November 24, 2011
- Kamisama ga Miteru (神様が見てる, God is Watching)
Yuuji and Yuki are making their first shrine visit late because Yuuji was busy with work. Together with the fact that the shrine is almost abandoned, the two are the only visitors. As such, they can take this opportunity to showcase their love to the resident diety, a patron for all things couple-related.
- Camping! (キャンプイン!)
After a man was coopted to be a supervisor at a training camp for kids, he didn't expect things to go as well as they did. The three girls he is in charge of; the gentle Kyouko, the lively Narumi, and the serious Tsukasa; are all good kids. Rather, as the camp is approaching its end, he is regretting not getting more skinship with them. Fortunately, Tsukasa invites him to their tent for the last night, apparently having a question for him...
- Awa Joji (泡女児, Bubble Girl)
After Hina suddenly showed up at her boyfriend's, Takkun's, place, soaked from rain, the two for once ended up taking a bath together before having sex, rather than the other way around, which is the usual patter
- Shill x Sakura (サクラ・さくら)
Working as a Shill makes the protagonist feel guilty, so he decides to quit. But before that, he decides to get together with a girl who seems easy. Expecting a university student, as was written in her profile, he is not too pleased when a grade schooler shows up instead. Still, she is pretty cute, and when she starts shouting about wanting to have sex, he has no choice but to acquiesce.
- Energy Drink (エナジードリンク)
A coach has convinced a girl whom he teaches, Nozomi, that drinking his semen is somehow beneficial to her, and so he has been able to make her service him. However, perhaps he will manage to convince her to have sex with him too.
- Shokuyoku no Aki (食欲の秋, The Autumn of Cravings)
A pair of guys befriend a girl with nefarious intentions, and though due to playing with her so much they have come to like her, their desire for her body has not waned. Now, they just have to convince Miho that nude photography is not erotica but art.
- Futari no Batsu Game (ふたりの罰ゲーム, Their Punishment Game)
A group of kids are playing together. Amamiya lost a videogame match, so she has to do a punishment game; she is to go buy drinks in only her raincoat, with nothing beneath. Yuuji, a bit guilty about ganging up with the others on Amamaiya, decides to accompany her. Will the pair return without incident, or will their lust lead them astray?
- Tameshite Kafunshou Taisaku (ためして花粉症対策!, Try Out a Hay Fever Countermeasure!)
Kunugi has a strong hay fever, but fortunately her brother comes to the rescue ... saying his semen will help. Still, just a bit of technobabble is all it takes to convince her like usual. Too bad for him though, their cat opens the door, making Kunugi unwilling to take off her face mask. - Hot Chocolate (ホットチョコレート)
It's Valentine's day, but Hii-kun only got a 10-yen chocolate from his girlfriend, Yacchan. However, that's not for a lack of trying: Yacchan blew all her money on homemade chocolate, only to fail spectacularly. Thankfully, Hii-kun is resourceful, so when he comes over to Yacchan's place, he can not only revive her failed attampts but also use them a bit creatively...
- Megane!! (めがね!!, Glasses!!)
When Shouko and her teacher and boyfriend are hanging out after school, she tells him she might have to wear glasses like him. She decides to try his glasses on, only to soon discover the guy has a huge glasses fetish.
- Konna Koto wa… (こんな事は…, Something Like This Is...)
Ringo came over to her boyfriend's house, but he keeps acting cold, rejecting her advances and instead cleaning his room. However, when she does her best to convey her feeling for him, he is unable to keep distancing himself, and their love turns passionate.
- Sugar☆Spot (しゅがー☆すぽっと)
Ryuu convinces his grilfriend, Erika, to try sex without condom for once, promising to marry her should she get pregnant, safe in the knowledge that she hasn't had her first period yet ... or so he thinks.

Ended inNovember 24, 2011
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