November 19, 2015
One day, she verbally abused me all of a sudden... and it just doesn't stop there.

50/100The masochist gateway series :smirk:Continue on AniList
"M" is for Masochist The story is told entirely from a POV perspective of our sexually awakening protagonist, Unnamed, unseen and unheard, apart from the occasional speechbubble-less lines of text representing him, the story warmly allows its masochist audience to comfortably self-insert as the sadist heroine ferociously glares and berates you with amusingly twisted insults like a first class VR experience.
And the real meat of the story, well, there really is none. It's primarily just the heroine hurling insult after insult, glare after glare, with the occasional touch of NSFW scenes, although nowhere near bordering actual, full-fledged porn. However, you can guesswork the story with the protagonist's narration.
>meet sadist girl who's nice to everyone else
>makes fun of my life and dick
>tfw she isn't being tsundere or wholesome 100 nagatoro bullying :facepalm:
>still lets me smash tho :smirk:
>maybe she IS tsundere
>still calls my dick small but happy ending maybe
>jk lol
Since this is a very short read, the ending didn't come off as unfulfilling at all to me. There was no extreme change in tone, the uneasy tone remained and hung in the air. Thus, the negative catharsis is no where near comparable to something like Gal Cleaning. Nearly every one-shot I've read had me more invested than this. The abrupt plot, skipping around between these one page chapters, left much to be desired and left nothing to be invested in. But what it did excel at was, as you can guess by now, its masochism appeal. If you're into that, then you'll likely have a brief gratification. Otherwise, you'll be momentarily crestfallen and bewildered.I also suppose it was comedically arousing. The series offers amusing reaction panels and one-liners.
And the art is both surprisingly and unsurprisingly great to look at. Eromanga can have some detailed character expressions, to really express the characters' sexual deviance and pleasure. And in this case, the heroine's sadism. Her scornful glares, dark, displeased eyes, downturned eyebrows, facial gradient shading to express disgust and hatred. The briefness and shallowness of the series is almost a shame, given how a proper story would allow the art to bloom at its full potential. But for all the intents and purposes, and considering this originates as pixiv work, I don't at all lie any fault with the author.
Conclusion If you're not willing to read 156 chapters of Nana to Kaoru and its other fetish-enlightening sequels and asking yourself what other masosadist manga exist, then I suppose you can give this a try. Boasting an incohesive plot, abrupt ending, surprisingly detailed art, humorous dialogue and, of course, masosadist fetishism; you can probably find something else better to read while loafing around in bed.
80/100Quick read-through, makes you think deeply of the relationship, lead me to theorizing.Continue on AniListThe Girl who Abuses
I started reading this just a few minutes ago out of curiousity for what made is psychological, and after reading to the end I think I can theorize on the matter of the story hidden behind the fragments of memories shown to us.
There will be spoilers, the manga itself is very short, so you could read that faster than you would this review (unironically.)
## Summary of the Manga
The story consists of the memories of a person in school, each chapter includes a single page, depicting a single scene, generally not including the dialog of the man, it starts off as expected with the girl mocking the boy consistently (whether it be out of disgust, misandry or bullying) with the man surprising starting to enjoy this treatment, feeling that this is special to him.
After a few chapters of mockery, either out of genuine disgust and dislike of the boy, which changes later on leading to her being usually depicted as being very comfortable around the boy (other than depicted disgust) the couple(?) have sex, which leads to a consistent theme of a sexual relationship.
Their connection seems rather close, a scene depicting her crying shown, her consistently talking with him, taking him on dates (shown in the Flashback and could be assumed on some chapters) with her now comfortably talking to him, at this point she seemingly asks if he is okay with the treatment.
Her facial reactions remain consistently angry, in a scowl and in the Flashback that occurs after the end of the manga she is shown to have ordinary reactions with her friends, separating him specifically from the bunch.
This is where I am unsure if the close connection is out of purely sexual motif or if it had passed into an even more interconnected relationship where personal issues are openly shared, although I will discuss this later.
The story continues until near the end where it becomes clear the relationship is coming to an end (will theorize about this later), with the cause unknown.
In the Flashback, there is a scene where she openly states that:
You're joking, right? Dating? Me and you? Not even funny. Don't joke around, you scum!
the main character is actually disappointed by this response, mock laughing as if it really was a joke, and agreeing with her only in words.
This does not seem to be WANTED, where she tell the boy to stop crying, stating that it is making her sad too before correcting herself that she isn''t, which makes it clear that this is only a facade for him specifically.
In the end, she is shown to have three bags, saying 'Goodbye Forever', which marks the end of the manga, with a 'Flashback' chapter being provided later.
Huh? Are you still here? I have no use for you. Goodbye. Forever.
## Theories
Sadist + Masochist, with only a sexual connection
The character can safely be called a Masochist, and the girl would obviously be a Sadist in turn if it were to be only close sexual relation. She enjoys the suffering, and possibly has a kink related to his bad traits. This is likely the truth, because their close relationship only really began AFTER they had sex.
Another thing that supports this theory is her stating that she has no interest in dating him. Though, this might just be her teasing the boy gone wrong, where she states something she does not actually want. In the end, she also mentions "Huh? Are you still here? I have no use for you." which might indicate that it was just her Sadistic side that allowed this relationship to even exist. -
Sadist + Masochist, with an all-around close relationship
Same as the previous theory, but rather than her only fucking him and having a shallow personal relationship, we extend that so that she also thinks of him as more than just a 'pig looking for sex.' Some arguments that support this would be her being comfortable with him, him being with her when she was crying, her being sad when she has to leave, her unwillingly leaving, scenes where she and he go on dates, etc.
This is likely the truth, her being worried about him, talking with him on breaks, taking him for journeys, etc. -
Masochist, with Misandrist/Disgust to Like relationship progression
She starts off disliking him heavily, but him insisting on sticking with her may cause her to gain interest, her dislike either being disdain from his looks, aka, disgust, or general Misandry which would make it difficult for her to even get close emotionally to men.
This could be the case, where she later asks him if he actually likes this sort of treatment, and her facade breaking at points of sadness, such as the talk before they leave, the time she cries and him seeing her leave. Though, I personally do not think this theory is the case. -
Masochist, with a Tsundere relationship
The LEAST likely of the theories, a basic theory and would be one dimensional if true, the character itself denies this possibility, though, he also denies her even liking him, which (unfortunately for my personal opinions) gives more weight to num. 1 as the most likely theory. She does not appear to talk like a Tsundere, common characteristics of Tsunderes are also missing, and she does not break her facade frequently enough to even be categorized as one.
Why was she sad?
This intrigued me (in the few minutes I spent reading), she was in a scene crying with the boy near her, this could depict that they were also emotionally close, but right now I should instead theorize on why she may have been sad.
The most likely choice is her parents divorce. She may have been undergoing shock due to how sudden this was to her, leading to her either breaking down near the comfort of the boy (maybe), or the boy finding her in a secluded corner (probably), this also interconnects her leaving 'forever', where she may be moving in with either the mother or father, or the parent they were staying with leaving the city for elsewhere.
An alternative option could be fear of abandonment, but I quickly dismissed this. Her behavior to others, compared to the boy, and how it became even after they got closer did not match the fear at all. I only had thought of this due to him saying 'Perhaps I got too close', which could actually go both ways, where he is sad that he got close enough to think romantically with her, or her being repulsed by his far-too-forward advances leading to her trying to end the relationship with him, which would be a side affect of the trauma of abandonment, where you would rather not have it than to lose it.
I can only assume, considering WE ARE GIVEN NO HINTS. This essentially makes figuring her out impossible. Though, familial issues is a common trope, it would likely be a possible reason for her to be sad. Plus, this is actually a single panel, so I am reading far too much into this.
## Why the fuck did you write out this much?
The content itself was exactly as advertised, a single image per chapter, displaying a single fragment, it is quick to read and process, but I thought about the manga longer than I have even read it, thinking about how this relationship may occur, thinking about their personalities, if it was a facade, why she continues this but abruptly ends it, how the boy feels it was one sided, possibly how the girl might feel betrayed or how she may lose hope.
This intrigued me that I could think so much about something I finished so fast, and I felt a pang of pain/emptiness, similar to ones that you experience after you finish a full manga or anime, the break in relationship kind of upset me, considering how the boy was very positive about her, how he liked to be near her, how he tried to be with her, only for it to be broken down, either due to circumstances out of control or his misunderstanding leading to a pretty nice read which I enjoyed rather much, despite the low rating given to the Manga (seriously? 50%?)
- (2.5/5)
Ended inNovember 19, 2015
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