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Shiori was once a guitarist in a light music club in high school, but her first live performance was dashed when her brother ran away from home with a lot of debt to become a musician in Tokyo.
A decade later, Shiori is now a high school teacher, leading a boring, uneventful life and paying off the debt... till she runs into the ghost of none other than a famous guitarist Jim-you-know-who.
A story of a 27-year-old woman on her way to a music legend begins here.
Shiori Honda
Jimi Hendrix
Kurt Cobain
Satsuki Meguro
Neon Mitsuoka
Shinobu Kawasaki
Akane Isuzu
Shigeru Hachioji
Aoshima Subaru
Hatsunori Daiba
74/100An Amazing story... For the first half at least.Continue on AniListI randomly found this story and decided on a hunch to read this and push all my other Manga I was planning to read back so I can read this now. The first maybe 15 or so chapter I really love. I being someone born in 99, I don't really know much of some Legendary musicians. Jimi Hendrix is an artist I've heard and have listened to on occasion before. But for the most part, I'd only hear his songs from Youtube Autoplay. This manga managed to get me completely interested in him and has even gotten me started listening to other songs besides Purple Haze or All Along The Watch Tower. Wasn't tell this manga that I fully realized who played this song. The way the story portrays Hendrix is amazing. It's interesting and fun to watch. Especially the interactions between Shiori ( MC) And Hendrix. Shiori's shy and plain personality clashing with Hendrix wild personality are always fun. The first chapter has Hendrix barely talking. He, for the most part, is silent as Shiori freaks out and deals with some random Man following her. His portrayal of a Smoking Ghost figure is entertaining. Any other character and It may have been an interesting character personality to have. But it wouldn't fit with Hendrix's personality.
Shiori, on the other hand, is what I'd say is the main attention keeper for me while funnily enough, Hendrix is Shiori's Guitar. Shiori is honestly an interesting character. The story manages to keep her interesting, Calm, Nice, Plain and not be a Sarcastic-Ass while keeping my attention. Something I don't think I've ever really seen. I do kind of wish Shiori lived by herself instead of the entire family that is rarely seen. It would kind of fit with the Alone, Plain and Boring categories that story portrays her as. I wouldn't mind the Sister ( Only real family member we see regularly) Living with the MC. But Shiori being scarred of her brother' leaving them a massive debt of 20-Million-Yen ( Around $177,000) as he goes and does his own thing. It's interesting and also sad to see this former girl that used to be smiling all the time now be this sort of a loner. Really, As of now with chapter 29 out. I'm just hoping we don't get one of those cliche and sappy moments where the family forgives him or get a " Because we're family and we stick together" Moments. I want to see this brother suffer and it's honestly amazing seeing him in Chapter 29.
It's honestly a shame cause the chances of us getting an Anime adaptation to this is slim to nothing. The amount of licensing and rights they'd have to do plus the fact some might not like the portrayal of the characters, It is unlikely. Plus there is also all the new songs they'd have to create that sound like they could've come from Hendrix or Cobain or anybody shown in this. If the Author had any want to make an anime, Then they kind of shot themselves in the foot.
Really. The reason my rating isn't higher and for that Review Summary is because of this new story arc. ( I'mt trying to use the spoiler tag but it's not working right )
~SPOILERS~Around chapter 15 or so, We are shown that Kurt Cobain also exists. I guess this is fine. We are told that there are more contracts with Musical Legends then just Hendrix. I would've preferred if only Hendrix was in this though. But the story seems to go out of its way to kind of ruin the mood and flow of the story. Now I've never been a fan of Cobain or Nirvana and never paid attention to them. So I don't really know what they were like. But the way the story portrays him just seems weird. At times he can act like a 5-Year-Old that is scared of everything. The story really just starts feeling like the author massively loved both Hendrix and Cobain and wanted them to meet together. The moment we get them playing together. I didn't feel excitement or satisfaction. But was just uninterested. It sucks that it's only here that we get some of Hendrix describing how he lived. Whether or not this is true or if the author decided to go based off of what he thinks is unknown. It's kind of an important scene but is kind of place in a weird spot. Then there is also the plot about the reason as to why Cobain and Hendrix even met each other is because of some Old comedically dumb Mafia dude having some massive crush on Hendrix and wants to make a band with all of the Legendary Musicians. Looking past the fact that just because they were famous it didn't make them amazing Musicians and that not all bands are compatible with each other. This is just a dumb and I do mean dumb plot. It's taking out time from the Main plot of Shiori and her Light Music band and their struggles that is much more interesting. It's honestly a shame this is part of the story. The first time both Shiori and her brother are in the same room just feels hollow and nothing special. I should find excitement but I feel nothing. I think it honestly would've been better if the Brother had no idea what the Crossroads is and he wasn't the cause as to why Hendrix formed a contract unknowingly with Shiori and have the Brother try returning acting as nothing happened.
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- (4.15/5)
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