July 3, 2018
24 min
The fourth season of High School DxD.
Issei and the 2nd years attend a class trip to Kyoto for well-deserved relaxation, leaving the senior and junior class students of the Gremory family behind. However, once there, they fall under attack and must win without Rias or their other powerhouses.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Includes episode 0, Taiikukan-ura no Holy.
Rias Gremory
Youko Hikasa
Akeno Himejima
Shizuka Itou
Koneko Toujou
Ayana Taketatsu
Issei Hyoudou
Yuuki Kaji
Xenovia Quarta
Risa Taneda
Asia Argento
Azumi Asakura
Irina Shidou
Maaya Uchida
Ai Kakuma
Yuuto Kiba
Kenji Nojima
Gasper Vladi
Ayane Sakura
Grayfia Lucifuge
Saori Seto
Rikiya Koyama
Ravel Phenex
Asuka Nishi
Suzuko Mimori
Venelana Gremory
Mikako Takahashi
Sirzechs Lucifer
Junichi Suwabe
Sora Tokui
Fumihiko Tachiki
You Taichi
Serafall Leviathan
Ai Shimizu
Aika Kiryuu
Haruka Yamazaki
Sairaorg Bael
Yuuichi Nakamura
Yui Ogura
Le Fay Pendragon
Minami Shinoda
Kaori Ishihara

Not available on crunchyroll

13/100I really, really hate Highschool DxD now.Continue on AniListI understand that this review is being published on April 1st, but you have to understand that I've procrastinated on writing this review for several days now, and I shan't wait any longer. All of the contents written down here are true and I will repeat it for the rest of my life.
I was originally going to write my first review on this website on Jojo's Bizarre Adventures, as it is my favorite anime of all time, but I just had to write it on Highschool DxD, because of how much I abhor this series because of its fourth season, and so here we are.
I, honest to god, am too illiterate to properly place enough emphasis on how much I hate the Highschool DxD series after Highschool DxD Hero. I believe its only right to write down my views and opinions on the previous three seasons before I talk about the sh*t show that was the 4th season.
I actually LOVE the lore and worldbuilding of the series, its so unique and it takes such an intriguing twist on lots of topics and biblical history. The fights are well choreographed and the animation is never wonky or weird, and some of the side characters are really memorable and fun, like Vali and Ddraig. And here's where it starts to go downhill. Its true that I like some of the side cast, but it is very few in number. At first I didn't really have much of an opinion on Issei. He was just a 'meh' character for me. So was Riaz and a lot of others as well. Overall, the first three seasons were not a bad experience. There were other things which I didn't like, but those were very minor. They were just pet peeves. There were things which I wished were better but well, I was fine with it as it was. Season 1 was a 60/100, Season 2 was a 69/100 and Season 3 was also 69/100.
And here comes Season 4, and boy did it make me suffer. I still cant believe that I somehow managed to watch all 13 god forsaken episodes of this season. The animation improved a lot and the fights were just as good, but the few side characters which I liked either did not show up, or played a very minuscule role, or had a lot of screen time but did absolutely nothing enriching or exciting. The lore and worldbuilding had very minute to no expansion or emphasis whatsoever, and there were a lot of scenes which were very uncomfortable to watch because of what was occurring in that particular scene.
And Issei is the MVP for most of my hatred and suffering. Each episode had Issei get worse and worse and worse. I would have been fine if he was a side character but no, he is the main protagonist. Episode 1 Issei was bad, when we reached episode 6, Issei was horrible, and by the final episode, I started to hate Issei as much as I hate Rachel from Tower of God and Myne/Malty from The Rising of the Shield Hero. I have no stance on prverts in fiction. I place no bias on such characters. There were a lot of prverts in anime which I liked since they were funny and it was relaxing to see them on screen, but not Issei, he made every scene in season 4 uncomfortable to watch. I didn't really have much of a problem in the previous seasons but season 4 took it too far. The whole 'oppai dragon' song and the little kid crying because he missed the live show was unbearable. With each passing second I wanted to just drop dead. And then there was the fact that during the tournament between the Riaz Gremory Team and Sairaorg Bael's Peerage, Issei's friends started to get a bit hurt during the fights and Issei was almost about to lose his mind and get enraged. That scene really grinded my gears. I mean come on, of course people are gonna get hurt, its an official tournament between two factions, and at the very least, none of his friends were suffering through any fatal injuries.
Individually, I would be rating Highschool DxD Hero a 5/100, but because of the prestige of the previous three seasons, I was willing to raise it to a 13/100. One thing is for sure however, and that is I will not be watching any future seasons of this series. I might watch a few fights, but even that is unlikely.
75/100The season was a nice ending to the series, having some good character's growth and great worldbuilding.Continue on AniListA REVIEW ON HERO'S HIGHSCHOOL DXD'S LAST SEASON
~!!~The season starts well it has a perfect mixture between perversion and the more mature, related to the intimate connections created last season.
The love between Ryas and Hyodou Issei is developing and takes the all-season to evolve into something more than just friendship.
The missed chances during some intimate moments to rise their relationship to higher standards comes only at the end through deep and resented reflection.
The season takes the viewer to places like the House of Saritorizawa or the stadium where Ryas and Siratorizawa peerages compete.
The most relevant advancements in the relationships inside Ryas peerage are close to the end, though also the beginning makes sure that the viewer doesn't get bored by showcasing the story of Naoko and the seven tailed fox mother and daughter relationship.
The most peculiar part of all series is the development of the relationships and the pretty intense carnal vices portrayed to add a different mix.
It is incredible how the deeper meaning to which the producers aspire keeps reaching higher levels without ending in ruin with the hentai scenes.
What wasn't at all nice though personally were the images shown during the changes of scene.
I liked Hyoudou's character development as it added a new dimension to the anime.
The vision present before this change was limited to his love for boobs.The story beyond the vivid description had another layer thanks to the qualities showcased in the worldbuilding.
Kyoto has beautiful descriptions and the hell grounds augmented by the addition of the Shiratorizawa family location.
For Kyoto, the most beautiful descriptions were the images presented of the Shinto's shrines and the magical temples.
While for the Shiratorizawa family, the garden had a more intrinsic value.
I didn't appreciate how the first arc developed as it missed some clues to unravel the villain's story.
It could have been described better, showcasing something more than just the battles.
The epic battle at the end is a show-off of moral and human virtues where two characters have the chance to demonstrate how much more they are than just the labels given to them.
The topic of names and roles given by society, and how they affect relationships is the greatness of this show.
It is a good starting point which the series develops to a more independent view on identity and what it means to be unique.
In conclusion, the season was a nice ending to the series, having some good character's growth and great worldbuilding where the peculiarity of the series could develop. I would love to see another season where the characters could have more space.
Lorenzo Tano Scarafia
66/100Premières saisons différentes de la dernière, mais anime grand cru.Continue on AniListハイスクールDxD HERO High School DxD HERO Peut contenir du spoil /!\ Je fais une review des quatre saisons de HS DxD /!\
1. Graphismes et Animation : 8/10
Commençons par un point assez important dans ce genre d'anime ; les graphismes et l'animation.
Je trouve que les dessins sont assez bien réalisés. Cependant, il y a quelque chose qui m'a déplu, c'est le changement de studio. En effet, entre la saison 3 et la saison 4, les graphismes ont complètement changé. J'ai regardé la saison 1, 2 et 3 l'année dernière, et je viens juste de finir la quatrième saison. Donc, dans les premières saisons, je trouve que les graphismes sont assez déplorables mais uniques. Par exemple, je trouve le style des cheveux atroce mais c'est ce qui fait le charme de l'anime, qui est unique en son genre. Dans la dernière saison, les graphismes se sont grandement améliorés, et j'ai beaucoup aimé, rien à dire.2. Ambiance : 15/20
Je mets 15/20 ici car j'estime que l'ambiance est agréable (je mets hors contexte le ecchi ici). Comme c'est un univers de base assez sombre car on parle quand même des enfers, on a vite l'impression de s'y trouver. D'après les souvenirs qu'il me reste, dans les premières saisons c'est très sombre, plutôt de nuit et la vieille ambiance dans l'école est assez agréable. Pour ce qui est du ecchi maintenant, en effet, c'est très. Mais alors vraiment très hein. J'ai rien d'autre à dire, interprétez comme vous le voulez hehe.3. Histoire : 30/50
Franchement je suis déçu.
Plus on avance dans les saisons, plus le scénario est à chier. Le début tenait la route, le MC se fait tuer par un ange déchu, de souvenir, et se fait ressusciter par Rias Gremory, mais à la fin le MC devient un Oppai Dragon, et va savoir qui a eu cette foutue idée de taré, mais alors c'est très bien trouvé. Pas bien trouvé dans le sens wow c'est trop bien, mais dans le sens wow qu'est-ce que c'est de la merde ! Je n'ai pas compris leur délire, excusez-moi du terme, de niquer la série en ajoutant un MC aussi taré que lui, mais c'est du grand n'importe quoi.
La saison 4 est tellement nulle par rapport aux autres saisons que je me suis demandé si c'était le même anime.
Mis à part ça, l'idée de créer une sorte de club en lien avec les enfers, tout autour d'un univers lié à un échiquier, je trouve ça passionnant. Chaque membre du groupe possède un rôle, et vivent des histoires, certes folles et improbables, mais des histoires passionnantes.4. Personnages : 6/10
Avant de crier au secours, je tiens à expliquer pourquoi j'ai mis cette note :
J'aime beaucoup les personnages en général et leur personnalité, sauf celle du MC, elle est tout simplement insupportable. Je peux vous dire en revanche que c'est ce qui fait le charme de l'anime en effet.
Hyoudou Issei : MC, perso insupportable vers la saison 4 car beaucoup trop abusé. Le niveau de ce gars m'impressionne en tout point.
Je ne peux pas vous décrire tous les personnages principaux car il y en a pas mal, alors je vous en fait un avis général.
Les personnages ont tous une personnalité complètement divergente et c'est quelque chose que j'apprécie beaucoup car je les retiens mieux. Ce qui fait que quand un personnage ne me plaît pas, un autre saura le faire à sa place.5. Openings : 7/10
Les openings en général ne sont pas mauvais. Je n'irai pas dire que je les écouterais tous les jours mais ce sont des OP assez classiques. Comme il y a un OP par saison, je ne les ai pas tous retenus, mais je ne les trouve pas désagréables.
Pour éviter de polluer cette review, je ne publierai pas toutes les OP ci-dessous.6. Rythme de visionnage :
C'est assez particulier. J'ai regardé les 3 premières saisons en février 2021 de souvenir et en quelques jours, je crois que c'est en une semaine. Pour la saison 4, en 15 jours.
Malgré les défauts de l'anime, il reste dans l'histoire car c'est un grand cru. Il est très conseillé de regarder des anime connus en passant par celui-ci !! Je l'apprécie beaucoup, et je m'en souviendrai longtemps.
Le ecchi est en revanche un peu lourd et se rapproche presque du hentai.► Points forts : Anime divertissant, drôle et très, très original. Les graphismes de la saison 4 sont très appréciables.
► Points faibles : MC un peu lourd, et scénario parfois un peu répétitif.
ANIME ActionToaru Majutsu no Index
ANIME ActionStrike the Blood
OVA ActionStrike the Blood II
OVA ActionStrike the Blood III
OVA ActionStrike the Blood IV
ANIME ActionDate A Live
- (3.45/5)
Ended inJuly 3, 2018
Main Studio Passione
Trending Level 1
Favorited by 1,937 Users