December 16, 2016
24 min
The second season of Bungou Stray Dogs.
Despite their differences in position, three men—the youngest senior executive of the Port Mafia, Osamu Dazai, the lowest ranking member, Sakunosuke Oda, and the intelligence agent, Angou Sakaguchi—gather at the Lupin Bar at the end of the day to relax and take delight in the company of friends.
However, one night, Angou disappears. A photograph taken at the bar is all that is left of the three together.
Fast forward to the present, and Dazai is now a member of the Armed Detective Agency. The Guild, an American gifted organization, has entered the fray and is intent on taking the Agency's work permit. They must now divide their attention between the two groups, the Guild and the Port Mafia, who oppose their very existence.
Osamu Dazai
Mamoru Miyano
Atsushi Nakajima
Yuuto Uemura
Doppo Kunikida
Yoshimasa Hosoya
Ranpo Edogawa
Hiroshi Kamiya
Chuuya Nakahara
Kishou Taniyama
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
Kenshou Ono
Akiko Yosano
Yuu Shimamura
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Akira Ishida
Sakunosuke Oda
Junichi Suwabe
Kyouka Izumi
Sumire Morohoshi
Lucy Montgomery
Kana Hanazawa
Yukichi Fukuzawa
Rikiya Koyama
Edgar Poe
Toshiyuki Morikawa
Kenji Miyazawa
Hiroyuki Kagura
Gin Akutagawa
Shiina Natsukawa
Junichirou Tanizaki
Toshiyuki Toyonaga
Ougai Mori
Mitsuru Miyamoto
Michizou Tachihara
Francis Fitzgerald
Takahiro Sakurai
Ichiyou Higuchi
Asami Seto
Kouyou Ozaki
Ami Koshimizu
Ango Sakaguchi
Jun Fukuyama
Kyuusaku Yumeno
Haruka Kudou
Naomi Tanizaki
Chiaki Omigawa
47/100A Promising Show Squandered by an Abundance of IssuesContinue on AniListIt's been a long time since S1 aired back in 2016 and for one reason or another, I never felt compelled to pick up S2 until recently. I enjoyed S1 initially but it was still a fairly mediocre anime in my eyes. For context, let me lay down some of the problems I had with season 1 from what I can remember. I've only seen S1 once and that was watching it weekly while it was airing so forgive me if I miss anything.
- Characters are introduced well but are given little screen time after that even if they seem important
- Villains are given little to no development
- Animation is decent at best, boring at worst, final fight of S1 being an exception
- Comedy straight up ruins most scenes and is unfunny
- Tone nosedives frequently from dark to funny
- Characters are one note (not necessarily a negative, expected for a show's S1)
So with these criticisms in mind I hoped that S2 would fix these issues. The reception to this season was extremely positive so I was excited to see what was going to happen. So, I dived in and watched the first four episodes which were an immediate step-up. The dark mafia tone was handled extremely well. The characters new characters were enjoyable to watch. The comedy was placed in fitting scenes and actually funny most of the time. It was shaping up to be a really good season. I was pumped to get back into the present to see the Guild in action and to witness a potential three-way-war.
Then I watched the rest of the show. Somehow, Bungo Stray Dogs S2 not only manages to be worse than season 1, but it's problems are even more egregious than before.
First of all, the way this show handles it's characters is honestly idiotic. I want to chock this down to a poor adaptation, but I'm not familiar with the source material so I don't know. The members of the Guild are visually really well designed and they were hyped up to be some awesome antagonists. They are a lot more interesting than Port Mafia and their powers were a lot cooler as well. So, the war begins and we see two new Guild members surface. One of them being Margaret Mitchell, a character I was really excited to see. She's the most distinct character on the poster and her dub performance is done with a southern accent so it's different from most anime villains. She's also hot, not gonna lie. So, for the first fight we see against the Guild, the two members get destroyed by Aktugatwa, just because he's angry. What a stupid way to introduce a new villain group. It's writing 101. If you want villains to be threatening, don't have them be beaten so easily right when they're introduced. It's idiotic. Especially since it's by one of the show's most annoying characters. So, for the rest of the season, the Guild never once feels like a threat and Port Mafia takes the role of dominant villain because we're supposed to think they're cool. Because a generic modern day mafia is somehow cooler than a group of people dressed in 1800s costumes that are named after famous authors that you'll actually recognize who have superpowers named after some of their books. The main villain suffers immensely because of this. He has such an interesting and unique power, and they make little use of it in this show. The final battle fails because of this. It happens out of nowhere, it's way too short and it doesn't feel like a climax in the slightest.
This character problem extends into the protagonists as well. Despite this being a 'war' the only Agency characters that do anything of note are Dazai and Atsushi. Everyone else either does barely anything or gets treated like Ranpo and gets half an episode dedicated to a mystery that was way better than anything that came before it this season. Why is every character handled so incompetently? It's not that hard to write a compelling and entertaining battle story. This was definitely a rushed adaptation, it's the only way this amount of mistakes actually makes sense. This show has so much potential to be amazing but it was squandered. It's got three seasons for god sake, it doesn't really have an excuse.
So, Bungo Stray Dogs S2. A show that somehow most people love despite being one of the most obviously flawed things ever made. It's unfortunate that a cool idea like this show got wasted with one of the most underwhelming anime adaptations ever made. I haven't even read the source material and I'm still made. This is a show I really wanted to like but everything it does from the characters, the fights and especially the poorly handled comedy just ruin the experience for me. If S3 is better than feel free to let me know, because I really want this show to be good.
Just so I end on a positive I'll quickly list some of the stuff I liked:
- Character designs are fantastic, definitely the best part of the show
- Powers are fun and creative
- Episodes 1-4 are really great
- Soundtrack
- Fights are better animated this season
- Margaret Mitchell ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
88/100Bungo Stray Dogs S2 is a huge improvement from its prequel. The mafia arc (ep 13-16) is a great work of art in itself.Continue on AniListOVERALL COMMENT (8.8):
- Season 2 is a whole new level compared to season 1.
- Sometimes deep, other times, cheesy.
- The storytelling in ep 13 - 16 is MUY BIEN. I really wished the main storyline took the same somber feeling as the mafia backstory.
(A) General Comments:
- Just like season 1, Bungo Stray Dogs greatly excels with their visual style.
- The transitions between scenes is smoothly done.
- I particularly like how the black screen comes in as the dialogue continues, giving the conversation a mysterious and ominous vibe.
(B) Title Screen cards:
- I appreciate they way they design Title screen. I also like how they start off with one-liners which sets the tone of the episode.
(C) Intro/Outro (Audio and visuals):
- Intro AND outro song is a VIBE.
- The neon noir visuals in Intro #1 is gorgeous. The use of neon typography over saturated scenes gives off dark mafia vibes.
- Intro #2 is also sick af
(D) Use of Audio/Music:
- Unlike s1 which used a lot of techno music, this season used classical instruments to depict a deeper and solemn atmosphere.
- Ep 15, the ringing, the muffled voice.
- Transitions between title screens, intros, and outros in this season is impactful.
(E) Character voice:
- The actors ARE the characters. They blend in so well and display emotions as if they were real (esp with Odasaku).
(a) General Comments
- Unlike in season 1, the atmosphere surrounding characters is much darker.
- Characters are mysterious, dimensional, and human. No one is truly bad, nor is anyone truly good either.
- Makes up for what season 1 had lacked.
- I really enjoyed seeing in the perspective of the Mafia, It was so well executed.
- The way they wrote in the character's perspective (esp with Odasaku) is chef's kiss.
(b) Dazai – visually aesthetic. I really enjoy his dark aura. Being able to divulge into his back story gives him more life.
(c) Odasaku – ANGEL. Daddy vibes with the biggest heart. His dialogues were impactful and nicely written. The depth of character and complexity of his emotions was executed so well to the point that you can hear it through his voice and see it in his eyes.
(d) Akutagawa – Has a Danzai complex. Puppy at heart.
(e) Relationships – The relationship between Dazai and Odasaku, which explains the backstory of Dazai and his decisions, yet giving Odasaku the main platform. Well executed. I'm interested to see how Akutagawa grows next season and his relationship with Atsushi.
(f) Growth – Character growth this season is well done. Not just for the Armed Forces, but also the mafia and the guild was dimensional.
(g) Mafia – Has love for the city and has their own way of protecting it. A nice touch.
(III) PLOT (8.5)
- Ep 13 to 16 has the best story telling. Smooth and touching. But kind of went downhill after that.
- Some dialogues felt a bit forced.
- I'm glad they finally explained how Atsushi had gained control of his powers.
(IV) PACING (8.5)
- The first four episodes was such a BIG improvement, however, that momentum did not last. The consistency in story-telling is a bit weak.
- The beginning of the season started off so strongly. Oda's background and character, the dialogue and premise was memorable. If I could rate "Oda's arc", it would be a 9.5/10. But because I have to rate the whole season, it drops to an 8.8 (which is still good in my opinion).
- Ep 15, with the ear-piercing ring, Odasaku screaming. 'I can no longer write a story'. This scene really makes your heart break along side his.
- Ep 16, The fact that the mafia became a licensed govt organisation, which explains why they're virtually untouchable in s 1. Odasaku's fight scene and final words is a 10/10 sad. He was such a beautiful and complex character.
- Ep 20, the end bit is nice, I like how the mafia is multi-dimensional, not good, but not bad.
- Ep 24, 'all we have is the right to waver. Like stray dogs that have hit rock bottom'.
(VI) ENDING (9.5)
- Great wrap up.
- Connection to the beginning and an intro premise for the next season is nicely done. I also appreciated the humour.
85/100Huge pacing issues but it still contained great use of characterisation and character dynamicsContinue on AniListBungou Stray Dogs 2nd Season is a continuation from the first season which places the Detective Agency, The Port Mafia and the Guild against each other in a three-way battle which sounded really interesting and then I realised it only lasted for 12 episodes which made me slightly worried and then the first 3/4 episodes were taken up by a flashback which shows Dazai, Ango and Oda so I was afraid of how the season would adapt this battle in just 8 episodes.
The plot for the first 3/4 episodes is actually extremely intriguing as it looks into, best character, Dazai and reveals even more about the integrity of the Port Mafia and the different forces that intertwine throughout. However, despite all this the plot was displayed the best through Oda as it depicts the heart-wrenching tale as he goes from a hopeful author to a vengeaful suicidal man after he watches the kids at the orthanage being blown up. The plot serves well in setting up the tone for what I assume the rest of the season will follow, however, this is when I got slightly disappointed. As we break from the past episodes we are re-introduced to the characters of Atsushi and Kyouka and seemingly out of nowhere Kouyou arrives. The impact seemed quite weak to me as I felt there was a huge lack of build-up and it was just thrown on us and, if that wasn't enough, Kouyou suddenly calls out the Port Mafia and then members of the Detective Agency show up and then the Guild members just drop from the fucking sky??? Are you kidding me? This is what that great 3/4 episodes setup has resulted to? We are then shown the overwhelming power of the Guild and the plot manages to pick itself back up as we are shown the aims of the different groups although the Detective Agency's reasons are pretty weak in comparison as they sort of just fling their members out into a war without care. The plot gets better as we are shown the Port Mafia launching an assault on the Guild's base as lemon bomb man and Akutagawa manage to take out two of the members, despite sustaining injuries/reopening injuries, and as Chuuya is shown to attack the Detective Agency (the reason why I can't seem to recall as that fight seemed lackluster to the others to come.) However, from this point the plot gets even better as the fights get even more interesting from the introduction of Q with his mind-control to the giant ship flying through the sky. Near the end comes the best plot device as we are shown the genius of Dazai as he purposefully pairs Akutagawa and Atsushi together and the two of them are forced to accept their differences and work together to beat Francis with a pretty cool combo, however, the ship doesn't ascend. I was taking by shock when this happened as I assumed the episode was ending and was immediately heartbroken as I saw Kyouka ram her drone into the ship and crash it into the ocean but that shock was immediately stopped due to me forgetting what the President of the Detective Agency's ability was XD. Then the plot settles down before ending on a cliffhanger on a new enemy which was in cahoots with one of the Guild members.
Overall, the plot was amazing to start off with but lost its footing in the middle but managed to find it again near the end. (Plot: 7.5/10)CHARACTERISATION
The characters in Bungou Stray Dogs always seemed to get on my nerves, apart from Dazai, but in this season these characters were extended upon and made even the more interesting to me and entertaining. A new addition was Oda, Dazai's friend from the past who died due to the gang which called itself "Mimic", who started off as a seemingly weak member of the Port Mafia but whose ability was slowly hyped up and revealed during the episodes only to make an explosive reveal after he hit rock-bottom after he lost those dear to him. This was a heart-wrenching development which resulted in his death and was very well portrayed and immediately made me love this season and the characterisation only served to continue as we were introduced to another of my favourite scenes when Atsushi is shown to be actually quite smart. The scene is when Atsushi talks to Lucy and the two reconcile other the similar abuse they have been through. This was done very nicely as it showed a growth in both characters and made me actually like Atsushi's character just a bit more. Another well-done characterisation was at the end where Atsushi and Akutagawa begin to understand each other yet despite this still argue and fight until, due to the overwhelming enemy, they are forced to help each other fight. The characterisation was extremely well-done in this season and there were so many examples of it- one being Kyouka's character who, after seeing the light, was thrust back into the darkness by herself due to her "dark nature" yet through understanding that she never wanted to regret anything she resolved to sacrifice herself in order to get one taste of the light. I could go on and on but this characterisation was extremely well potrayed although not all the characters were developed to this extent and to that I look at the Guild who were all pretty boring and forgettable characters. (Characterisation: 8/10)CHARACTER DYNAMICS
A strange paragraph but a necessary one. There were two separate character dynamics that I loved to see- one being the dynamic of Chuuya and Dazai when they fought against Lovecraft and the other being the dynamic of Akutagawa and Atsushi when they fought against Francis. I already spoke above about why I loved Atsushi's and Akutagawa's characterisation as they grew to fight together but the reason it was so good is just how well the two characters work together and, as Francis said, "The two of you are really similar". As a short explanation to explain the reason they work well together is through the excellent writing which, despite different circumstances, the circumstances are still shaped to mimic the pain each of them has gone through. Atsushi grew up in the orthanage where he was nearly killed twice and abused most days merely because of the power he gained meanwhile Akutagawa ALSO grows up as an orphan under horrible circumstances all mainly because of the power he has been given as well. The two of them are only both saved by Dazai and to that pivotal figure, respect is shown, and the two then wish to fight and prove their worth to him. However, their differences stem from how they wish to show their worth- Akutagawa through developing his overwhelming strength in the Port Mafia through hurting others and Atsushi through developing his strength in helping others. These similarities are played so well together in their character dynamic that I felt like I couldn't help but to root for them. Chuuya and Dazai are also well played in dynamic but through the complete opposite reason the dynamic of Atsushi and Akutagawa works as the two of them are united in their differences. In simple terms, Chuuya is an idiot who charges head-first whereas Dazai is a genius who always thinks things through to the very end. The two use their differences cleverly and it is shown effectively in the superb writing as, in order to compensate for Chuuya's reckless behaviour, Dazai merely has to stop his ability at the right moment. The action, despite simple, is portrayed really well and, yet again, makes you want to root for these characters as they come together to fight. Overall, the character dynamics are incredible and is something Bungou Stray Dogs did amazingly this season. (Character Dynamics: 9.5/10)VISUALS/ANIMATION QUALITY
My god what else is there to say. Bungou Stray Dogs is masterful at its visuals and its animation is flawless and poignant when it needs to be. The use of gifts is so brilliantly animated that it draws your attention and holds it through the entire fight or scene to follow and, on a different note, each gift is so unique and different in quality that I found myself never being born when I new character come on screen as I got to try and figure out what their gift was. (Visual/ Animation Quality: 9.5/10)VOICE ACTING
I don't really have any downsides with the voice acting as I think each voice is great although, this is just what I believe, but Chuuya's voice really just doesn't fit what he looks like and whenever he's on screen I kind of expect to hear a different voice and then he opens his mouth and I'm taken out of the scene for a second. I'm not saying the voice actor is bad infact I think Chuuya's voice actor is amazing I just find that the voice doesn't fit with his character. However, aside from that the rest of the voice actors are incredible and you can really tell the effort they put into this series. (Voice Acting: 9/10)MUSIC/SOUNDTRACK
My god do I love Granrodeo and the ending, again, was spectacular like last season. Basically, I don't need to say anything- the music always comes in at the last fight or at a poignant moment and each time it's perfect and fits nicely with the overall theme of the season. (Music/Soundtrack: 10/10)FIGHT CHOREOGRAPHY/PACING
Unfortunately, this is where Bungou Stray Dogs falls short for me. The fights don't have a flow to them and they just feel more like a fighter arcade (i hit you then you hit me) and it sort of falls flat in comparison to other series' fights. For example, in the final battle this is shown when Akutagawa and Atsushi develop their new forms but first Francis attacks and hits them back and then Atsushi and Akutagawa attack and Francis counterattacks Akutagawa saves Atsushi and then they do a combo attack to punch Francis off the ship. This seems fine but it all got a bit sloppy due to the overwhelmingly fast pacing of the season. I feel like if the season had 24 episodes it could've fleshed out this fight and slowed down the pacing as it felt like there should have been multiple battles occuring at the same time yet it always ended up feeling like there was only one battle taking place which would be over in an instant. (Fight Choreography/Pacing: 4/10)GENRE MIXING
The mixing of genres is really well handled in Bungou Stray Dogs and by this I am referring to the mixing of the supernatural and dark/crime genre with the comedic genre. This is mainly achieved through end of the fight scenes and it works well as it doesn't interrupt the hype of the fight with a bad joke but instead ends the fight with the two character then maybe hitting each other or arguing. This was shown in Akutagawa and Atsushi's aftermath of the fight with Francis as after Francis falls of the ship Atsushi immediately freaks out and runs to grab the remote from Francis' body but Akutagawa steps on Atsushi's belt and reveals that he already haves it to which the two bicker which results in Akutagawa stepping on Atsushi's head which is delivered very well and works as a pay-off and aftermath to the big fight and made me laugh whenever the technique was used in the series. (Genre Mixing: 9/10)CONCLUSION
To conclude, this season was really good although the pacing felt a bit too rushed and it would've been much better if it was given more episodes to flesh out the battles and expand on the scale of disaster and the disaster that would behold each group upon losing. My final scores from the different sections are:
-Plot (7.5)
-Characterisation (8)
-Character Dynamics (9.5)
-Visual/Animation Quality (9.5)
-Voice Acting (9)
-Music/Soundtrack (10)
-Fight Choreography/Pacing (4)
-Genre Mixing (9)
ANIME ActionDurarara!!
ANIME ActionKekkai Sensen
ANIME ActionKemono Jihen
ANIME ActionJujutsu Kaisen
ANIME DramaYuukoku no Moriarty
ANIME DramaVanitas no Carte
ANIME ActionToaru Kagaku no Railgun
ONA DramaTomodachi Game
- (4.05/5)
Ended inDecember 16, 2016
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