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Kakeru Kurosawa is an asocial junior high school student. He rarely associates with his classmates, and he looks down on them. But this behavior is topped off by a certain bad habit, his closely guarded secret: every day after school, he sneaks in to the rarely used girls' toilet on the 3rd floor and masturbates in a stall. Kakeru's shadowy routine remains undisturbed until one day, when a diminutive girl from his class, Aya Kitahara, almost discovers him. Their meeting begins a coming-of-age story dealing with blackmail, bullying, revenge, heartbreak, and ultimately, redemption.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Note: Includes a side story.
Kakeru Kurosawa
Maiko Sugawa
Keiji Nagatsuka
Magister Takigawa
Aya Kitahara
Kyouko Naitou
Erika Nishimoto
Ayumi Harada
Ryuuta Kobayashi
Shuuta Seki
85/100Titles can be deceivingContinue on AniListMasturbation Master Kurosawa
What comes to your mind just by reading the title?
Maybe a manga "cum" doujin about a horny teen or maybe a comedy of a guy erupting his volcano in girls toilet.
Well,if so then you're correct about the start. It follows a slow start staying true to it's title, parodies DeathNote ,
but finally tells one of the finest tales of redemption, as even the most irredeemable looking flowers can also bloom.Story
A guy who has cut himself from the whole world and does his daily ritual in girls toilet.(At least do it at your home dude) but whatever, the masturbation thing is integrated really well as the story is built around it and once you get over it you come to see that it can be seen as a metaphor of any other taboo but by using the masturbation thing the story becomes relatable to a large audience ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
He finds people around him irrelevant and tries to stay away from everyone who approaches him, but finally he meets a girl whom he doesn't see as a bare meal, and falls in love with her but overlooks her friendship as love and then can't stand the sight of seeing her with someone else and gives her his "judgement".But as things turn out he feels guilty about it and finally takes a strong decision that changes his life.
As I said the story starts slow but it's really worth reading for what comes after and even the starting is really well made to keep the audience occupied with all the comedy woven into the masturbation thing.
Art is clearly distinct as it looks pencil drawn in every panel but never becomes bothersome and keeps the story rolling.
Every character is given a backstory which justifies them being in the way they are. be it Takigawa,Kitahara or our MC Kurosawa.One of the many things that Kurosawa realises is the feeling of boredom isn't that bad.
Who wants to get bored? no one. But today when it's ever easy to kill boredom(be it via masturbation or cellphones or whatevers) we somehow have forgotten the importance of boredom, to put it in short - "Boredom is nitro for creativity".Or the people he once hated or stated as worthless for always pursuing him become boon to him when everyone turns their back on him in moments of despair.
Everyone is the way they are because they fear something which is holding them back.And not just Kurosawa but every other character in the story overcomes their respective fears.Be it Kitahara opening herself after locking herself up to hide from the world or Takigawa finally able to speak to Kurosawa whom she fears talking to after all that incident.
It truly is worth reading.
80/100People are not perfect and are capable of change.Continue on AniListSpoilers Present "I'm truly sorry."
People can change. A simple theme that Onanie Master Kurosawa manages to delicately capture and portray through a coming of age story that weaves the lives of two social outcasts as they maneuver through school.
Kakeru Kurosawa is a Junior High School Student who masturbates in the girl's bathroom. He is a loner, not wanting to have friends and preferring to keep himself out of any involvement with anyone in his school, even with people who genuinely like him. He adopts a facade of intellectual superiority. Aya Kitahara, on the other hand, is bullied by her classmates to no end. Both find themselves in a situation where they wreck havoc among their peers, which leads to a rollercoaster of emotions and drama that is heartbreaking but also optimistic, inspiring change in a genuine way.
Onanie Master Kurosawa chooses to stay grounded with its story, allowing Kurosawa to grow meticulously alongside the happy and sad moments of the manga. The manga is pretty intense, with some chapters leading to triumph, and others leaving the reader with their heart pounding. This is due to how believable the drama is and how Kurosawa and Kitahara themselves are easily sympathisable and empathisable characters. The manga does a great job at connecting the reader to the main characters with the way it conveys the thought processes and mindsets of both of them. It is easy to say that a lot of their deeds are wrong but it is also easy to understand why they are doing the things they are doing. It is clear where they are coming from. They are not perfect characters, and it is exceptionally shown just how ugly their ugly sides are but also how beautiful their growth is as well.
And that is why the redemption of both of these characters is so beautiful. Because it is genuine and sincere, and it does not hold back. Kurosawa's redemption is not something that happens in the blink of an eye. People do not just easily forgive him. He suffers for his actions, and the aftereffects are not easy to overcome. The consequences are perfectly reasonable, and the manga shows that actions do indeed have consequences in a blunt and realistic way. But it also shows that redemption can come if you can endure, and Kurosawa chooses the path filled with thorns for a glorious and extremely satisfying redemption arc.
Kitahara, on the other hand, has a harder time coping with her self-destructive habit of revenge. Not everyone can take the hard path, and Kitahara is one of them. This does not make her pathetic or weak-willed in any way, however, as her background and reasons for being the way she is has already been meticulously established throughout the course of the story. It is easy to sympathise with her own circumstances, not just because of her being a victim of bullying, but also because of the fact that she finds it hard to let go. It is hard to look to a better future, and it is hard to start the change yourself.
But change inspires change.
Kurosawa's change helps Kitahara to change. Through Kurosawa's redemption comes his desire to help Kitahara overcome her own inner-conflicts. This is all manifested in an authentic way, with Kurosawa's reformed line of thinking pushing through to inspire Kitahara to also take that first step forward. The outcome is sweet and grants a nice sense of closure for her character.
Bullying, revenge, consequences, and change are prominent themes of Onanie Master Kurosawa, and both are conveyed deeply without any bounds. The manga does not shy away from the hard and ugly truths, but it also communicates the idea that there is a lot to hope for from the "outside world" as Kurosawa describes it. Being lonely sucks. Being bullied sucks. Revenge sucks, too, because it only grants a fleeting sense of happiness. These messages are things that one can easily understand. What Onanie Master Kurosawa communicates most, however, is the idea that with change comes true happiness, and the way it conveys this notion is genuine and sincere, leading to a wholesome outcome that grants a wonderful sense of closure for the reader and which also leaves a positive lasting impression.
85/100Onani Master Kurosawa: A story about redemption and growth [ Contains Spoilers ]Continue on AniList# ___Review on Onani Master Kurosawa___ [ ! WARNING ! ] This review contains spoilers for Onani Master Kurosawa. Do not read this review if you have not already read Onani Master Kurosawa. This may also contain minor spoilers for 'Koe no Katachi'/'A Silent Voice'. I do not recommend you read this review if you haven't seen Koe no Katachi, as it is a beautiful movie. Anyways, on to the review. Onani Master Kurosawa was a rollercoaster, which each scene displaying the characteristics and personalities of various characters, which becomes important due to the major character developement Onani Master Kurosawa faces. This story was about redemption, a 14/15 year old who lives to masturbate in the girls bathroom, and acts brutally cold and unsociable, and who turns into a better person due to the challenges he faces after being caught. There are many things this manga did really well, and things it didn't do so well. __[ Artstyle ] : (8.5/10)__ The artstyle further dramaticized each dramatic scene with it's intensity, and complimented the story quite well. Whether you like the story or not, you may agree that the artstyle is really interesting. So far, the only issue i've had with the artstyle is some seemingly out of proportion moments, where either the face or the body is unnaturally off, which happened a few times. __[ Plot + Story + Premise ] : (8/10)__ This one is argueable, after having mostly reread Onani Master Kurosawa I noticed that some parts of the plot felt a little bit inconsistent or just not amazing, but that's not to say it wasn't really good in general. The story itself kept me quite interested and to some it may be repelling, it's about a kid masturbating in school after all, and they really empthasize on that with various graphic scenes. __[ Pacing ] : (8/10) __ I don't know about you, but personally I was really satisfied with the pacing, especially in the first half of the read. Some people may not have been as hooked throughout a lot of the manga, and may think that it was too slow, but it was fine considering there was noticeable character developement and plot. The reason I didn't score this lower is because I tend to be satisfied with medium to slow pacing, but there is still a too slow for me, and Onani Master Kurosawa wasn't too slow or too fast in most of the read. Some parts near the end may have felt slightly rushed though, because of the immediate transition to him being older, which felt a bit different than the rest of the pacing. I like to compare a lot of the changes to the movie 'Koe no Katachi' or 'A Silent Voice', due to it's somewhat similar theme of character developement and redemption. For those who haven't seen Koe no Katachi, I highly recommend that you do before flaming me for spoiling. The difference between Koe no Katachi's developement and Onani Master Kurosawa's developement is that Koe no Katachi knocks out the parts of the main character bullying Shoko Nishimiya in the first 20 or less minutes. Then on is just him trying to redeem himself and become a better person, that isn't to say he stops growing there, though. Now in Onani Master Kurosawa, it felt as though the majority of the read was him not yet developing significantly, and I feel as though that was a slight downside __[ Characters + Character Developement ] : (9/10)__ The characters in general felt pretty real and honest compared to a lot of romance stories. Character developement was the main theme due to the main characters will to become a better person and redeem himself, despite being bullied and shamed by all the other students after admitting to what he's done. The character developement felt a little too strong sometimes. What I mean by this is by the end of the manga, he was too nice and the change felt too different from his true self. Yea, I know this sortof doesn't make sense because we're talking abuot character developement, but some of his changes felt unrealistic, that's all. It wasn't that big of a deal though, because it wasn't killing the character developement completely. __[ General Execution ] : (8.5/10)__ Onani Master Kurosawa was well executed, it's difficult to really complain about it, because the artstyle, plot, story, pacing, and characters complimented eachother quite well. Not too much to say about the execution as a whole, so I'll say that overall it's pretty great. __[ Overall Score ] : (8.5/10)__ After reading Onani Master Kurosawa I really felt as though it belonged in my favorites due to it's amazing artstyle, well crafted characters, and the meaning packed into it. It was truly one great read, and like all others, it's not one without flaws.
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- (4.1/5)
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