July 20, 1986
61 min
In the film, Mario and Luigi are the owners of a grocery store. One night, Mario was engrossed in his Famicom game. Suddenly, the picture goes out and Princess Peach appears on the TV screen crying for help from the enemies attacking her and jumps out of the TV. Mario falls in love with her and vows to protect her. Soon after, Koopa appears on the TV screen and starts to come out of the TV. He grabs Princess Peach and takes her into the TV. Mario then discovers a small brooch that Peach left on the floor.
The next day, the brooch that Peach dropped becomes a matter of concern for Mario. Luigi immediately notices the brooch and regards it as the "Visionary Jewel from the Country of Treasure". Soon, Kibidango, a small dog-like being, wanders into the store and notices that Mario has Peach's brooch. He takes it away from Mario, enraging him, thus beginning his (and Luigi's) chase with Kibidango into the Mushroom Kingdom.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Yuu Mizushima
Tooru Furuya
Mami Yamase
Akiko Wada
Hiroko Maruyama
Hiroko Emori
Shigeru Chiba
Jouji Yanami

70/100It is enjoyable, even if the dub I watched is hilariously badContinue on AniList(Originally posted on Letterboxd)
Whenever people bring up a Super Mario Bros. movie, they will 90% of the time either bring up the live-action film from the 90s that nobody likes, or the brand new animated movie coming out soon that everyone says is gonna be amazing, and then will be heavily disappointed (at least, I hope not). However, what many don't know is that there was another Super Mario Bros. movie that was made way before any of those, made only 1 year after the original game.
The film is known as Super Mario Bros.: The Great Mission to Rescue Princess Peach, which was an anime film made in 1986 and was actually the very first movie made based on a video game. So, as the first video game movie, how is it? Well... I can certainly say that it is a movie. A movie that was very entertaining to watch for all the wrong reasons, but overall, looking back, I would simply say that it was ok.
By the way, for my viewing of the film, I watched an English fan-dub online on the YouTube channel Kyer Entertainment. I am aware that there are other dubs of the movie online, but for the sake of this review, this is the version that I will be referring to. My thoughts would pretty much remain the same for other dubs of the film, aside from the voice acting and possibly the music.
The story is exactly what you would expect from a Mario Bros. movie, but I guess I can't be mad about it since it came out so soon after the original game, the characters are mainly adapted from the game, and they are enjoyable, with a few exceptions being pretty weird, such as Luigi being greedy throughout, the animation is actually pretty good, especially for an anime made in 1986, even if the designs of some characters, such as Luigi, aren't that accurate to what they would become, and the additions to the "lore" of Mario are weird, but they do at least make the world more interesting.
And speaking of which, this brings up a complaint I have about the film: it is weird. I mean, REALLY weird. A lot of instances in the movie, such as actions performed by characters, moments, and lines of dialogue will most likely catch you off guard, and make you question what you are watching. At least, that's how it was for me. Although, with that being said, I should've expected at least some weirdness from an anime, and I will admit, it does make the film more funny and fun to watch.
This perfectly leads to one of the biggest factors of enjoyment in this film for me: the english dub. Now, once again, this only applies to this specific dub that I watched, but either way, the voice acting in this dub is GOD AWFUL in many ways. Either the actors aren't trying enough, they are trying too hard, they are putting on the wrong voice for the character, or they are just flat out bad. However, with that being said, it is THAT kind of bad. The kind of bad that is absolutely amazing to experience, and it definitely made the film much more entertaining to watch, and I would definitely recommend this specific dub just to hear the voice acting.
Overall, with all that being said, despite the amazingly awful voice acting, great animation, and weirdness factor, it is a pretty standard adaptation and film in general. It isn't bad by any means, but I wouldn't say it is anywhere near just "ok" or "wonderfully awful", but even then, I wouldn't wanna say it's awful. It was too fun for me to truly hate, but not enough to make me truly love it.
ONA AdventureLuigi's Toy Adventure
- (2.6/5)
Ended inJuly 20, 1986
Main Studio Grouper Production
Favorited by 26 Users