October 9, 2008
35 min
The third installment of the Boku no Pico series, which takes sometime after the second OVA, Pico to Chico.
Pico and Chico meet a mysterious young boy named CoCo, whom Pico at first believes is a girl. The three of them become friends, but soon CoCo believes he is becoming a strain on Pico and Chico's relationship and decides to distance himself from them. The three of them rekindle their friendship by the end of the OVA.
Mariko Sakou

Not available on crunchyroll

30/100We're up to three shota boycrushes, but not a lot has changed. Still pretty average quality for a hentai.Continue on AniListAnd finally, we come to the third and final installment. Blah blah, gay shota, you've been warned. This episode sees the return of the plotholes and nonsensical story elements seen in the first, but thankfully doesn't suffer from a rushed pace. I would even say, in my opinion, this one is the most interesting of the three, adding a little bit of magic (for lack of a better word) to the mix. Honestly, my ghosts theory is starting to feel closer and closer to the truth.
Story: Unlike the previous episode, this one relies on characters and events that took place in the one before it, creating a continuity. This episode features a storyline in which Pico and Chico meet a young boy (again mistakenly thought to be a girl) who lives alone in a maintenance area in the subway under the city. He's very knowledgeable about the city and its lore, telling them of "city fairies" and how cell phones are really alive and communicate with each other. This gives the story a very different tone at times than its two predecessors, but not an unwelcome one, I think. Don't be misled, though. The content hasn't changed. In fact, the whole thing ends with a boy-on-boy threesome. Who could have seen that coming?
Art: Not much to say that hasn't been stated in previous reviews. Lovely art, decent animation, above average for a hentai series.
Sound: Same as above; decent soundtrack, believable voice acting, and no complaints to speak of.
Truthfully, I don't think there's much left for me to say about this series (why isn't it a single entry again?). It's cute and pretty, if not the best written, and sets a decent standard for any other gay shota hentai to follow it. You won't get a whole lot watching this for the story, as is the case with most hentai, so I can only really recommend it to those who are attracted by the subject matter. That, or if you want to get a reaction video from your friends. It's amusing at times how hot and bothered people can get by this.
80/100If you go looking, you might just find something deeper than three boys fucking each other in dragContinue on AniListBoy, the Pico trilogy has been an absolute nightmare of a series to fap to and our last episode in this anthology has been by far the worst of the three. From my Boku no Pico review, I was horrified at the concept of the episode however it had many positive story and character qualities which turned it into a horrifying masterpiece one could not look away from like the flames erupting from a highway accident, embers dancing in the reflection of the pools of blood as the ever present sirens blare in the distance, still a terrible accident but you just can’t look away. In our second episode, the novelty of boys fucking boys who look like girls had worn off and Pico came off as a psychotic sexual predator whereas there was still a hint of romance in Boku no Pico all pretenses were dropped with this entry in the series and it felt like there was so much potential that was lost with the older sister character so it felt mediocre to me and I moved on to our last entry. Now by all accounts the structure, pacing and general direction of Pico x CoCo x Chico ‘s story was lost on me and I was about to raze it to the ground as it had the weakest engagement for me as I felt that there was something deeper underneath as the episode seems awash with metaphorical symbols so I investigated into fan theories about the Pico universe and my eyes were opened to the layered plot of the Pico anthology hidden in plain sight.
Story : 10
Pico x CoCo x Chico has two sides to it, one may subscribe to the plot as it plays out in the hentai or the darker theory of Pico x CoCo x Chico. To give a bit of backstory, some believe Pico was kidnapped by his ‘grandfather’ who was a carrier of AIDS giving it to Pico as well, after his ‘grandfather’ dies Pico homeless wanders till he meets Chico. He recognizes Chico’s sister as a prostitute who he knew as his grandfather was involved with sex work and that’s it. Now for our last part, this is where potentially the writing truly flourishes as we have what some believe to be an allegory for the afterlife, if you’re confused let me explain. In this last part, Chico and Pico are dead after running away according to the theory summoning CoCo, an angel, to guide them in the afterlife which we see as she leads them into the underground housing symbolizing the underworld, a transition between this world and the next, where CoCo comforts the traumatized boys. However, Pico’s ugly emotion of jealousy drives CoCo out and the boys seek her out at the Tokyo Tower, one of Tokyo’s tallest towers, symbolizing their climb to heaven and finding CoCo there helping them ‘cum’ over to the other side. If one did not keep a sharp eye, like me this intricate and heavily nuanced story would seem weird with out of place metaphors which meanings could not quite be deciphered however if we recognize the alternate plot we see something special and completely unique in the hentai landscape and I believe it should be recognized as such.
Art & Sound : 6
Between all three episodes, the creators never slipped in delivering anything but the constant quality of the previous two episodes.
Characters : 7
While still not living up to the lofty standards of character development set by Boku no Pico, Pico x CoCo x Chico with its slightly larger cast does a serviceable job at developing the love triangle between our three protagonists. We see it brings conflict to the story, which is always necessary for a hentai plot to stand out, and we see resolution at the very end as the three cum together at the top of the tower. Although there was nothing special about the characters, we can’t blame the creators too much as there was a heavy emphasis on the story arc and the development of the allegorical subplot.
Trauma : 7
Although not as bad as the shock I got from Boku no Pico, understanding the overall plot of the show from a different perspective, which was much darker than the original in terms of tonality, made me question my morals on child rape and kids fucking kids. In the end, Pico x CoCo x Chico are either about two boys hallucinating an imaginary friend to fuck as they travel into the underground eat candy, play dressup and fuck or about two boys who killed themselves/ died then fuck their city fairy/angel climaxing all the way to heaven. Either way, I’m more fucked up than before.
Overall I believe that as a hentai, Pico x CoCo x Chico falls short due to the very narrow audience it appeals to however my own enjoyment came post-fap where I delved into some fan theories of the show. Personally there’s something not so arousing about two boys having a three way with their imaginary friend or angelic guardian after they potentially died or killed themselves. The story on the other hand was very entertaining and a surprising twist at the end where we sorta get confirmation that the story is much more than it seems at a glance but story is not the main reason a hentai exists. Story and production quality is what sets a hentai apart, but it needs to be a hentai first and foremost so if it falls short there but makes up in story and quality it’s still a not so good hentai. If you’re into this shotacon stuff, I’d recommend watching the entire series but if not then get out because if you’re really watching the Pico series for the memes just stop at the first one for your own morality.
Notes on scoring :
- Score below 50% is a fail
- Going from 50%, the score of the section’s “badness” exponentially increases so 25% isn’t just half as bad as 50%
Scoring interpretation
- 60% is “barely good enough”
- 70% is “average”
- 80% is “definitely above average”
- 90% is “damn that’s legitimately good”
- 100% is “perfect”
OVA HentaiOtokonoko ♂ Delivery
OVA HentaiMankitsu Happening
ONA HentaiNatsuyasumi.
- (1.8/5)
Ended inOctober 9, 2008
Favorited by 75 Users