August 12, 2017
One day, ordinary high school student Kogami Kii finds himself caught up in a strange kind of zombie apocalypse, involving 'magic girls.' While idly looking out of the school window, Kii sees what looks like a little girl hitting a teacher, causing his head to explode violently. Convinced he's dreaming, he goes to the restroom to get his act together.
Unfortunately, its not a dream, and he arrives to find the creepy little girl repeatedly saying "magical" as she slaughters his friends and classmates. Soon, Kii and his childhood friend—a quiet, often-bullied girl called Tsukune—are witness to the resurrection of their friends' corpses into a zombie-like murderous mob crying the single word "magical." Now Kii and Tsukune must try to endure with the other survivors, and try to find out what has happened to their world.
(Source: MangaHelpers)
Rintarou Akuta
Kaede Sayano
Hanzawa Yoruka
Fukumoto Tsukune
Kogami Kii
Wataru Himeji
Shirogane Shinobu
Hanakai Mikano
Ren Kushiro
Inui Natsuki
Miki Otsuki
Keito Makabe
Miu Anai
Seichi Fukumoto
100/100Magical Girl Apocalypse - The best manga ever....?Continue on AniList__THIS REVIEW DOES NOT INCLUDE SPOILERS, MAINLY BECAUSE I DO NOT WANT TO SPOIL THE BEST STORY EVER.__ Magical Girl Apocalypse Magical Girl Apocalypse - a manga written by Kentaro Sato, not very known mangaka. Where did you come to us from, Sato? You just showed up one day and started writing the most ingenious story I have ever read in my life. I can not explain how much I love this story, everything in it; the art, the plot, the characters, everything. But because i need to explain, i will try.
One day, a friend of mine said that there was a manga that his cousin made him read, and that I really should give it a try. Since I was not reading manga at the time, I said "Maybe one day," because honestly, I did not really want to but I did not feel comfortable saying it loud.
After a few months he mentioned this manga again, and because we were already in VC, I started reading so that he would be satisfied. I read only four chapters, and was SHOCKED.
The first four chapters did not make too much sense, yeah, but it was so intresting and the art was AMAZING. Every panel in the manga was a delight to the eyes, literally, it was SO good.
But move the art aside, Sato managed to put in so much in just four chapters. You know what, not four chapters - in just two chapters:
A student who lives a normal life, his love, his childhood friend, his friends, DESTROY EVERYTHING. make him meet new people, they become friends, they somehow manage to survive, DESTROY EVERYTHING.I'm going to talk about two things: PLOT, and CHARACTERS.
PLOT The story itself begins strange and unexplained. It seems like they're going to run away and hide in the whole manga, looking for a way to end this situation, but it turns out it lasts like this for exactly two volumes.
From Volume 3 (Chapter 9) the story crosses the point of no return, and at the same time becomes the most complex, ingenious and amazing story I have read in my life.I'm not going to keep talking about it, because these are spoilers, so find out for yourself what I mean.
In addition, Sato himself said that at some point he got a headache from the story10/10
CHARACTERS I did not like the main character, Kogami, so much at first. The truth is that I did not like Kogami for most of the manga, but in Magical Girl Apocalypse nothing lasts too long, because Kogami is among the best written characters i have ever seen.
With all my love for Kogami, I can not even compare him to Akuta. Akuta is without a doubt the best written character ever in my opinion, but I can not talk about it because of spoilers, and believe me that you don't want spoilers for this manga. I'm just saying you have something to look forward to from a horny cop who walks around naked in a mall during the apocalypse, and you have a lot to look forward to.
22/100Magical Girl TrainwreckContinue on AniListSPOILERS BECAUSE WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT SOME... ISSUES
Questionable Choices
Kentaro Sato scares me, for good reason. I am fine with making some characters mascots for your series, but making a corrupt cop who is constantly thinking about raping teenage girls the poster child? Uh, no. Fuck off. To be fair Sato's art is serviceable, good even if I dare say so. Yet he is someone who should never be entrusted with writing the story.
Forgettable Improvised Incoherent Storytelling
I read this in March or so, and I can barely remember the plot. Which is fucking astounding given my photographic memory. A rough outline is as follows. Girls at school, magical zombies attack, oh no! Everyone panic, now survival manga, flee to mall, almost get raped by creepy cop, more magical zombies attack... something... something else... oh female MC is a magical girl. But wait, Sato you stated the zombies were magical girls. No? Well whatever. Action, gore, carnage. Science mumbojumbo that makes me think Sato may be delusional. Try to redeem rapey cop, fail miserably. Apocalypse avoided because more magical girls show up... not the zombie ones... not the human ones... shut up accept it. Think it is ending, but that was just part one. Pray God puts me out of my misery, try to read through this garbage. Somehow becomes less coherent. Oh, witches exist now, don’t ask where that came from, just shut up, accept it. Sergeant Ephebophilia is now a head detective now despite attempting to rape underage girls while on the clock in part one, still into high school girls though. Something about magical girls being born around the world at once? I checked out of the story at this point, I don’t even think Kentaro Sato knew what the fuck he was doing at this point. Drop it, reflect on my actions, try to forget I ever read this garbage… oh that’s why I don’t remember most of it.
For The Love of God, Just Kill Off Rintaro Akuta
Rintaro Akuta is the rapey cop turned hero mentioned in the above summary. I hate him. Certain characters exist to be killed, this is a fact in fiction. One needs to deliver catharsis at some point, especially in an action story. Magical Girl Apocalypse offers no catharsis, the worst scumbag in the series not only survives but thrives. One reads this series hoping Rintaro Akuta is killed off in the most brutal fashion possible, hopefully torn limb from limb. Instead, he becomes the hero of the story. He’s the first to kill a magical zombie girl, the first to figure out how to use the wands. FUCK OFF. No, you cannot do that. Hell, he isn’t even redeemed – he remains a predator throughout the series. Then Sato makes him a head detective in the second part? No. Don’t do that, dear God. Kentaro Sato manages to pull off the opposite of catharsis, each chapter this bastard still lives you become deader inside.
Motherfucker, the Deaf Kid is Evil?
Oh god. Yeah this. Um… as a person with disabilities I think representation is important. So even though I knew this series was a dumpster fire I wanted to see if Sato would at least handle his sole disabled character well. No, he didn’t, he made the big baddie a fucking deaf kid. Jesus Christ man, you lionize the cop who was voted in high school “most likely to become a child predator” and make the quiet deaf kid the main villain? Is Sato saying that being a demented pervert is permissible, but he’ll be damned if the deaf are presented sympathetically. Not only that but the deaf kid is a one-dimensional villain who is only evil to be evil. The story needed a bad guy… but, Kentaro, my brother in Christ, YOU ALREADY HAD A BAD GUY. The cop, Rintaro, is the perfect bad guy and you went out of your way to lionize him. Fine make the deaf kid bad.
Closing Thoughts
For the love of God, don’t read this series. It’s a mess, a trainwreck, an unsatisfactory read that isn’t even so bad that one can ironically enjoy it. Magical Girl Apocalypse is straight up awful. If you want a subversive magical girl experience go read Machimaho, something actually good.
SCORE: 22 out of 100
Story: 1 – Utter trash, I’d rather read a manga based on Mein Kampf
Characters: 1 – Garbage, utter garbage
Visuals: 6 – Kentaro Sato’s only redeeming quality is his art
Enjoyment: 2 – It was entertaining for the first three volumes
Worldbuilding: 1 – There is none
MANGA ActionDolly Kill Kill
MANGA ActionSuicide Girl
MANGA ActionTenkuu Shinpan
MANGA ActionSummer Time Render
- (3.15/5)
Ended inAugust 12, 2017
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