January 25, 2006
13 min
In this surreal comedy, the witch Tsukune-chan travels the countryside doling out just deserts, be they good or bad.
Haruko Momoi
Santa Claus
Masayuki Katou
Himeko Kesennuma
Ai Tokunaga
Hattori Nosuke
Norihisa Mori
Doctor Choromatsu
Ryou Naitou
Shioretta Flowers
Atsuko Enomoto
Chiemi Chiba
Tomoyuki Shimura
Ai Tokunaga
Mika Onigawara
Yuuko Sanpei
Devil Santa
Daisuke Ono
Chiemi Chiba
Yuuko Sanpei
Ryou Naitou

Not available on crunchyroll

85/100Words Cannot Describe What I Just WatchedContinue on AniList(Originally Reviewed on Serializd)
As with anyone who frequently watches any form of TV and movies, I usually like to stick to shows that generally have a basic format that one can easily follow, or at least, one that manages to tell a coherent story that will have you connecting with the characters and growing more and more interested in the story as it continues. Some of the greatest TV shows and movies that have ever been made have stuck strictly to a very solid foundation, and those foundations can go onto inspire many others to make even more great products later down the road. However, there are also those instances where you will run into a show, movie, or what have you that just.... really couldn't give less of a fuck. It will do whatever it wants and have a great time doing it, no matter what its audience thinks, and while this could potentially piss off some viewers, I will most likely absolutely love this kind of style if it is done correctly, or in a way that is just a whole lot of fun. That was essentially what happened whenever I decided to watch Majokko Tsukune-chan...... or Little Witch Tsukune-chan, if you absolutely need a translation of the name.
Before watching this, I had absolutely no clue what this show was. I was just browsing through some anime lists, looking for a relatively short series that I could blaze through in a couple of hours or so, and that's when I managed to stumble upon this little thing. I had never heard of the manga it was based on either, but from the looks of it, it just looked like a simple, yet fun little series that I would probably like enough, so I stuck to it and watched it all the way through though. Little did I know though that, from the moment I decided to watch it, I would be faced with some of the most non-sensical, random bullshit that I have ever seen from anything in such a long time....... and I fucking loved it. I wouldn't say it is absolutely perfect, and this definitely wouldn't be the kind of thing that everybody would be able to get behind, but I really enjoyed my time with this all the way from beginning to end, and I am so glad that I decided to check it out in the first place.
The stories are completely nonsensical, mostly just being a bunch of random little adventures that Tsukune and her friends go on, usually involving solving some minor problem or a trope we have seen many times in other shows, but they go about showing off all of these plots while incorporating as many weird and random events as possible, which make these way more entertaining then they have any right to be, the characters are pretty enjoyable, with none of them having any sort of major character traits or development, but they are fun to watch on-screen, such as Tsukune, The Mayor, Charlotte and so on, the voice acting is fun enough, with each of the actors behind the characters sounding like they are having a great time with what they are doing here, which is always great to see, the animation varies in quality constantly, where it can be pretty decent most of the time, while other times it does drop in quality for the sake of the humor, but none of the animation present here felt bad to watch, and with the constantly changing styles of animation and mixed media they implore throughout, it makes the show that much more visually interesting, and the humor is, in my opinion, fantastic, where the show had me laughing my ass off at many points throughout a lot of the episodes, as the humor was at the right level of being both clever and stupid for me to where I really found myself having a great time with it.
With that being said though, I can't say that the show is perfect, despite how much I absolutely loved it. First of all, this show does solely rely on the bullshit when it comes to the kind of plots and jokes that it brings you, with there being so many of each in just one episode, to where if you are someone who is looking for a show with a more typical format and sense of humor, this show won't give that to you. Of course, I managed to enjoy it quite a lot, but I can definitely see how many others wouldn't be able to get into it as much as me. Secondly, while I did say I loved the humor of this show, I can also say that it definitely isn't the best as I have seen, as it does sometimes fall into a trapping of reusing the same kinds of jokes a lot. There wasn't many of these that I could point out, but there were definitely some noticeable ones, such as the fact that the random blood, gore, and realistic styles would come in sometimes, which does lose its effective after a bit, as well as the fourth-wall breaking humor in this show, which isn't incredibly obnoxious or self-aware like other shows out there, but they do make a little too many nods for my liking. Then again though, those are only some minor complaints, because I still managed to really like this show as a whole, even despite the fact that there were only 6 10-minute episodes to watch. That is an accomplishment right there.
Overall, despite how short it is, how the humor can be a bit repetitive, and how non-conventional the show as a whole is, this managed to be a wonderful surprise that I absolutely loved from start to finish, what with its seemingly simple, yet completely ridiculous and hilarious stories, a wonderful batch of characters that I enjoyed seeing get into these shenanigans, and a sense of humor that knows just how to hit my funny bone in all the right ways. I would absolutely recommend it for those who like more random types of shows like this, as well as those who want something quick and easy to watch, because while it may not be for everybody, I'm sure you will definitely be feeling a mix of emotions after initially watching it, and some of those emotions just may be really positive. Now, if you excuse me, I'm gonna go see if I can now find something normal to watch, because I don't think I can properly function in life until I get all of the silly from that show out of my system.
TV SHORT ComedyDi Gi Charat
OVA ComedyDai Mahou Touge
SPECIAL ComedyDai Mahou Touge Omake
OVA ComedyMakasete Iruka!
- (3.25/5)
Ended inJanuary 25, 2006
Main Studio Xebec
Favorited by 12 Users