August 31, 2008
24 min
The second season of Kodai Ouja Kyouryuu King: D-Kids Adventure.
The Alpha Gang and the Ancients return. While the parents are talking, they are kidnapped by Gunenco, a member of the Zanjark Space Aliens. This causes the Alpha Gang and D-Team to join forces against the Zanjark Space Aliens in their plot to obtain the Cosmos Stones. Seth later returns as an ally to the Zanjark space aliens. Jark, the leader of the Zanjark, provides the dinosaur cards
Malm Tatsuno
Tomoko Kobashi
Rex Owen
Matsuri Mizuguchi
Ryuuta Kodai
Megumi Matsumoto
Misa Watanabe
Dr. Reese Drake
Eri Komiyama
Kenyuu Horiuchi
Dr. Sonoida
Tetsuo Gotou
Asuka Tanii
Daisuke Hirakawa
Kenryu Kodai
Naoya Uchida
Asuka Tanii
Aki Kodai
Chiaki Kanou
Dr Owen
Hiroshi Shirokuma
Yuriko Fuchizaki
Junichi Endou
Anri Katsu
Yasuhiro Mamiya

Not available on crunchyroll
60/100Let's be real, this sequel is lazy.Continue on AniListIf you're here for the score of this review, I scammed it. And there will be spoilers.
I think it’s suffering from Alzheimer's syndrome. Especially, Zoe because she seems to forget about the fact... that she has a Big Foot Assault card (Seismosaurus) and Super Impact card (Supersaurus)! Even though she still uses Metal Wing (Pteranodons) and the old lady still has her Futaba Super Cannon card (Futabasaurus). They're two OP moves yet she never uses them. They could have come in handy for capturing, at least, the first cosmo stone. On the other part, Terry, Spiny, and Tank suck. They were terribly weak, especially in the final battle against the pirates. The only time where one of them shine was the battle between Spiny and Jobaria. Would have been great, if the Alpha Gang became stronger and smarter instead of pretending to be Team Rocket.
Being the second season. It must introduce something new for the battles. In this case, it's a lame one. While in Bakugan: New Vestroia, it introduces traps, mechanical lifeless bakugans, combiners (including the maxus) and battle gears. This series introduces armor (Element Boosters and Spectral Armor). That's it. Upgrades defense and attack, pretty useless when your enemies has one with its own move card! This concept is handle far better in Battle of Giants Dinosaurs DS. Also, there are only 10 armors with their own move card; 6 of them are the same. Where's the creativity? Instead of those, what about introducing other prehistoric creatures. Sure, they aren't dinosaurs, nor the swimming and flying reptiles that were included in Season 1! There could have been awesome battles like:
-Spinosaurus vs Deinosuchus
-Futabasaurus vs Mosasaurus or Kronosaurus
-Pteranodons vs Quetzalcoatlus
-Carnotaurus vs Dimetrodon or Edaphosaurus
-Tyrannosaurus vs Wolly Mammoth
-Saichania vs Megalania or Glyptodon
-Parasaurolophus vs Megatherium
-Everyone vs Megalodon
-Etcétera, etcétera, etcétera.About the story, it has nothing to do with dinosaurs. You can just replace them with monsters or modern animals and nothing will change. They're only relevant in the first episode, when the team time travel in a place where Jurassic and Cretaceous dinosaurs happens to coexist. And featuring a cosmically mystical-looking bird "pterosaur"? Okay. And for the historical accuracies of the setting the characters traveled to. I don't know, I'll leave it to someone else.
Next up is the setting...it's not good. In the first season, the majority of the episodes where spent on different places, although it suffers from the laziness of everyone speaking the same language. In this, it spend 5-6 episodes on each place, and there are 30 episodes in total. Despite taking place in the past, everyone speaks the same language as the main protagonists? Every single one of them? And they were traveling in time, yet their actions didn't land an impact on history? The dinosaurs didn't leave a record? The present wasn't affected at all? C'mon, the main characters are wearing modern clothes, yet nobody calls them out for it? Not even the androids bother to correct them?
Now, time for the villains, the pirates (dumb Chunk, bratty Pepe, bitchy Karen and their boss), they simply want the cosmos stones to control the universe for...whatever reason. And somehow, they have dinosaurs? There are dinosaurs in the planet where they come from? And I'm not referring to the ones they stold. A possible answer is that Seth was responsible for their creation. Writing about Seth, I find him...okay. Like in the previous season, he is taking advantage of the pirates, secretly, to complete his own goals. And since the heroes are in a tuff situation, he easily betrayed them, again. And he managed to create the OP cryolophosaurus that defeated the pirates' favorite pets.
Lastly, the best part of this season was definitely the cryolophosaurus. Now this is a special dinosaur. It's rapid, it's deadly, and it’s Antarctic. Too bad it was force to be beaten by Max's Chomp. Anyway, I like the aquatic battle (only happened once) and the aerial battle. And it's less annoying of how the main characters know the names of every single dinosaur.
Minor complaints:
For some strange reason, this season doesn't introduce the rest of the dinosaurs from Dinosaur King DS and the arcade games. Instead of featuring an irritator, a tarbosaurus and neovenator; they just brought back the baryonyx, carcharodontosaurus and megaraptor. And the 3/4 dinosaurs of the pirates' are another stegosaurus, triceratops and tyrannosaurus, not even the eoraptor was feature (Dinosaur King own ditto). Apparently, the leader has a secret dinosaur, the apatosaurus a.k.a brontosaurus, which it's possible that Spectra made it, but who cares about it. Meanwhile, the Triassic dinosaurs are pretty much forgotten about, since only one Triassic dinosaur made an appearance, in the entire show, the gojirasaurus. And that's about it. There are other two missing from the show: the liliensternus from the Japanese Arcade (2007 4th Edition+, Gekizan 1st Edition and Kakushin 3rd Edition's Green Dinosaurs Egg card), the English Arcade (Series 2 4th Edition), Taiwanese Arcade (New 4th Edition and New 5th Edition) and the TCG as Liliensternus and Racing liliensternus; the eoraptor, the Japanese Arcade (Kakushin 1st Edition and Kakushin 2nd Edition) and the Dinosaur King DS. Kind of sad many more weren't included in the franchise, because they're the first dinosaurs to ever exist! #TriassicAlsoExists
The art style and the animation is the same as the first. The 3D and 2D aren't incorporated well, as expected, but I'm not mad about it because of nostalgia, and I know there are animation errors. Although, I can't stand the transformation scenes, it's heavily abuse for the introduction of the battles. Mentioning about battles, does anybody know if health bars, levels and stats are a thing in this show?
In conclusion, I still like the franchise, it was part of my childhood alongside with dinosaurs. I used to have a lot of dinosaur toys, until my mom sold them by lying to me. I used to read books about dinosaurs, until my mom donated many of them to the school's library, sold them and trashed them while the rest were forgotten by my father. I used to eat dinosaur nuggets, until I moved to México. I used to play Battle of Giant Dinosaurs DS and Dinosaur King DS, until I lost the Dinosaur King DS card, still have the other but my Nintendo DSI XL isn't working well. I used to watch the Dinosaur King show on YouTube. The franchise is dead, but I'm glad, because there would have been a horrible reboot.
ANIME ActionMedarot Damashii
- (3.15/5)
Ended inAugust 31, 2008
Main Studio Sunrise
Favorited by 46 Users