July 26, 2017
Cute girl wizard Lucy wants to join the Fairy Tail, a club for the most powerful wizards. But instead her ambitions land her in the clutches of a gang of unsavory pirates led by a devious magician. Her only hope is Natsu, a strange boy she happens to meet on her travels. Natsu’s not your typical hero—he gets motion sickness, eats like a pig, and his best friend is a talking cat. With friends like this, is Lucy better off with her enemies?
(Source: Kodansha USA)
Note: Includes 4 extra chapters.
Erza Scarlet
Natsu Dragneel
Lucy Heartfilia
Gray Fullbuster
Wendy Marvell
Juvia Lockser
Mirajane Strauss
Gajeel Redfox
Jellal Fernandes
Laxus Dreyar
Mavis Vermillion
Levy McGarden
Sting Eucliffe
Gildarts Clive
Cana Alberona
Ultear Milkovich
Rogue Cheney
Makarov Dreyar

85/100Why is fairy tail so hated? (spoiler free)Continue on AniList“There was once an editor who said ‘A story is a living thing.’ It has a tendency to grow and many aspects get added. You know, I didn’t have everything set in stone from the very start, so as the story progressed, i thoughtfully added little by little to match it’ - Hiro Mashima (the creator of Fairy Tail)
You shouldn't go into Fairy Tail expecting One Piece, Hunter x Hunter, Death note, or any other story you can really think of. Fairy tail is its own story, and while it isn’t perfect, I hope I can give it the justice it deserves. You may not like it, and that is okay. Its not a series that's meant for everyone. However, there is a lot of hate that follows the series and a lot of people write it off before ever giving it a chance. It's such a shame since I'm just going to say it outwrite, I love Fairy Tail.
Fairy Tail is the exact story that I wanted when I started it. I wanted to go on a journey. I wanted to know what being in a guild meant. I wanted to figure it out through my own eyes, and not someone else's opinions. I went in with no expectations, I went in with pretty much no spoilers either. All I knew was Natsu uses fire and there's fan service
The manga over the anime
I personally prefer manga as a medium overall compared to anime. I think that you are able to get the truest form of a story that the author wanted to make. You also get to see the amazing chapter covers, volume covers, and get to hear directly from the author himself talking about the series that he spent so long working on. The series was originally planned to be around 10 volumes, and ended at 63 as stated by the author many times. You get to see the author grow with the series, the art evolve. I have heard that the anime is an okay adaptation, but I personally don't know other than a few scenes which are done well in both.
The Art
Landscapes and setting- While the setting may not feel entirely like a new idea, it fits the themes of the story perfectly. The cities of Fiore (the country the story takes place in) feel lived in, but can sometimes feel a little too similar to other cities in the series.
I couldn't find any great pictures that don't contain any spoilers, so just trust me it gets better than thisThe Characters-
All characters have a very distinct design and feel to them. You never really get characters mixed up for them looking similar, but remembering the names of all of them can be hard. You can always understand what a character is thinking by their facial expressions, and is one of the things that the author does best. I mean look at how different and unique all the characters look, yet they still are designed well
Fights & Choreography?
Really great. The paneling is done in a way that allows for you to be able to follow the fight very well without needed to reread the scene to be able to understand. You can really sit back and look at the high impact panels and really enjoy taking the scenes.
The Power System
I think that the magic system that Fairy tail implements is great in some aspects. A lot of people have different types of magics and are all wildly creative with some of the things that happen. I think that this falls in the same category of bleach, black clover, etc. where the main character has a more boring power and really giving the villains and other characters really interesting powers. Its a trope that has been used in almost every single battle Shonen, and will continue to be used. There is a few things that get pulled out of their asses in terms of powerups, but a lot of time it doesn't take away from my enjoyment
The Power of Friendship
The most talked about problem with the series is the power of friendship and its affects on the series. People will call it cheap, cliché, boring, pretty much anything negative. It will take away the stakes in the story and make it less enjoyable when you can just "use the power of friendship to win." I don't really think that the power of friendship is all that bad. Yeah, it can be a little bit much, but it has its reasonings for existing, and I think that if it was named something cooler like "Going PLUS ULTRA" or "Surpassing your limits" from mha or black clover then people would be able to get behind it. Pretty much every battle shonen has its version of the power of friendship in it, and while I think that it is kinda lame at times, I still think it fits perfectly in the story that was being told.
The Plot
Its nearly impossible to talk about the plot without spoiling things, but I'm going to keep myself as vague as possible. The overall plot of fairy tail is something that isn't going to make you think about your place in the universe. Its not something that made me really question who I am or make me question my morality, it's about going on odd jobs with friends. Its about the journey, and not really the destination. This is one of the biggest issues that I have with the story because sometimes it feels like things were kind of just thrown together, but it didn't really take away much of my enjoyment for the series. I wasn't here for a compelling story, if I wanted that I would have read something like monster. I wanted a fun series, and its exactly what I got. There is quite a lot of foreshadowing to pick up on which is pretty fun, and if you are reading the manga then you will be able to see what the author has to say about it at the end of the volumes.
My personal thoughts and Conclusion-
One of the most enjoyable read through I have had for a series. I cried probably like 20-30 times because of how invested I got into this series. I really did get just everything that I wanted from this, and while it's not perfect, it really just made me happy. And I think that is the most important part of enjoying a series. Whether or not you decide to try this series and drop it, I don't blame you. Its not a series that is for everyone. I just want this series to be able to be talked about more positively. I want people to make their own opinions about the series without writing it off before giving it a chance. Thanks for reading
70/100Fairy Tail: The Bedtime Story Manga With Some Serious Moments (not spoiler-free)Continue on AniListPrelude
Many people put down titles like FT, considering them "for kids", when in reality, they couldn't have been more wrong. "Couldn't have been more wrong" are strong words to use, no doubt, because there is some truth to them: the title doesn't take itself seriously 90% of the time and is written in a light-hearted manner with the ever lasting theme of "power of friendship". But it's these 10% of when Mashima cares more than he usually does that I'd like to talk about.
I'll take a couple characters and some key points in the story arcs they were involved in off the top of my head to prove the point I'm making.
The Subject
Let's start with Lucy, the character we see first and foremost when the story begins. Hers will be a bit more generalized so bear with me for a sec. I wasn't too fond of her until recently, thinking of her as a DJ Khaled of FT, as in, "what does she even do?" until I realized SHE is the true MC of the story, not Natsu. Let me explain: hers is a journey of rebellion (running from her father's home), finding a place to be in this world (which she did by joining the (in)famous guild of Fiore) and getting stronger to stand up for herself and her friends, which, eventually, she does succeed at. That point is being solidified by the fact that she keeps her diary up to date with all the major events that took place as the story progressed, reflecting on how it affected Lucy personally. What makes her an MC in my eyes and not Natsu, you ask? Those things I listed above, and the fact that Natsu only gets development in terms of what his true origins are. He remains that aloof, strong goof as the story events went further on, and still is in 100YQ.
Side Characters
Now, let's delve a bit deeper on the side characters that struck me the most in terms of how they were written. First, Juvia: she discarded her feelings because they weren't reciprocated during her childhood, as all the kids thought she was a weirdo. Then, through the fight she had with Gray she was able to discard her heartless "cog" persona and became a proper human being. Unfortunately, that comes at a cost of Mashima's infinite gag of her being a simp and shouting "Gray-sama" for the rest of the story. Though in the final arc of OG manga, their sacrifice was pretty cool too, icl.
After that, comes Ultear, my favorite FT character. Her story is that of sacrifice (another one): with all the wrongs she did, Ultear figured the only was to atone for her sins is to make a sacrificial gamble, as she wasn't in the know that Last Ages could only rewind back time by one singular minute. And it paid off in the bigger scheme of things: FT launched a counterattack with the vision of how it'd have played out and turned the tide of battle in their favor. I will always consider Ultear the most well-written Mashima character ever. She's got it all: the awful past, the haunting present and no future, as her sacrifice made her age like 60 years older right after. What I think Mashima SHOULDN'T have done is bringing her back as a plot device when he couldn't think of some other way of saving characters in a pinch, e.g. the Dimaria vs Wendy and Sherry fight.
Also, the 2nd half of GMG arc is his best as well, in my opinion. Everything fell into place and almost everyone got to play their part, more or less.
Final Arc
I would've said that I like the final arc the most, had it not been for Mashima making the allegedly "strongest sorcerers of the whole planet Earth" lose like the dumbest gag characters I've ever came across. Take Brandish, for example: the girl, whose nickname is "COUNTRY DESTROYER", only lost because she's ALLERGIC TO POLLEN. Make it make sense, I beg. And how Erza suddenly became Kenpachi from Bleach and cut the meteor in half. I'm forever convinced that's where Mashima took the inspiration from. The only saving grace of this arc was Mavis and Zeref's backstories and some Brandish content in relation to Lucy's mother knowing hers. Aaaand some of Natsu's origins, too. Can't overlook that one as well.
The Conclusion
Notice how I never mentioned the fanservice? Even some serious moments have some of that. Like here, during the part when Ultear criticizes her very being. Or is it supposed to show that she lays all her emotion naked, open for everyone to see? I guess we'll never know. Still, fanservice is not much of an issue, personally.
All in all, I knew what I signed up for beforehand, so I couldn't be too harsh about it. 'Tis a bedtime story manga, after all. Truly been our Fairy Tail. 7/10
100/100Fairy Tail is an exceptional and fun-filled story following a massive goofy family more genuine than any other.Continue on AniListHello. This is going to be very long, but I've really wanted to write about my experience with this series for a while. It's a series I'd really like for those who haven't to check out. Though I'll be mentioning both the anime and manga here, this will be most accurate for the manga as my experience with it is much more recent. Though this is a review, I've also written it as a bit of an introduction to the series.
1 - BACKGROUND (Skippable)
Fairy Tail was an anime I loved as a kid. Though it wasn't my first anime, it was the series that truly got me into anime. I had started to lose interest in the series in 2018 when the final series aired, mainly due to the gap between seasons as well as my growing disinterest in battle shounen. This led me to reading the final arc instead of watching the rest of the final season. Upon finishing it, I didn't care for the ending, but for much different reasons than others often mention.
After that, I pretty much tucked the series away in my mind despite it still holding a special place for me that other series would never have. As time passed, and I got more involved online, I learned about the extreme amount of "criticism" directed towards the series. Though I still would never say I disliked the series, these sentiments did affect my perception of the series to an extent. After all, I was younger and more easily influenced. I also didn't really care much about the series anymore at that point. For a long while, I had a "I still like it, but it's not actually that good" mind-set.
Fast-forward to a few months ago when the 100 Years Quest anime first aired. Despite having said goodbye to the series 6 years ago, I decided I'd watch at least the first episode just for the nostalgia of it. Upon watching it, I was instantly baffled. Throughout the episode, I had this uncontrollable huge smile plastered on my face. It was extremely rare for me to enjoy watching an anime so much. I was just instantly in adoration of the characters despite remembering very little about the series. Though there was definitely some nostalgia involved, I figured out quickly that there was something more special going on and resolved to read the whole manga. What I discovered was nothing short of remarkable.
In all honesty, even now, I'm a bit apprehensive about writing this with all the treatment I've seen towards this series, but I don't want anyone to miss out on something they might potentially love. I'm certainly not the first to "defend" or write positively about Fairy Tail, but I'd still like to offer my own perspective, which I feel is a bit different from the ones I've seen. I'd like to get it over with and start by addressing some misconceptions and unfair statements regarding the series. Though I don't want the focus here to be the negative sentiments towards the series, I don't think leaving them out is the right way to go about this either. Please skip over this next section if you're just interested in the series' good points!
I don't think I even need to mention this, since it's not really a misconception, but yes, there's lots of fanservice. If you strongly dislike it, you shouldn't watch or read it. For those who are worried about it detracting from the plot or characters, it does not. It's mainly central to a good chunk of the humor. Even as someone who strongly prefers series to not have fanservice, I often found it really funny.
"Power scaling." This is a term I've seen mentioned a lot when it comes to Fairy Tail. To be blunt, I'm not currently someone that enjoys battle shounen and haven't been for a while. When I originally saw many complaints about the series' power scaling, I simply didn't care, so I didn't think much about it at all. However, upon reading the second chapter of the manga, it occurred to me that power scaling isn't something feasible in Fairy Tail in the first place.
In Makarov's words in chapter 2, "Ours is a power that goes beyond the bounds of reason. Magic isn't some miracle. But it is born out of reason itself. What we do is match the energy that flows between us with the wavelength of the world's natural energy. And take what is embodied in that union using our force of will and concentration. More than that, we pour our entire soul into it to make what we call magic. If you spend time thinking about what those in authority think of you, your magic will never advance."
In simpler terms, magic in Fairy Tail is heavily reliant on the wizard's state of mind and emotion. Though there is still a general sense of "this person is mostly stronger than this person", any character's magic can be exponentially stronger than usual at any given time depending on their state of mind, which makes the idea of consistent power scaling fairly impossible. I think it's perfectly fine to dislike that aspect, but to say "the power scaling is bad" is like saying "I hate your dog" to someone that doesn't have one. In my view, this clarification changes what seems like an objective flaw to a subjective one. Yes, someone who likes battle shounen may very well not enjoy the fights in Fairy Tail, since any scenario can become feasible, but the author does actually keep the rules he established the majority of the time. I'd also like to add that this is further used to express the strength of the characters' bond with one another, as is the entire point of Fairy Tail.
Further to this point, many of the battles where the characters do actually have a lot of trouble also receive a fair share of criticism. The claims typically state that the main cast should be able to beat the other characters easily. Though in terms of strength, there are cases where this would be true, assuming all characters involved were at their default state, many of these fights rely on each individual character's magic's gimmicks.
The main cast has to figure out the best way to circumvent whatever special ability the other party has, even if they would beat them in terms of raw strength/magic capability (which again, is almost impossible to define definitively to begin with). In my opinion, this actually makes things more interesting. It's perfectly fine to not enjoy this, but it's just not true to say that the characters should be able to beat many of the characters right off the bat.
Moving on to the power of friendship...it's obviously subjective whether you dislike it or not, but I did want to at least point out that tons of other battle shounen also use it frequently. Fairy Tail is certainly more blatant and frequent with it, but unless you completely despise it, I wouldn't let it stop you from trying out the series. I personally find it neat that the author wrote the magic system in a way that allows POF to be logically sound. It doesn't change the point of it though. I'd also like to clarify that "power of friendship" isn't exactly the right term when referring to Fairy Tail. Family would be much more accurate. The author even switches between the characters referring to the guild members as "friends" and "family" many times throughout the manga. I'm just clarifying this for later on.
These are the main points I see brought up that I wanted to touch upon. In my opinion, most other claims are either arc specific (likely from actual fans), miniscule things, or just straight up trolls. I don't want this section to come off as "there's nothing to be criticized", but these claims are just often spoken of as if they were objective facts and in ways that can misconstrue the writing to those who haven't seen the series themselves in some capacity. I have my own problems with things in the series that I'll get into later on.
Fairy Tail is a battle shounen that uses a reactive formula. Rather than the characters having some sort of goal and defeating obstacles along the way, the characters in Fairy Tail fight to defend their way of life as problems arise and come to them. The series follows a guild called Fairy Tail where the members take on various requests in return for payment. The story starts with a girl named Lucy who wishes to join the Guild and escape her former lifestyle. Along with Lucy, viewers get to experience what the Guild is like, how the quests go, and how the members view and interact with one another.
You strongly dislike fanservice.
You care a lot about characters having objectively defined power/strength.
You strongly dislike "power of friendship".
You strongly prefer dark themes.
You enjoy fights over anything else.
You dislike romantic elements.
You dislike a heavy focus on comedic elements.
You don't like long series.
You want a set goal.WATCH/READ FAIRY TAIL IF...
You're fine with or like fanservice.
You prefer character writing over fights.
You like comedic elements.
You like romantic elements.
You like optimistic and bright themes.
You like a heavy focus on family.
You're fine with or like long series.
You like a wide cast of characters.
You're fine with or enjoy reactive plots.MAIN CAST
Yes, Yes. I know. "But the guild is the protagonist"! I don't disagree with this sentiment that's been adopted by many now, but there is still a main cast of characters that are focused on much more heavily than the rest of the guild. I just don't want anyone going in thinking every guild member will have equal importance. As for that sentiment, there's plenty to say later. Keep in mind that the stuff below is just a very general intro to the characters and quite a lot changes throughout the series.
Lucy Heartfilia
Lucy is an ultra sweetheart, but many of the guild members, especially Natsu, are experts at getting her to snap. Lucy is a celestial wizard that summons zodiac spirits to help her fight. Though she's not the strongest of the main cast, she is incredibly intelligent and often uses her wits to win battles and save others.
Natsu Dragneel
Natsu is an impulsive and lovable goofball that, despite his faults, will always be there to save his family. Though it may not be the most apparent, Natsu isn't as stupid as he acts. Natsu is a fire dragon slayer and uses fire to fight.
Happy is a cat-like creature with wings. He is Natsu's best friend and inseparable from him. Happy can't fight, but he is able to fly and carry Natsu or other Guild members in desperate situations. He likes to tease others and is commonly a source of comedy in the series.
Gray Fullbuster
Gray is a mostly laid-back guy with a habit of stripping off his clothes, no matter the time and place, unintentionally. He uses Ice-Make magic, which can be used to make ice and turn it into weapons and objects.
Erza Scarlet
Erza is a strict and disciplined girl that is incredibly strong. She uses Requip magic, which allows her to switch into various armors and outfits that enhance her fighting abilities. It's possible that there's other stuff going on below her tough exterior...
Too far in for new readers/viewers to know about.Carla
Too far in for new readers/viewers to know about.Fairy Tail's Core
Fairy Tail is still a battle shounen, but its heart lies with the unique relationships the author has created between the members of the Fairy Tail Guild. The central theme of Fairy Tail is family and that the members will protect their family no matter what it takes. It doesn't matter where you came from or what you did in your past, once you're a Fairy Tail member, you're family.
The characters certainly have things they want, but they don't need any sort of grand goal and aren't moral crusaders. All they want is to protect their family and keep on living together. The members are a bunch of wacky misfits that have found where they belong and simply yearn to keep it. Just like a family, if you mess with one of them, you mess with all of them.
Not only does this make everything more impactful within the guild, the members' closeness even resonates with many of the antagonists and other guilds, which allows for exceptional character moments across all the Fairy Tail cast. The author created something that I truly feel can't be replicated to the same extent and probably won't be.
This sort of goes along with the last point, but the character writing is exceptional. There are many subtle dialogue lines that reveal a lot about a character without actually stating it. Thanks to the series' length, the family dynamic, and the author's already exceptional strength in character writing, Fairy Tail has a bunch of characters who are absolutely unforgettable.
There are so many heart-breaking and heart-warming scenes that work so well, all thanks to the sturdy foundations laid out for the characters. There's so much minor character writing that missing a single panel could leave you without a major aspect of a character. It's extensive as well, even including antagonists and other guilds.
However, I would like to point out that I recently discovered one of the anime episodes has a bunch of important stuff missing in that regard, so I highly suggest the manga for the proper experience. I haven't rewatched the anime, but I confirmed for myself what was missing and wrote it in a post a bit ago. I'll repost those things here.
"The anime cut out 6 pages of the chapter it was adapting (5 entirely cut and 1 drastically different.) Though cutting may be warranted in certain cases, that's around 30% of the chapter (possibly more because I didn't check for other scenes), and it happened to be the only parts of the chapter that were really important. For one, the anime did not convey the extent of a character's wounds. They cut out a scene that gave an important first look at the main characters' dynamic. They completely changed a character's reaction to the wounded character's wounds and misgivings. This reaction was extremely important in the manga in showing another side to the character, but the anime made their reaction almost completely opposite of the manga. They left out some internal dialogue that revealed something new about one of the main characters. The scene that was meant to properly introduce the character's dynamics also gave a different context to a later scene that was still kept in, potentially portraying that character quite differently to the viewer."
I don't know how frequently they cut stuff like that, but I'd assume it was more than one instance.
All the characters in Fairy Tail are extremely eccentric, so they're constantly doing very goofy things, which is the main component of the humor. Each of the characters (and relationships) has their own running gag that I don't want to spoil.
It may sound strange, but Fairy Tail has a lot of romance going on. Fairy Tail's romance isn't super in your face, but it's there between various characters. The plot involving a MAJOR antagonist is actually heavily rooted in romance as well. What's really nice about Fairy Tail's romance is that it often comes off as more genuine thanks to all the characters showing so much care for each other, even without all the flirting or blushing going on. Don't be expecting a full romance series, but you can expect quite a bit as an added bonus!
There are definitely some problems with Fairy Tail, such as...
Inconsistent use of certain magic.
Some rather large plot-holes (though minor in the grand scheme).
TOO plot heavy (there's very little break from heavy plot reveals, at least with the manga pacing).
Needed more non-plot related character interactions (Basically Fairy Tail S).
Some characters are redeemed way too fast without proper elaboration.
Fake-out deaths (Unlike many, I actually find deaths to be a lazy (though very feasible) way of creating emotional impact, but still, Fairy Tail fakes deaths way too much. I personally don't want characters to die, but I don't want the ridiculous amount of fake-outs either.)
Some arcs are too similar to one another in basic composition, making things less interesting.
Though I don't think it was as bad as many others did, the ending of the original series was rather abrupt and lackluster (I feel this applies to many endings though). However, there being a sequel more or less resolves that as a problem.READ OR WATCH?
I mentioned this just before, but the anime has cut out some important stuff, so I'd suggest reading the series overall. However, there's always the option of both! The anime has some filler, but most of it was written by the author in some capacity, though not entirely. If you read the manga, make sure to read Fairy Tail Zero and Fairy Tail S as well!
I don't know if this is a widely held view of the series, but I've seen quite a few fans refer to the series as childish fun. I don't entirely disagree with this, but I'd like to elaborate on it. Fairy Tail is not childish, but has a heavy child-like innocence throughout. There aren't a lot of excessively dark themes and the series is primarily a goofy and strange family fighting to defend that family. However, there's an extensive number of themes that children simply wouldn't be able to pick up on or understand. There are many character motivations and scenes that involve figurative elements or are just more complex. Even ignoring those parts, I wouldn't say it could be considered more childish than other popular shounen. The point being that there's still a lot of emotional depth that shouldn't be ignored just because the cast is extremely eccentric and fun.
Since Fairy Tail is a battle shounen, I can't just leave out the fights. I've already expressed how I felt about criticisms directed in this regard, so I won't mention those again. Frankly, I rarely enjoy fights in any series, so I can't say whether those who enjoy fights will like them in Fairy Tail or not. However, I can at least say that, narratively, a lot of story elements lie in the fights and the author uses the fights well to paint a picture of every character and certain things about them.
There are many types of people who can enjoy Fairy Tail, but it's ideal for those who put more weight on characters than the story or fights. Fairy Tail excels in this area more than anything else and more so than the majority of anime in existence. Of course, everyone has their own preferences, so there's no guarantee you'll like the characters, but if you do end up liking them, it's pretty much perfect in that regard. Also, as I mentioned a few times already, family is the core of the series, so if you're someone that heavily values family, the series will likely resonate with you a lot! You'll also need to be someone who enjoys over-the-top comedy, such as the type in Rumiko Takahashi works.
While I'd like to write about every aspect and character of this series in much more detail, this is already extremely long, and I don't want to further overwhelm anyone. I may not have perfectly expressed things here, but I hope this will clear some things up about the series as well as encourage some to at least try it out. I think it's a great thing that everyone has different views on each series, but I don't want those views to prevent anyone from giving a series a shot, so no matter which series it is and what others say about it, please give things a try first. On Fairy Tail specifically, it's ideal for me with its focus on and presentation of family. I love how silly the characters are and how loving and sweet they can all be. I love how they treat each other and those around them. I love seeing their adventures and I love seeing them protect what they love. I love the ridiculous side stories and the more sad stories as well. I love the frequently optimistic and bright nature of the series. I love the character's ideals and their persevering nature. I love Fairy Tail and I hope there are some that are reading this now who will be able to fall in love with it as well.
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