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Kinnikuman (a.k.a. Kinniku Suguru) is a cowardly, clumsy, moronic, gyuudon-devouring excuse for a superhero (or Choujin)... who just happens to be the prince of an alien planet. But despite his pathetic appearance, he is very honorable and can become quite powerful when he needs to be. With his sidekick Meat-kun and fellow Choujins Terryman and Ramenman there to help him, Suguru quests to become the greatest Choujin on the planet. Whether with a combination of tremendous heart and stamina (The Burning Inner Strength) or the "Power of Friendship", Kinnikuman frequently defeats villians 10 times more powerful than him and often causes his enemies to have a change of heart and join him. Though he seems destined to be an idiot forever, slowly but surely Kinnikuman becomes worthy of the title "Hero".
- Between volumes 36 and 37 publication there's 22 years gap. From volume 38 onwards starts restarted in 2011 version.
- Kinnikuman won the 30th Shogakukan Manga Award for best children's manga in 1984.
Suguru Kinniku
Brocken Jr.
Alexandria Meat
Robin Mask
Ataru Kinniku
Akuma Shougun
Prince Kamehame
Black Hole
Kinnikuman Zebra
Kinnikuman Big Body
SteCase King
Grim Reaper
Kinnikuman Super Phoenix

96/100A bizarre, insane, and awesome fighting series, a PERFECT start onto the world of Anime and Manga!Continue on AniListSome years ago, I was a fan of __Godzilla__ _(I still am today, BTW.)_ and I stumbled upon a game on Wikipedia called: __Super Godzilla.__ I was intrigued at how the Cover-Art was rather Horizontal, instead of the normal Vertical, as I had only every known games to have a Vertical-Casing. So I looked up a review of Retro. Godzilla games from the “AVGN”, and in the recommendations were that of: Nostalgia Critic and Irate Gamer. After discovering THOSE other two, I had decided to start watching their videos, although a certain Irate Gamer Review caught my Personal interest. This was his review of the Game: __M.U.S.C.L.E.__. And after about a year-or-two of that review having been posted, he started doing a NEW “Side-Series” titled: __Irate the 80’s__. And one of those reviews was on the TOYS that the game “M.U.S.C.L.E.” was based on, and how it had all ACTUALLY come from a Full Series: Comic/Manga and Cartoon/Anime called: ___Kinnikuman.___ And from there, I was excited. Even though, at the time, my resources were very scarce compared to TODAY, I looked up as much of this great, crazy, awesome series as I could find. I had watched the entire Sequal series: Kinnikuman Nisei/Ultimate Muscle as much as I could find to large and see as much as I was able discover, I just got more and more hooked, on the SERIES, yes. But on a greater-scale, discover how good “Anime” could be. KINNIKUMAN, GO FIGHT! The story follows an (Originally just meant to be: Ultraman parody) Japanese meal: Gyuden-Loving, Bumbling Superhero named: Kinnikuman. As a small, but intelligent member of his (Unknowingly) Original Planet-Member: Alexander Meat, comes to take him back to his Home-Planet to be Crown: King of Planet Kinniku. Also revealing this Prince’s name to be: Sugaru Kinniku. Although the series starts off VERY hooky and light-hearted, with a literal: Monster-of-the-Week Format for each episode to follow, much in the EXACT SAME Format as Ultraman (At the same time, presumably, at least.), once the FIRST OVER-ARCING STORYLINE: The 20th Choujin Olympics, had started up, the series COMPLETELY follows a different form to take itself in and the famous Series “Kinnikuman” that would soon to be a hit in Japan would officially be known!
The series had officlally been turned into a __“Tournament”-Style__ of Story-Telling, usually with Singular matches between two opposing characters, both of whom are either informed to the audience/reader/watchers about who they are and why they fighting their opponent, IF the Characters don’t explain themselves as to why they WANT to fight. Each different “Choujin” (Literally: Superman) is... as the title states: A “Superman” as every different Fighter possess some kind of fantastic, or odd quality about their physical-being (Or Race, in the Main Charater’s cases.) that makes their fighting or body completely different and new for the characters to encounter within the Series. Even though the Series starts this Concept off with just making Superheroes for each different Nation or nationality in the world: Robin Mask – England, Wolfman –Japan, Canadianman – Canada, Ramenman – China, Curry Cook – India, Terryman – America, etc. and continues this route a good two more Arcs after the intial “20th Choujin Olympics: “World Tour” and “21st Choujin Olypmics” Arc. (Along with Kinnikuman meeting a new mentor: Prince Kamehame, from hawaii right after seeing his 1000th Match against the Challenger: Jesse Maivia. He decided to train Suguru Kinniku “Kinnikuman” under him and teach him what would become Kinnikuman’s Mandatory Arsenal: The 48 Killing Techniques in order to defeat Jesse Maivia I n Kinnikuman’s OWN upcoming fight against Him! Within all three of these Arcs, Kinnikuman’s greatest enemy seems to be the “Iron-Knight of England”: Robin mask, as HE is Kinnikuman’s Ultimate opponent in the 20th Choujin Olympics, has his DEADLIEST rematch with him in their match in the “World Tour”, AND EVEN TAKES-ON AN APPRENTICE IN THE MAIN ULTIMATE ENEMY FOR THE 21st OLYMPICS: The Russian Fighting-Computer: Warsman! (Mind you, training Warsman under the disguise title: Mr. Barracuda.) Although, after such a set of deadly enemy grudges that Robin Mask and Warsman start-off with against Kinnikuman. Once HE STILL ultimately wins against them both in each of their deadly matches, Kinnikuman lends them a hand in Good Sportsmanship and Forgiveness for their misprided grudges against them. And thus, making his essential team of Justice Choujin: Kinnikuman (Along with meat), Terryman, Robin Mask, Ramenman, Wolfman, Brocken Jr., and Warsman all a Team to fight any and all threats against Earth... For now the first Full-On __“Good vs. Evil”__ Tournament was then set into motion with the release of the “7 Devil Choujin”! From this point onwards, the stakes within the series had become higher, as hostages, stolen Royal/Holy Items, or even Full-Scale INVASIONS were officially in jeopardy for kinnikuman and the Justice Choujin to take back or fight against ACTUAL Evil-Doers. BTW, just in case anyone reading this review is feeling that these Anime plots are sounding FAMILIAR; let me just CLEAR something out here… And the Choujin Designs keep getting more and MORE outrageous and interesting, such as: A Sea-Monster, A Living-Walkman, A Sentient Blackhole-Man, A Reptile that can change its different Reptilian forms, A living Sand-Monster, a Man with a Wrecking-Ball Head, etc.. Eventually, the series did come to a close, BUT STILL having one DIRECT-SEQUEL AND THEN ANOTHER RIGHT AFTER in consecutive order. THEN IN 2011, THE SERIES CAME RIGHT BACK TO THE ORIGIN STORY WITH A YEAR-AND-A-HALF TIMESKIP! Admittedly ALSO having an Origin-Story for one of its Characters as its “Beginning” Chapter, THEN RIGHT AFTER, it starts up with an invasion of the new Main Threat of the Series: The Perfect Large Numbers. And with this new on-coming threat, a new set of Characters arrive to the story: A giant Kendo Fighter, A Dog-Man, a Clown, A water-Faucet, A Polar-Bear, and honestly a few straight-up Action Figures (Not at all that it is a bad thing.) All the while, with the Original series now already having been established (AND TWO SEQUEL-SERIES AS WELL) NOW the series is starting and continuing full-throttle! Not only are all three of the previously established Groups within the series in a feud with each other, given the connecting Back-Stories to all of their leaders, but once the MAIN Villain of the entire series comes back to the story, we ALSO learn about the GODS of this Universe connect to him and his brother’s own past to them! The ACTUALLY LEADS INTO SOME DEEP CONNECTS WITH THE MAIN CHARACTER: Kinnikuman, HIMSELF! Interesting LORE is given to their world and how the ORIGINAL “Choujin” came to be from the GODS of this series’s Universe. And it ultimately leads into a battle between Kinnikuman AND one of his OWN family members and finally the leaders of the two other factions!
The next Arc. continues with a BRAND NEW threat, BUT focusing on ALL OF THE OTHER (More Minor) Characters in the series. It’s honestly good if you want to see the New and Improved Fighting of the Characters that were so minor in the Original series and how far they’ve come with their training.
Finally, the current Arc. Has all of the Main Characters get invaded by all of the EVIL GODS of their Universe who wish to “Cleanse” the Earth and start a “New” by killing ALL OF THE Choujin within it. This forces all of the opposing sides to come together and unite to enter the “Passage Way to the Heavens” in order ultimately defeat the invading Gods and prove their right to live themselves! Side-Notes:
- With all of the Characters being from different ethnicity around the world AND a good amount of them about from either different Planets OR different Realms, ALL of the characters have varying designs and outfits to make each of them look as either interesting or awesome as possible, especially when they are supposed to looking dynamic for themselves.
- Even though the series is usually depicted as a “Male-Combat” sport, it DOES feel a little uninviting/unappealing that there are VERY FEW WOMEN in the series (At least, in the fights). This IS attempted to overcome in the Sequel-Series’s “Side-Series”: Kinnikuman Nisei: All Choujin Dai Shengeki, with the appearance of the Fighter: Fiona, but it is still only a “Side-Series”, so it’s still very minor.
- One thing that has been kept consistent is the Volumes’ Cover-Art. Showing-Off the Characters and dilemmas very dynamically throughout EACH of the Series within the Franchise.
(Original) Series:
Nisei: Kyuukyoku no Chojin Tag Hen:
(Revival) Series:
- This is more towards the "Anime", but I also REALLY want to share how GOOD the 3rd "OP": Kinnikuman Sensation, is as well.
(This is the FULL song.)
And finally, this is how I PERSONALLY think the song would go in English:
• (Da-Da-Da Dynamite!) cry out for love
(Sensation!) Evil is scattered about,
Go fight them you Shining Super-Warrior, You Fighter (Da-Da-Da!) Kinnikuman• The red blood of the innocent that is hurting from the foul.
Draw a winning V on the Matt, win for Justice, protect the innocent, and make it a Vow• Even if the power is huge, I know you are not losing.
The heart is burning, the flame is turning, you can even make a win from a lose.• I'm a hero, I don't know the meaning of "give up"
He is the Hero (Hero) and he is rising to the top.
(Da-Da-Da Dynamite!) Barking Muscle
(Sensation!) The Passion of Peace
This battle is a message of true justice• (Da-Da-Da Dynamite!) cry out for love
(Sensation!) Evil is scattered,
Go fight them you Shining Super-Warrior, You Fighter (Da-Da-Da!) Kinnikuman• A superhuman who gave his soul to the devil
I'll show you a fight of Justice, you misguided Criminal.
Without a pinch, it's a hot’n Furin Volcano
A dreaming warrior has a smile on her arms that don’t say No.• I'm a hero, I can't lose even if I fall down
So Sa Hero (Hero) Cheering is my energy• (Da-Da-Da Dynamite!) Uare Buster
(Sensation!) Kept-Alive Friendship
Seven-colored Typhoon Blowing Around like a clashing Whip• (Da-Da-Da Dynamite!) cry out for love
(Sensation!) Evil is scattered
Go fight them, you Shining Superman Fighter (Da-Da-Da!) Kinnikuman• (Da-Da-Da Dynamite!) Barking Muscle
(Sensation!) The Passion of Peace
This battle is a message of true justice.• (Da-Da-Da Dynamite!) cry out for love
(Sensation!) Evil is scattered
Go fight them, you Shining Superman Fighter (Da-Da-Da!) Kinnikuman_Announcer: NOW, WHAT EVERYONE HAS WAITED FOR: REPRESENTING THE “Justice Choujin”: Kinnikuman! AND REPRESENTING THE “Devil Choujin” Akuma Shogun!
(1979)-(2016)I just SERIOUSLY recommend this series to anyone who wants to see a really bizarre and really insane fighting series. __WhatAGoodShow
100/100The real grandfather of fighting shonen that came before Dragon Ball, Saint Seiya and Fist of the Northstar.Continue on AniListIf Dragon Ball, Fist of the Northstar and Saint Seiya are considered the Grandfather of Fighting Shonen, Kinnikuman can be considered the Grandgrandfather of those as not only did it come before them but also set up a lot of standards needed for a good action packed show. In fact, it inspired many popular shonen such as One Piece.
Kinnikuman at first started off as a gag manga parodying Ultraman at the time, but over the course of the series, the Ultraman elements will be dropped such as the techniques that are parody versions of the main characters, the ability to turn into a giant and even the Kaijus stopping appearing. In exchange it becomes a wrestling based fighting shonen where Chojin (basically Supermen) fight each other for glory or for the sake of the universe.
There are a huge selection of Chojin types each with their own believe system like the Justice Chojin fighting for the safety of those without powers and the Devil Chojin to rule over everybody and aren't afraid to fight dirty.
Like in One Piece, there is a huge variety of characters with unique designs actually send by fan who read Shonen Jump at the time. Some of the designs get merged into a more fitting character but the authors (it is worked by the duo Yoshinori Nakai and Takashi Shimada, known as Yudetamago) do credit the kids or adults who send them the designs. Some of these characters become protagonists or even major antagonists for example Robin Mask one of the fan favorites.What makes it so great is that the character designs are not just for show but actually affect the fighting style of each Chojin. Each using their bodyshape and size to full effect coming with unique strength and weakness. An example is Prisman, a Chojin made out of glass, who uses his sharp edges to cut. His opponents can hurt themselves when they attack him with karate chops. And he can absorb sunlight releasing a dangerous beam of light.
Another example would be Planetman who is made out of all the planets in our Solar System and has the ring of Saturn as a sauzer to cut things or freeze opponents with his legs which are representing the planets furthest away from the sun.Kinnikuman is also one of few shonen that grew up with its audience as after the main run concluded, but its sequel Kinnikuman Nisei and its 2011 continuation were released on a mature oriented magazine where they aren't restricted from showing things inappropriate for a younger audience.
There is also the theme of friendship in the show with the use of friendship power which is usually associated with "random power out of nowhere" or "deus ex machina", basically bullshit powers. However, Kinnikuman is one of few shows that uses friendship power appropriately as it has conditions, weaknesses and can be even harvest by the enemy.
The 2011 continuation of Kinnikuman also came with improvements addressing many issues of the original run as well. Examples as such improving the art quality, showing a few of the improvements and changes that will appear in the sequel, adding advancements made by Shonen that came after like visually highlighting a power up called the Burning Inner Strength, giving more screentime to characters that didn't get to do a lot as well as getting even more out of the designs of older characters and expanding more on the lore of the world such as the good gods who only appeared as faces instead as characters unlike the evil gods.
Meaning unlike many other shonen who continued longer than needed, Kinnikuman's 2011 continuation doesn't devalue what came before it nor does it feel like a cashgrab as one can see the love and care previously put on the series in it.As for the characters, Kinnikuman also known as Prince Suguru Kinniku is one of few corruptible main characters. He doesn't have an evil demon or anything but he is a selfish adult. At first he appears to be very unbearable and unreliable, but from time to time he shows some signs of humanity in them needed for a shonen protagonist you look up to. Over the course of the series, while he is scared and doesn't want to participate in certain events like fighting major villains, he makes up his mind and fights for those he loves developing courage and discovering the hidden power Burning Inner Strength. He would cast his old techniques for ones taught by the former Hawaian Champion Prince Kameha and eventually developing his own ones. Over time gaining the respect of all the people who hated him which is... pretty much every living soul but his parents.
Meat is Kinnikuman's side kick or rather servant. He will be his closest friend. While not the most powerful fighter and rarely even participates in combat, he is often involved in some shape or form in Kinnikuman's business.
Terryman is a chojin from America Texas who thanks to Kinnikuman changed his world of view and saw the greater things in live over the things he felt he needs to do. Often he is the person Suguru can rely on the most.
Robin Mask was the Chojin Champion of the start of the story and one of the most respected character and a real rolemodel. Over the course of the series he would go through major character arcs and is one of the most well developed ones in the show.
There are many other characters but listing them all and explaining something about them would take forever.
A criticism can be seen as the shift from parody to a completely different product. So if you don't like both of those and the shift isn't something you like, it can be a turn off. But the tonal shift happens gradually enough to feel natural.
Another thing is that this manga is victim of some changes in the way things are viewed now. What used to be for kids back in the day is even intolerable for some adults as there are some very random insanely brutal scenes or a character based on the history of something said country doesn't want to be reminded off.
Continuing Kinnikuman despite having a concluded sequel can be off putting for some people who know that the characters say saw around a decade ago in the latest story are fine. But 2011 continuation fills a few plotholes and creates a set up to better transition to the new generation.
Death can appear as meaningless since like in Dragon Ball characters can come back to life. 2011 version fixes that issue too by expanding on the story of the Chojin Graveyard and its mechanics as well as a way to remove it. Meaning after that and in the new Generation continuation, death will be permanent. But even before that, there were very strict conditions that made it impossible for any character to come back at any point. It wasn't as easy as in more modern Shonen.
And the character designs especially the main character can be off putting.
The manga is also ongoing meaning the show may not end great like the original run which ended during the Scramble for the Throne arc.In conclusion, Kinnikuman is a great Shonen and a must read for Shonen fans especially who love wrestling.
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- (3.55/5)
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