October 13, 1995
28 min
Hiroe Ogawa is a healthy, normal girl with an extraordinary, private dilemma. Hiroe is unable to reach sexual climax under any circumstances. Over Hiroe's objections, older housemate Mayaka and landlady Yayoi use a variety of sexual techniques, appendages, and even hypnotism in order to help Hiroe achieve her elusive goal.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Hiroe Ogawa
Yumi Takada
Mayaka Ogawa
Arisa Andou
Masami Toyoshima
Yayoi Ogawa
Miho Yoshida
Takami's Friend 1
Hiroe (Possessed)
Mia Chigusa
Takami's Friend 2
Youko Asada
Fortune Teller

Not available on crunchyroll
60/100This is exactly what you would get if Rumiko Takahashi wrote a hentai series. One can dream.Continue on AniListF3: Frantic, Frustrated & Female (or whatever the Japanese title is) is what would happen if Rumiko Takahashi (Ranma ½, InuYasha) wrote a hentai. The similarity is so uncanny, in fact, that I find myself questioning the fact that she didn't. But, as far as official sources are concerned, she was not involved. So, there you go.
F3 stands out in the world of hentai as being one of the very few comedy hentai series... and if you like old, wacky relationship shows like Urusei Yatsura and Ranma ½, it will likely leave you satisfied. Being a 3-episode hentai series, of course, it doesn't hold up to the same standards as such serial anime as those, but the production staff did a pretty good job with it given what they were working with.
Writing: The series is, for the most part, pretty episodic. The setting is established with the main (female) character's problem of being unable to climax, which, while not the most creative thing in the world, I will say is original in that I have yet to see any other hentai series follow the same formula. The first episode focuses on this problem as she and her friends try various wacky quick-fixes by means of hypnosis, fortune-telling, and mad science; the other two episodes just kind of roll into their own storylines, having little to do with the first. But, the style remains consistent, and there is a definite continuity present, so while there's not really a story in the sense of there being development or closure, each episode tells its own story and is interesting enough to watch.
Art: The visuals aren't bad for a hentai. The production values won't blow you away, but everything is drawn reasonably well, and there's consistency in the artwork. Eyes don't float above hair (easy tell for an anime with low production values), and no one has breasts blown up to the point of being bigger than her head. One thing of note is that this series isn't too extreme, and in fact avoids showing genitalia at all on many occasions, so if you're looking for something more explicit, best not to put your eggs in this basket.
Sound: The dub is one of the better ones among hentai series, but that's not saying much at all--it's still pretty bad. I had no problems with the Japanese dub, myself, but the main character's voice may be a little whiny for some, so be warned. The music is nothing to buy a CD soundtrack for, either, but it fits the series well enough, and does a reasonably good job making the viewer's experience a pleasant one--overall, very average in the sound department.
Really, what I can say about this series above all else is that it's unique. There are very few hentai comedy series out there (assuming you don't count shows like Ranma ½ and Girls Bravo as hentai, which I think most of us don't), and none that capture the "wacky hijinx" spirit of cheesy 80's anime comedies as well as F3 does. It's no showstopper in and of itself, but a lot of nostalgic fun for anyone who wants to relive old times... and see a little action while they're at it.
OVA HentaiShokuzai no Kyoushitsu
OVA HentaiParade Parade
- (2.7/5)
Ended inOctober 13, 1995
Main Studio AIC
Favorited by 22 Users