April 28, 2021
Seton Academy, a school full of animals where, thanks to population decline, there are fewer humans than any other creature. Mazama Jin, an animal hater and the only human male in his class, falls in love with Hino Hitomi, the only female human, the moment he lays eyes her. However he soon finds himself entangled with various other creatures after he reluctantly joins the 'pack' of Lanka the wolf, the only other member of her pack.
Ranka Ookami
Hitomi Hino
Jin Mazama
Miyubi Shishio
Kurumi Nekomai
Ferrill Okami
Iena Madaraba
Yukari Komori
Chloe Mashima
Miki Hadano
Tel Anamitsu
Kana Shiraumi
King Shishino
Ruka Bandou
Shiho Ihara
Gigasu Terano
Chii Suimori

65/100A series with a decent start that descends into trashy fanservice comedy fastContinue on AniListI really want to like this manga... I really do. I think that the idea of taking funny animal facts and turning them into a series sounds like it would be unique and interesting, and at first, it really was. Initially I gave this series a 7 or an 8 because I was having a great time with it. However, I think that as the series goes on, it adds a lot of unneeded things that detract from the experience as a whole for me.
The first thing that happens, which admittedly isn't too big of a problem, though it does bug me whenever I see it, is the fact that the manga introduces so many characters that are flat as a board (unlike their character designs). I understand that this is supposed to be a comedic, slice of life, high school harem(?) series where character development does not matter too much, but by not having even the smallest semblance of an interesting character it really relegates itself to being a second rate series if the comedy doesn't keep up.
And the next part we need to talk about is just that. So I'll give this series a nod by saying that, especially early on, a lot of the animal facts and arcs are genuinely pretty funny and enjoyable to read (you kinda have to have lower brow humor though). However, as the series goes on it starts to rely more and more on recurring jokes that get less and less funny every new time they are said. Like the first time a character dies because of overwork and everyone freaks out is shocking and a little funny, but the 20th time it happens makes me want to sleep.
Another thing that happens as the series goes on is it's over-reliance on fanservice. I swear that by the midway point you cannot go two chapters without a fanservice scene or two. It's like the mangaka was told that they needed to add a scene every chapter or else it wouldn't get published, and if there was ever a chapter that was missing one, it would have to be added on to the next. I'm here to learn funny animal facts, not to see big boobed koalas walking around in bikinis...
The last major thing to mention is the ending, which is... very much unexpected but not in a good way. If you make it that far you'll see for yourself what I mean.
Now, I don't want to make it seem like there is absolutely nothing worth reading here, since that isn't true. Like I said earlier, I do enjoy a majority of the animal facts that get brought up and they lead to a lot of pretty funny scenes. Not only that, but Jin as a main character is actually pretty good in my opinion. I also like the artstyle, but that is gonna change heavily depending on the person reading. I really thought I had more good stuff to say about this series but...
So yeah, this is a series that unfortunately gets worse as time goes on. I think that if you want to see what it's like, then read up to the end of the school festival arc since it really only goes downhill from there unless you really like animal fanservice and overused jokes. Really wish this manga continued to be as good as it was at the start, but what can you do
70/100Seton Academy : Join the Pack!Continue on AniListMurenase! Seton Gakuen (Ou Seton Academy : Join the Pack!)
Type : Manga
Statut : Publication
Première publication : 8 Mai 2016
Genres : Comédie, Lycée
Auteurs : Yamashita, Bungo (Art et Histoire)
Série : Cycomics
Synopsis : En raison d'un déclin de la population, il y a moins d'humains que d'animaux humanoïdes.
Jin Mazama est un garçon humain qui fréquente l'Académie Seton où la majorité des étudiants sont des animaux. Jin déteste les animaux, mais par chance, une humaine nommée Hitomi Hino attire son attention. Malheureusement, Jin se retrouve à attirer l'attention d'autres animaux tels que Ranka Ōkami, une louve qui est la seule de sa meute.
Critique : Une œuvre qui navigue entre le très bon et le très moyen, le pitch de base est plutôt originale et voir les conséquences d'un déclin de la population humaine pour un simple lycéen comme Jin est plutôt sympathique et provoque quelques situations rigolotes. le personnage est plutôt détestable mais c'est clairement volontaire. Ranka est quand a elle vraiment attachante même si sa relation avec Jin est plutôt particulière je trouve.
L'humour est quand a lui plutôt bien maitrisé même si par moment cet humour n'est pas très maitrisé et un peu répétitif, chaque personnage a ses propres caractéristiques propre a son espèce, le tout est abordé de manière plutôt ludique et drôle, l'œuvre se faisant le luxe de nous apprendre plusieurs choses sur les animaux.
Un autre point plutôt particulier est la différence de traitement entre les animaux mâles et femelles, l'intrigue tourne plus souvent (évidemment) autour des personnages féminins qui reste des animaux mais avec une forme humanoïde, contrairement aux animaux mâles qui sont littéralement des animaux (a quelques exceptions près). Ce choix de design est particulier mais on s'y habitue plutôt vite.
Mais Murenase! Seton Gakuen est une œuvre particulièrement mais néanmoins efficace qui se lit plutôt rapidement, le tout en étant drôle et agréable a lire. Meme si malheureusement, la qualité de l'œuvre n'est pas constante et on passe du très drôle au plutôt moyen. Mais ca reste une œuvre que je recommande
Merci d'avoir lu ! ^^ c'est toujours un plaisir d'écrire ces review et si celle si vous plait, n'hesitez pas a like et a regarder mes autres review ! je vous aimes tous fort ^^
PS : Petite précision au sujet de la différence de traitement des mâles et des femelles :
tous les étudiants et membres du personnel masculins ont l'apparence de leur espèce, tandis que les femmes apparaissent toutes sous différentes formes de filles kemonomimi et d'autres caractéristiques telles que des queues et/ou des cornes.
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- (3.4/5)
Ended inApril 28, 2021
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