May 22, 2013
Kanna who usually enjoys being at the top of her class is outscored by one point on the first aptitude test of her high school career by the high-level kuudere/low-level dandere Yuu. Unlike Kanna, Yuu is naturally talented and couldn't care less about getting high scores, so she throws away her test immediately after after getting it. This incredibly bothers Kanna, who then in front of the class, scolds Yuu for throwing away her "symbol of how hard she worked". This gesture of kindness(??) causes Yuu to fall for Kanna. And of course, all unbeknownst to Kanna, who's all about herself anyway.
Note: Chapter count includes 14 extra chapters
Kanna Kirigami
Yuu Hazaoka
Akatsuki Hodaka
Rika Komamonoya
Chihaya Kusakabe
Miyako Tokitou
65/100Really sweet and funny first volume, immediate degradation past thatContinue on AniListNotes:
- This review doesn't contain spoilers beyond a broad description of the horrible romantic evolution
- This review was meant to be a note, but it became far too unwieldy for AniList's current note pop-up. You'll have to pardon the unfiltered janky nature of it, but at least you get my authentic writing style!
Volume 1
Practically FANTASTIC, it's almost as cute as Super Secret (my favorite static work) with an art and writing style as pleasant as Nichijou (my favorite animated work), and it has a great name, and practically exactly my kind of humor!! I mean "furiously cut off from the rest of the class", "Shoot for the incinerator! (Exciting!!)"?? What kind of genius thinks of that stuff?! Me!! I do that!!
The art style is so incredibly cozy, which really complements the sweet nature of the story and characters. I think Kanna is a fantastic main character as she tries to figure out Yuu in this volume, and the four stooges are great add-ons that really lighten the whole thing up
Before moving on to the second volume I reread the volume three times (at a rate of like 3 minutes per panel), probably would be my favorite piece of media if it kept its pace (T-T)
Instant failure (volume 2 and 3)
Volume 2 was the immediate switch to hard yuri (as opposed to the light yuri it was before, as stated in the post-volume author notes)... Now, if you're any sane person like me you'll notice that that sounds horrible!!- and you're right, for the wrong reasons! What this change introduced was every boring trope in the high school comedy romance playbook, and totally diluted every character by putting them aside for nonsensical drama or seriously disinteresting side-characters with one character trait.
The main duo? The four stooges? Yeah no forget those guys and their character development, just throw in some garbage throwaways and give everyone a crush for drama for no reason! It's crazy how little character development happens!! Hell, they barely even bring up older character development, it's all just thrown away for nothing!!
This might be just a reflection of other aspects, but the art style died too!! Instead of being nice cozy detailed pages of three or so panels, it's now like six panels per page that look like..- well, not trash, but not fun either!! The humor faces the same problem, though the humor was pretty tied to the art style...
The ultimate state of romance (review exclusive!)
The ultimate state of the romance nonsense is trash, I'd say!! After the first volume it's either totally baseless (disinteresting, boring) romance or just fan service -- I mean, they turn the most innocent characters into overbearing tactless flirts instead of properly developing their relationships!! Why?! I mean I get that the whole GL community is wild over there in Japan, but I honestly don't get how anyone could prefer degradation over growth like that... (Actually, this might be why it has such a low score...)
Final thoughts (review exclusive!)
I would love to touch on some of the more horrible crimes it commits (some of the fan service the series ends on as well as the horrible character polls), but they're really just too awful to mention (I have a very low tolerance for pervy garbage)... but uh yeah this was really disappointing!! Like, super disappointing!
But... how can you tell how you'd like it? Well, here's my recommendation criteria:
- Volume 1: Nichijou (anime), soft-hearted humor with a warm art style
- Volume 2: Toradora! (anime), the complete degradation of characters
- Volume 3 (and extras): Toradora! and Whisper Me a Love Song (manga), the complete degradation of characters in favor of salacious garbage
I realize that this criteria's pretty biased (I dislike TD and WMLS), but it probably holds strong? Let me know!
I'll probably never forgive the high school comedy romance genre for this
MANGA ComedyKareshi Kanojo no Jijou
MANGA ComedySchool Zone
MANGA ComedyAme demo Hare demo
MANGA ComedyHoshikuzu Telepath
- (3.35/5)
Ended inMay 22, 2013
Favorited by 39 Users