August 31, 2017
When the two were still young, Saito and Kawana Subaru were close friends. But with Subaru coming from a wealthy family, she was sent to the top school while Saito had to settle for regular education.
But after painfully studying for years, he was finally accepted as a high school freshman through a scholarship program that only a handful of students are awarded. But what Saito thought was going to be a heartwarming reunion turned out horrible. Subaru had grown up beautiful and was the most popular person in school as she was kind to everyone, all except towards Saito who she seemed to despise.
Almost regretting his decision to come to the school, Saito wishes that somehow their dorm rooms would connect to each other. Magically, because it turns out that Subaru wished the same thing, their wish comes true but, in return, Subaru loses her self-control for one hour per day. During that time, her erotic desire for Saito, which she can normally hide, comes pouring out and her true intentions are revealed.
He wants to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime chance but doing so might jeopardize their relationship during the other 23 hours.
Subaru Kawana
Akira Saito
Ura no Kami
55/100Kimi wa Midara na Boku no Joou a good erotic comedy? (FR/ENG review)Continue on AniListHello! Here is my first review (be indulgent), the first part is in French but I do a recap in English at the end. Good reading and a good day^^
Kimi wa Midara na Boku no Joou (que l'on peut traduire plus ou moins sous le nom de "Vous êtes Indécente ma reine") est une comédie érotique, seinen parue entre 2012 et 2017, elle est écrite par Lynn Okamoto (Elfen Lied) et dessinée par Mengo Yokoyari. En Europe vous pourrez retrouver l'oeuvre sous le nom de "No Control!" qui lui va pas si mal.
(French part)
Le pitch de base:
Le manga possède une histoire simple, Akira Saito le protagoniste a tout fait pour rejoindre la prestigieuse université de son premier amour et amie Subaru Kawana. Problème la voilà devenue une tsundere au coeur de pierre qui refuse de lui parler ou d'entretenir une relation amicale. Dévasté Akira perd tout espoir mais un beau jour ses camarades de classe parlent d'une rumeur, un dieu de la contrepartie pourrait effectuer des souhaits. Dans un dernier recours il effectue la formule et voila désormais que sa chambre est reliée à la l'appartement de Subaru, on apprend qu'elle a elle-même formulé le souhait et que le dieu de la contrepartie ne demande qu'une chose en retour, une heure de self-control par jour... Mon avis personnel:
Je suis tombé sur ce manga par pur hasard dans les bacs d'occasion de ma librairie favorite, je l'ai même acheté sans savoir qu'il s'agissait d'une comédie érotique...(la bonne blague).
Mais finalement ma lecture ne fut pas si mauvaise (quelle chance...) je devrais peut-être plus m'intéresser à ce genre en particulier qui sait?Les dessins:
Ce qui m'attire souvent le plus ce sont les dessins, ici je trouve le boulot de Mengo Yokoyari joli mais parfois répétitif, c'est agréable à regarder mais de temps en temps on retrouve trop certains dessins qui semblent copier-coller (du moins c'est mon ressenti). Bien sûr vu qu'il s'agit d'une oeuvre érotique l'accent est mis sur les scènes sexuelles qui ne sont pas ici du genre Hentai (aucune partie génitale, des scènes courtes, ect...) mais qui je trouve sont très intéressantes car elles ne sont jamais trop trash et laissent une grande partie à la suggestion.
Le scénario:
Ici par contre c'est légèrement plus casse-gueule, je sais que ce genre d'oeuvre n'est pas souvent écrit vis-à-vis de cela mais il faut reconnaitre que le scénario a toujours son importance (sinon autant se faire un Hentai). Dans Kimi wa Midara na Boku no Joou l'histoire reste simple, on va suivre les personnages dans leur périple amoureux (et sexuel) avec dans le rétroviseur la dette au dieu de la contrepartie et les embuches qui s'avancent face à l'amour des deux personnages. Le problème c'est que j'ai trouvé l'ensemble linéaire et prévisible il n'y a pas beaucoup de prises de risque et la comédie elle est bien présente à quelques moments mais honnêtement vous n'allez pas vous taper des barres là-dessus. In fine ce n'est pas désagréable à lire c'est juste moyen, ne vous attendez pas à du grand scénario, sans l'aspect sexuel... on se ferait chier c'est clair.
Les personnages:
Akira (ou Aki) et Subaru, voilà nos deux protagonistes, le premier est un lycéen qui a travaillé très dur pour rejoindre sa bien-aimé Subaru dans son Lycée de bourg, l'autre est une lycéenne très studieuse au comportement de Tsundere et qui cache toute une partie obsédée sexuelle de sa personnalité. Ces personnages sont clairement taillés à l'image du scénario, ils ne sont pas mal écrit mais très simples, un peu génériques sur les bords. Mais au moins ils sont faits pour ce scénario et c'est déjà pas mal. Non le réel problème de ce manga sur les personnages c'est vis-à-vis des personnages secondaires, ils sont rares, transparents et ne posent jamais de réels soucis. Il n'y a pas de réel antagoniste, de personnage qui ferait vraiment bouger la situation et qui aurait pu ramener plus de "comédie" dans le panier ( une amie qui serait aussi amoureuse de aki par exemple ou simplement une connaissance des deux personnages).
Kimi wa Midara na Boku no Joou c'est une comédie érotique basique mais qui peut se montrer efficace, si vous cherchez quelque chose de "magistral", "d'innovant" que ce soit de la part du scénario ou des personnages alors fuyez, mais si vous voulez avoir une lecture érotique aux accents pervers alors vous êtes au bon endroit. Je ne suis pas déçu ni de mon achat ni de ma lecture mais je ne peux pas m'empêcher de relever les points négatifs de l'oeuvre ce qui justifie cette note plutôt moyenne.(English part)
I found this manga by pure accident in the second-hand boxes of my favourite bookshop, I even bought it without knowing that it was an erotic comedy...(the good joke).
But in the end, my reading wasn't that bad (what luck...) maybe I should be more interested in this particular genre, who knows?The reading wasn't bad, but the erotic comedy does its job more on the erotic aspect than on the comedy, thanks to the nice drawing of Mengo Yokoyari (even if they are sometimes repetitive). The scenario is simplistic without taking risks and so are the characters, here it will be up to you to see if this disturbs you or not. My only big black point is the lack of interesting secondary characters,it could have brought more comedy precisely...
In conclusion,
Kimi wa Midara na Boku no Joou is a basic erotic comedy but it can be effective, if you're looking for something "masterful", "innovative" either from the script or the characters then run away, but if you want to have an erotic read with perverse overtones then you're in the right place. I am not disappointed with either my purchase or my reading, but I can't resist pointing out the negative points of the book, which justifies this rather average score.Thanks to your reading.
Merci de votre lecture.
1/100Wants to be emotional, romantic, philosophical, and erotic. Fails at all of the above.Continue on AniListThis review contains spoilers. Though, in all honesty, spoiling yourself with this review will probably be a far better experience than reading the manga. Also, the manga may as well be awful hentai (it's trying to tred that middle ground between pure sex scenes and having a story), but the author seems to have wanted to make it an actual (equally awful) story, so I'm going to review it as such. If you're just looking for hentai, well, I think many other series would better serve you, but You Are Indecent is well drawn, so there's that. If you want an erotic romance, there are more than enough options to not stoop to this level. Heck, the author's other sex fantasy, Parallel Paradise, is better, though still godawful in a I-need-to-scrub-this-off-my-skin kinda way.
The premise of You Are Indecent, My Queen is a pretty standard hentai setup. Akira Saito is a pretty normal dude, his childhood friend Subaru Kawana is rich. She goes off to some expensive school, he works his ass off to be accepted on a scholarship. When Saito arrives, he's surprised to find she treats him coldly, until the two's dorm rooms are magically connected by a wish-granting god, for the price of one hour of Subaru's self control each day. As it turns out, Subaru is a pervert who flicks it constantly (if you miss that part of the premise, don't worry- the manga will repeat that tidbit every few chapters). Subaru's been nursing a bit of pent-up horniness for Saito, and the two get it on like rabbits because without self control, Subaru's just sexual desire incarnate, I guess? Obviously truly consensual sex has no place in a recent Okamoto Lynn manga. That's the manga, folks!
Okay, fine, there's some other stuff. There's a mini-arc where Subaru's got to learn this thing called the self control to not flick it twenty times a day (and doesn't) and another where her father needs some company funds so he sells her hand in marriage off to another rich dude who monologues about having sex with young girls. Saito responds to that by basically going "I'm gonna be a man and find a way to solve this myself!", and then solves it by taking out a loan from the god at the cost of his self control for his entire life. The god doesn't even actually take the loan payment, and just goes "eh, their love (read: continual sex) is pure, I could never get in their way". Then, the manga finally, mercifully, ends.I've read crappy ten page doujins with better writing than this heap of garbage. In all honesty, this wouldn't be good even if read solely for the purpose of trying to get off to it. If that's your intent, go pick some random doujin or hentai, you'll probably get more out of it. What exactly makes You Are Indecent, My Queen so bad, though?
Well, first off, the characters are pretty awful. Subaru has like one personality trait, and that is horny. She flicks it dozens of times a day, and even multiple times when sick, which the author seems to think the readers need to be reminded of every couple chapters. Like, yeah, I get it, she's horny. We established that with the fact that most of the manga is sex or masturbation scenes. Every other page, we're reminded that Subaru is horny or that Saito is horny. Personally, my attention span is longer than two pages, but I guess that's good for the short-term amnesiacs trying to understand what's going on. The manga slaps you upside the head with "look, sex!" to the point I'm not sure why the author didn't just write a generic piece of hentai and bill it as such. Oh, wait, he did. It's called Parallel Paradise, and it's also not good, but at least Parallel Paradise is more of a normal bad sex fantasy and not pretending to be a decent manga the way You Are Indecent does.
Saito, the other main character, is also pretty flat. He is a hentai trope, and that's basically all he is. Yippee-kai-yay. He may as well be a sex toy with the ability to take out loans from gods, for all the interest he is. What a knight in shining armor, this mildly bent branch with a twig attached.
Speaking of gods, let's talk about the god who's the slightly less horny driving force behind the "plot". He switches between being a pillow and a willowy early 2000's shoujo hot guy, who you half expect to pop up in a window with a rose in hand and go "ah, yes, the sun rises" or something equally dumb. I'm honestly not too sure why he spends his time connecting horny teenagers' rooms or why he takes self control as payment, unless he just likes watching them have sex? Maybe I missed it, because honestly I didn't read too deeply into the manga, but good lord does it feel like he has no point other than being a plot device. I'm not ignoring the fantasy aspects, but having the god actually be Eros or whatever and needing more passionate sex in the world to avoid disappearing seems like a low hanging fruit.
Now, for the rich guy who tries to buy Subaru's hand (he doesn't want the hand, just the sex, we've established that) in marriage, he's a sadly realistic character. Rich guy who wants to have sex with a girl of questionable age (pretty sure Subaru is just barely age of consent in Japan?), and throws money around to do so. Hmm, where have I heard that before? Oh, right, the news, every few months. He's the most boring, typical rapist villain ever, with deep lines such as "spread it" to give the reader a real sense of how gross he is, just in case they didn't read the majority of the manga and just skipped to halfway through a chapter for whatever reason.
Oh, and Subaru's sister pops up pretty much just so the manga can give Subaru the "character development" to... not flick it twenty times a day. Stunning. I had no idea humans could change this much. What a well developed character with complex emotions and beautiful development!
Yes, that was sarcasm.Okay, having the covered the shitty characters, time to get into the "plot". To be honest, there's really not much besides what I said in the summary. Saito and Subaru have sex. Lots of sex. Subaru masturbates to Saito's... boxers, "used" tissues (yup), toothbrush, and pretty much any iota of Saito that could possibly exist in the world, sometimes while in class. They have sex basically around the clock when they don't have class, establishing Saito's tragic backstory as a failed marathon runner. I'm kidding, he doesn't have a backstory to speak of, much less a marathon running one, but what he does have is enough stamina to top the entire Boston Marathon.
I'm pretty sure both Saito and Subaru are 16. So, take that as you will. The nonstop sex scenes and all that are generally somewhat unpleasant even without that, but that's just another level of ick. Speaking of ick, there's also some pretty nasty stuff in said sex scenes, such as one scene where, if I recall correctly, Subaru pisses herself and Saito goes "it's okay, all of your bodily fluids are tasty". So, yeah.
On top of all of that, the manga seems to want to be some sort of sexual Romeo-and-Juliet hallmark of romance. Well, it achieves being like Romeo and Juliet, in the sense that these kids trying to be extreme lovers is nasty, the characters could all use some therapy, I wish they'd all wind up dead on the floor and, much like high school English, you probably won't especially enjoy it.Since the manga is basically hentai, as an aside- the sex scenes are well drawn, and if not for the attempt at plot, it would probably be just another passable hentai. Unfortunately, any eroticism is lost by the fact that there is an attempt to make the story matter and the story is awful.
To be fair, there is one good part of the manga- the art. Yokoyari Mengo, known for Scum's Wish and for doing the art for Oshi no Ko, is a good artist. The art's not as good as Oshi no Ko's, but it looks pretty fantastic. Just not fantastic enough to make up for Okamoto Lynn's story.
Now, since there is actually one other manga I scored a 1/100 (Our Blood Oath), is this worse? Well, yes, honestly. Our Blood Oath is just bad writing, You Are Indecent, My Queen is awful writing that also made me feel like I needed to take a shower.
Overall? I really don't recommend reading this manga. My review may not be well written, but it's a thousand times better than this manga. Flat characters, shitty writing, a failed attempt to make it more than just sex scenes, and overall just plain grossness pervades the story. If you're considering reading it as hentai, really, go find some crappy hentai instead and get the sex scenes without the awful story. If you wanted a romance, well, romance manga come a dime a dozen and there's plenty of good ones out there.
MANGA DramaVelvet Kiss
MANGA ComedyMinamoto-kun Monogatari
MANGA ComedySuki x Suki
MANGA DramaNo Zo Ki A Na
MANGA DramaLust Geass
MANGA AdventureParallel Paradise
- (3.25/5)
Ended inAugust 31, 2017
Favorited by 309 Users