September 22, 2009
23 min
Barsburg Empire's Military Academy is known for training elites who bring victory to the empire. Students of the academy freely utilize an ability called "Zaiphon" to fight, while the types of Zaiphon usable depends on the nature of the soldier.
Teito Klein, a student at the academy, is one of the most promising soldiers produced. Although ridiculed by everyone for being a sklave (German for slave) with no memories of his past, he is befriended by a fellow student called Mikage. While preparing for the final exam, Teito uncovers a dark secret related to his past. When an attempt to assassinate Ayanami, a high-ranking official who killed his father, fails, Teito is locked away awaiting punishment.
Only wanting the best for Teito, Mikage helps him escape. Teito ends up at the 7th District Church where he is taken in by the bishops. It is here that Teito attempts to evade the grasp of Ayanami and the Military, so he can rediscover his memories and learn why he is the person that can change the fate of the world.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
Junichi Suwabe
Teito Klein
Mitsuki Saiga
Shou Hayami
Mikage Celestine
Daisuke Namikawa
Kouki Miyata
Saori Hayami
Hakuren Oak
Jun Fukuyama
Susumu Chiba
Mitsuki Saiga
Kenji Hamada
Ver Kreuz
Hidenobu Kiuchi
Saori Hayami
Chiwa Saitou
Shuri Oak
Miyu Irino
Mamiko Noto
Kouichi Toochika
Ayako Kawasumi
Kaori Nazuka
Konatsu Warren
Daisuke Kishio
Wataru Hatano
Daisuke Kirii
Saori Hayami
Mitsuo Senda
Weldeschtein Krom Raggs
Hiroki Takahashi
Kenji Hamada
40/100Once upon a time, there were gays and they didn't make any sense.Continue on AniListMixture of cheap action, shallow attempt on creating emotional scenes, reasonless behaviour, holey logic, cheesiness and signs of homosexuality implying we are not only about to see the bad guys proceed in their no-sense-making plans, but even some fun between the protagonist and his harem - that is how I would shortly and precisely describe anime 07 -GHOST. Truth be told, review consisting of these few sentences would most likely create a misunderstanding, which is not my intent. Thus, I shall continue, so worry not, my dear fans of anime we're currently dicussing - I am going to give valid arguments as for why I used such non flattering description and maybe you will even agree with me.
Cheap action
Unfortunately, 07-GHOST is classified as fantasy action. The year 2009 sure can be considered as the ancient times of thick lips, bright white backgrounds, pinkey leaves falling all over the screen, but that is not an excuse for the humilitating lack of action, proper battles and epicness.
The first half of anime brings only a little excitement. The protagonist encounters small flies, enemies unworthy of more than 7 minutes of screentime, one or two hits required to defeat these foes. As the second half of anime draws near, we might expect something more spicey. But that shall remain our modest hope. Even when the main force attacks head on the knights of darkness, all we are allowed to see is a blast. Satisfied? No. Are we getting something more then? Definitely no.
Animation itself is actually a pretty sight, colourful, with a high percentage of cheesy shots. Character diversity in terms of image is laughable. When animators think you have already forgotten about that cool dude from the beginning, they are going to shamelessly use his looks again, with only a little difference, leaving you confused and pissed. On the other hand, we're getting some sexy angles and Frau's manly chest, so points for that.
Shallow attempt on creating emotional scenes
What truly is worse than action anime without real action is trying to look deep and psychological without any depth and actually relatable psychological themes. As the main character struggles with his inner conflicts, which is the topic of the first twelve episodes, the watcher cannot relate.
Questions of guilt and atonement for the death of your dear one could actually ring a bell for some of us, but maybe not if the story takes place in fantasy world where one fights using magical words, is raised as a killer by the army which is, absolutely shocking, actually evil and person makes friends with oath to die with them in the matter of days. I just don't know the feeling. If you do, I take my words back.
Reasonless behaviour, holey logic
If you watch 07-GHOST with your brain turned on, you might start to question its logic. Why did they do that? Why didnt they do that? What is the point of this? But just you wait a few episodes, the anime will definitely explain absolutely nothing and if it does, it's going to make even less sense than before. Strategic plans that lead nowhere, anticipated plot twists with zero logic and yet they all manage to look so damn smart it makes you doubt yourself. But don't. That anime really is stupid.
Signs of homosexuality
The one element that could have saved the whole thing. If only had they made it into yaoi. Then all of above could have been less dramatic. But, as you might already know, protagonist and his harem got nothing more than few blushy scenes. Which buries anime another meter underground.
The problem here is, you do not expect it. People come for action (lol) and fantasy, not guys being all lovey dovey with each other. That is just going to scare off those watchers, who are no fans of yaoi and shounen ai. They just didn't sign up for this. I, personally, think the gay scenes were at least three times better than the non gay ones. Matter of opinion.
Overall experience
We start off with fresh characters with a lot of potential that goes to waste, at least most of the time, and never reach anything. The anime is just a promo for manga, which is fine as long as the anime is able to stand on its own. And it is not. We really don't see what these 25 conclude in. I do acknowledge the character development of the protagonist, but that's just not enough. There is just no actual plot, only minor conflicts that follow each other throughout the whole anime.
To give anime the credit it deserves, music was great. It suited the atmosphere, opening and ending are on my playlist and there is a small amount of humour, which is simple but suffices and the later half of the anime was not boring.
I don't think I would recommend 07-GHOST to anyone, maybe for the slight shounen ai vibes, but that would be all. I have yet to read the manga, but I hope it does a better job than the anime did.
50/10007 ghost a beautiful animeContinue on AniListThis anime is very beautiful has very intriguing stories like friendship.
It has a full-bodied plot, full of twists, and a graphic sector to say the least good.
The protagonist, Teito Klein, has no memories of his past, but he is often caught by short and blurred flashbacks. From one of these, he understands that his father's murderer is Ayanami, an army general. After trying to attack him, he is locked up in prisons, but Mikage (his best friend) is ready to save him.
The first interesting thing about the plot is the fact that Teito does not remember his past, and that every discovery for him is a twist for the viewer. At first he will only remember short scenes, but with the succession of episodes, his flashbacks will become more impactful.
One thing I found very original is the Zaiphon, which is a power that transforms words into weapons. This is undoubtedly a particular power, but I had some doubts about its usefulness, since it didn't seem to me that it was as strong as everyone says inside the anime. Since Teito has this particular power, he is instructed in the military academy. I really appreciated the design of the latter, although visible for a few episodes. Once escaped from the academy, Teito will be rescued by three bishops, and welcomed into their church.
At the plot level, it's fantastic, but to be honest I preferred the second part of the anime more. In the first, in fact, the plot continues very slowly, and it is mostly fights against the Kor. In the second part, the protagonist changes. Teito, from growing up as a Sklave and having many doubts about himself and others, becomes a person who knows perfectly what he wants. He puts aside hatred, anger and all those feelings that led him to the wrong path. I liked being able to see a protagonist of the genre, and that is that he matures with time, at first mentally weak and with wrong convictions, but that then becomes strong.
The characters represent one of the best points of the anime. These are all very different from each other, both in appearance and temperamentally. One thing I really appreciated is that almost every character has a story behind them. Probably the characters that I appreciated most are Frau, Labrador and Lance, both in terms of design and character. Frau is my favorite without a doubt. I like how the anime manages to make you love each of them.
A recurring theme in "07-Ghost" is faith. Being mostly set in a church, we often talk about God, belief, religion ... but I have to say that this doesn't bother me at all. I've never had a good relationship with religion, but even so I didn't find it at all heavy.
In conclusion, I can say that "07-Ghost" is a wonderful anime, that kept me glued to the screen from beginning to end, and that never disappointed me. If you want to look at something that perfectly communicates the values of friendship and not only, this is what is right for you.
Absolutely recommendedCountZero
55/100Mediocre characterization, meh animation and slapdash worldbuildingContinue on AniList07-Ghost is a josei battle anime that I dropped years ago, but decided to revisit for a challenge for AniList. It is, for a variety of reasons, not great. As a disclaimer, I am unfamiliar with the manga that it’s based on, which has been licensed for the US release.
My underlying frustration with 07-Ghost as an anime is based around how badly the work handles its world-building. It’s as if the setting was designed with the mindset of quantity of world-building instead of quality, with the quantity that we get being slap-dash, but just convoluted enough to make explaining the story kind of hard.
By way of an attempted explanation – 07-Ghost follows Teito Klein. He is one of the last survivors of a nation called the Raggs Kingdom. The country and its people had been exterminated as an act of genocide by one of their neighbors, the Bardburg Empire, with Teito being the heir to the throne. Teito, an amnesiac at the start of the series, is attending the Barsburg empire’s military academy due to his ability to use Zaiphon, this world’s form of magic.
The day before his graduation exam, Teito regains enough of his memory to know that a high ranking government official, Chief of Staff Ayanami, killed Teito’s father. Teito tries to kill Ayanami, fails and flees. In his flight, he is badly wounded and ends up at a nearby temple complex. There, he starts studying to be a battle priest, while slowly learning that seven of the church’s priests have the powers of the titular 07-Ghosts.
And that’s where things go off the rails in a frustrating manner. For example, the Titular Ghosts, who are a variety of angels or demi-gods with a variety of portfolios, including love and relationships, all look like the classical interpretation of the grim reaper – long flowing black robes, big scythe, skull for a head.
However, their role in the setting doesn’t fit with that image. Each part of the image of the Grim Reaper symbolically represents something – the scythe represents the harvesting of lives or souls in death, with the skull itself representing death, and the flowing robes being somewhat representative of a funeral shroud. None of that applies to the titular Ghosts.
You pray to one of these guys to fall in love.
Similarly, the landscape of the setting also makes little sense, with the land outside the temple grounds seemingly a desert wasteland not because of any narrative reason, but because it’s easier to draw.
The characterization is also incredibly spotty – with the characters (particularly the priests who possess the power of the Ghosts), having character traits that have less to do with the beings from which they draw their power, their location in the setting, or the general story, and more based around what would make for better 4-Koma omake pages or doujinshi.
Just skip this show.
(This review originally appeared link on my blog)
ANIME AdventurePandora Hearts
ANIME ActionOwari no Seraph
ANIME ActionNabari no Ou
ANIME ActionMonochrome Factor
ANIME DramaVanitas no Carte
- (3.3/5)
Ended inSeptember 22, 2009
Main Studio Studio DEEN
Favorited by 343 Users