February 5, 2014
Cane Lele was born into the fashion industry. Her mother, Ye Feii, was Taiwan's top model, and her father was also a model, until a tragic airplane crash left Lele without parents.
Therefore it is no surprise that Lele hates the industry, thinking it superficial and unnecessary. Raised by her paternal grandmother, Lele reaches seventeen before she is sucked in by her mother's sister, Ye Feihung, a fashion agent (and former model) who "convinces" the reluctant Lele to pose. Lele is adverse to the whole idea, until she sees a photo shoot of popular American model Angus Lanson, and she begins to see modeling as an art form.
When Aunt Feihung's magazine editor invites Angus Lanson to a meeting of all the top fashion ambassadors, Lele is invited along and is curious to meet Angus. She does not know that Angus' twin elder brother, Eros Lanson, is secretly accompanying his brother. This obviously leads to confusion and is the start of a charming story of Lele's goals: Fashion in New York city, becoming a top model, and love?
(Source: ShoujoMagic)
Eros Lanson
Lele Cane
Ye Fei Yi
Angus Lanson
Qui Young
Night Cane
Casare Gustave
Gloria Lanson
Feidna Ryde
50/100Moda, drama y romance (reseña en ESP y ENG)Continue on AniListLa siguiente reseña está en Español e Inglés (traducida con el apoyo de DeepL)
La versión leída es la traducción al español por Alexa perteneciente a “Black Bird no Fansub”
Comienza como la historia de Lele Cane en su sueño de ser una modelo, que eventualmente escala a una narración principalmente distribuida en 3 personajes: Lele, Eros y Angus. Constituyéndose en el relato sobre la evolución en cada uno, de sus roces, encuentros y desencuentros. Una buena idea cuya ejecución, una vez completada, si que brinda una perspectiva de plenitud comparando al inicio con el final, sin embargo, al ser recordada en escrutinio se van notando las diferentes concesiones realizadas por conveniencia.
Por ejemplo su contexto sobre el mundo de la moda, muy presente en los primeros capítulos con ideas que le son intrínsecas, pero conforme pasan los sucesos, sólo se convierte en el entorno de los sucesos, perdiendo su atractivo inicial. Si realizáramos un traslado temático, digamos cambiarlo con la música, habiendo estilistas en vez de productores, podría mantenerse la misma historia. Una lástima porque esos dilemas y planteamientos presentados al inicio no pasan de ser una presentación superficial de los mismos.
Entre las 3 historias, hay un elemento narrativo en común y es la presencia del Time Skip, un recurso del que no soy fanático aunque le comprendo de ser utilizado de forma “competente”. Pero en el particular, pasa de ser la excepción a la norma, utilizado como si fuera la perfecta forma de omitir como ocurrieron las evoluciones de personajes, contradiciendo la presentación de ser un desarrollo para convertirse en una colección de recuerdos.
En relación a la evolución del trío protagónico, irónicamente es Lele quien termina más escueta en su desarrollo, bien es existente, pero en nivel temático parece sólo encajar con “esperar vale la pena” en un “crecimiento personal”. Ciertamente no tiene de obligación “tener algo”, sólo que en comparación a los otros dos, cuyos caminos si tienen una vinculación temática decente, termina en desventaja.
Angus y Eros es un tira y afloja que a partir de cierto momento toma el protagonismo absoluto de la historia, y es bastante interesante, al punto que podrían haber sido el núcleo narrativo principal. Sin embargo, en el desarrollo también hubo concesiones, de amnesias, recuerdos borrados o espacios separados. Eso sí, mientras lo leía poco me importaba, fue en el pensamiento en perspectiva que les note, así que si estás especialmente vinculado con la narrativa tampoco te será molesto.
La mayoría de los secundarios son más cómicos que funcionales, aunque una vez tienen un espacio para desenvolverse como quieran es donde más se disfrutan, porque generan pequeños y emotivos momentos, dando respiro al cúmulo de emociones.
Si bien artísticamente me ha sido cumplidor, lamento que Nicky Lee no hubiera terminado de apropiarse de la temática de la moda para nutrir la presentación visual más allá de ser lo que debería representar. Su potencial es notable en las portadas, sesiones de fotografía y pasarelas, con paneles detallados y de variado vestuario, pero no es trasladado hacia el resto de la narrativa, siendo otro factor que se deja a parte conforme sucede el desarrollo.
En The One hay destellos de una intención, no una presencia continua del mismo, que si bien consigue una sensación general positiva, cuando se piensa es notable las fisuras en cómo llegaron a ese punto, resquebrajando la ilusión.
It begins as the story of Lele Cane in her dream of being a model, which eventually escalates to a narrative mainly distributed in 3 characters: Lele, Eros and Angus. Constituting itself in the story of the evolution of each one, of their frictions, encounters and misunderstandings. A good idea whose execution, once completed, does provide a perspective of fullness compared to the beginning with the end, however, when it’s recalled in scrutiny, the different concessions made for convenience are noticed.
For example, its context on the world of fashion, very present in the first chapters with ideas that are intrinsic to it, but as the events pass, it only becomes the environment of the events, losing its initial attractiveness. If we were to make a thematic transfer, let's say change it with the music, having stylists instead of producers, the same story could be maintained. A pity because those dilemmas and approaches presented at the beginning are no more than a superficial presentation of them.
Among the 3 stories, there is a narrative element in common and it’s the presence of the Time Skip, a resource of which I am not a fan although I understand it if it’s used in a “competent” way. But in this particular one, it becomes the exception to the rule, used as if it were the perfect way to omit how the characters evolutions happened, contradicting the presentation of being a development to become a collection of memories.
In relation to the evolution of the protagonic trio, ironically it’s Lele who ends up more terse in her development, well it exists, but on a thematic level it only seems to fit with “waiting is worth it” in a “personal growth”. Certainly there is no obligation to “have something”, only that in comparison to the other two, whose paths do have a decent thematic linkage, she ends up at a disadvantage.
Angus and Eros is a tug-of-war that from a certain point takes the absolute protagonism of the story, and it’s quite interesting, to the point that they could have been the main narrative core. However, in the development there were also concessions, amnesias, erased memories or separate spaces. Mind you, while I was reading it I didn't mind, it was in the retrospective that I noticed them, so if you are especially attached to the narrative it won't bother you either.
Most of the secondary characters are more comical than functional, although once they have a space to unfold as they want is where they are most enjoyable, because they generate small and emotional moments, giving respite to the accumulation of emotions.
While artistically I found it to be a good value, I regret that Nicky Lee didn't fully appropriate the fashion theme to nurture the visual presentation beyond what it was meant to represent. His potential is noticeable on the covers, photo shoots and runways, with detailed panels and varied costumes, but it doesn't carry over to the rest of the narrative, being another factor that is left aside as the story unfolds.
In The One there are glimpses of an intention, not a continuous presence of it, that although it achieves a positive overall feeling, when you think about it, it is noticeable the cracks in how they got to that point, cracking the illusion.
MANGA ComedyMerry Go Round
- (3.7/5)
Ended inFebruary 5, 2014
Favorited by 88 Users