December 28, 1996
24 min
When one space colony declared its independence from the Earth Federation, the devastating 7th Space War, an all-out war between Earth and space, resulted. The Federation responded to the Space Revolutionary Army with mobile suits, called Gundams. However, the Space Revolutionary forces played their trump card and dropped hundreds of space colonies onto the Earth, plunging the planet into a seven-year-long nuclear winter. The Federation collapsed, but the Space Revolutionary Army was unable to invade the Earth in the aftermath of the colony drop. Fifteen years have passed. The year is now After War 0015, and a New Federation has sprung up on Earth to restore order. In space, the colonial leaders have been rebuilding their own forces as well. By chance, fifteen-year-old Garrod Ran has discovered an old Federation mobile suit, the Gundam X, and now he uses it to help out the Vulture ship Freeden in its struggle to keep the powers that be from repeating the mistakes of the past.
Garrod Ran
Wataru Takagi
Tiffa Adill
Mika Kanai
Jamil Neate
Kenyuu Horiuchi
Witz Sou
Kazuya Nakai
Roybea Roy
Takumi Yamazaki
Toniya Malme
Kotono Mitsuishi
Ennil El
Chieko Honda
Sara Tyrell
Yumi Kakazu
Carris Nautilus
Yuuko Mizutani
Techs Farzenbarg
Hiroshi Naka
Pala Sys
Miki Nagasawa
Olba Frost
Nozomu Sasaki
Lancerow Dowell
Hiroshi Takemura
Shagia Frost
Toshiyuki Morikawa
Katokk Alzamille
Masashi Hirose
Kid Salsamille
Motoko Kumai
Joe Grits
Keiji Fujiwara
Vedoba Morte
Masako Katsuki

Not available on crunchyroll
86/100A surprisingly unnoticed Gundam series among the huge pile of others.Continue on AniListWell...Gundam X had me interested the whole time. I know that's a bad way to begin a review, but please be patient, I'm making this using my vivid memories and poor structured writing.
Gundam X is easily one of the most underrated Gundam series, period. It is made really well, and the review I'm gonna be writing below this is hopefully gonna explain why do I think this way.
NOTE: Some of the things below may be considered spoilers. If you haven't watched X, then it's possible some of these parts will lower your joy when watching it. Those parts will be marked in spoiler text, but please make sure you saw X in its entirety before taking a look at this review - I'd hate for you to lose some fun thanks to this wall of text.
That being said, I'll try and structure the review somehow - the story and writing in general, art, audio quality and overall enjoyment. (I use the x.x numbering system - 5.5, for example. It's ideal for me.)STORY AND WRITING: 8.5/10
The story in Gundam X is possibly the biggest grab it's trying to do. What if a war caused by humans ended up being so bad...that it will just take too long to recover from? X takes a look onto that, and the spin on a typical story of war is rather fresh and invirogating.
The story revolves around a group of Vultures captained by a man called Jamil Neate. While they seem like normal scavengers in the beginning, their new task to protect Tiffa Adill brings them to rather shocking discoveries.
The adventures of the crew are actually written rather decently, alongside containing some issues that remain since the pre-war days. Especially things like the use of Gundams, such as the Gundam X. All characters have a sense of motivation. They know why they're doing the things they're doing. And that's what I like about an anime - characters committed to their role and have their reasons to do so. Even the villains have some reasons - although that's where I deduct some points. The villains are...poorly done, let's say. Their motivations are clear, albeit what they want to do is pretty typical and kind of..mundane. Although the way they get there is rather nice and shows what they're capable of.
The thing that the story needs the most is extra time - apparently it received poor reception in Japan and as such had to be rushed, and that makes me wonder what the viewers thought of this.ART: 8/10
For the 90s that were riddled with strange art decisions, this looks really good! I like the detail on the mobile suits themselves in particular. The characters could use some detail, they seem a bit pasted at times, but I have absolutely no qualms about the art. And all of the important stuff - shots, beams and such look nice!AUDIO: 8/10
Probably what stands out the most about X's audio are the intro and outro songs, which are energetic and feel a considerable bit more electric. The sounds feel clear a lot of the time but there's some hiccups every now and then when they feel like they've been recorded through two walls of concrete.ENJOYMENT: 9/10
Overall I liked X a lot - the only issues I have are with the series in general are the villains and the fact Sunrise had to rush the end, which is a mighty shame.In the end, X is an anime worth looking into. It shows the troubles of a ravaged world, skirmishes and conflicts that are brewing behind the scenes.
45/100Its cancellation is justifiedContinue on AniListStory: 4/10
It is clearly a plot built from basic premises (everything revolves around Tiffa and, unlike Wing, which had context and motivations, here it is more focused on battles) and expanding in a more or less free way and with objectives simple-minded, when they exist (they know characters, the protagonist's journey of self-discovery and, several times, rescuing the young lady), which can hinder coherence, giving the impression that events are disconnected and take away the sense of where they want to get to and, when they try to give a north, they get lost, with a poorly conceived political plot and bad ending, which makes no sense of what they did and exposes a typical problem of the franchise, which are futile battles and without much sense.Art 6/10
Character Design is competent and the animation, although average by the standards of the Sunrise itself, manages to maintain some consistency.Sound 4/10
Disregarding the main themes, which are very good (although I didn't really like the idea of a TV version and a full version for the endings, where the first one ends up being superior), the soundtrack is weak and discreet, where, depending on the theme, ends up being generic and sometimes poorly inserted in the scenes.Characters 6/10
In general, they are average, with charisma not being a strong point; the problem really lies in the dense protagonist (for much of the story) and silly actions on several occasions (where not all of them can be attributed to immaturity) and Team Rocket style villains, that smile all the time but when the situation gets complicated they they always flee, in addition to weak and questionable motivation - in short, poorly conceived.Enjoyment 4/10
Most of the episodes are not at all memorable, being, at times, dragged, whose battles are not so exciting, where the light romance may motivate a little but does not compensate for the problems of direction. They tried to fix this in the end, but it didn't work out very well.Overall 4/10
I am surprised by the popularity and high rating of Gundam X in MAL, wondering if I watched a different anime, but from my experience, the fact that it was canceled ends up not being a surprise (which cannot be compared with the Original Gundam, which, in particular, is superior to this anime, otherwise it would not have won 4 episodes or even the recap films) and it would not be strange if Sunrise itself reneged on it, since the series has been somewhat forgotten over the years. In summary, I do not recommend.
História 4/10
É claramente um enredo construído a partir de premissas básicas (tudo gira em torno da Tiffa e, diferente do Wing, que possuía contexto e motivações, aqui é mais focado nas batalhas mesmo) e se expandindo de uma forma mais ou menos livre e com objetivos simplórios, quando existem (conhecem personagens, jornada de autodescoberta do protagonista e, em diversas vezes, resgatando a mocinha), o que pode atrapalhar a coerência, dando a impressão que os eventos são desconectados e tira um pouco o sentido da onde eles querem chegar e, quando eles tentam dar um norte, eles se perdem, com uma trama política mal concebida e final ruim, que tira todo o sentido do que eles fizeram e expõe um problema típico da franquia, que são as batalhas bestas e fúteis, sem grande sentido.Arte 6/10
O Character Design é competente e a animação, embora mediana para os padrões da própria Sunrise da época, consegue manter alguma consistência.Som 4/10
Desconsiderando os temas principais, que são muito bons (embora não tenha gostado muito da ideia de uma versão para TV e outra completa para os encerramentos, onde os primeiro acaba sendo superior), a trilha sonora é fraca e discreta, onde, dependendo do tema, acaba sendo genérica e por vezes mal inserida nas cenas.Personagens 6/10
No geral, são medianos, com o carisma não sendo um ponto forte; o problema reside mesmo no protagonista denso (durante boa parte da história) e de ações tolas em diversas ocasiões (onde nem todas podem ser atribuídas à imaturidade) e nos vilões padrão Equipe Rocket, que sorriem o tempo todo mas quando a situação se complica eles sempre fogem, além de motivação fraca e questionável - em resumo, mal concebidos.Aproveitamento 4/10
A maioria dos episódios não são nenhum pouco memoráveis, sendo, por vezes, arrastados, cujas batalhas não empolgam tanto, onde o leve romance até pode motivar um pouco mas não compensa os problemas de direção. Tentaram consertar isto no final, mas não deu muito certo.Conclusão 4/10
Fico surpreso com a popularidade e a alta nota do Gundam X no MAL, me perguntando se eu assisti um anime diferente, mas, pela minha experiência, o fato de ter sido cancelado acaba não sendo uma surpresa (o que não pode ser comparado com o Gundam original, que, particularmente, é superior a este anime, senão não teria ganhado 4 episódios e nem os filmes recap) e não estranharia se a própria Sunrise o renegasse, já que a série ficou meio esquecida ao longo dos anos. Em resumo, não recomendo.
ANIME ActionShinzou Ningen Casshern
ANIME FantasyKyoukai Senki Part 2
OVA ActionKidou Senshi Gundam UC
ANIME ActionKidou Butouden G Gundam
- (3.55/5)
Ended inDecember 28, 1996
Main Studio Sunrise
Favorited by 196 Users