March 27, 2009
24 min
A few months have passed since Tomoya declared his love to Nagisa, and his life keeps moving forward as he continues to meet a variety of new people, expanding his world in the process. While Tomoya's world continues to expand, his and Nagisa's relationship is entering a new phase, and neither of them is quite sure where it will take them. Through his relationship with Nagisa, Tomoya begins to understand the meaning and importance of family.
But as Tomoya and Nagisa begin a family of their own, they are faced with many hardships along the way in Clannad: After Story
(Source: Sentai Filmworks, edited)
Note: Includes 2 un-numbered 'extra' and 'summary' episodes that aired at the end of the series.
Tomoya Okazaki
Yuuichi Nakamura
Nagisa Furukawa
Mai Nakahara
Ushio Okazaki
Satomi Koorogi
Tomoyo Sakagami
Houko Kuwashima
Kyou Fujibayashi
Ryou Hirohashi
Fuuko Ibuki
Ai Nonaka
Akio Furukawa
Ryoutarou Okiayu
Kotomi Ichinose
Mamiko Noto
Youhei Sunohara
Daisuke Sakaguchi
Sanae Furukawa
Kikuko Inoue
Ryou Fujibayashi
Akemi Kanda
Misae Sagara
Satsuki Yukino
Yusuke Yoshino
Hikaru Midorikawa
Mei Sunohara
Yukari Tamura
Yukine Miyazawa
Atsuko Enomoto
Machiko Kawana
Katsuki Shima
Romi Park
Nazo no Shoujo
Tomoko Kawakami
Garakuta no Ningyou
Aki Uechi
Naoyuki Okazaki
Hiroshi Naka
Kouko Ibuki
Yuuko Minaguchi
Rie Nishina
Mai Aizawa
Toshio Koumura
Takeshi Aono
Ai Bandou
Eri Yasui

Not available on crunchyroll
96/100Masterpiece!! A minha obra favorita!Continue on AniListINCRÍVEL! Uma obra praticamente perfeita contando várias histórias incrivelmente lindas... que me fizeram rir, chorar, rir de novo E CHORAR MUITO (3x), além de passar uma verdadeira lição de vida que mudou minha forma de pensar. De longe a melhor obra que já vi.
A primeira temporada não é tão boa assim, acredito que ela foi apenas uma maneira de nós introduzir ao mundo da obra apresentando os personagens, iniciando a relação entre eles e mostrando um pouco sobre a história de cada um, para que depois nessa temporada pudessem ocorrer esses acontecimentos tão chocantes a ponto de abalar nossos sentimentos.
História: 10
Desenvolvimento: 10
Desfecho: 9
Personagens: 10
Animação: 8.5
Trilha Sonora: 10
TOTAL: 9.5
NOTA PESSOAL: 10A história é incrivelmente linda e muito emocionante justamente devido a boa relação existente entre os personagens que na sua maioria são bem desenvolvidos, porém esta segunda temporada tem como foco a relação dos 2 personagens principais e o que ocorre é que alguns outros personagens secundários que tiveram um foco grande na temporada anterior são deixados um pouco de lado, não que isso necessariamente seja um ponto negativo, mas é estranho já que alguns meio somem da obra por um tempo. Já a animação é muito boa e apresenta cenas lindíssimas principalmente nos momentos em que a obra quer que você seja impactado e se emocione, e isso mescla muito bem com a trilha sonora também muito marcante.
Outro ponto excepcional em relação a história seria o realismo do drama do protagonista (apesar de existirem elementos sobrenaturais na história), sendo muito comum se identificar com alguns pontos e realmente perceber que aquilo é totalmente possível de ocorrer em uma vida normal e talvez você mesmo esteja passando por uma situação semelhante, um exemplo disso são as complicações que o personagem passa devido dificuldade de conciliar as responsabilidades da vida adulta com os momentos de lazer que possuem tempo restrito.
Emfim, poderia falar mais sobre a obra, mas acredito que seja melhor parar por aqui para não entrar em nenhum tipo de assunto que possa ser um spoiler que prejudique sua experiencia ao assistir, então se você está buscando um ótimo drama para chorar MUITO e se apegar aos personagens maravilhosos, além de apreciar um lindo romance, essa definitivamente é a obra que você está procurando!
40/100My review of the anime Clannad: After StoryContinue on AniListOnce upon a time, Tomoya Okazaki had been depressed. The child of a single, alcoholic parent and a delinquent at school, there was nothing in the world for him to live for, and he knew it. That was before he met Nagisa Furukawa, a sweet, docile, anemic girl with a dream to live and no strength or will to see it through. With the help of a strange bevy of friends and romantic options, Tomoya was able to guide the girl through the hard times that came her way, pulling her over every obstacle and believing in her until that dream could be realized… And once it was over, she had practically no choice but to pay him back by becoming his girlfriend.
In most anime, that’s where the story would end, but here, it’s not so simple… Their relationship is only the beginning of a winding tale of fate that will affect the boundaries of reality itself. As they leave behind high school… Along with their friends, Tomoya’s need to help people, and the hearts of half a dozen other girls… And embark on their journey into adulthood and the real world. This means taking a bold, courageous leap into independence, responsibility, and consequences as they get jobs and learn to support each other. They’re warned that there’s going to be trouble along the way, but nobody could possibly guess just how much heartbreak and tragedy is awaiting them… Because surviving high school and becoming a couple may be the beginning, even marital bliss is far from the ending.
Like it’s predecessor, Clannad Afterstory was produced by famed studio Kyoto Animation, the crown kings of the moe art style(A1 is the queen)… And yet it doesn’t look quite the same. The over-all style of Kyoto Animation is well known to have changed drastically in the mid to late 2000s, and a lot of people blame the financial success of K-On! for this shift… Their artwork used to be very solid and consistent even at it’s most active moments, but following this change, faster on-screen motion looks a lot cheaper, as though they found a more affordable method of capturing motion without sacrificing speed or energy… But it’s unfortunately highly noticeable, and it doesn’t look nearly as impressive as their work from the first half of the decade.
Basically, it started to look Gainax-y. Honestly, though, I don’t really think K-on! is to blame for this. Clannad Afterstory is their earliest work where I actually noticed this change, although it looks more prototypical compared to K-on. I mentioned in my last review how the artists were able to create life in the eyes of their female characters, and while their eyes don’t look quite as dead as I implied a drop in the budget would make them, they do still have their iffier moments. This can make faster fluid movements can appear choppy or cheap looking at times… It’s probably at it’s worst when Akio is moving his arms to rap… But thankfully, after the first eight episodes, bigger actions are few and far between, leaving a decent amount of money available for the rare CG effects and some of the better moments towards the end.
The music really hasn’t changed since my last review, so there isn’t a whole lot I can say about it. Instead, I’ll talk about the opening and ending, both of which are apparently beloved. Despite the show’s step down in animation quality, the opening looks a LOT better in Afterstory, despite their similarities. The song is Toki wo Kizamu Uta by Key veteran Lia, it not only sounds but also looks far more interesting than the generic, snooze worthy track that opened it’s predecessor. This opening begins rapturously, showcasing the supernatural lights and shots of the town on a far more visually arresting note. One thing I found odd is that even though the series has left behind it’s harem-y roots, it still announces the game’s romantic options in the opening. They had the good sense to get rid of Fuko, but that still leaves Kotomi, Tomoyo and Kyou, who’ve all been largely downgraded to supporting roles in what’s supposed to be Tomoya and Nagisa’s story.
The English dub has also greatly improved, with Steven Foster taking less and less of a role in the show before moving on from it completely. Clint Bickham is a decent writer who’s very good at transforming Japanese idioms and turn of phrase into something more accessible to Western viewers without bastardizing it. Janice Williams takes over directorial duties, and while Foster was a producer on the dub, it was short-lived. The acting is just as strong as it was in the previous show, despite a few tweaks here and there. David Matranga is still carrying the series, and Luci Christian is still sweet and supportive. She gets more opportunities at range, but said opportunities are limited… She alters her approach hilariously when Nagisa gets drunk, and her vocal work during childbirth(Yeah, I’ll be spoiling that here) are heartbreaking.
She plays her won child, which would be a great opportunity to show more of her abilities, if her child wasn’t as bland and artificial as pepperoni pizza. Illich Gaurdiola returns as Yusuke Yoshino, who is now Tomoya’s sempai at work, and while I enjoy him during his weirder moments… Take the glorious baseball game for example… The rest of his performance just sounds like one-note mumbling. The pitch sounds right for the sort of character he’s playing, but he sounds like he doesn’t want to be in the booth, and is just getting his lines out as quickly as possible so he can go home. I didn’t mention this in the last season’s review(although it applies there too), but Andrew Love and Kara Greenburg are the undisputed stars of the dub as Nagisa’s parents, Akio and Sanae. Both characters are almost bipolar in nature, showing vastly different attitudes whether they’re acting calm and quiet or crazy and over-the-top, but either way, they’re a joy to listen to. It probably helps that they’re playing the best characters in the show.
Now, I should probably begin by saying that yes, Clannad Afterstory is better than Clannad, to the point where I wish they’d reversed the names and called the first one Clannad: Beforestory. Because let’s be honest, the first season didn’t have much of a story… It featured a collection of small stories that were as interchangeable as the girls Tomoya was helping. The whole thing climaxed with a love confession, and while that may have been believable when you consider Tomoya’s self-worth issues, it doesn’t put up much of an argument for compelling stakes. Afterstory, on the other hand, drops the disjointed nature of the series and decides instead to buckle down and tell a solid, extensive story… Nine episodes in. Yeah, apparently there were still a few mini-arcs to get through, and I’ll be honest, they’re a chore.
The first episode, which revolves around the entire cast being reunited for a baseball game, is awesome, even if the plot may have been lifted from Haruhi Suzumiya. There’s some great comedy in this episode, and it does an admirable job of reintroducing the last season’s characters to the audience, as well as establishing where Tomoya and Nagisa are in their relationship. The next two episodes quickly go downhill as Mei comes back to town to check on Sunohara, and these are some miserable damn episodes. Not only are they stupid and entirely pointless, but they take the somewhat unlikeable Sunohara and turn him into what can only be described as a reprehensibly selfish creature. I’ll spare you A LOT of the details, but ultimately, Tomoya pretends to be Mei’s boyfriend to try to piss Sunohara off. He doesn’t, and later on, he reveals that even though they blatantly claimed to be sleeping together, he didn’t try to stop it “Because it was you, Okazaki!” Yeah, if you’re gonna trust a pedophile with your 12 year old sister’s virginity, it had better be Okazaki.
The following arc isn’t as bad, per se, but equally pointless, and deeply unintentionally funny. The woman who runs the dorm… Whom in any other show would be too unimportant to have a story arc, but this is Clannad and filler is it’s art form… And how a boy she fell in love with turned out to be a ghost, but she made a wish to turn him into her immortal pet cat. Yeah, just imagine the implications as she cleans out her one true love’s litter box. Then we get an arc for the quiet girl in the library who occasionally helps them with their problems, and while it’s probably the best of the three arcs, it’s still entirely lacking in purpose. As I said before, you could easily skip all of these episodes without losing anything in translation… But whether you watch it or not, that won’t change the fact that immediately afterwards, something amazing happens… Clannad finally begins to feel like a real story.
If you’re counting the first season, plus OVAs, this is around episode 34, and the main character finally begins to develop. You heard me right. No longer does he just exist to surround himself with broken people, help fix them and occasionally give us something to feel sorry for him about, oh no… He grows, faces some real flaws, and learns some actual lessons. He moves out and into his own apartment, supports Nagisa while she repeats her final year of school, and gets a job, actually having to learn his new trade from the ground up. He’s living with Nagisa all the while, pops the question to her, and goes through one of my favorite episodes as he tries to get her father’s permission to make the engagement official. It’s not perfect, but it’s clearly the best kind of writing the series has to offer. Which is a shame, because it all comes crashing down due to her pregnancy.
Well, let’s back it up a bit. Tomoya would be a great character in an anime where the rest of the characters were even close to having as much depth as him. The way it is, with Tomoya having this tragic past, all of this emotional damage, and an entire cast of other characters hanging on his every word constantly reminding him(and us) how great he is, he honestly just feels Mary-Suish on an almost masturbatory level. He gets an idealized wife, because that’s all that’s left of Nagisa after her play is over, leaving her as a straight up anti-character. Their marriage feels like a couple of kids playing house, which might be because they sleep in different beds and NEVER KISS. The moment when she announces her pregnancy(in the most infantile way possible) is probably the most shocking moment in the whole series. She gives birth, and their daughter is the perfectly idealized well-behaved child who will stay home alone and not get any trouble while her sole caregiver goes through a full-time workday. I mean, sure, she goes for walks on her own, but that’s never addressed as a horribly irresponsible thing for Tomoya to allow.
And speaking of Ushio, let’s get to the one spoiler I have to talk about(It’s not the only one, don’t worry, I’ll avoid the others); Nagisa dies during childbirth, an act I’m pretty sure she was written purely for. When this happens, Tomoya spirals into depression, and hands his daughter off to her grandparents… Which we learn after a five year time skip. This is where my appreciation of Tomoya as a character comes crashing down like a plane with a teddy bear on it. Yes, I know it hurts to lose someone, but wallowing in self pity for five years? I once saw a movie where Kevin James failed to file some important financial paperwork for a year after his wife’s death, and I called bullshit on that, too. If you have children, you have a responsibility to those children, and if you fail to even attempt to live up to that responsibility, I have no sympathy for you.
Which would be fine, if he were portrayed in an unsympathetic light from then on. I don’t mind horrible people in a story, as long as they’re recognized as being horrible. But the very idea that after five years, Akio never once stormed into Tomoya’s apartment to kick the crap out of his selfish ass is completely out of character for him. Even his daughter, after a bonding trip that’s full of more coincidences than the movie Rat Race, has no problem moving from her big house over the bakery into a smaller apartment to be with her stranger-daddy, even after undoubtedly forming parental bonds with her doting grandparents. Everyone treats poor Tomoya with an “Oh, you must have had it tough” slap on the back when he deserved a kick in the nuts, which destroyed his very real chances of earning my sympathy.
So what does this all lead up to? Well, harkening back to my last review, that depends. To half the viewers, it leads to one of the most heartbreaking and then uplifting tragedies of the anime medium. To the other half, it leads to emotionally manipulative tripe that barely deserves to lick their feet. I can’t really speak to which of these opinions is right… Oh wait, yes I can, because this is my review. The ending of Afterstory is terrible. We get a second tragedy, which I won’t spoil, and while it’s perfectly set up by the internal logic of the series, the punch is soon pulled by a sudden happy ending that’s so cheap, even people who explicitly understand the dream world logic call bullshit on it. Not only does it directly undermine the much-adored dark, tragic tones that everyone likes to sell it on, but it backtracks on some of the most important development that Tomoya went through in a way that can easily be compared to the Prince of Persia movie. Yeah, try washing THAT analogy out of your mouth.
Clannad Afterstory is available from Sentai Filmworks. Much like the first season, it’s available in both DVD and Bluray formats, for between the prices of forty-five and sixty dollars. Each season comes with OVA episodes, and there are three of them in this one… A story that allegedly takes place right before the beginning of season 1, and two episodes dedicated to the Kyou and Ryou story arc. There are also undubbed DVDs that are somewhat cheaper. Several manga and live action spin-offs have been created, but none of them are officially available in the States, although there’s a petition to translate and import the first visual novel.
Earlier, I said that Afterstory was better than the original Clannad, a statement I still stand by. What I probably should have specified is that better does not equal good, and in this case, it’s more a drop in the bucket than a noticeable mark in quality. Really, it was only able to pull itself above it’s predecessor by dropping the harem elements and developing it;s main character, both of which it did way too late, and not very well. A good rule of thumb to keep in mind while writing a tragedy is that you can’t make the audience like a character just by having bad things happen to them. Rather, write them to be interesting beforehand, so that we get to like them before those things happen. The only character we get to know on an intimate level is Tomoya, and we get to know everybody else through their relationships to him… Thus, when somebody dies, we don’t feel as though WE’VE lost someone important, but instead we’re expected to feel it through him. Nobody else gets a lover, or an interesting job, or anything else in the future, just Tomoya, and while he’s a good character by Clannad’s low standards, he’s just not good enough to get THAT invested in. I give Clannad Afterstory a 4/10.
100/100Comedic masterpiece that quickly turns tragic and emotional.Continue on AniListClannad and Afterstory alike are both masterpieces by Visual Arts Key, an emotional Slice Of Life/Drama that goes from mostly comedy and minimal drama in the first season, to drying out tear ducts in the second season.
Im going to review both the original series and Afterstory In this review
Spoilers Of Course
Starting off with the Original Series, which is a mixture of mostly comedy and some drama nearing the end of the season.
Throughout the series, we follow Tomoya Okazaki and his daily school life, and his goal to help Nagisa complete her dream of of reviving the drama club.Character Analysis
Starting off with a character analysis, Clannad has a wide variety of characters with various personas, the violent girls, the shy one, the silent bookworm, and of course the moe.
Starting off with Kyou, twin sister of Ryou, she is my personal second favourite, I enjoy her violent attitude towards Sunohara and Tomoya, such as throwing dictionaries at then, and of course the casual insults towards both, despite having a secret crush on Tomoya, she still throws casual remarks at him.
Next up is twin sister of Kyou, Ryou, she is the shy type, doesn't socialize much, I see her as a total opposite to Kyou, though we didn't get to see much of her, in neither the original or Afterstory, I can't say much about her, though I do enjoy her in the "Another World: Kyou Chapter" Episode, how she acts towards Tomoya in their relationship is quite heart warming.
Let's talk Nagisa now, our main character from the girls throughout the series, now I can't really decide on her personality to be honest, in a way, she is a tad bit dumb, but personally I give Fuko the moe personality (more on her later of course), I personally think she is a mixture of being shy, dumb, curious, and possibly a bit of dream chaser in there. All in all, I can't decide on what her personality is.
Personality aside, as a character I enjoy her, when Tomoya bullies someone, or mock someone, Nagisa will proceed to critique him one way or another, I'm also fond of her ahoge.Now our favourite Starfish enthusiast, Fuko, aka Fu-chan, Im a big fan of characters with dumb personalities such as her. During her arc she is Tomoya's primary target when it comes to pranks, and she often does fall victim to them.
In return though, she manages to bully Sunohara, many times, such as making her fanclub come after him, great scene, and of course, hitting his face with a starfish many times. Her disappearing and everyone forgetting her eventually was pretty sad though, but that's only the beginning of Clannad's emotional story.Onto our silent bookworm, Kotomi is an interesting character, when we first meet her, I thought of her as the weird girl, but as we get to know her, I grow pretty fond of her, she's quite cute, and her silent personality is something im fond of, despite usually not really paying attention to these types of personalities. Eventually we learn her past, which I found pretty surprising, I did not expect this girl, who is always seen as happy with her books, and being smart, to have had a traumatizing childhood, I did not get much of an emotional impact here, but it was nonetheless a blow to the heart, seeing this happy smart girl, with a traumatizing past.
Now my personal favourite girl, Tomoyo, she has many similarities with Kyou, she is also violent, but in a different way, Kyou attacks whenever she feels like she must, Tomoyo will only attack when either A; Threatened or B; Sunohara is being annoying. She also appears to be much more athletic than Kyou, though I can't know for sure. Her headband is one of my favourite parts of her, don't know why, but I'm quite fond of headbands, Her hair and handband is probably what win her over Kyou for me personally.
Let's move onto our favourite comedian, Sunohara, who is the bringer of most of the comedy in the original series, without him, the comedy would have been much different than it is, I love his fight scenes with Tomoyo, and the other times he gets beat up by either Fuko or Misae.
Tomoya also enjoys picking on him for pranks, and being the dumbass he is, he falls for them.Character analysis over, let's go over Clannad's other strong points.
The Soundtrack
Clannad's Soundtracks is one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard, unsurprising coming from Key, beautiful songs that hit you right in the feels after watching the anime, and nonetheless wonderful piano songs...
Roaring Tides
toki wo kizamu uta (op)
Roaring Tides II
The Comedy
As mentioned in the character analysis, our characters produce lots of comedy, all of them, I can't help but laugh whenever Sunohara gets beat up, or when Fuko falls victim to one of Tomoya's prank, or Nagisa getting drunk, and plenty more.
The Character Arcs
The character arcs were personal favourites of mine, though I cannot be 100% credible since I have not read the visual novel ( I have it installed, but Im reading Little Busters! at the moment), whether or not they were adapted well is not my point here, but the arcs were surprising, especially Fukos and Kotomi's, as mentioned above again, Kotomi's took me surprise by having such a traumatizing childhood, despite looking happy as ever usually.
Ending of Original Series
We end off Clannad with Nagisa and Tomoya confessing to each other, and an extra episode showing what they do during their summer break, leaving off on a good note.
We start off Afterstory with our characters returning to school, and the anime carries on it's comedic part of itself, at least, for the next few episodes, nothing unusual compared to the original anime, a baseball game, Sunohara getting beat up, just the usual.
Nearing the end of the school year, and the end of school for the Seniors, except for Nagisa, who unfortunately, catches yet another fever, which leads her to miss many more days of school, which again, causes her to repeat her senior year once more.
Tomoya graduates, but he does not leave Nagisa behind, he ends up living with her for a bit longer at her home.
Up next comes an interesting part of the story, which Is personally, one of my favourite parts of Clannad, what some people call, "The Work Arc".
This is when Tomoya ends up getting a job and starts working with Yoshino as an electrician, this portion of the story is interesting to me because the anime begins to shift away from the "Slice of Life" part of it, It is no longer the usual going to school everyday.
This part of the story shows Tomoya growing into his adulthood, with a bad school record, bad terms with his father, and pretty much no money.
He manages to become an electrician with Yoshino, which ends up paying pretty decently, however Tomoya does not adapt easily to this new job, It's a complex job and becomes even harder with his damaged shoulder, in the end, he manages to get through with it, and adapt to his new environment.Fast forwarding, Tomoya ends up buying his own decent sized apartment, he lives with himself for a few weeks, with Sanae and Nagisa visiting him on a daily basis to help him get used to the new apartment.
Many weeks later, Nagisa catches yet another cold nearing her graduation, luckily, it was not as early as the previous ones, so she manages to finally pass her senior year.
She graduates, though, unable to attend the ceremony due to her sickness.Nagisa ends up moving in with Tomoya as they get married and all of the main cast ends up hosting a private graduation ceremony for Nagisa.
Major Spoilers Past This Point
For the next few episodes, the anime mostly stays comedic, mostly with gags between Akio and Tomoya, or simply the family all-together, 2 of my favourite moments was when Akio disguises himself as a rapper to go see Nagisa at work as a waitress, and of course Nagisa getting drunk, unforgettable moments.
Fast forwarding a few episodes, Nagisa is now pregnant with Ushio, and we start to lose comedy as the anime starts to shift over to a much more serious tone, of course, we get a gag here and there, but not as much as the episodes beforehand.
Things change up a bit, Tomoya cuts hours from his job to support Nagisa, things aren't looking great but nothing to worrisome either.
Nagisa ends up wanting to do an at home birth, although reluctantly, Tomoya accepts Nagisa's wish.The Tragedy
It is the day of Ushio's birth, everyone is there, Tomoya, Sanae, Akio, and the midwife (Forgot her name).
Tomoya does everything he can to support Nagisa during birth, moments later, Ushio is born, yet, In a few seconds, while holding her hand, Nagisa, dies at the end of her birth.Tomoya falls into depression, giving Ushio to Akio and Sanae for 5 years, and mostly staying away from Ushio for the most part.
Sanae and Akio end up managing to get Tomoya to spend time with Ushio, he does realize what they are doing but nonetheless he ends up doing so anyway.
Tomoya, enjoys his time with Ushio, managing to spend his time with Ushio properly, like a father and daughter should.
The Realization
this part is something I really enjoy, It sends a positive message to the audience.
Tomoya finds his grandmother, mother of his father, who Tomoya has been on bad terms with for several years.
His grandmother introduces herself and explains everything to Tomoya about his father, why he is how he is, how he used what little money he had to make Tomoya happy as a child, how he struggled after his wife's death, comparable to how Tomoya is with Ushio.Tomoya realizes this, he realized how his father did everything he could to make Tomoya happy, but how he struggled due to his Wife's death, which hit him hard, and he understands why his father is in the position he is today.
He leaves with Ushio to go see his father, he ends up apologizing to him for all the flak he has given him, and helps him get out of the bad position he is in.
He gives him a decent amount of money and tells him to go live with his mother, helping him move out of his home which is in quite bad shape.
This short arc can be a message to a few viewers, who may have had these types of experiences in their life.Past this, Tomoya ends up taking Ushio to live with him, finally out of his depression.
The next few episodes allows us to get attached with Ushio as Tomoya and her enjoy their time together since they both had little to no interactions in the past 5 years.The Second tragedy
As winter approaches, it appears Ushio has the same disease that causes her a fever during winter, just as Nagisa did.
Ushios wants to go on a trip with Tomoya, just as they did when Sanae and Akio set them up to, but Tomoya declines due to her illness and the weather.
Ushio still wants to go on a trip, Tomoya, hesitantly, decides to allow it, and go out for a short walk in the snow, Ushio begins slowing down as they walk, which worries Tomoya, but she Insists that she is perfectly fine.Few moments later, Tomoya holds Ushio in his arms, and with her last words, "I love you, daddy", She dies, In Tomoya's arms...
This is... one of the most depressing moments I've seen in any anime, the only thing I can see beating it is Yuiko Kurugaya's Route from the Little Busters! Visual Novel.
Ushio, we get attached to her throughout the last episodes, yet we lose her only a few episodes later, right in Tomoya's arms...
The Miracle
Shortly after Ushio's death, we are greeted with the illusionary world, It is revealed the girl from this world, Is indeed Ushio, and the garbage doll, is Tomoya.
As Ushio "dies" in the illusionary world, the garbage doll as well, Tomoya's wish of, Him, Nagisa, and Ushio living together, with neither dying, is granted, presumably by Ushio herself in the illusionary world.
A flashback of the first scene of Tomoya meeting Nagisa appears before us, a time reset presumably, Tomoya hesitates to wish to live with Nagisa once more, or to leave her alone and not get involved with her at all.
He chooses the former, he runs to her and hugs her, It appears both of them are silently aware of the time reset during the flashback, since Tomoya hesitates to meet her again, and Nagisa mentions that "I was worried you chose to not meet me".We are then fast forwarded to Ushio's birth, the same events play out, except, Nagisa does not die, she lives past the birth, and Tomoya and her enjoy there life.
What plays out next is one of my favorite endings ever, the music really fits in with whats going on.
We see how Nagisa and Tomoya live out their new life with Ushio, a wonderful, tragic free life.
It is also nice to see how all other characters are doing, we see Kyou doing her teacher stuff, Ryou is a nurse, Sunohara is... failing his driving test? Im not exactly sure whats up with him.
Kotomi is currently studying in the States, Mei is now a highschooler, and we see Tomoyo on a beach, though, unsure what she's up to, and of course, Akio and Sanae doing their usual.In conclusion, Clannad and Afterstory are Slice of Life/Drama masterpieces, tragic and heartbreaking, yet, in the end, enlightening and heartwarming.
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- (4.35/5)
Ended inMarch 27, 2009
Main Studio Kyoto Animation
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