September 27, 2012
Four short stories which appeared in the Nisemonogatari: Anime Complete Guidebook.
- Hitagi Neck
- Karen Arm-leg
- Tsukihi Eternal
- Shinobu House
Koyomi Araragi
Hitagi Senjougahara
Shinobu Oshino
Karen Araragi
Tsukihi Araragi
Tsubasa Hanekawa

60/100Karen and Tsukihi are weirdly obsessive of Araragi's relationship statusContinue on AniListI don't really know why the order in the description is that way, but the prior reading order for the only 4 short stories in Monogatari that should be read in succession is this:
- Tsukihi Eternal - younger sister gets upset that Araragi has a girlfriend
- Karen Arm-leg - older sister gets upset that Araragi has a girlfriend
- Hitagi Neck - girlfriend is happy to meet Araragi's family
- Shinobu House - tsundere is unhappy for not getting any attention
I will preface by saying that I did not enjoy Nisemonogatari and do not like Tsukihi or Karen much even after finishing the entirety of the Monogatari anime. I have read at least the Nise LNs and honestly made me dislike them more. Why am I writing this review then? Just a writing exercise as if you have seen my other reviews on this platform is just to get my brain working and expanding so don't expect anything with this one. We are just getting started.
Both of the first two stories fit well with the characters as they are two different ways of Araragi's sisters coping with the fact that their brother who did some unthinkable things in Nisemonogatari was actually in a relationship with another woman. It really doesn't make any sense so their outbursts are very valid. Tsukihi losing her first kiss even though she has a boyfriend. Karen getting brushed...yeah. I do like how in Tsukihi's story she keeps asking "How Long?" Which ties well with the title of the story as well as the fact that the phoenix is immortal. The how long phrase is used as a hook to point out how elongated and roundabout Araragi has been with his personal life and although he doesn't have to share everything with them at his age, their reaction to this fact makes it obvious that he should keep the other big thing that he is hiding from them a secret as well. Karen's tantrums was very obvious and expected honestly it was funny to read. I do hope that we never get another brushing scene but with Karen and Hitagi.
Hitagi's short stories are always wholesome and this one is no different. Having her use a nickname like Koyokoyo which is both slightly demeaning but mostly cute is adorable and although first debuts in the anime in Tsukimonogatari, the nickname originates here. Also there are other nicknames from the Hyaukomonogatari as well as the audio commentaries which is actually have this entire situation of this Short Story bundle bagan with the Nise CDs so I will need to watch those eventually to provide a little more context here. One Day. It's really meta to have all these supplementary pieces tie in tightly. But anyways, Hitagi doing normal things makes me happy and I hope that will continue.
I don't really have anything left to talk about Shinobu other than she was jealous and it was cute to read. It is a shame we didn't actually read the interactions between the sisters and Hitagi which sucks because the whole build up is about the Gahara Summit which we don't actually see take place. Instead I shall focus on this epilogue on why the order that I have it listed is the correct one but whatever arbitrary order the description gives.
I turned to Karen and, like I told Tsukihi, told her
This quote comes in Karen Arm-Leg which obviously refers to Tsukihi's moment happening beforehand. Araragi warns Hitagi to arm herself so that is after both sisters tantrums. And then Shinobu's story comes after the Summit is over.
- (2.9/5)
Ended inSeptember 27, 2012
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