April 15, 2015
Ran Uruma can't wait to grow up and become a sorceress like her mother, so with the help of a magical pair of sneakers, she transforms into an adult and sets off! Her father and older brother Jin try to keep her home safe, but Ran is determined to advance her powers and have adventures of her own!
(Source: Viz Media)
Note: Includes 6 extra chapters.
Ran Uruma
Outarou Mikado
Jin Uruma
Tamao Tachibana
Shizuka Uruma
Makoto Hibi
Sango Sumeragi
Zen Uruma
Nio Gekkoin
Ryouko Tennouji
70/100Una breve invitación a un fantástico mundo (reseña en ESP y ENG)Continue on AniListLa siguiente reseña está en Español e Inglés (traducida con el apoyo de DeepL)
La versión leída es la traducción al español por Fayesh perteneciente a “Solitario no Fansub”
Este trabajo de la autora Aki Irie, tanto en historia como en arte, es una invitación a un mundo mágico repleto de detalles, imaginación y creatividad. No quiero mencionar los específicos del particular para instar a la lectura, aunque sea su excelente primer capítulo, porque parte de su encanto es leer sin ni idea para sorprenderse por el desenvolvimiento de su universo, especialmente para los fanáticos de la fantasía.
Porque es notable el entusiasmo de Aki en la presentación de su mundo, hay reglas y funcionalidades sin ser rígido, siempre permite la inclusión de la magia, consiguiendo lo creíble en su extravagancia, precisamente la característica de los mejores universos fantásticos. En el pasar de los capítulos aprenderemos más sobre las particularidades de este mundo, y sólo cuando estamos cerca del final conoceremos la mayoría del trasfondo detrás del mismo, es una evolución satisfactoria, trabajada y entretenida.
Respecto a los personajes, cada uno es único y tiene un importante rol para la historia y consigo mismo. Personalidades notables, pequeñas costumbres y manías, junto a la construcción de su relación con los demás, cubierto en una temática principal "madurar". A través de Uruma, Hibi y Outarou, se aborda cada perspectiva, también las historias paralelas tienen relación con el trabajo principal; y en el clímax, se consigue un simple y poderoso mensaje.
El arte es perfecto para el objetivo de la historia. Hermoso cada vez que lo necesita, plasmando sus diferentes características con cuidado y esmero, además de divertidas expresiones en sus personajes. Presente en las fantásticas portadas y cada panel, reforzado por el "correcto" entendimiento del ritmo de Aki, con pasividad cuando la historia lo necesita y frenetismo en las escenas más tensas, junto a la misma composición respecto a su claridad y belleza.
De mayor contrario es la duración, que ciertamente también le beneficia, es decir, su corta duración permite esa compacta experiencia de sorpresas, y a la vez es un universo de semejante potencial que quisiéramos ver más cosas y situaciones en el mismo, especialmente en las experiencias de los personajes secundarios.
Una corta y mágica historia, que podía haber dado para un poquito más aunque lo obtenido sigue siendo una fantástica y envolvente anécdota.
This work by author Aki Irie, both in story and art, is an invitation to a magical world full of details, imagination and creativity. I don't want to mention the specifics of the particular to urge reading, even if it is her excellent first chapter, because part of its charm is to read without a clue to be surprised by the unfolding of her universe, especially for fantasy fans.
Because it is remarkable the enthusiasm of Aki in the presentation of his world, there are rules and functionalities without being rigid, always allowing the inclusion of magic, achieving the credible in its extravagance, precisely the characteristic of the best fantasy universes. In the passing of the chapters we will learn more about the particularities of this world, and only when we are near the end we will know most of the background behind it, it is a satisfactory evolution, worked and entertaining.
Regarding the characters, each one is unique and has an important role for the story and himself. Remarkable personalities, little habits and quirks, along with the construction of their relationship with each other, covered in a main theme “maturing”. Through Uruma, Hibi and Outarou, each perspective is addressed, also the side stories are related to the main work; and in the climax, a simple and powerful message is achieved.
The art is perfect for the story's purpose. Beautiful every time it needs it, capturing its different features with care and attention to detail, as well as funny expressions in its characters. Present in the fantastic covers and each panel, reinforced by Aki's “correct” understanding of the rhythm, with passivity when the story needs it and freneticism in the most tense scenes, along with the same composition in its clarity and beauty.
On the other hand, the length of the game, which certainly also benefits it, that is to say, its short duration allows that compact experience of surprises, and at the same time it is a universe of such a potential that we would like to see more things and situations in it, especially in the experiences of the secondary characters.
A short and magical story, which could have given for a little more, although what is obtained is still a fantastic and involving anecdote.
70/100A Magical Story that is Both Enchanting and Deeply Flawed.Continue on AniListBeautiful art (that is simply magical to gaze upon), unique, enchanting, cosy, which all would be potential home runs, being potential favourite, yet there is one major reason why that is simply not the case. Before going into it, I will highlight the positives.
I really liked these shorter and more focused narratives. Where it doesn’t go needlessly long but has a specific theme and story thread it focuses upon. Not too short to build attachment, but neither too long to feel it is overstaying its welcome. It’s an episodic story, a slice of life of Ran’s life as a 10-year-old sorceress, but it also focuses on other characters. It might be my favourite aspect of the story, the lives characters have outside of the protagonist. It does have an overarching narrative and does touch upon the themes of adulthood in a clever way, which is reinforced in the ending and the afterword.
The artwork by Aki Irie is simply elegant. She has such a striking art style that you can’t help but be enraptured by it. It captures that folklore aesthetic and how it’s integrated in the real world. The character work in general is quite nice; I liked Ran, Jin, and her parents, Sango and others. People who have brief introductions but certainly feel like they belong.
Now comes the bad, Outarou. This decision is so baffling; I really don’t understand what the author was thinking concerning this decision. Like I do get the overall goal, the theme she explores with such a deplorable character. Yet, it doesn't really see this as the only avenue; there were much better ways to explore adulthood. The only thing I’m glad about is that he doesn’t do anything too serious to Ran (a kiss is the real extent). Let's just explain how this is wrong on so many levels, bro is already a womaniser and treats women like crap. Then a 10-year-old, who can transform into a busty 16-year-old wearing certain magical shoes, crash-lands in his house, and then he makes creepy advances on what he understands is a 16-year-old girl. Which is already disgusting, but the fact she is 10 years old and, as the story goes along he knows she is 10, which is yuck. Like it’s actual pedophilia, and the worst thing is the manga barely condones it or reprimands his disgusting actions and intention. I truly couldn’t care less about this individual and the author's decision to include this character in what could have been a truly great manga is puzzling. On a side note, a great comparison is Mushoku Tensei. Yeah, people often view that series with some serious bad faith, but the problematic and polarising aspect of that series is important, as the author doesn’t glaze it aside but acknowledges it and explores it. Here the author barely acknowledges it, nor is the character used in an interesting way to justify it. At the very least, you do have a character who does end up loving her, but not because that individual overly sexualizes her.
I was so happy when the dude died in Volume 6 because it means we spent the entire Volume 7 with him dead. Though in general I don’t understand why people in the world liked this asshole. What could have been special and was great in many respects has one giant reason why it won’t end up like that for me. Do I recommend it? Strangely enough, yes, if you like the first volume and can push through Outarou, I will say continue reading it.
MANGA ComedyReiroukan Kenzai Nariya
MANGA Slice of LifeFlying Witch
MANGA AdventureTongari Boushi no Atelier
MANGA DramaMahoutsukai no Yome
MANGA DramaGunjou Gakusha
- (3.8/5)
Ended inApril 15, 2015
Favorited by 347 Users