August 22, 2011
If I had stopped drawing when she told me, would I have been able to see?
But then I would've never met Melody...
(Source: Toomics)
So Ri Jeon
Geun Soo Min
90/100Can't See Can't Hear But LoveContinue on AniListHave you ever wondered what would come out of a relationship between a blind and deaf a person? It is a story about a famous manhwa artist that due to overworking has lost his sight and a deaf woman from the orphanage that fell in love with his manhwa. After the series of events, they fell in love with each other and this piece depicted what the daily life of two physically challenged people would be like. The story showed that their love triumphed over their physical limitations in a society that discriminates or does not understand what they have to live with or experience.
The manhwa had a unique story that differs from the common melodramatic love story that is often depicted in manhwas. The best description for the story is a tearjerker, the plot contained a well written story and its inter-connection with the lives of the characters. It was emotionally moving because it shone a light to social topics that are often ignored such as people with disability, discrimination, emotional instability, the care for the elderly and many more.
The premise of the story was creative and different, through the use of topic or concepts that are not usually tackled upon. The overall pacing of the manhwa complimented the story telling aspect. The mood of the story adjusted well depending on the situation, all the scenes of the story from the beginning to the end had a reason for being there. Certain part of the story revealed that everything was related to each other, which added depth to the reading experience. The story had a knack for drawing emotion out of its readers, to have a subtle yet strong connection with the story as a whole. However, one downside after reading the manwha is the unnecessary arc that involves the supporting characters to meddle with the relationship of the two main characters, which in some sense was unneeded or overly emphasized. Another lacking scene was the ending it did not play out how it was supposed to end, it was in a sense forced to have that outcome to end the story with a positive closure or note.
Most of the characters of the story were well written, throughout the story their personalities differed and developed over time. However, two of the supporting characters named Gi Seog and Yun-Jeong that held back the full potential of the story. Within the closing section of the story, these characters suddenly jumped or had spontaneous change which didn’t give sufficient time for development or could have improved how they fleshed out these characters. But overall, it worked out in a sense not only were the characters all had a well-structured in their backgrounds a rollercoaster of emotions.
The art of the manhwa was the most lacking part of the overall content. Reason being the art was rough, simple and sometimes unbefitting in certain situations. The environmental design was limited to just basic shapes and color which is sometimes uncomfortable and at times helpful in setting the mood or inciting emotion to the readers. Another notable factor in the overall art of the manhwa is the chibi or cute style of drawing, which makes it sometimes became unpleasant and annoying to read the somber mood that the story contains. Though these chibi scenes also helped in giving out comedic relief amidst some serious or quiet moments.
Overall, it was an engaging story that drew the readers into wanting to read more. This story surprisingly isn’t as well know as it deserves and has not been picked up for live action.
MANGA ComedyDajeonghan Gyeoul
- (3.8/5)
Ended inAugust 22, 2011
Favorited by 88 Users