March 25, 2016
30 min
Based of the erotic game by Candy Soft.
The Hanabishi family and Hidaka family are next door neighbors. The fathers of both households could be called best friends, so they all get along like one big happy family. In particular, Hidaka family’s only son Kouki was raised lovingly by the four Hanabishi sisters like he was their own brother. One day, the Hanabishi and Hidaka parents were preparing for a long term overseas business trip together. Kantaro Hanabishi had only one problem holding him back from the trip; leaving his four daughters behind in Japan.
“Leave it to me. You can rely on me to watch over them!”
As a result of Kouki’s casual announcement, both parents happily departed on their trip.
“Ooh, how reliable! That was what I was waiting to hear!”
Between both of the parents, they had arranged for one of the four sisters to become Kouki's fiance. After Kouki's graduation they would continue discussion of it further, but this recent event gave a chance to accelerate their plan. Thus, all summer vacation Kouki will spend time alone under one roof with all four of the Hanabishi sisters.
The eldest daughter Yurina: Despite being good at her job, While at home she lazes around and makes Kouki work hard.
The second born daughter, Momone: Absolutely adores Kouki, and does nothing but spoil him.
The third daughter, Saori: She does all the housework, and although she is like a maid she prefers it to going outside.
The youngest daughter, Anzu: Has no reservation in calling Kouki her personal play toy.
Each of them have their own motives doing anything they can; at times even tempting him into sexual situations, so they can draw closer to making the Kouki they love their husband. If Kouki ever chooses a bride, who will it be? The energetic life with the quartet of sisters is about to begin.
Saori Hanabishi
Minami Imaya
Yurina Hanabishi
Sahomi Koyama
Momone Hanabishi
Mika Enoki
Koume Hanabishi
Yuri Takamura
Anzu Hanabishi
Mako Ayane
Hidaka Kouki
Keisuke Nakamura

Not available on crunchyroll
80/100Kaede from Bunny Girl Senpai gets fuckedContinue on AniListAfter watching Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo, it had basically reaffirmed by belief that old hentai is just leagues better than anything that I’ve watched recently. Ane Yome Quartet continues to prove that my belief in older hentai is absolutely warranted. It has a great ensemble cast making up its harem and each girl is as loveable as the next so while the story is basic, sometimes making something basic and executing on it extremely well can lead to a much greater experience than trying and failing to make something complex.
Story : 7 Like I said, the story is pretty mid as far as I’m concerned. MC-kun’s family is pretty close with the neighbors and when MC-kun’s parents decide to go on a trip abroad with the neighboring family’s parents, they unanimously decide to let MC-kun stay over at the neighbors’ house so that he can get to know the daughters and choose one to marry because the dads being bros want to become one happy family. So yeah it’s pretty basic and it's definitely something that has been done to death not only in hentai but in anime as well, but it fulfills its purpose in a non-offensive way. You can’t really have fun with hentai if you withhold your suspension of disbelief, but I honestly give it a pass as a cheap method to get our MC into these whacky erotic situations. The writing itself is pretty uninspired, but what really makes this hentai good is the character interactions which the story facilitates and while the harem girl archetypes I leaned towards got a lot more dialogue and felt more fleshed out, two of the girls were quite honestly snubbed but I’ll get into that later.
Art and Animation : 8 The art and animation isn’t everyone’s cup of tea as many may be conditioned to enjoy the much more “high quality” art that comes out today, but I implore those who think the art is bad to look past the shiny exterior of new hentai and really take a closer look at how they are drawn. You can see how the animators of Ane Yome Quartet put the time and effort to create these environments and distinct character designs while in a lot of hentai I see today there is this pretty offensive trend in background art where it almost looks like they just took a picture of a room and added a blur or displacement effect in order to make the picture look drawn leading to a lack of detail that disconnects the characters from the setting. Furthermore, Ane Yome Quartet never lingers too much during the ero-scenes and they are constantly switching up the scenes in order to keep the viewer engaged in what is going on.
Characters : 8 This is truly where the hentai shines in my opinion. We have four girls of various personalities vying for MC-kun’s love in an unexpected and sudden situation thrust upon by their parents. Each girl opens up to him and we basically let them make their case as to why they should be the best girl but as I said two of the girls got completely snubbed and while the score says 8 it’s because I really like the girls that were focused on.
Saori Hanabishi - the NEET shut-in maid I really like Saori and upon first meeting the girls she really stood out to me as this mellow dandere girl who needs to be loved and protected from the atrocities of the world. She also has a more distinct design with the maid outfit making her stick out like a sore thumb but genuinely she made the strongest first impression despite being the most reserved of the bunch. The writers make it very obvious that she hates the outside world and I can personally relate to that struggle which just makes her a very endearing character and although it is a very short character arc I have to give her props for braving her fears and going outside because she is worried about MC-kun. As a viewer, I’m basically getting hit over and over by a barrage of ‘must protecc’ signals and even her out-of-character forward approach to MC-kun when they get back to the house is actually a result of the shifted paradigm where she had taken care of MC-kun before but now he was the one who takes care of her which causes her to realize he has grown and that her affection for him is valid in some sense. The ero-scenes reflect this further as at least in this environment she is taking a more proactive approach and breaks out of her shell which creates a cohesive story circle for her specifically. (Also she basically reminds me of Kaede from Bunny Girl Senpai, I mean she’s wearing an animal onesie in the final scenes)
Yurina Hanabishi - the out-of-reach older sister Yurina is one of the two characters I found was somewhat underdeveloped and I attribute this to the limited time they interact before they fuck. To kick things off, she suddenly just unzips his pants and sucks his dick randomly which feels really odd in terms of pacing. I like their back and forth banter during the entire scene though and we can see her personality shine through but it's basically just the older sister archetype we all know so well. I felt that she was more plot device than actual character though as the result of her part of the story was really just to remind MC-kun that there is an ultimatum he has to meet and that he needs to face it. The saving grace for her character is further on when she tells MC-kun to go after Anzu and is confronted by Saori over why she told him to go. Her motivation that she wanted to let Anzu to realize her own emotions so she wouldn’t feel regret puts into light her previous conversations with MC-kun that she really is this caring big sister who despite having her own interest in MC-kun would still like to help her sisters cultivate their feelings and growth.
Momone Hanabishi - the airheaded big boobs sister I guess? I don’t really know how to classify Momone, she kinda just feels like that one character with big boobs and she wants to smother you in them which I’m not opposed to but leaves her as the weakest character in the show. She has some dialogue that tries to be introspective of their whole situation and create this metaphor for the show but it kinda feels tacked on to give her some personality then they just fuck. The best thing I can say about her part is that it was pretty hilarious when their sex transferred his cold to her.
Anzu Hanabishi - the tsundere (what else can I say we all love tsunderes) Anzu is kinda annoying at the start, but it reflects her immature mentality perfectly so I just let it slide. She is the youngest of the sisters and while Momone wears her heart on her sleeves and the other two girls have no problem talking to MC-kun, she also has feelings for him but in her adolescent insecurity she just can’t talk to him which builds up frustration inside her leading to her outburst. By herself, she finally faces her feelings for him and by finally having a chance to confront MC-kun alone without her sisters around, she can finally face her feelings for him. Is it perfect? Far from it. It’s actually kinda weird since she 180s really quickly but the ero-scene makes up for it as she lets out all her emotions for MC-kun in a moment of catharsis.
These girls being able to grow and bounce off our cookie-cutter MC is honestly really good and has some good character development. A majority of the runtime is dedicated to small character interactions and since we already know what to expect from these kinds of stories, what’s important is that they were able to execute it well with compelling girls that compel you to choose your best girl
Enjoyment : 9 I really enjoyed this hentai, there were a few glaring issues but all the girls are so loveable and cute that seeing their moment in the spotlight was really satisfying. Visually, it was executed really well and makes me reminisce of a better time for hentai so while it may look dated in style, it still stands the test of time in my opinion. It is very vanilla I will say and for those looking for a more exotic show this definitely will bore you but if you just want something cozy and safe then this is the way to go
Notes on scoring :
- Score below 50% is a fail
- Going from 50%, the score of the section’s “badness” exponentially increases so 25% isn’t just half as bad as 50%
Scoring interpretation
- 60% is “barely good enough”
- 70% is “average”
- 80% is “definitely above average”
- 90% is “damn that’s legitimately good”
- 100% is “perfect”
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- (3.4/5)
Ended inMarch 25, 2016
Main Studio NewGeneration
Favorited by 133 Users