August 21, 2016
24 min
After managing to get past the battles concerning the royal successor for Sindhura, Arslan and company made their triumphal return to Pars to find Hilmes the brave general with the silver mask standing in their way. And by the time they somehow get Hilmes to stand down and they can be on their way to thee capital once again, an even larger threat was fast approaching the land of Pars.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Yuusuke Kobayashi
Yoshimasa Hosoya
Daisuke Namikawa
Maaya Sakamoto
Natsuki Hanae
Yuuki Kaji
Eiichirou Suzuki
Yumi Uchiyama
Wataru Hatano
Manami Numakura
Kenta Miyake
Hiroki Yasumoto
Atsuko Tanaka
Takahiro Sakurai
Hiroshi Yanaka
Kenjirou Tsuda
Takehito Koyasu
Ai Kayano
Atsushi Ono
Satoshi Hino
Kousuke Toriumi
Shirou Saitou
Yuuki Ono
Hideo Ishikawa
| | |

Not available on crunchyroll
30/100One step forward, two steps backContinue on AniListMulti-cour anime are interesting. For the cynic, they are attempts to milk as much cash a franchise possibly has to offer. For the fan, they simply mean more anime to enjoy. Perhaps more objectively, they are a way of covering larger amounts of content, with intermissions to allow production teams to revaluate, reassess and improve upon their approach. I’d like to think that _Arslan Senki: Fuujin Ranbu_ fits the latter description. And yet, at a mere 8 episodes, I find the sequel of the 25 episode long _Arslan Senki_ to be incredibly underwhelming. I find it so lacking, in fact, that I question its existence and what purpose it served for the franchise as a whole. #Ever get that feeling of déjà vu? *** Things pick up right where _Fuujin Ranbu_’s predecessor left off. Kind of. If you recall, the first season finished off with Arslan’s forces successfully capturing the Keep of Saint Emmanuel and marching towards the Parsian capital. In other words, shit was about to go down. Except it never does. The second cour begins with Arslan’s army doubling back to Peshawar to repel yet another foreign invasion. Meanwhile, Silver Mask, Guiscard and Andragoras are all doing their own thing._[My honour!]( This opening sequence of events is indicative of the cour’s biggest problem: nothing happens. Virtually no progress is made throughout the entire season. Okay that’s a little unfair. Things do happen – pretty important plot developments at that too. Except, all these developments occur outside the scope of Arslan and his party. That is to say, they all concern less important characters. As such, what we’re left with is Arslan and co. dawdling around aimlessly while the show tries to move all the pieces around him in preparation for the next, hopefully more climatic phase. It’s filler. And it certainly feels like filler. #Welcome to Copacabana beach *** Arslan and his troupe are the central figures of the story. They certainly have the most screen time too. And yet this season they, quite literally, go on vacation while the rest of the cast plays catch up. They find themselves embroiled in a boring and predictable subplot that adds nothing to the show. Nothing is gained in terms of plot devices to influence their journey in any meaningful way. Nothing new is achieved. To make things worse, we get more of the same drab, flat humour. Hell, we don’t even learn anything new regarding Arslan’s true parentage. None of the core group is really changed by the experience either. They simply continue to fulfil their same old archetypal roles. Daryun continues to be a raid boss, Narsus continues to be an insurmountable tactical genius, Alfreed continues to be uncomfortably horny for Narsus, and Farangis continues to be a stoic pair of tits. The point is, the season doesn’t build upon any of the central cast’s character tropes that were established the previous cour. Even Arslan remains the insufferably kind hearted but determined kid he was at the end of last season. Sure, he has a slight shift in attitude during the finale, but this was a long time coming and didn’t exactly require eight episodes of lounging around to get to._The season in a nutshell_ The other major players sort of get some development. You can’t really call it development in the case of Guiscard and Andragoras, who simply reaffirm their caricatures as conniving douchebags. There is some long overdue exploration of Silvermask’s past, which reveals a couple of new dimensions to his character. He’s still overly simplistic and a pain to be around whenever he opens his mouth, but at least it’s something. Which is sad, given it was the only thing the cour had to offer. Once again, very little that happens is of any consequence and so it’s really difficult to remain invested in the show. At least the boredom only lasts eight episodes. And by the season’s end, we’re literally back to square one, albeit with a couple additional elements. #If Berserk 2016 and Mekaku City Actors Episode 9 had a lovechild *** So _Fuujin Ranbu_ doesn’t improve on the first season as far as narrative goes, mainly because it doesn’t have one. But does it improve technically? After all, with only eight episodes, you’d think there’d be more budget allocated to each individual episode. Nope. It suffers from all the technical difficulties that plagued the first cour. In fact, it’s possibly even worse. It’s the same shit. Masses of identical CGI soldiers, said CGI soldiers clumsily swinging swords at each other, poor quality art, a drab and uninspiring colour palette that even a more tropical setting can’t save, not to mention the absurdly athletic horses. Thankfully we didn’t have any horses jumping on war elephants. They’ve moved on to houses instead._Reuniting long lost twin brothers since 2015_ Musically, it’s mostly the same tracks from the previous season. I’d argue it’s worse, given the baller Lapis Lazuli OP from last season is replaced by another Eir Aoi song that just lacks the same punch. Kalafina keeps doing Kalafina stuff as far as the ED is concerned. On a side note, I’m really not a fan of Hiromu Arakawa’s FMA-esque character designs here. I find them unfitting for the setting and tone, and they simply make it harder for me to take the show seriously as a war epic. The character designs from the 90s OVAs are a lot classier, mature and more aesthetically pleasing in my opinion. #[What is my purpose?]( *** _Arslan Senki: Fuujin Ranbu_ makes very little progress. What little progress it does make happens to concern only the side cast, leaving the primary characters neglected and twiddling their thumbs. It fails to improve on the first season. It fails to make any serious plot progression, it fails to develop its characters in any meaningful way and it fails to entertain. You can chalk it up to the source material, but ultimately, as its own independent entity, this season fails at mostly everything really. _Fuujin Ranbu_ is filler. Filler to set things up for the next assumed instalment, which I am unsure will ever arrive. And it’s filler that could definitely be done without. The few important plot developments surely didn’t need eight episodes to cover. And for every plot point that mattered, we had to endure a countless number that didn’t. I had little faith in this rendition of the _Arslan Senki_ story prior to _Fuujin Ranbu_’s release. Now I have even less, if any.
ANIME ActionJuuni Kokuki
ANIME ActionAkatsuki no Yona
ANIME ActionNige Jouzu no Wakagimi
- (3.6/5)
Ended inAugust 21, 2016
Favorited by 202 Users
Hashtag #ARSLAN