movie, the sphere breaks and everyone gets a glimpse of a future where their wishes come true in the shards. Both the main characters are seen together in what looks like Tokyo. The next day, our MC doesn't come to school and our female lead is no longer in town. Maybe the world returns to back to normal after the sphere breaks, it isn't really clear, but it doesn't matter because the MC is now capable of pursuing what he wishes for without the help of an anomaly.
This movie isn't without flaws, but I enjoyed putting together its creative storytelling and it has a good message. Face the world boldly. You don't want to wait until after you see the end to realize that you could have done it differently, but even if you do end up at that point, it's not too late to change from that point.
10/100The Worst Anime movie i have ever Sit through.Continue on AniListThis Review Contains Spoilers for The Entire Movie. if you still wanna watch the Movie then do that before reading this Review You've been Warned I have a feeling i'm a person that doesn't have "Standards" in anime when ether it's being Cynical or just there for having fun. I for one not the kind of person who can tell right away when Something is Style over Substance, especially when it's in something i am enjoying to the fullest like the Majority of Trigger's works. but i can clearly tell you that Fireworks has No Style, Nor Substance. because let me tell you, this is a Mess
At first it doesn't actually doesn't seem to be a Bad Movie. it's animated by Studio Shaft which has a decent track record of good shows and movies (including Madoka Magica which is one of my favorites), had a pretty Great music video to follow it's Hype, it has the Producer of Your Name in it, as it was advertised in Trailers and Posters of the film, and all of that sounds like it could be a great movie right? No.
Fireworks is probably the Worst Anime movie i have ever seen in my life that's on par with Ni No Kuni so you know it's gonna be quite a Disasterso what's the Story about? well it has 3 plots that connects into a Grander story.. i think,
these 2 Plots are:Plot No. 1 - Nazuma's Parent problems and romance with Norimichi. also a Love Triangle with Yusuke too with a Sphere that can travel through time
Plot No. 2 - Norimichi's class mates wants to blow up some Fireworks cause they wanna see if they're Flat or RoundBefore we get deeper onto the Main Characters and Story, let's talk about it's Presentation instead
the Animation is Awful. the Trailers made the animation look great and almost on par with other beautiful anime films like A Silent Voice... but in the actual movie, the 2D animated scenes are really mediocre looking especially for how each and every scene for some reason the characters faces and body proportions are really off and inconsistent to each other. sure there are some nice looking shots and animation bits but it's mostly flat, and don't get me started on the 3D animation... it just doesn't mix well with the already less than pleasing 2D animation and feels like such a Distraction to the viewer. it's not like in Promare were both 2D and 3D animation mixes up well with each other giving it a Beautiful Stylish touch to the film, Fireworks is like "The Scorpion King" levels of unpleasant visuals.
aside from that, the voice acting is surprisingly bad along side Dialogue that reeks of poorly written. these are all good actors and yet it feels as if the Direction on it is not even trying to make it feel more emotional or stronger than it is which is terrible. the Soundtrack is forgettable at best and at worst Sappy and on the nose with no flair to itAnyway back to the Story and Characters
Plot No. 1 - Norimichi's friends wants to throw some Fireworks because they wanna know if the Fireworks on the Sky are Flat or Round. i wished i was making that up but yeah this is plot 1 and that's about it. feels like it has no impact or really any importance to the plot cause they just wanna see the Fireworks if they are Flat or Round and that's like... boringly dumb, and there's also a "Haha" funny joke about the friends about the Teacher's chest Size and it was just dumb and uncomfortable at best..
Plot No. 2 - Nazuma is in love with Norimichi so she decides to call him and Yusuke (aka the worst character of the whole movie but we'll get to that later) into a Swimming contest and Yusuke wins but in reality she wanted Norimichi because Yusuke doesn't really show off that he has feelings for her as we see her running away from her Mother so it seems like she's in quite the trouble but we don't know quite yet why.. maybe is it abuse?
and then there's the Marble that is the driving force that keeps the movie going. so whenever you throw this Ball as far as you can, it can make you travel back to the previous point you mention as the Ball is thrown like say "I wanted to be there with her and give a hand!" and then you go back into that moment from where you were so you could change the future. the Rules of how to use the sphere is very straight forward but.. what is this thing made of and how does it can even do that? guess what? The movie never explains about it and it's a huge Plot Hole that can ruin someone's experience on wanting to know more about it. i'm not into being too picky with Plot Holes but this was the first movie to bother me the MOST about it
Now onto the Characters. everyone is literally forgettable and serves nothing aside from moving the plot forward to whatever it goes into. only 3 characters here matters aka the "Love Triangle"
This is Norimichi. he has no personality aside from being a main character that doesn't have anything special inside of him aside from being another "Pretty boy" Main character which is somehow even more bland than other Main characters who are considered "Tiring" and "Boring" in animes recently. he also can't make up his mind sometimes like when he's about to go out with Nazuma because of the Date thingy but at his house he's like "I can't cause i'm too scared" but then a minute later he decides to go out with her anyways so like... what was the point of that scene? so yeah he's not the WORST Main character ever written but man is he a Boring character
Nazuma is just yet another Generic female character and there's barely any sort of good character development or story that i could follow about her to make me care about it.. her plot about her mother forcing her to go away with her whenever they go to a new place cause she got a new Boyfriend like... ok??? there's also this one kinda cute scene on the Train when she's talking to Norimichi about her "Feelings" and how she wants to be a Singing Idol and again, why should i care when this character barely have made me invested on her because of Parenting issues.. and the Music and scene itself isn't even Powerful or good because of that HORRIBLE part where everything simply turns into a CGI Fairy Tale and it's Horrifying :')
and then you have Yusuke. i HATE Yusuke with a loving passion. you know that "First" time on the timeline that he wins instead of Norimichi? well when Nazuma asks for his help while hanging out with his Friends, when she goes away with her mom by Force he just Laughs at her like "Ha. Girls they're so silly am i right??" and on the other time line where Norimichi wins, Yusuke gets so jealous with Norimichi that at one point he gets unecessarily mad at him that, at one point when he sees Norimichi and Nazuma together on the Lighthouse he PUSHES THEM FROM THE LIGHTHOUSE TO LET THEM DIE!! i mean of course they don't actually die because they had the Time Travel Sphere but if it happened without it, i'd confirm that Yusuke is a Horrible person by this scene alone, and the others before it. I can't see a single person who enjoys this character who would legit kill his own friends because of Love. he's the main reason i hate this movie so much..
As for the Ending? well.. i don't even know what the Hell happened and i don't care about it. but to keep things simple, the Time Travel Sphere that the main characters had was simply left off laying around the Beach and then a guy who was responsible for the Fireworks just like... put the thing on the Fireworks launcher, fires to the Sky and... glasses containing people's desires starts to fall from the Sky and i'm supposed to feel anything about it? even the Music that, i'll admit it's very beautiful, doesn't make the scene any more interest or strong. and then at the end of the movie we see the Teacher calling the students names and when they call up Norimichi and Nazuma's name they don't respond cause they disappeared or run away? who knows if this was a Bittersweet ending or not, cause the Entire experience was a Spicy Trash Fire if you ask me
I'm sorry if my Review will end up feeling complicated and a bit hard to follow with my mediocre English and I really hate being overly negative with something like this and i know how there's so many people who loved this movie and i respect that. anyone can enjoy this movie regardless of what i say to them or not. Anyone can love a anime as much as they want... i Loved Space Patrol Luluco for crying out loud, and that's one of the least talked Trigger animes out there since people mostly talk about their other stuff.. but i'm sorry. this Movie was shockingly terrible as every minute felt like an annoyance, sign of Boredom or just lacking enjoyment on the Plot
it may not be the Worst movie ever made overall as there's plenty of worst animated or just overall movies in general that deserve worse.. but this is almost as bad as those for me..
87/100If I can go back in time, I'll do it over again, just to be with you.Continue on AniListSo this is the first romance movie from my collection I'll make a review. I remember when I watched this film way back 5 years ago in my local cinemas. When I first watched it, it was so confusing. But rewatching this again wasn't any time-wasting and I gained many realizations and deep knowledge about this film.
Fireworks is a supernatural drama, romance anime film released in 2017 and it was based on the live-action movie of the same name way back in the 1990s. Many audiences rated it low and said this is confusing to watch, but yep. This was confusing to watch like the plot is all over the place. It's like a big jigsaw puzzle. But if you see it from a different aspect or angle, and if you can combine all of the pieces, you might fully understand the meaning of the film and its message. After watching this film for the nth time, I will carefully analyze the aspects of the film to understand what the heck happened. So you'll not get confused.
So the story was set during a summer break, when two middle school boys fall in love with the same girl, as the fireworks show in their place will come. And Norimichi, the main protagonist was lost in some swimming competition and so he didn't get the chance to be with Nazuna as her date for the fireworks show. But one day, he found a mysterious marble I would like to call, "IF". He used it to travel back in time, and change the reality from different conflicts, just to be with Nazuna. Norimichi and his friends will go to a fireworks show, while Nazuna ran away from her home, because of her problematic family. Her mother remarried again another man, and they had a plan to leave their place. Another sub-plot from the film was Norimichi's group of friends, who had many arguments about the shape of the fireworks. It's round? or flat?
The film has And this involves Norimichi and Nazuna, as well as the mysterious power of IF. It had a series of different realities and a series of "What ifs".
Reality #1 - "If I won that race..."
This part is when Norimichi loses the swimming race and Nazuna chose Yuusuke to be her date. But sometimes, Yuusuke didn't want to go and admitted he wasn't in love with Nazuna, after all. This moment surprised Norimichi, as he got a chance to be Nazuna's date at the fireworks show. After that, he suddenly saw Nazuna wearing kimono, carrying luggage. She revealed to Norimichi her plan to leave the town. Nazuna had an "affection" for Norimichi because she wanted him to win that race. And after that time, Nazuna's mother was caught but he didn't get to save her. In frustration, he threw IF and wished if he had won that race, and suddenly the time stopped and went back.Reality #2 - "If I board the train with her..."
So this is the part where the story gets interesting. The time resets for all of them but the marble granted his wish to win the race. He had finally got the chance to be with Nazuna but this time, things got different and weird. Remember when I said in the first reality Yuusuke didn't have feelings for Nazuna, this time Yuusuke was dead serious in confessing to Nazuna. Norimichi didn't want him to find out he wanted to be with Nazuna, so they ran away. At the train station, Nazuna wanted Norimichi to be responsible for all the things that happened between them. But he failed again because Nazuna's mother and her stepdad caught her again. In the fireworks scene, the fireworks were flat. If you're using your common sense, there's no way that flat fireworks exist. Things got very weird for Norimichi, as he realized what happened when he threw IF. I thought things even reset for the caster so I was surprised by this. He made a wish again that he wanted to take responsibility and his chance to be with Nazuna, so they could board the train. Time reset again, while Norimichi retained his knowledge about the power of IF.Reality #3 - "If only Yuusuke and your mom didn't find us..."
Norimichi used IF again for the second time. They got away with her parents and finally board the train. This part explained a few points, about the kakeochi stuff of Nazuna, and how the heck she got IF in the first place. IF was owned by Nazuna's biological father. The reason how he died wasn't explained so I came up with two possibilities; he was died from the ocean and committed suicide from his problematic family, or he used IF and wished to go to a different reality. I think he left IF to Nazuna for her to inherit. And Norimichi was the catalyst to make all of Nazuna's wishes come true. So how the tables had turned between them. When they saw the fireworks, Norimichi realized that his world was wrong and weird. The fireworks were weird. But Nazuna didn't care about the weird things that happened, as long as she wanted to be with Norimichi. And then suddenly Yuusuke pushed both of them in frustration. Norimichi used again the power of IF for the third time and went back in time.Reality #4 - The world where Norimichi created
So Norimichi went back in time again but he felt weird about what happened. They noticed their train went on a different path and realized his world wasn't all real. HIs actual reality broke and he made a multiverse where anything was possible, because of his wishes. But even so, he just wanted to be with Nazuna in the end. At the time when some drunk man found IF and launched it because he thought it was a fireworks ball, IF was destroyed and its shards showed to us many different realities or possible routes, in every decision they made. When Yuusuke and Nazuna go on a date, Norimichi and Nazuna went to different places, and when Norimichi and Nazuna kiss. And after that, many kinds of fireworks were exploded in the air. This scene is beautiful, especially the underwater scene. There's a part there when Nazuna said to Norimichi that if they could see each other again, what kind of world would that be. That was pretty confusing but my theory is Nazuna made her wish to IF that no matter what the world would be, her feelings for Norimichi will never fades and she will look forward to their encounter.
I had three possible endings for those who didn't understand it. The first one is when the IF exploded, things went back to the way it was, even Nazuna. But Norimichi was trapped in the different world he created because he created different timelines. The second one is that all of the timelines were combined and went back to the original, but Nazuna and Norimichi still ran away. The third one is that all things went back to the original. Nazuna moved to a different place but Norimichi followed her. That's why in the ending scene, he didn't attend school. But if you read the manga, Nazuna transferred to a different school so that's why her name wasn't on the class list, and Norimichi wasn't there because he followed her.So the message of the film was that life is like a firework. It's surprising and beautiful, but it could end in an instant so you must cherish the moment. If you will apply it to the story of the film, Norimichi's wishes didn't all come true. Because even if he could turn the world upside-down, his fate of separating from Nazuna is inevitable. I'm sure you noticed it because he did many attempts, just to be with Nazuna, even though he wanted to stay in a different reality. That's why the drunken man said that IF looked like a fireworks ball. Because no matter how Norimichi wishes to be with Nazuna all the time, he couldn't escape the actual reality that Nazuna will move to a different place.
As for the romance, it's one-sided and it's not a romance. It's more of a supernatural drama. But the chemistry between the two characters was good so I'll let this one slide,
The animation and the music were a big thumbs up. As expected from Akiyuki Shinbou, he never fails to amaze me with his art style and design. The scenes, the backgrounds, and even the expression of characters were fully detailed. Especially the fireworks scene at night, it's so darn beautiful. I had some problems with Nazuna's character design because she looked like Senjougahara from the Monogatari series. I know they were from the same studio but it could be better. The CGI from the bike scene was like a joke and it should be lessened. As for the music, damn I loved the music. It suited every scene and I like how they did a variation of the "IF" theme. Overall tracks were so glorious, including Fireworks and Forever Friends by DAOKO.
The characters were pretty nice. They were a bit childish but as expected because they were middle schoolers. They had some development but still, it could be better. It is based on an old movie after all.
Overall, this film felt underrated to me, especially to those who didn't understand what the heck happened. Even though I rewatched this for the nth time, it never fails me to enjoy this and feel nostalgia for it. I know that potential viewers will be confused and hate this at first, but I hope you will understand the message of this film. Despite its inconsistencies in terms of character writing and storyline, I enjoyed this film, and still one of my favorites. But I wish, it could be better.Story: 7.5/10
Animation and Music: 10/10
Characters: 7.5/10
Enjoyment: 8.5/10
Romance Factor: 8/10
MOVIE DramaKimi no Na wa.
MOVIE DramaTenki no Ko
MOVIE DramaKoe no Katachi
MOVIE ActionSummer Wars
SPECIAL DramaUmi ga Kikoeru
- (2.95/5)
Ended inAugust 18, 2017
Main Studio Shaft
Trending Level 1
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