July 17, 1999
104 min
Join in the adventures of the quirky Yamada family -- from the hilarious to the touching -- brilliantly presented in a unique, visually striking comic strip style. Takashi Yamada and his wacky wife Matsuko, who has no talent for housework, navigate their way through the ups and downs of work, marriage and family life with a sharp-tongued grandmother who lives with them, a teenage son who wishes he had cooler parents, and a pesky daughter whose loud voice is unusual for someone so small. Even the family dog has issues!
(Source: Disney)
Nonoko Yamada
Naomi Uno
Takashi Yamada
Tooru Masuoka
Noboru Yamada
Hayato Isohata
Shige Yamada
Masako Araki
Matsuko Yamada
Yukiji Asaoka

94/100Simple is best. An all the way through comfy look at the quirky Yamada family.Continue on AniListTonari no Yamada-kun is a lovely movie that takes a look into the life of an ordinary family, one that perhaps anyone can relate to in some aspect. It is not a movie that one would usually think of when talking about the works of Studio Ghibli; however, I can safely say that it is one of my favourites. Being very different from their other anime and actually any anime in general, it is no wonder the movie has not been received as well as Kaguya-hime no Monogatari or Hotaru no Haka for example, all three of which were directed by the one and only Isao Takahata.
Now, I just have to start by talking about the obvious—the visuals. It is perhaps the aspect that will wholly depend on personal taste, especially as it is not something one would associate with the typical anime art style. Personally, I find it gorgeous. The pastel tones create a calming atmosphere which is a perfect fit for the anime. The sketchy watercolour style makes it look as if it is something made by the family itself, something very personal that they have decided to share with the rest of the world. The backgrounds are very simple, but that only accentuates what truly matters and that is everything happening in the foreground.
The character interactions are quite brilliant. It is not that they are particularly memorable on their own, but it is when they talk to one another that they really get a moment to shine. A family of six—the parents, the two children, the grandmother and the dog!—whose everyday life we get to witness is quite an experience. Small things such as fighting for control of the TV remote and trying to assign your responsibilities to someone else make this a very fun watch since it depicts the life of a realistic family one can easily relate to. They bicker, they talk behind each others' backs, they laugh and they help each other. Personally, I cannot think of an anime that has done the realism part as well as Tonari no Yamada-kun.
Just like life itself, it is comprised of smaller parts, like the difficulties of family life, work, relationships in and outside of family etc, which all together provide a pretty good overview of the sweet Yamada family. It is a simple story about a single family, where there is no complex plot and no unnecessary drama, so it is something perfect to watch together with a family of one's own, something to just enjoy with a cup of tea while cosily snuggled into a blanket. Although the pacing can be a bit slow at times, it flows as smoothly as life. The transitioning between the different scenes is honestly so well done, which makes it quite mesmerising to watch to put it simply.
What also adds to the comfy factor is the music. As expected from any Ghibli movie it fits perfectly with the mood. While there is no track that particularly stands out from the rest, there is a variety of music—classical, orchestral, joyous and silly ones. They really make the movie come together as one and leave you with this warm and fuzzy feeling.
Tonari no Yamada-kun is something that makes me feel all bubbly inside, and sometimes even chuckle. The humour is very subtle, just like the relaxing pastel tones or the calming musical pieces. And what makes it so enjoyable is the fact that all those aspects together create something that not many slice of life anime succeed in. It is something that makes me appreciate the quirky and often hidden side of family ties. Being a sucker for family life oriented anime I will be sure to rewatch this many many times. Anyone needing some comforting during these troubled times, this one is for you!
(Minor edits done on 11 Nov 2020)
10/100This movie was incredibly hard to get through... at least the song in the end was niceContinue on AniListDo you like Ghibli movies? Do you love Ghibli's art style? Do you love Ghibli's characters? THEN DON'T WATCH THIS MOVIE
This movie is a series of short stories, so there isn't one story I can talk about. Most of the short stories in this movie are incredibly boring, like, struggling to keep your eyes open boring. There are maybe one or two decent ones, but for the most part, the movie will be making you want to turn it off. If I didn't want to watch all the Ghibli movies all the way through (except Extraordinary Tales, I couldn't get through that one), I would have turned this one off very quickly. The only part of this movie I genuinely like is the song at the end, it's a very fun song and the message behind it is good as well... but that's about all.
I'm a big fan of Ghibli's main art style, but this one... I honestly hate. It's not nearly as bad as Extraordinary Tales's animation, but it's still appalling. I don't like looking at it. You might be a fan of this art style, and that's fine everyone has their own opinion on things, but I personally hate it. That's about all I can say about it.
The voice acting was average, nothing threw me off and nothing impressed me. There isn't much I can say about the sound of this movie so I guess I'll leave it at that.
Now, if you were to ask me which anime has the worst characters in it, I'd most likely choose this movie. They're awful people, they never grow on me, and they never really get any character development. I think I liked one character but I forgot who because the characters aren't memorable. The only character that's memorable is the son, but he's only memorable because he's the worst character in the movie. He's a huge brat, he complains all the time, he does nothing but get angry. I truly hate him. The other characters are "eh" at best.
Just... if you want to complete every Ghibli movie, I guess watch it... but just know that it's nothing special. And in my opinion it's terrible in almost every way possible. I thought this movie might be a nice, comfy, enjoyable movie, but I was SEVERELY disappointed. I almost died of boredom and there were many, many, many times when I almost just turned the movie off, but I got through it. I'm somewhat happy I did because I really like the ending song, but honestly it wasn't all that worth it.
I guess this was a somewhat short review, but there isn't much to be said about this dreadful movie. I truly hate it and I will never rewatch it. I'm sorry if one of you have seen it and liked it, but in my opinion it's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I'm really not trying to offend or hurt the feelings of anyone, I just need to get my point across over how much I hate it. If Extraordinary Tales was on this website I would give it an even worse review, but it's not so rip I guess.
70/100A light and slightly slow comedy of a typical Japanese family with a peculiar animation that cross cultural barriersContinue on AniListEnglish Version:
My Neighbors the Yamadas was directed by Isao Takahata and produced by Studio Ghibli in 1999. The concept of this film is animated short comic strips dealing with a typical Japanese family and the activities they do on a daily basis.
It is a light comedy from 23 years ago that, although its premiere was 2 decades ago, is still valid. Families can relate to all the situations the Yamadas find themselves in regardless of the time. In 2022 it's still fun.
It is one of the most childish, light and peculiar films that Studio Ghibli has presented, it has a familiar and innocent approach. It does not follow a single and mayor plot throughout the film, but is divided into small pieces of everyday situations experienced by the same characters, in this case the Yamadas family.
What makes this film so easy to watch is that it touches on common themes for the viewer, the comedy is simple with everyday situations, they are occurrences and conversations that any family in the world can have.
The movie shows the relationships that exist between family members, the fights, the misunderstandings and situations that seem so absurd, but are more common than they seem and the most impressive thing is that this cross cultural barriers, making the public feel identified, with its humor.
At first the film explains the concepts or fables visually, helping to make them easier to understand. They have various references to Japanese culture, especially paintings and various mythologies, specifically those that explain where babies come from.
The element that stands out in this film is its animation, because it is not common. They are a kind of sketches combined with watercolors without focusing on the backgrounds. This quirky form of animation is refreshing, with a clever twist that gives it that special touch and uniqueness.
My Neighbors the Yamadas is not one of Studio Ghibli's most recognized works of art, but it is among their impressive repertoire for its distinctive animation. The public will not find an elaborate story or deep characters, but they will be able to see the simplicity that this film brings to everyday and funny situations of a family as common as the Yamadas.
Versión en Español:
Mis vecinos los Yamadas fue dirigida por Isao Takahata y producida por el Studio Ghibli en 1999. El concepto de esta película fue el de animar pequeñas tiras cómicas que tratan de una típica familia japonesa y las actividades que hacen diariamente.
Es una comedia ligera de hace 23 años que, aunque su estreno fue hace 2 décadas, sigue estando vigente. Las familias pueden sentirse identificados en todas las situaciones en las que se encuentran los Yamadas sin importar la época. En el 2022 sigue siendo divertido.
Es una de las películas más infantiles, ligeras y peculiares que ha presentado el Studio Ghibli, tiene un enfoque familiar e inocente. No sigue una sola trama en todo el film, sino que está dividido en pequeños retazos de situaciones cotidianas que experimentan los mismos personajes, en este caso la familia Yamadas.
Lo que hace que este largometraje sea tan fácil de ver es que toca temas comunes para nosotros, la comedia es sencilla y son situaciones del día a día, son ocurrencias y conversaciones que puede tener cualquier familia en el mundo.
Muestra las relaciones que se tienen entre familiares, las peleas, los malos entendidos y situaciones que parecen tan absurdas, pero son más comunes de lo que parecen y que atraviesan las barreras culturales, haciendo que el público se sienta identificado, causando gracia.
Al principio la película explica visualmente los conceptos o las fábulas, ayudando a que sean más fáciles de entender. Tienen diversas referencias de la cultura japonesa, sobre todo, de pinturas y diversas mitologías, específicamente las que explican de donde provienen los bebes.
El elemento que destaca en esta película es su animación, debido a que no es común. Son una especie de bocetos combinados con acuarelas sin enfocarse en los fondos. Esta peculiar forma de animación es refrescante, con un giro ingenioso que le da ese toque especial.
Mis vecinos los Yamadas no es una de las obras de arte tan reconocidas del Studio Ghibli pero se encuentra entre su impresionante repertorio por su distintiva animación. El público no se encontrará con una historia elaborada o personajes profundos, pero podrá ver la simpleza que trae este film de situaciones cotidianas y graciosas de una familia tan común como los Yamadas.
ANIME ComedyAtashin'chi
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MOVIE DramaOmoide Poro Poro
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ANIME ComedyChibi Maruko-chan
- (3.45/5)
Ended inJuly 17, 1999
Main Studio Studio Ghibli
Favorited by 167 Users