July 27, 2012
It happened after school one rainy day... A group of friends have stayed behind to prepare for the next day’s school festival. One moment they are idly telling ghost stories but the next an enormous earthquake strikes and the entire school seems to fall down around them. They awake to find themselves trapped in a parallel version of their school. As school abandoned and disheveled and whose calendar dates back to 1927. Can they find a way out of this nightmare or are they doomed to the same fate that befell the other victims whose corpses that lie numerous throughout the school?
Note: Chapter counts contains an extra chapter and an origin chapter.
Yoshiki Kishinuma
Sachiko Shinozaki
Naomi Nakashima
Satoshi Mochida
Kou Kibiki
Ayumi Shinozaki
Yuka Mochida
Naho Saenoki
Miyu Shinohara
75/100Pretty good if you've played the PC-98 og. fanservice unneeded.Continue on AniList(This is my first review here and I don't write reviews often. I apologize if this is a weird mix of everything and not coherent. Wanted to get my thoughts out there.)
Corpse Party: Musume is a pretty odd entry in the Corpse Party series. Its a retelling of the original PC-98 Corpse Party, while having a few original elements and elements from Corpse Party: Blood Covered. For those who's only experience with Corpse Party is through its PSP release Blood Covered, Musume will be a new experience for those people. It's not a bad retelling, in fact now that I've played through the PC-98 game, I think its pretty good but it does have some weird and questionable choices I don't agree with.
If you haven't played the PC-98 game, to give a short summary/explanation, its story is different from Blood Covered but its cast is similar. Though you don't have all the characters from Blood Covered like Seiko, Morishige, Mayu, and Ms. Yui. Because of its limitations and the engine it used, the story isn't as in-depth like it is in the manga or its newer release Blood Covered, but for what it is and all the endings you can get, I'd say its one of the better PC-98 games.
The story starts off similar to Blood Covered. We have Satoshi, Naomi, Yuka, Ayumi, Yoshiki, and a Musume exclusive character: Miyu Shinohara. They are all listening to Ayumi telling ghost stories after school until they are suddenly pulled into a different universe. There's no charm or curse, they are just randomly pulled in. From there, that's when the story truly starts. The artist is the same one who did the art for the Book of Shadow's manga and I think it looks really great and fits the setting somewhat. What I liked the most is that they used the designs of Blood Covered as a base instead of their original PC-98 designs; though Yoshiki is a weird mix of PC-98 and BC, but I do like it. Though since I'm talking about the art now, I want to get this out of the way: I don't like the unnecessary amount of fanservice. It gives a weird and jarring experience between the genuine good horror and a random panty shot or groping scenes. Aside from that, It starts off weird and it doesn't really hook you until later on.
Now, the cast is trapped in this abandoned school and all split up. Naomi and Satoshi are with each other and are still getting their bearings. Shortly after, Ayumi and Yoshiki find them and they meet up. But both parties agree its still a good idea to split up and find Miyu and Yuka since they are still missing. Then we get a perspective change to Miyu and Yuka and we have a nice moment to ease the tension. It feels nice and natural, despite it not happening in the original, like it fits right in. I don't want to spoil the rest but afterwards, it really does follow somewhat closely to the PC-98 og and even includes elements from the other endings and thankfully, its not a weird mix-mash. They aren't adapting every ending of course, but different scenes that flow well together to give the full story. Like I mentioned before, Musume has some original content which includes more context about the school, the main villain, and how things got this way of course. It even includes a bit of fan content from its enhanced release Rebuilt, which included a demo to a fan-game prequel called "Corpse Party Zero". BC players will probably be confused cause a lot of this doesn't happen there. After thinking on it now and playing the original before writing this review, it really does a lot of good and enhances what is, an already good story.
I recommend giving Musume a read if you've already played the PC-98 original. I read this before I played it a few years back and I didn't enjoy it too much. Its supplement material at the end of the day and shouldn't be a replacement. And if you've only played Blood Covered, give the original PC-98 game a go as well just to see how the series started.
MANGA HorrorTeizokurei Monophobia
- (2.6/5)
Ended inJuly 27, 2012
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