November 25, 2022
Kicked out by his family and wandering the streets, an unemployed 34-year-old shut-in thinks he’s hit rock-bottom—just as he’s hit and killed by a speeding truck! Awakening to find himself reborn as an infant in a world of swords and sorcery, but with the memories of his first life intact, Rudeus Greyrat is determined not to repeat his past mistakes. He’s going to make the most of this reincarnation as he sets off on the adventure of a second lifetime!
(Source: Seven Seas Entertainment)
Roxy Migurdia
Rudeus Greyrat
Eris Boreas Greyrat
Ruijerd Superdia
Ghislaine Dedoldia
Paul Greyrat
Zenith Greyrat
Aisha Greyrat
Elinalise Dragonroad
Norn Greyrat
Shizuka Nanahoshi
Kishirika Kishirisu
Zanoba Shirone
Linia Dedoldia
Pursena Adoldia
Ariel Asura
Cliff Grimoire
Hilda Boreas Greyrat
Soldat Heckler
Geese Nukadia
60/100It's good but the ritm is very lowContinue on AniListThere will be no spoilers of the following events in the novel so for you who only watched the anime you can read quietly.
Mushoku Tensei is indeed a great mix of emotions for me, I did not like anime very much but I still saw a great potential in the work and I decided to give it a chance and already advancing, despite some caveats, I did not regret it. Mushoku presents us with the story of a 34-year-old man who is expelled from home by his brothers. After that he is run over by a truck and ends up reincarnating in another world but this time he is determined to become a better person.
The synopsis is very common which can disappoint or even alienate people who are already very accustomed to the standard of isekais nowadays, however for Mushoku I say that this lack of expectation is perfect. After 6 volumes I can say that this work is the type that you should read with a low hype because it has a very slow pace. The first three volumes play their part, which is to introduce the characters about Rudeus and teach you a little more about that world, however in the parts of explanation about the world this is done predominantly.
expository. It is not difficult to find entire chapters of a very long Rudeus monologue about concepts and minute details until something really happens, which is quite annoying until you get used to it. Most of this problem is lost after volume 3 which is where the adventure really begins, it has a lot of action scenes and the opportunity to gradually mature the characters, which I will focus on later.
The disaster arc (Basically where the anime ended and volume 3 of the novel) is full of action and as I mentioned it is a adventure where Rudeus and Eris will have to cross the whole world to return home after a mysterious incident. The foundations presented in the initial volumes this time are deepened at times in an expository manner and at other times put into practice (For example in the middle of conflicts or in a specific context where such exposure makes sense).However, the problem of rhythm still remains, even if in a reduced way, which is very disappointing because it is an adventure where a faster and better produced worldbuilding is expected. Volume 4 there are a lot of conflicts compared to previous volumes but this merit is still succinct due to many monologues, but make no mistake, despite being in excess the concepts presented are very important and certainly make you curious to see how it goes evolves over time. I dare say that from volume 5, which is where this bow really pleased me, exciting moments happen and even the action gets more frantic and the development of Rudeus is finally summarized.
Volume 6 is, in fact, the best Mushoku volume bringing new characters and conclusions to those that had already been introduced and also the volume where I favorite Eris. But the conclusion of the arc is unsatisfactory for me, despite bringing what I just mentioned, the conclusion fails to leave too many things open and the worldbuiding is almost non-existent because according to the characters themselves the demonic continent was on the opposite side of the main one (they cut it in the anime), they would basically cross the whole world to get home but you don't feel it, despite the time passing (This is said by the characters with ‘’ A year has passed ’’) you still don’t feel the sense of distance that was promised by them, you don’t know anything about the world beyond the surface layer.
It is possible to count on the fingers of one hand the countries that have really suffered some deepening. An arch of this size having only three volumes is a pity and leaves you with the feeling that something is missing there, as if it had just ended very suddenly. However, don't worry, the adventure will still continue even after volume 6 and this arc did have its ups and downs, but in general I believe it is still worth reading or continue to follow the anime. Finally, I will talk about the two main characters in this arc, Rudeus and Eris. Rudeus is a good protagonist, many of his internal conflicts are explored in this bow like your past in the real world which makes you like him a lot more, obviously the perversions, something that a lot of people hated in the character will continue but on a lower level.
In this part I would like to point out that many of Rudeus’s harassment scenes were exclusive to anime, I have no idea why the management did this. But I have to say, he’s not a saint in the light novel either, for you who didn’t like that, unfortunately you don’t have much to do. He pleased me a lot more than in the anime and I believe that many people will sympathize with the character, but it is clear that he is in the shadow of the most incredible character in this business, Eris. I admit that the only reason I had to read Mushoku was Eris and without her there I probably wouldn't have given the light novel a chance. She has evolved quite of a normal Tsunderê as it was in the anime and many monologues of it add and enrich the character, from its inferiority complex towards Rudeus and her feelings about the future.
The conclusion of volume 6 is carried by the character who surprises the reader with her sincerity in accepting her own talents and resolving to sacrifice so much in order to improve and leave the protection of the person she put on a pedestal Rudeus and instead of being protected this time she wants to protect. I would even talk about the rest of the cast but this review is already getting giant so I will leave the rest so you can see their evolution for yourself, but of course if you still want to know, just ask me later. If you have read so far thank you very much, That is my first review so I was insecure about it, anyway thanks :)
light novels
95/100A beautiful story about a broken man's second chance at lifeContinue on AniListNote: I have read all Light Novel volumes currently released and the Web Novel to Volume 22
This review contains spoilers for the first anime cour and for some plot moments in the novels
Mushoku Tensei, a story I'm sure most people have at least heard of. With the anime about to begin its second cour I'm sure interest and hype in the story has never been higher. But how good is it really? Well, TL:DR in my opinion it's almost perfect.
Mushoku Tensei is the classic Isekai story of a man transported to another world after heroically expending his life to save another, but is it really that simple?
The answer is no, no it's not.
I'm sure everyone who has heard of MT is aware of how divisive it's main character is. Rudeus Greyrat, a man from modern Japan whose past name we are never told, was an extremely toxic and unredeemable man in his previous life.
Was Rudeus a scumbag? Absolutely. Does he change for the better? Absolutely. Does he deserve to be forgiven? That's for you to decide.
A major message I believe is at the core of Mushoku Tensei is that people can change. No matter how irredeemable someone may seem there is a chance for them to turn things around and better themselves.
Something that works greatly to the favor of this is how long a period of time Mushoku Tensei takes place over, to this day MT is the only Isekai that I've seen that begins at the protagonist's rebirth and carries through his life from the beginning.
Every major character that is introduced within the first few volumes will have decades of their lives shown to the reader and it works incredibly well. Rudeus's new father Paul? We see his struggles with raising Rudeus who already has lived longer than he had, and how hard it is to be a parent when your child already knows everything you could teach them. We see his attempts to be a good father backfire several times and his relationship with Rudeus sour to the point of almost being irredeemable. Until major events cause the rift to close and the two to bond as family.
Paul's evolution from young warrior not ready for a family to a man willing to risk everything to reunite his family after the events of the Teleport Incident at the end of cour 1 show how well this method of storytelling can work at making these characters feel realistic and likeable.
This is true for almost every character, due to the nature of the story taking place over several decades the reader becomes extremely attached to the characters and their growth. When an old character is reintroduced it feels like catching up with an old friend, as the reader is told what they've been doing and how they've changed both in character and aesthetic.
Even a character like Orsted, who briefly appeared in cour 1 looking menacing and evil, is much more complex than one may think at first glance.Mushoku Tensei's world building is impeccable, with the novel providing a map of the world with information on where Rudeus several times. Everything in the world makes sense, the magic systems, the politics and the history of the world all feel fleshed out and realistic. Again, due to the passage of time in the story we see as the world around Rudeus changes dramatically. Factions fight one another, new leaders take power, locations appear and disappear, etc.
Now, for a story taking place over several decades we need to have a solid foundation to drive the story, right?
Right. Mushoku Tensei's story is an epic one, that involves a battle against the most challenging enemy of all. Time.
Rudeus & co's time on this world isn't infinite, but the threat that looms against them is. Figuring out how to stop this threat is a major driving point of the series, but the threat isn't all that imminent until the curtain begins to draw on the story.This allows for several volumes that deal with personal issues. For example, one of the major supporting characters is called back to the Kingdom that exiled him to defend it from invaders, with Rudeus being roped in to help in this ordeal. Balancing these sub plots with a looming evil isn't an easy thing to manage, but Mushoku Tensei does manage indeed, without things feeling contrived or forced.
Enough about the plot. How are the novels themselves?
Well, they're well written, with detailed explanations and strong localization by Seven Seas Entertainment. Fight scenes feel varied and descriptive, with the reader able to imagine exactly what happens throughout and the thought processes of the combatant on clear display. Conversations between characters are realistic and not melodramatic. Conflict is resolved through mature discussions and understandings, without pointless contrivances forcing a disagreement to outstay its welcome. The only time I felt this wasn't the case was the LN exclusive (as in, the story wasn't in the WN) Volume 7, which has a character take a misunderstanding way too far with no satisfying conclusion. Hopefully the later LN volumes can see a return of this character with a clear in the air or some kind of resolution to this conflict.
Mushoku Tensei does something I don't see very often in Isekai. It actually deals with the problems and issues that were present in its lead character's previous life. Rudeus was, as said earlier, a deeply broken man who lived a life of misery and solitude. The story addresses this. Rudeus comes to terms with what happened in the past and learns to accept that he wasn't a good person, and that things could've turned out differently.
Spoilers for a later event in the Novels
Rudeus is offered the chance to send a letter back to his original world, to be in contact with his previous life's family. In this letter he chooses to apologize for what he was like to his family and let them know what has happened to him, and that he deeply regrets everything he did.
This is seriously impressive to me to how unique it is. The only other isekai I've seen that has the protagonist reconcile with their previous life's issues is Re:Zero, which also handles it extremely well and maturely.In conclusion, should you read Mushoku Tensei? Absolutely. The story is gripping and the characters interesting and unique. Rudeus is a main character that you'll more than likely dislike at first, but end up having a positive opinion of even if you don't want to by the time you're finished. When people say Mushoku Tensei is the top of the cream of Isekai they aren't kidding, and the best part is the story isn't even concluded yet after a 24 volume long Web Novel. So, here's to Mushoku Tensei and it's future. Because personally I am extremely excited how this story will end.
100/100A mensagem de Mushoku TenseiContinue on AniListMushoku tensei é uma obra encantadora, aquele tipo de obra que quando você dá uma chance para a sua leitura ela já te conquista. Seu mundo vasto, culturas de diferentes povos, uma fantasia que dá chance do leitor imaginar mil cenários de uma mesma batalha, com um drama incrível, personagens únicos e a sua lição que ele quer passar, por tantos motivos eu estou escrevendo essa review para explicar como esse incrível universo te prende entre palavras ou animações.
Estamos espectando essa obra através da visão de Rudeus Greyrat, um humano que foi parar em um outro mundo após tentar ajudar uma garota. Diferente de muitas obras que trabalham a mesma temática, MT mostra de forma gradual o crescimento dessa nova vida, com uma mente muito mais velha do que o seu próprio corpo atual aparenta ter.
O diferencial entre esse protagonista para diversos outros apresentados em outros Isekais é a sua constante evolução moral, prezando pelo entendimento que todo mundo pode melhorar e se tornar uma pessoa melhor, mas nunca perfeita e sem seus arrependimentos ou medos.
Ao longo da narrativa começamos a entender um pouco mais sobre o que a obra quer nos mostrar, pessoas imperfeitas, ações irreversíveis, o valor de um relacionamento e por fim como devemos viver a nossa vida ao máximo antes dela acabar. E no final isso é a nossa vida, isso é o poder que Mushoku trás da realidade para a ficção.Sendo encantado pelo seu universo versátil, mostra o respeito que o autor teve ao trabalhar isso, são culturas muito diversas entre si, e o mais interessante disso tudo é que cada uma tem a sua própria língua ou maneiras de se comunicar. Cada lugar tem a sua história, tem um passado alí, não foi construído magicamente para se passar uma aventura.
Com monstros diferentes, pessoas diferentes, lugares diferentes, podemos ver como o protagonista vai crescendo com isso, amadurecendo com os seus erros, criando laços com outras pessoas de outras culturas, o que faz refletir muito com a nossa vida cotidiana, ir para lugares, conhecer pessoas, e se aperfeiçoar a cada dia é algo que mantemos vivo. Os preconceitos de raça, condições ou religião é algo que nos faz pensar, é a realidade na ficção.Mushoku tensei nos mostra muito bem como se expressar é algo complicado, e que pode por muitas das vezes complicar uma situação que poderia ser tranquila. Nada vem do nada, sempre é uma explosão, algo que já vem se acumulando, e que na hora de sair vem da pior forma ou da única forma que você imagina. Ouvir falas maldosas, criar suas próprias impressões, se aprisionar em um casulo, estar dentro de um conflito interno ou sobre pressão de determinada situação e querer apenas não existir após uma situação infeliz da vida, isso o que prende o leitor, isso é algo que nos identificamos, isso é a nossa vida nos personagens. Assim como partes negativas da vida, felicidade de ter uma família, formar amizades valiosas, crescer pessoalmente e profissionalmente, existe uma outra cara metade. O que aquilo antes era algo sem importância hoje é valioso, o que vemos como sem sentido agora é o que daríamos a nossa vida para preservar. O que eu mais aprendi com Mushoku é que assim como podemos nos expressar muito mal, podemos ter vivências incríveis se relacionando, ter medo disso é ir contra o que a obra nos quer mostrar: Viver o máximo que der, temos apenas uma vida, não é mesmo?
Essa obra fala muito do protagonista, mas é através dela que conseguimos enxergar muita coisas do nosso proprio dia a dia, é uma obra que mudou visões minhas e que me incentivam para diversas coisas, de fato um aprendizado a cada dia com ela. Eu poderia focar sobre as lutas, como X personagem é com outro Y personagem, mas no fim tudo se resume a isso que eu falei, na minha opinião. Obrigado por terem lido até aqui.
NOVEL ActionSaihate no Paladin
NOVEL AdventureKumo desu ga, Nani ka?
NOVEL ActionYoujo Senki
NOVEL AdventureLeadale no Daichi nite
NOVEL ActionIsekai Goumon Hime
NOVEL AdventureTensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken
- (4.4/5)
Ended inNovember 25, 2022
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