April 2, 2011
24 min
Moritaka Mashiro and Akito Takagi are pretty much foils of each other. Mashiro, an average 9th grade student but talented artist, and Takagi, an overall advanced 9th grader and aspiring writer. After great convincing, Takagi convinces Mashiro to join him in becoming the greatest mangakas Japan has ever seen. Takagi, with his gift of writing, hopes to become a successful mangaka, and Mashiro, with his gift of art, hopes to marry the girl of his dreams, Azuki Miho.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Moritaka Mashiro
Atsushi Abe
Akito Takagi
Satoshi Hino
Eiji Niizuma
Nobuhiko Okamoto
Kazuya Hiramaru
Masakazu Morita
Miho Azuki
Saori Hayami
Kaya Miyoshi
Sayuri Yahagi
Shinta Fukuda
Junichi Suwabe
Akira Hattori
Kentarou Tone
Yuriko Aoki
Ayako Kawasumi
Kouji Yoshida
Takehito Koyasu
Nobuhiro Mashiro
Kenji Hamada
Yujiro Hattori
Hirofumi Nojima
Miyuki Azuki
Kikuko Inoue
Aiko Iwase
Ayumi Fujimura
Hisashi Sasaki
Kenyuu Horiuchi
Gorou Miura
Daisuke Kirii
Yoshihisa Heishi
Shinji Kawada
Takuro Nakai
Tomoyuki Shimura
Mina Azuki
Rina Hidaka
Koji Makaino
Shoutarou Morikubo
Souichi Aida
Yuuto Kazama
Hideto Takarai
Masahiro Mashiro
Hidenari Ugaki
Hidemitsu Ishizawa
Kouki Miyata
Fumi Mashiro

Not available on crunchyroll
85/100A mandatory watch for those who aspire to work in the manga industry, or not.Continue on AniListThis review focuses on the first season of the series Bakuman. This review is spoiler-free.
Have you ever stayed up late at night or pulled an all-nighter to finish schoolwork? How did you feel? Good, joyous?? In truth, you didn’t feel any of that. You felt Satisfaction. Turning in that assignment you spent all night trying to complete. Watching your teacher grade it then hand it back to you with a smiley face and an A+ made you want to take an arc position clutching your fist in one hand; the paper in the other screaming “YESSS, LETSS GOOO'' right? You felt like your seeds of hard work had ripened into a tree because of the amount of time you put into finishing that work. In that moment, even for a little. You felt real satisfaction. The same can be said for manga creators, but these authors have 10 daily packets they have to pull many all-nighters for in order to complete. Even if they started their work early in the morning! They have to spend their whole day planting their seeds and doing back-paining work that they don’t even know will get full points just to make an appeal to a certain demographic, something for one of us to read in order to take our mind away from the grueling problems of this society and unironically enjoy.
Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata. Two obscure names at first glance, but their work is very far from the word ‘bad’ or ‘garbage’.
Ohba and Obata put very grueling work to make all their series succeed. Their most popular series is titled..
Death note.
A classic that many high tier anime connoisseurs indulge in. A series that many enjoyor respectand recommended to all whether they have watched 500 anime or are starting their anime journey with 1.
Death note has had many people feel different. Whether that be getting hype or angry, as a whole the industry enjoys it. The moments in the anime itself might be worthy tenfold of the hype they receive now, even when the show ended over a decade and a half ago, many people still enjoy it as their go-to healing watch or just a mood with the actions the characters do throughout the series.I consulted a friend known within the AL community about his thoughts on the series:
Phineas: Very intriguing, catchy, and lets loose from the get-go, and doesn't hold back until the infamous episode 25. The only flaws IMO were that some ideas could've been further explored in the second part of DN (post-episode 25).But some fans of the series ask a few questions..
Like “How did you know death note was a hit?” “How long did it take for the anime to blow up?”
Instead of a QnA bringing all of these questions to light or a podcast, Tsugumi and Takeshi gave us 75 episodes stretched across 3 seasons to answer all of the questions and even more with the title Bakuman.Story:
Bakuman is about middle schooler boy Mashiro Moritika. He goes to school, passing his days by, uncertain of what to do with his life. Mashiro has a crush on the girl in his same class, Azuki. His uncle made manga and got a popular title and an anime adaptation but died due to overwork. Ever since then, Mashiro scorned the idea of becoming a mangaka or making manga. Even though he had good drawing talent. One day in class, Mashiro draws sketches of Azuki in his notebook. Class bell rings. Flustered; Mashiro shoves the notebook into his desk and quickly goes home. Just to come back to the school to get it. There, he meets Takagi.
Smartest in the class and highest scorer on tests, Takagi flips through the pages in Mashiro’s notebook to find the sketch of Azuki. Mashiro tries to grab it from him because he thinks Takagi might disapprove of his goal but then there, he tells Mashiro that he will only give the notebook back if he makes manga with him.
This is their journey to become the most popular mangaka’s.
In the later seasons of the anime, the story becomes more pumped and enjoyable. We learn more about the past of each character and other competitors that compete with one another hoping to make it big in the manga industry. This anime is a warning of a double edged sword if you want to devote your life to making manga.. If you were to choose to go into manga for a living, it can procure a stable living and you can find rivals that will pump you up to push past your limits, but people with immense talent can crumble faster than you imagine. And if you are going into the manga industry half-assed, you wil crumble faster than them.
If there was something I would take away from this anime, it’s that hits or popular manga’s don’t come easy.Art:
For me, I really enjoyed the art. The series felt like homage to other popular manga creators. Often showing the workplace of other mangaka’s or workplaces with books or posters lodged into their bookshelves or walls as-well as the sketches on paper and the anime in anime . Those small details really put a smile on my face while watching. The art and the amount of detail put into small things nobody really cares about (but me) really heightened the watching experience. Same thing goes with the landscape and characters. Nothing special about em’ design wise but they only helped the watcher enjoy his experience more. (still me)
I enjoyed the sound. BGM and op/ed for example. In S1 the BGM near the end of the episode was re-used a-lot. But regardless of sound being reused or not still heightened my experience and brought that extra suspense or hype factor. The opening and ending choice was phenomenal. Was really singing that Blue Bird opening low-key. The opening was good too. But not on the same level as the ending. (for me.)
Later in the other seasons they switch up the music choice a little and up the quality, and that really heightens the experience more. This is why you see more favourites catered toward the second and third season then the first.Enjoyment: (so far)
Currently I am on the beginning episodes of season 3 on the anime. Bakuman has really been a fun ride and the anime reeks of the words 'perseverance’ and to never give up. Things don’t go your way? Revise and make it go that way.In conclusion, Bakuman is a must watch for those who aspire to become mangaka’s and who don’t.The anime has other things to reel you in with even while also giving you tips and tricks of the manga industry. It’s an indirect way that Ohba and Obata gave us information from their experiences while also having you see Takagi and Mashiro’s journey and their experiences.. I have no intention of becoming a mangaka in the future but my respect for manga creators grew by ALOT. The manga industry is just like the rap industry. You make music with intentions of it getting popular or it becoming a hit just for it to get 1k streams and have nobody talking about it. Or you get a hit by getting memed and then going back to the usual 1,000~ plays.
I originally thought manga was easy and you could make a hit from thin air, but a lot of things happen before us, the general public even get to see it.
All you have to do when you’re at the front desk for a manga publishing company is say..
“I watched bakuman, and rewatched it too.”
receptionist instantly let’s you through
You’ll learn alot about the manga industry by watching 75 24-minute episodes, even if you don’t want to have a career as a mangaka Bakuman. doesn’t make it’s entire focus just that. These 75 episodes are highly important assets to assist your journey of aiming to become a popular mangaka. You could be an editor who cultivates talent from newbies; assistant helping mangaka’s with their recent serializations; or receptionist at the front desk welcoming immense talent to the place where they’re name will be etched into the wall as real legends.
Bakuman has it here in store for you.
no rough draft again. C h r o m e b o o ksharkydy
80/100Following Your Passion, not something everybody can do...Continue on AniListWhat anime does the ABSOLUTE BEST at is creating tales about the passions of youth... and no I'm not talking about freaking sex. Sports anime like Major about the lifelong passion to make it big in the professional baseball world to anime about wanting to become a supermodel like Smile Down the Runway use real world very RELATEABLE passions and make turn them into inspirational and emotional anime with a sprinkle of romance and humor here and there.
And I eat it up.
Every. Single. Time. Whether or not I have the same passion.But Bakuman does something exceptional, even within its genre. Whether its because the struggles within the manga industry is explored very realistically and the hard truths exposed like its nothing, or whether its the willpower of the two protags Mashiro and Takagi to become mangakas despite the harships, or whether its because despite the odds placed so severely against them they still get back up every time, Bakuman truly speaks to us as a society where the truth is: you rarely fulfill what you wish for so much in life. People rarely pursue their dreams. That's the reality now. It's just.. too hard.
Now, I watched Bakuman last year so the specifics of the plot you probably can't take for accurate, so I will try my best to keep it general.
Art: obviously unique and that's ALWAYS,,, ALWAYS welcome in anime, because it adds so much more to the personality of the anime and often creates much more of a lasting impression.
Romance: Done masterfully, despite being a small part. 'Middle school crushes are truly nostalgic!!!!!!!' is what this anime tells us. Dynamics are more realistically portrayed than your typical romance anime, so for those who crave something other than the dumb funny blushing...
For the artists out there: MANGA MAKING IS TRULY SO SATISFYING AND THE ABSOLUTE BEST. Peak creativity. Manga art is so unique, seriously a medium of its own. For those who are aspiring mangakas and those who enjoy manga, the process of manga making and the manga industry itself is truly a sight to behold. Incorporated very well into the plot.
Highs and lows: Tailored for maybe not everybody BUT until you feel like dropping the anime, PLEASE PLEASE start it. There will be highs . Both in plot and in your own emotions. The anime reels you in from the start, but where the journey takes you, you will have to decide if it's to your tastes or if the journey is too important that your tastes don't matter. Two human beings' journey through life, truly.
And a personal statement hah: This anime along with Parasyte were my first venture into anime after a 3 whole year pause and got me back into the anime scene. For that I am infinitely grateful.
70/100The closest look at the manga industry I've ever seen.Continue on AniListThis is my anicord community special contract for fall 2024. Thank you for the contract!
I loved Bakuman from start to finish! I cant wait to get to seasons 2 and 3. The show excels in many aspects, but for sure its strongest is the manga making process. I make manga at home, and Bakuman really has taught me a few things about how to create (such as the specifics of dip pens and the name making process); not to mention, it's also given me motivation after every episode to continue writing and drawing because "good manga will get serialized." The intimate view we get at the manga industry, not only with the editorial staff, but also with the reception of manga, is outstanding. I truly grew to look at things like an editor, and understand why the manga we read today is the way it is. Anyone even remotely interested in shonen jump should read/watch bakuman. Theres nothing out there as close and personal to the process as this (from what ive seen).
I truly was able to engage with the cast too! I loved Mashiro, Takagi, Azuki, Miyoshi, Hattori, Eiji and on and on. Every character was great (even Nakai, however down bad he is). Going in, I didnt think Id be able to really attach to Mashiro and Azuki's relationship, but the anime left me pleasantly surprised. It isnt the best in the world, at least thus far, but its more than compelling enough for me to root for the both of them.
There are a lot of good moments in Bakuman: Kawaguchi Taro's advice, recognizing that Muto are gamblers, Miyoshi, Mashiro's call with his dad, and so much more. My favorite moment thus far was when Niizuma Eiji tells the Muto pair that he simply thinks of the characters being alive and what they would do in the story to create the next chapter. That really struck a chord with me, since I've done the same!
I loved the openings and endings, and ESPECIALLY the leitmotifs in the soundtrack. It felt super homey and lighthearted. And ive wanted a show like that for a while. Its serious, but not brooding. Its exciting and optimistic, but remembers that making manga isnt sunshine and rainbows. I would like a biiiit more focus on that. I was glad that Mashiro felt like shit about his art, because all artists do for a long time. I just wish his art wasn't so good to begin with! Then we could see his growth as an artist, and not just a mangaka! But these are just nitpicks in the end lol.
Going forward, I'd like to see more focus on the voice acting side, the serialization, and the anime industry. If it gets even half as much attention as the manga editorial staff got this season, I know ill be in for a ride. This ones a strong recommend from me!! It isnt the deepest thing in the world, and doesnt challenge any societal norms, but its just flat out fun! And if youre an artist and mangaka like me, you'll have a lot to like here.
Onwards to the next season!!
ANIME ComedyComic Girls
ANIME DramaChihayafuru
ANIME AdventureEizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na!
ANIME DramaChihayafuru 3
ANIME ComedyKakushigoto
ANIME ComedyNami yo Kiitekure
ANIME DramaFune wo Amu
- (3.95/5)
Ended inApril 2, 2011
Main Studio J.C.STAFF
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