January 15, 2014
After her normal, happy life shatters, Tokiko and her father move to a small seaside town to live with her grandmother as sixth grade starts. There, the sound of the waves brings back a distant memory from when she visited seven years ago, a memory of almost drowning in the sea and being saved by a merman. Are there really mermaids in that sea? Tokiko adjusts to her new life in the small town as she holds out hope of once more meeting the merman who saved her.
Note: Contains an extra chapter.
Tokiko Aoyama
Yousuke Narumi
80/100Just a Moment on the Beach, Staring at the SeaContinue on AniListAn odd little book. It has a very spritely art style that I enjoy, and a neat slice-of-life framing with a twist: the inclusion of a mystical beach that may or may not have mermaids off the shore. What outwardly may appear like a fantastical, fantasy story is actually a down to earth telling of a girl's life as she moves to a sleepy, beachside town.
An important thing to note is that if you're expecting anything more than a slice-of-life narrative, you're going to be disappointed. Similar to other slice-0f-life stories, it may at times seem a bit objectiveless, as it just kind of follows the protagonist, Tokiko, and her daily struggles. She's the new kid, she receives some bullying, she deals with new friends, dumb boys, liars, and other odd circumstances in her life. This is on top of her own awkward family situation, such as living with her single dad, because her mother ran off from the family without another word, yet also didn't actuate a divorce. Friendships bud and then falter, relationships sway and ebb, all like the ocean that dominates the town.
The reason I detail all that is to temper expectations. If you're here for fantasy weirdness and mermaids, that's not the focus here. It's a character driven narrative first, so if you don't like sixth graders being silly and living their life, you might be let down.
HOWEVER, let's address the mermaid in the room. Because that fantasy weirdness IS there, and it is built in this extremely slow-burn mystery. Our main character has a strange trauma at this particular town's beach, in their past. And there's someone, who she has seen in her past, maybe even in her dreams, that looks just like the odd, untalkative boy in her class. There's a man who lives by the beach who seems to more than he lets on, and why are all the adults so cagey around the kids, always beating around the bush? What is the weird festival that's approaching before summer break, and just what is behind that long, dark, scary tunnel? And why, just why, is the town so closely related to mermaids?
Fun, right? That mystery hook is just loads of fun, in this really childish, nostalgic way. Lots of little questions peppered around the narrative that make you really want to know the answers. But, being a story based around realism, with all these funky, fantastical elements, how much of this truly is a fantasy, and how much is truly a reality? That's the heart of these more mystical moments in the text, and because it's all intermingled with the slice-of-life moments, it's kind of like solving the mystery out of order.
The question becomes: is the mystery any good? And... eh, is the best answer I have for you. I feel like the ending wrapped up very suddenly, as if the author realized they were coming up to their deadline, and quickly tied all the plot threads together. And especially with a story that does feature some personal traumas for the characters, I feel like it kinda surfed by those serious moments, which were resolved quickly, not really allowing enough time to process and grieve what was just learned.
At the same time, you can tell the author really put their soul into this. It feels very intimate, and even though Tokiko isn't exactly a lively person - more introverted, simple, and kind in her demeanor - you really get attached to her life and want to see her do her best. And better than the resolutions is the build-up of the mystery. The times where the kids are exploring the fantasy-mystery elements is really fun, and not only feels like the Scooby Doo gang solving a mystery, but also leaves some endearing suspense and intrigue on exactly what is happening in this strange, little town.
Is this the best book ever? No, not by a long-shot. But I would be lying to say I wasn't intrigued the entire time, both to see our kids learn, live, and grow, and also learn more about strange mermaids and ancient town legends. It's all good stuff, and even though it was hastily resolved in the end, it WAS resolved, and it leaves you feeling calm and hopeful. Can one really ask more than to experience a nice story? Because that's what you'll find here: calm, quiet moments, lapping away like waves on a beach.
MANGA Slice of LifeKodomo wa Wakatte Agenai
MANGA RomanceMikako-san
MANGA DramaNingyo Ouji
MANGA ComedyMachida-kun no Sekai
MANGA RomanceGin no Sato
MANGA DramaSilent Blue
- (3.45/5)
Ended inJanuary 15, 2014
Favorited by 44 Users