September 29, 2001
13 min
The Angel Brigade, an elite branch of the Transbaal Empire military, are assigned to search for The Lost Technology, mysterious items from the past that hold unknown powers. Led by the soon to retire Colonel Volcott O' Huey, the Angel Brigade travel to different planets using their specially designed Emblem Frame ships to search for Lost Technology. Unfortunately, they usually mess up somehow and end up getting into all kinds of weird and troublesome situations.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Milfeulle Sakuraba
Ryouko Shintani
Mint Blancmanche
Miyuki Sawashiro
Vanilla H
Mika Kanai
Forte Stollen
Mayumi Yamaguchi
Ranpha Franboise
Yukari Tamura
Mika Kanai
Volcott O'Huey
Keiji Fujiwara
Chinami Nishimura
Jim Kincaid
Kouji Ishii
Takuma Suzuki
Alan Kincaid
Hiroki Takahashi
Nobutoshi Kanna
Di Gi Charat
Asami Sanada
Petite Charat
Miyuki Sawashiro
Mirin Hokke

Not available on crunchyroll

90/100Ótima e simples comédia sobre as aventuras (absurdas) do Esquadrão Angel.Continue on AniListGalaxy Angel = melhor galáxia que existe
Em um universo sci-fi onde toda a humanidade vive em civilizações espalhadas entre diversos planetas, a Brigada Angel, um ramo de elite militar do Império Transbaal, viaja pelas galáxias em busca da “tecnologia perdida”, equipamentos capazes de gerar poderes mágicos para quem os adquirir, além de resolver problemas para as pessoas que os contratam. Basicamente é isso sobre o enredo da série, quase todos os episódios são estórias independentes sem conexão entre si, então não existe um enredo específico, nem mesmo os temas sobre o Império ou a organização militar aparecem com frequência no anime, o que temos é uma boa comédia episódica e veremos o porquê disso.
Episódios bobos
Pela sinopse eu esperava uma obra mais voltada para exploração de planetas, mas na realidade é algo bem mais próximo de um slice of life futurista com um humor surreal, e faz isso perfeitamente. São os tipos de piadas que nunca perdem a graça devido à sua grande variedade de situações exageradas, lembrando bastante Konosuba e Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo nesse quesito, a curta duração dos episódios torna-os ainda mais fáceis e agradáveis de assistir. Porém, algumas críticas que Galaxy Angel recebe estão ligadas ao fato do enredo ser simples demais e às personagens arquetípicas, e esses argumentos não são válidos já que a série nunca se propõe a ter nada disso, desde as primeiras cenas já se percebe que essa será apenas uma aventura com piadas muito bobas. Claro, existem várias comédias que desenvolvem melhor o elenco adicionando dramas e conectando tudo com o tema central, mas nem toda obra precisa disso, Galaxy Angel é um bom exemplo, são raros os momentos sérios, o foco está sempre no show de aleatoriedades e se isso for algo que te agrade a diversão é 100% garantida.
Elenco carismático
Eu valorizo demais elencos variados em qualquer obra, tanto em aparência quanto em personalidade, e o que me fascina nas personagens de Galaxy Angel é que ele consegue criar esse elenco tão diversificado mesmo que não sejam protagonistas tão originais (afinal, a minha personagem favorita não passa de um arquétipo de garota com cabelo rosa bobalhona) mas as relações entre eles é o que torna tudo incrível, todos têm características bem definidas e ações coerentes, e talvez o fato de ter vários episódios e ter mais tempo para estar próximo das personagens influenciou minha experiência, porque eu gostei demais desse elenco.
Partes técnicas
O estúdio responsável pela animação foi a Madhouse que como já esperado dela nos anos 2000 tem uma produção ótima, desde os designs das personagens até a movimentação e batalhas de mechas, ele também tem essa estética dos anos 90 que me cativa bastante. A direção do anime é muito competente e ficou a cargo de Morio Asaka que já havia dirigido Cardcaptor Sakura e trabalhado na direção de vários episódios de Yawara! A Fashionable Judo Girl!, ou seja, já era alguém experiente em lidar com comédias. Além disso, as músicas de abertura e encerramento combinam perfeitamente com o anime e grudam que nem chiclete. As vozes das personagens, tanto em japonês quanto em português, se encaixam muito bem, chega a ser surpreendente.
Abertura: Encerramento:
Galaxy Angel está, sem dúvidas, entre os melhores animes que eu vi ultimamente, e novamente não é algo que recomendaria para quem busca ver narrativas dramáticas e com desenvolvimentos surpreendentes, mas se você quer algo mais descontraído e que tem êxito em criar um bom humor, eu tenho certeza que essa é uma escolha ideal.
90/100A deliciously dated sci-fi gag comedy worth the time of wide-eyed teenagers and hollow-eyed jaded anime wizards alike.Continue on AniListGalaxy Angel is a deliciously dated, half-episode-length sci-fi gag comedy worth the time of wide-eyed teenagers and hollow-eyed jaded anime wizards alike.
d premise
Five girls work in a small 'special forces' type unit in some space military organisation. Galaxy Angel is a scifi in name only; it being "scifi" is really just an excuse to have any and all locations be available at the drop of the hat for whatever idea the writers have in mind to manifest in the next episode. The moments where something truly sci-fi happens can be counted on your fingers and not even toes. The premise is five girls do things ("missions"), and it is very episodic with only one two-episode story arc. While there is usually some kind of twist or climax in each episode, it often (especially in the earlier episodes) feels like an episode begins, things happen, and then an episode finishes. You will see episodes centered around finding a lost recipe for a mystical pastry, a baseball match, getting a failing pizzeria back on its feet to pay off debt collectors, and occasionally "thematically appropriate" Star Trek-type shit such as the cast dealing with a kidnapping or finding their way out of a supernatural space blimp. The comedy is sickly sweet, full of non-sequiturs (Ah! A bully!) and dumb jokes, and really is executed much better than you would expect from a show like this. It's not grating or repetitive or formulaic and is guaranteed to catch you off guard, especially if you are a seasoned veteran of low-quality 2010s anime comedy, which I wish I was not.
The creators of Galaxy Angel really give no fucks on all fronts. If they think it's funny, they will put it in, and not worry about the consequences that any particular decision could have on the pacing or tone of an episode. This is done consistently and confidently so it becomes a part of the show's character and not to its detriment as it would be with something as 'grounded' as, say, FLCL, which I think is saying a lot. By "deliciously dated" I mean visuals and sound. Anyone who has played games or watched movies from this era will recognise dozens of stock sounds, the visuals are very attractive in that late hand-drawn era kind of way (with ridiculous colors on the characters but without (many) ridiculous proportions), and the music is instantly recognisable as coming from the turn of the millenium (and Japan) with its corny digital-ska BGMs and extremely quiet bass. See also the descending-thirds motif at the very end of the ED. The OP is the pinnacle and culmination of the musical style of this anime and is easily one of the best of all time, one of the rare ones that you will feel guilty for skipping.
anything else
There are many things I like about Galaxy Angel, the interactions between the characters being another that deserves mention here, but really its one gleaming strength is the confidence of its carelessness and it is worth anyone's time just for that. Above I implied that there was a "ridiculous proportion" in this anime, that is of course Forte's tits, which are - and this is a comment you will hear often, but rarely carries any actual weight coming from whatever loser online posted it - absurd looking and decidedly ugly as well. They are not a problem because they are big, they are not a problem because there is so much skin showing, but they are a problem for the way they are drawn and animated. She truly is an orb smuggler before she is a woman. Forte's design as a whole is baffling to me, think 'gap moe' but with way too many ideas haphazardly juxtaposed. At least she is memorable for it - as are the rest of the crew, except Vanilla (the least interesting kuudere you have seen yet (not that i have seen many kuudere characters in all my bundreds of anime)). They are all a liiiittle bit one-dimensional, think Ranpha's obsession with men, Forte's obsession with guns, but like I said above, the interactions between them are interesting enough to make it worth it. Other point while I am talking about characters - the screen time distribution is remarkably inconsistent. Mint and especially Vanilla have much less than the other three. For Vanilla this is not a problem because she is so far into the kuudere hole that she contributes literally nothing to the majority of scenes she appears in, but Mint perhaps got the short stick here, to the point that I still found myself surprised by her flying ability the second and last time it was shown, most of the way through the show.
ANIME ActionSaber Marionette J
TV SHORT ComedyDi Gi Charat
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TV SHORT ComedyDi Gi Charat Nyo
ANIME ComedyAsobi Asobase
ANIME ActionKidou Senkan Nadesico
- (3.4/5)
Ended inSeptember 29, 2001
Main Studio MADHOUSE
Trending Level 1
Favorited by 105 Users