September 27, 2006
24 min
Minami Itsuki never thought about seriously riding Air Treck motorized roller blades, until he got his butt handed to him by a street gang of Storm Riders. That day, he discovered in a locked up room, a pair of AT's and a box of stickers belonging to the Sleeping Forest street gang. One thing leads to another, and Ikki dons the wheels and begins to ride. As his reputation builds in the AT street fighting/racing world, he begins to develop his own gang and participate in more fights, gaining more and more territory.
Itsuki Minami
Kenta Kamakari
Kazuma Mikura
Ringo Noyamano
Mariya Ise
Agito Wanijima
Kokoro Kikuchi
Rie Tanaka
Kenjirou Tsuda
Sora Takeuchi
Mitsuru Miyamoto
Shiraume Noyamano
Yukiko Hanioka
Rika Noyamano
Naoko Matsui
Mikan Noyamano
Seika Hosokawa
Mitsuaki Madono
Miyu Irino
Yasuyoshi Sano
Hiroaki Hirata
Mari Tomita
Noriko Shitaya
Ryo Mimasaka
Miki Itou
Wakana Yamazaki
Masami Kikuchi
Emily Adachi
Shouko Ishii
Kaito Wanijima
Hikaru Midorikawa
Issha Mihotoke
Hitoshi Bifu
Akira Udou
Kenji Nojima
DJ Plugman
Masahito Yabe
Natsumi Iriya
Mayu Asada
Mitsuru Bando
Hiro Yuuki
Ren Fa
Rumi Shishido
70/100[Non Spoiler] - Just another shōnen?Continue on AniListAs people dive into the anime world some of the first distinguished traits within the medium is shōnen and shōjo. One means young boy and the other means young girl. The terms are derived from the manga magazines marketed toward both those audiences, Shonen Jump and Shojo Beat respectively. Within our community we have come to use this term as a genre tag, which is controversial in a lot of cases and turns out not to be very helpful in distinguishing a show. Well welcome to Air Gear, where the tag shōnen is absolutely appropriate. Its full of adventures of a young boy, who is surrounded by challenges to overcome as a perceived underdog and surrounded by females in his life. But don't write this off as a To love Ru love child with the sports genre, even though it is definitely tempting at first.
What not to expect from this show, a deep character drama with deep philosophical explorations of the human soul and mind. The story itself is also not something amazing. Yet what it does have is unique and genuinely interesting world building. The weaknesses of Air Gear is found within every part of what you would call a review, but it's balanced out by what your expectation of the show brings. When you watch the first episode of this show, you are presented with mystery, comedic and old school character introduction tags. The strength of the story is in its simplicity, because it leaves room for over the top comedic and action scenes. Now considering comedic aspects, you have to always think about the type of person you are writing to and I can say for a fact this was written for comedic purposes toward young boys. The show falls flat on really good romance, instead uses basic tsundere tropes quite often. Yet even though the tropes are a common appearance in the show, it is surprisingly refreshing because you can clearly distinguish motives of the different women in his life. It is certainly not a harem by any means, and some of the shenanigans between our main character and some of the women are fun, cute and at times very mysterious. The action is absolutely fun, and never ceases to surprise you with the craziness of using roller blades in the way that they do within this show. The story within itself is limited by its own goals, but keeps those goals very mysterious and does a great job at revealing them to both us as viewers and the main character of the story. Quality story even though it lost some potential with the romantic aspect I don't think that affected the quality of it as a pure shōnen. Story - 3/3
As I have mentioned before the characters of this show is fun, but it certainly isn't a character drama and unfortunately doesn't even stop there. Characters are hardly explored at all, there are some that change due to the influence of the main character. But most of the time the character development are supported by generic tropes like multi personality disorder and the strong and powerful becoming a softy. A lot of the interesting characters are never really explored even though their mysterious aspect gives them an attractive and still enjoyable outcome as characters. There isn't much to say other than that what you should expect is tropes when it comes to character, some find this type of thing fun others find it annoying. It is definitely the weakest area of the show. Character - 1/3Art Style
This is certainly an older style of animation, Air gear was released in 2006 as an Anime and follow an adaption of the manga quite closely in terms of story and style. The Manga itself started near the end of 2002, so what you should expect is a style from that time - perhaps if you have seen Naruto that would be a good lens to view it under. It's nothing out of the ordinary as you would see in something like 5 centimetres per second, but it has its moments of excellence. Generally the frames are very jagged and paused snap shots, but that is not to limit the ability of the animators instead it is a purposed style. As you continue watching it starts surprising you with some amazing art of tricks they pull off in action scenes, they use the lack of fantastic animation all the time to really put emphasis on the characters experience of using Air Trek roller blades. Now unfortunately the best quality you will find Air Gear in is 480p and 720p if you are lucky due to when it was produced, but neither takes away from the experience the art style is enough to keep you actively enjoying the show. Art Style - 2/2Music
Uniquely this show starts off with an opening song as the start of the first episode, the song is called Chain and it does a fantastic job at introducing the show. The opening song captures the experience of watching Air Gear, in the adventure, in the thrill of the action and the wonder of flying through the air with wings on your feet. The over all sound track really does a great job at pumping you up for the action scenes, with a really retro and city electronic experience. You are also presented with really ambient tracks as the characters contemplates issues they face, while at the same time having very comedic tracks to add to the silliness of the show. However there are times where a track seems really ridiculous and just a bit too much for what we are watching, now I am not a big fan of electronic music but I can appreciate good tracks from the genre. So regardless of my slight bias it is really a hit and miss with some of the tracks. Music - 1/2In conclusion, Air gear was one of my first Anime experiences as an adult and I thoroughly enjoyed it regardless of the fan service and the boyish shenanigans. It is one of those shows with an underdog that attempts to overcome the adversary in front of him while building some fun relationships along the way. It truly makes you interested in rollerblading and keeps your attention as a comedy, action. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for something fun and dumb to watch, and perhaps it will inspire you to discover your first dream or pursue one you abandoned a long time ago. P.S friendly warning there are some scenes with nudity in it, beee careful.
100/100I think anime needs more credit to its name, its one of the best for showing how kickass you can be.Continue on AniListDid We Under Look This Anime? So what makes this different from any other hidden gems in anime? I could go on about plot, music, animation, and other details. But I rather start with how it made me feel first.
Growing up and learning about anime, is what I think is the best thing to ever happen to a developing kid. For me I was a rumbustious, wild kid, I was longing for the taste of adventure and thinking of ideas out of thin air like I was in a different world. Seeing anime was like, seeing a new look on life for me. Getting to see all the characters talk and interact with one another like I was watching from the side lines. Now you understand how I feel about anime, lets go into why I love this anime so much.Plot
Air Gear is about the life of Itsuki Minami,"Ikki",(also known as "Baby Face" and "Lil (Little) Crow") and his friends. The story follows their use of Air Trecks, an in-universe invention derived from inline skates. The early parts of the story carry out the introduction of characters that eventually join Ikki. (From Wiki)
Threw out the story he fights different teams for truff/information/respect, you name it, its worth for the taking. Itsuki Minami or aka Lil Crow had the sense to taste the air current and follow it, this lead to get the idea or to find this place called Trophaeum Tower, but the way to get there is threw Sonia Road. Since he had the power to under the wins, he needs to train his power and become stronger with his gears. Sadly this didn't make it into the anime, but I still hope for the chance to see it one day come to anime.My Opinion (Plot)
Why I think this anime should be at top with the great like FLCL, Chobits, and Fruit Basket is because we can all relate to it so quickly. It's about a kid who wants to go against that the worlds wants to tell you, or what the world wants to shape you. Growing up this made me so happy to see him over come so many people trying to stop him from what he believes in himself, to sore great heights and to counter the playing field is something of like power rangers. You know he can win, its just how is he going too, that what so many people love about anime. We can relate to this in such a easy manner, it just takes a little bit of work to see it in that light. Lets say, you know what you want to do for college and your about to get out of Highschool. Just like the Lil Crow he says the road, like how you see what college you want to go to. Its about how you get threw it, and meeting/Seeing the People along the way. But I think I didn't have to tell you that, for you to understand that life can be so relatable if you understand anime.
My Opinion (Art/Color)
I think this brings back the 90's fashion, and color but more darker and gray. (Talking mostly about the anime, haven't read the manga sorry) How they use 90s colors like blue, orange, lime green, yellow, but just all dark in the anime. Witch I love the style, but this could have been just due to the coloring style back then so we have no way of knowing this was done on purpose, nevertheless, one of the best coloring choices. Looking at the art style fits well during its period of time. Half-Skater, then Half-90's feeling really good, Mostly there dressed up like Delinquents, but I like to believe its something to due with the 90's. Anyway, I think this part can just explain itself to you how to relate, you can just put on the same cloths as Lil Crow and live life like he is doing now. The High road, the Winds taking him, riding life by its wings, he want to go as high as he can to be number one and I think we all can say the same. We want to be number one at something right?
It take hearts in matter of seconds if you give it the chance to let it, you must at least like some type of under dog, because that what he is. That what we are, someone who is the under dog and wants to rise up. They to claim something for there sells, and getting to the end of it no matter what it takes. To be known and respected for there achievements, that is what Air Gear teaches you. There good comedy in between, and some lewd scenes (Not too bad) I think its the best anime for someone to start anime. This is something that is not talked about more on YouTube, so I made a YouTube video about it go check it out. Thank you for reading this, much love.
Youtube Coming Soon
Here is my youtube channel to keep an update about it. LilComfyShellshock
60/100If it took itself more seriously it could have something really special. Fun time killer nonetheless.Continue on AniListThe series is about the MC joining the "Secret" world of AT's. I think they are called AT's. Basically they are roller blades with engines built inside of them. Which lets them ride anything. The better rider you are, the longer, the faster you can ride them. Essentially its like a battle manga. In fact it gets a bit weird in the later episodes. But the emphasis is on the roller blades and what crazy shit you can pull off on it.
Now the series isn't some super serious type stuff. Its campy. Its ridiculous. It understands its zone and plays to its strengths and i think it works very well. Most of the time.
Now i liked majority of the characters. Some surprising character development also took me by surprise. As well as various personalities that play off each other very well. I think some of the perverted characters kinda feel out of place. The series is good at building up hype with Dramatic pauses, and dialogue but it sort've cuts that moment short with improperly timed gags or panty shots. Like a little too much.
The action and hype surrounding is fantastic. Every time the music played I sit upright. It gets the idea of hype very well and thats really all i could ask for.
The main issues of this series basically falls down to gags that aren't funny (which are most of them) and ecchi scenes (lets just throw in all female characters here). For real female characters have 2 personality traits. To be in love, Or to be in love with the Main characters. If they are wearing clothes you bet your ass they will be shown naked, usually at inopportune times taking you out the action. I really do wish the author would keep nudity and awesomeness separate. Not that boobs aren't awesome.
If there is any consolation with the fanservice its that it has more nudity than the manga. So its ecchi is objectively better.
But again like i mentioned. The action is solid. The moments are sometimes are cut short but they always pick itself back up. I do think some of the action gets a little crazy especially with the cube. I think some of the characters like the fat midget is really annoying and out of place with this series. But the thing is it takes itself super seriously at times but in its campy way where it doesn't feel out place. The tension is still there. When the main characters achieve there goals it is exhilarating watching that.
It also has this weird love triangle thing going on. Its hard to tell who's gonna win though since neither of them have any sort of presence besides being eye candy so who knows. Is the main character gonna pick the one with comically large boobs? Or the one with the comically large boobs? You decide. You can literally take BBCM (Big boobs common multiple) with all the female characters. It really is a shame how all of them are reduced to this.
There is also an inconsistency issue like how did the Male lead not know about his sisters being into rollerblades but that seems like a minor issue tbh.
Despite this issue, I think the anime gets its message across. Its crazy in a fun way. And thats really i ask for. A fun series, its fine if its stupid if it knows its stupid. I do want to read the manga but im aware of its infamy. So im curious cuz i found the anime to be somewhat crazy as well. But lets see how crazy the manga can get
TLDR: If it took itself more seriously it could have something really special. Fun time killer nonetheless. 6/10
ANIME AdventureMetal Fight Beyblade
MOVIE ComedyBakuten!! Movie
- (3.5/5)
Ended inSeptember 27, 2006
Main Studio Toei Animation
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