December 27, 2010
23 min
In the dry riverbed of Arakawa River, undefeated elite Ichinomiya Kou (aka Ric) met the lovely homeless girl Nino, a self-declared Venusian. Their awkward love stirs up trouble among the other strange inhabitants of the riverbed.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Maaya Sakamoto
Kou Ichinomiya
Hiroshi Kamiya
Fumihiko Tachiki
Takehito Koyasu
Tomokazu Sugita
Miyuki Sawashiro
Village Chief
Keiji Fujiwara
Chiaki Omigawa
Chiwa Saitou
Fumihiko Tachiki
Tooru Shirai
Houchuu Ootsuka
Yuu Kobayashi
Yuuko Gotou
Last Samurai
Yuuichi Nakamura
Rie Tanaka
Terumasa Takai
Tetsurou Tetsujin
Ryouko Shintani
Tetsuo Tetsujin
Yuuko Sanpei
Young Tsubame
Yuuichi Nakamura
Seki Ichinomiya
Rikiya Koyama
Tomokazu Seki
C-cup Tengu
Yuuichi Nakamura
79/100Continuing the Story with more Surreal Shenanigans and Venusian Wonder!Continue on AniList
__Arakawa Under the Bridge Review Part 2__
Quick Note: I don’t like repeating what I said from my last review for the first season unless for comparison sake. Feel free to check out my Arakawa Under the Bridge Review Part 1 if you haven’t.
Arakawa Under the BridgeXBridge continues where the series left off. The animation and art style still retain the same quality and consistency from the previous season. How you experience the weird atmosphere is still carry over in the sequel. The cinematic techniques use in illustrating the narrative are the same with some added improvement. Some innovations in the comedy are the shifting perspective to other character's viewpoints. Instead of the standard where the protagonist is the main focal point of the story. This time side characters have the same role as Kou's in giving off some satire commentary on bizarre situations. The show provides more character exploration and exposition. It showcases a combination of interaction between the supporting cast thus giving more interesting outcomes.
Its Good as the First Season The fact in the matter, it’s no longer about Kou’s meeting each resident from the bridge anymore. The story focuses attention on the daily lives of each resident co-existing with each other’s weird behaviors. The show is becoming more of a well-written slice of life comedy which is a little bit different from the initial rom-com with social satire commentary the first season focus on. The show comedy is becoming more of a risk-taker by partly exploring some experimental and referential style on its humor.
Characters become more lovable. We got the chance to learn more about the resident’s personal interest. This gives depth to character ideas and motivation. Providing a far more relatable cast and adds some variation. It makes the show have a uniform theme on each character's core personality that doesn’t feel random and out of place.
In the first season, the story focus is more on Kou’s character development and internal conflict. The second season, on the other hand, reveals a marginal fraction of Nino’s background story as a Venusian. Though they gave some hints on Nino’s past, it wasn’t explored enough to be considered a consistent plot progression. Nino's past serves more as a soft catalyst to progress the story. Well for once we got a real plot but it was not the main focus of the story in general. The comedy is still good as the first season and characters are still fun and for me, that's what matters for now.
When you think the OP of the first season is weird enough. "COSMOS vs ALIEN " by Etsuko Yakushimaru will blow you away out of orbit with its outrageous shenanigans. Though it took me some time to love it. But as I continue to watch the anime I learn to love it more than the 1st Opening Venus to Jesus.
"Akai Coat by Suneohair just becomes of one my all-time favorite guitar pop-rock in the entire franchise. Smoking with a vibrant and relaxing atmosphere, it blends to the feel-good slice of life aspect of the show. A welcome edition in the show and a solid piece to remember for years to come.
Music of the Soul
__What’s new about the Characters?__ - - - We got to know more about P-ko, Whitey, Jacqueline, Big Brother Billy, and Last Samurai. A nice dose of exposition is always welcome in my taste for it provides more content in the show. Last Samurai was a normal person after all with some awesome sword skills. Billy and Jacqueline's relationship by far is the most convincing romantic relationship in the series I have ever seen in a comedy show. Whitey is a capable athlete that is supported by his own family, who knew right? And Exploring P-ko background interest is indeed a respectful type of fan service for me. She also took a role similar to Kou for representing to the girl side which is lovely, while Kou's represent for the boys. The Amazoness is a great addition in the show bizarreness. Kobayashi, Yuu did a good job of expressing two different voices, from the intimidating muscular warrior women's voice to the cocky and quite annoying “ganguro” like Japanese highschool girl mannerism. Thought the Captain is the complete opposite. I never liked his style of humor but I admire his talent as a manga artist. He’s just too normal for Arakawa Under the Bridge standard and he’s doesn’t contribute much to the comedy and main plot. For me, he’s an unnecessary edition, unlike Amazoness that did something fresh in both comedy and plot. Speaking of character development. When it comes to Kou’s and Nino’s Relationship. They do slowly progress as a solid couple with some little love quarrel here and there. The serious romance is at the minimum but their cute and funny bonding is still enjoyable to watch.
- - -
__[SPOILER SECTION]__ - - -__[COMEDY HIGHLIGHTS]__ These are the specific scenarios that I enjoy in the entire series. Here the Following. __Quick Note:__ If you don't want to get spoiled proceed to final thought section. __The Isolation Chamber __#####~
!__This is not a Dementia Anime__ !~ This might be the funniest social experiment on people in solitary confinement I have ever seen in an anime. It has an accurate satire on the topic which is plus in my book on creativity and uniqueness. Imagining this set of bizarre characters confine in 7 days in a closed space is a comedy of itself.__The Clash of Titans! __ This is the funniest moment in the entire Second Season. I love how the comedy built upon this episode. Starting from the simple but funny strawberry diet of the girls, to the satire of men getting slimmer body than girls, somewhat hilariously gay. Escalating to Sister's Manly Military Boot Camp Training that cracks my vocal cords from laughing so hard. A satire of a totally different level. It doesn’t end there. It later becomes a well-crafted parody of shounen anime that is fueled with pure testosterone and masculinity.__You’re just a girl with superior genes worthy of accepting my seed and bearing my child__ __-Tetsuo__ And then soon I forgot I was watching Arakawa Under the Bridge and Not Baki the Grappler or Jojo Bizarre Adventure to an extent. This is by far the best comedy of the entire season. Oh, wait? Power? Tetsuo? It’s this an Akira reference? - - -
__[FINAL THOUGHTS]__ - - - Arakawa Under The Bridge X Bridge did a very good job as a sequel to an already successful series. I like how it becomes more creative when it comes to comedy and extending the story. The sequel also shed light on characters that didn’t get enough spotlight from the first season. I love how some character development in this show took an unexpected turn. The OST’s remain the same and good as ever. The new OP and ED are a good thing to have in the show. Though, to be honest, I did get a little bit disappointed in the show's final episodes not because the comedy was bad or the characters are getting boring but the fact that this anime didn’t end in a closed conclusion. I understand that the manga is still ongoing from the time they made the second season but I wish these anime get pick-up again for the series finale. Arakawa deserves the 3rd season. Studio Shaft did justice in the adaptation of the show. It is always nice that the studio put some effort into retaining the visuals intact and the overall theme. The best thing the sequels offer that it tries to innovate and come up with new ideas to keep the show fresh and engaging. __My Final Verdict for the Sequel__ __OVERALL SCORE [7.9/10] [GOOD SEQUEL]__ __STORY [7/10] [GOOD COMEDY, LACK PLOT]__ __CHARACTERS [8/10] [GOOD & LOVABLE]__ __ART & VISUAL [8/10] [CONSISTENT & ENTERTAINING]__ __MUSIC & AUDIO[9/10] [ CUTE OP & ED AMAZING]____
Looking Forward to Season 3 Someday __AnotherBadger
86/100Area Man Succumbs to the Whacky Shenanigans of his Endearing NeighboursContinue on AniList“I will adhere to your command. Throw down your gun. Take up your knife. Get in close and use CQC! Semper Fi! Right, my Lord?”
- Sister, Episode 13
Arakawa Under the Bridge x Bridge is a great sequel that builds on the strong foundations laid before it. The comedy is stronger, the characters are zanier, and the emotions are more tender than its prequel. Since this is a sequel, the focus of the anime has moved away from the beginning of Kou and Nino’s relationship to establish more of a plot beyond the comedy. There is, however, still a dedication to the absurdity of its premise which makes this an enjoyable watch.
The cast of Arakawa Under the Bridge x Bridge remains the series’ strongest element. The voice acting gives the character’s life and their designs are as distinctive as ever. Newer additions to this bizarre roster are handled well; integrating well into the plot and not feeling out of place. It is also nice to see some of the more neglected characters being given more of the spotlight. The core cast remains consistent with the previous series but they are still fun to watch; especially their interactions with each other. There are also a couple of small moments of character development which make Arakawa Under the Bridge x Bridge feel like it has some plot momentum. This makes the characters feel a little bit more real and also gives the audience more to engage with; especially in the case of Nino and Kou.
Unlike its prequel, there is a more noticeable plot sprinkled through this series which might make it a little bit more engaging for those who struggle with purely gag-based comedy. This is reflected in the more noticeable reorganisation of the order of events which allows the plot to carry over into the anime. Unfortunately, this does have the side-effect of making the episodes feel as though they are hopping backwards and forwards at random, but these moments are rare and quickly forgotten. The gags are given more time to develop in the series, with episodes having more of a core focus which works well; allowing for ideas to be explored in more depth. This means that the episodic structure feels a little bit less like a group of ideas thrown at the wall to see what sticks, and more like there has been thought put into which stories work well together. Some of the references that this series makes are also great, being easily recognisable and well contextualised.
Arakawa Under the Bridge x Bridge also offers some very touching moments that have a strong impact on those watching. This is especially true of the moments which echo the previous series; feigning an air of completion. The shift to focus a little bit more on the plot also means that there are a couple of unexpected twists which helps to keep the audience on their toes.
Much like in the first series, the animation is nice. While it doesn’t do anything too spectacular, it captures the mood well; especially through the use of colours. The reaction shots, and changes in art style, to match the comedic moments is also fun and, while it could have been used a little more, it makes these moments stand out. It also allows the animators to clearly mark which moments are comedy and which are serious which means that the audience doesn’t have to put much work into understanding a joke. While this might sound like a critique, it is more about culture-based jokes that people outside of Japan may struggle with; the subtle visual differences really can help. The soundtrack works similarly, being fairly understated but tonally fitting; allowing the animation to speak for itself.
Overall, if you ever need a short, fun series to watch or you are having a bad day, then Arakawa Under the Bridge is a great series to pick up. Its low stakes and comedy make it a great comfort series that doesn’t require any effort or focus to get through. Arakawa Under the Bridge x Bridge’s only flaw is that it establishes several small mysteries that remain unanswered so if you like perfectly concluded series then this won’t be for you. However, because having a complete and coherent plot isn’t this Arakawa Under the Bridge’s focus so it doesn’t have too much of an impact on the overall series if you don’t mind some unanswered questions. Or you could always pick up the manga if you want to know what will happen to Nino, Kou and the rest of the residents who have found themselves living under an unassuming bridge in Arakawa.
ANIME ComedyBakemonogatari
ANIME ComedyKyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu
ANIME ComedyBaban Baban Ban Vampire
- (3.75/5)
Ended inDecember 27, 2010
Main Studio Shaft
Favorited by 308 Users