February 11, 2010
49 min
Hinako returns to our TV screens, this time showing us how to sleep.
Mai Kadowaki

Not available on crunchyroll
45/100Not quite as good as either "Training with Hinako" or "Bathtime with Hinako"Continue on AniListTraining with Hinako sold really well, selling out on release day, so Studio Hibari, the company behind the first OVA, decided to make a sequel to capitalize on the first, releasing it a quick 7 months after the first. This time around, instead of exercise, you're now falling asleep with Hinako, assuming that you're all tired out from the exercises from the first one. Or you're watching her as she sleeps, depending on what you're doing under those bed covers of yours.
Much like the first OVA, Sleeping with Hinako is a few bits of original animation, like Hinako talking to you while you're both in bed, a few moments from the first OVA followed by on a scale to see if she's losing the weight, to her brushing her teeth, her dreaming about snacks, and her getting up to go to the fridge to get snacks, only for you to catch her in the act. But most of it is reused animation, mostly of Hinako sleeping (obviously). It doesn't look bad, but you can tell the budget went into a few of the scenes, and then some of it was copy and pasted until they had something long enough to press to a DVD.
It doesn't even have the interactivity of the first one. I imagine that this was released on an even tighter schedule to try and get something released to capitalize on the success of the first one. I guess you could call it a step down, but there wasn't much going on in the first one, so it's more like shuffling in place then a step down.
There isn't too much to say about this one. Once you've read the description, you've got the gist of the OVA is about, and it's pretty obvious what this is and what it's trying to do from the DVD cover alone. I guess if you're a big fan of "Training with Hinako", then this is for you. But for me, it's the weakest of the three Hinako OVAs. It has a few cute moments here and there, with the going to the fridge in the middle of the night being the best part, but most of it is just watching the same animation of someone sleeping.
All of this sitting in silence watching this makes me wonder the logistics of the world, if more people have been sucked into this anime world, or if Hinako is the only. I was so underwhelmed with this that my brain started trying to figure out the logic behind it just so my brain had something to do.
44/100An anime that breaks conventions.Continue on AniListDo you want a Friend? Well, how about sleeping with a friend, instead? This anime is made to be slept with!
Sure, there are many people who "watch" anime in background, but this goes a step further, the anime itself is made such as you can go to bed with Hinako and have her waking you in the morning.
You may think "how? that's just 49 minutes long, I sleep longer than that", but you are slightly mistaken, fella, 49 minutes is just the animated minute count, is what you get if you rip the DVD, that's not the real anime duration. Check the website: you can watch this anime from 6 hours to 8 hours, also having options for modes that can further customized to fit your sleeping habits.
Well, why would someone animate an anime like that? Why going to the work of making a DVD with variable-duration just for to be slept with? Some said it's to aid those with insomnia, but I guess people are just horny and want to sleep with a barely clothed 2D girl.
You EVEN have options to choose how she is going to sleep! Like, do you want her to wake you up in the middle of the night, you can. You just want to sleep with her? That's fine too. Surely, that's nowhere as close as the real thing, but if there are people willing to pay a lot to talk with an AI, why not give Hinako a chance to aid them with their loneliness?
Surely an anime that breaks conventions: conventions on how to watch an anime, conventions on what's the duration of an episode, one that can be customized and adapt to one's needs. Surely, most people who ever watched this anime probably never bought the DVD and never knew about those extra features, but, if nowadays are still people trying to sell solutions from loneliness using non existent characters, like our friend Hinako, maybe this anime was more than just a boring anime about watching a girl sleep. Many people may have watched her because of her boobs, but she is more than her looks, she, at least in her website, was born to help those with insomnia, and, that's great!
I watched it twice, first time out of curiosity, without knowing her history. The second time, on the other hand, was to give her a chance to do her job, of sleeping with those who need her, for those who probably only knew her from her looks. I spent hours working on that, properly translating things people felt unnecessary because "is just some ecchi anime" and allowing her to sleep soundly and properly.
Will Hinako be remembered from just her looks or from the friend she was meant to be? Not an AI spying on you but a companion to sleep alongside those who just want some company. And why not a pretty one, right? Time will tell.
TV SHORT RomanceMakura no Danshi
OVA EcchiG-Taste (2010)
- (1.95/5)
Ended inFebruary 11, 2010
Main Studio Studio Hibari
Favorited by 31 Users