December 26, 2015
24 min
The second season of Noragami.
Life for minor god Yato isn't getting any easier. He's still broke, shrineless, and his partner-slash-sword-regalia has zero respect for him. Worse yet, Bishamon, one of the deadliest war gods, is after his life. Blaming him for the death of her past regalia, she won't stop until she kills him. But there's more to that story than she could ever realize. And as if that's not bad enough, there's someone working against her behind the scenes! Can Yato take on a god as powerful as Bishamon? Or will things take a more dangerous turn?
Between all of this godly drama and even more dangerous battles, Yato still needs to figure out how to help Hiyori. But all options lead to losing her, and he's not willing to make that choice – no matter what.
Five yen doesn't even begin to cover his trouble!
(Source: Funimation)
Hiroshi Kamiya
Hiyori Iki
Maaya Uchida
Yuuki Kaji
Miyuki Sawashiro
Jun Fukuyama
Kofuku Ebisu
Aki Toyosaki
Rie Kugimiya
Daisuke Ono
Ryoutarou Okiayu
Asami Imai
Tooru Ookawa
Koutarou Nishiyama
Shinya Hamazoe
Kazuhiko Inoue
Hisako Toujou
Kouto Fujisaki
Kaito Ishikawa
Takanori Hoshino
Ari Ozawa
Hibiku Yamamura
Kanami Satou
Aimi Tabata
Yuuko Takayama
Himika Akaneya
Hiyori no Mama
Miki Itou
Atsumi Tanezaki
Chihiro Ishiguro
98/100Noragami Aragoto, even better than the first season!Continue on AniListNoragami Aragoto is probably the best 2nd season anime this year. There is a big deal of change since the first season, for good. To be honest, the first season's second half was slightly off the entertainment level. I wasn't able to dive into the seriousness of the final arcs in the first season. But I am surprised how second season made a remarkable progress in making the plot more interesting.
Story: 9/10
We all have seen Noragami first season and were left with many doubts, mostly related to Yato and Bishamon. In the first half. the second season tackles the back story of Yato and Bishamon and reveals the secrets of Yato, Bishamon, Kazuma, Other Gods etc little by little. The second half deals with the mystery of masked phantoms and also focuses of the relations between Yato, Yukine and Hiyori. Still there are plenty of things which are left untold which we can expect them to be shown in the 3rd season, when it comes out.Art: 10/10
Noragami and Noragami Aragoto has been animated by the studio 'Bones' which is very well known for it's remarkable art in the anime 'Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood', 'Soul Eater', 'Space☆Dandy', 'Tokyo Magnitude 8.0' etc. As expected of Bones, it's art in Noragami is also smooth, colorful and remarkable. The character designs are another plus point of Noragami series. The characters are drawn so well, I can't even imagine anyone else replacing them in any way. Their designs are the perfect match for their personality which makes them so much likable.Sound: 10/10
Noragami's opening song 'Hey Kids' by 'THE ORAL CIGARETTES' is a BLAST! There's no way anyone can deny me with this point. While everyone may not agree with me, the ending song 'Nirvana' by 'Tia' is another great song and the visuals and the lyrics adds more to it. While Noragami 1st season's soundtracks were already good, there has been a great improvement in the soundtracks in the 2nd season. The number of soundtracks under different situations have been changed, increased in number, and has become more suited to it than before. The soundtracks played during battles, sad scenes, happy scenes etc. makes them even more interesting and fun to watch. Coming to the voice actors, many famous and insanely talented actors like Kamiya Hiroshi, Kugimiya Rie, Fukuyama Jun, Sawashiro Miyuki, Ono Daisuke, Kaji Yuki, Hayami Saori, Toyosaki Aki etc. gave an amazing performance which makes Noragami deserve a 10/10 in terms of Sound.Character: 10/10
The male protagonist of the show, Yato, is my most favorite of all the characters. Not just from Noragami, but Yato has become one of my favorite character of all the anime and that's because of his cool attitude, wicked sense of humor and his seriousness when it is needed. Other characters like Bishamon, Kazuma, Yukine are also pretty likeable for their own unique personality. While most of you will disagree with me, I feel that Iki Hiyori is also an important character which adds some spice to the story. Due to her caring and loving nature, she is also pretty likable. And the fact that there is almost zero percent chance of her of being in relationship with a god, Yato, makes us want to know more about their relation progression.Enjoyment: 10/10
For me, the first season of Noragami was like 10/10 in terms of enjoyment but the second half was like 7/10. With more interesting plot, Noragami Aragoto has exploited the curiosity of the viewers and made this season worth a watch. Definitely 10/10 in terms of enjoyment.Overall: 9.8/10
If you really liked Noragami first season, then Noragami Aragoto is undoubtedly a must watch for you! If you are like me who liked half of the season and the other half of the season was meh, then you must give the second season a shot and you will undoubtedly be satisfied with it. And if you didn't like Noragami first season at all, then there's not much helping it, better skip this season.Pandoras
91/100TAKE MY 5 YEN! now btchContinue on AniListThe refreshing new season of Noragami directly starts off where the prequel ended, continuing to follow the interactions and daily lives of the dynamic trio of Hiyori, Yukine, and Yato. As a new season unfolds, new characters, relationships, and secrets are introduced. Past questions and plot holes as seen in the previous season now have answers.
Yato’s infamous line of, “You, who desecrate this Land of the Rising Sun. With the advent, I [Yatogami], lay waste with the [Sekki] and expel thy vast defilement. Rend!” makes a comeback in this season still accompanied by the famous usual track of “Noratan”. However, this season’s OST lineup is far more captivating, emotional, and energetic. The diverse OST has songs ranging from classical, dubstep, electro house, and even rap. The songs are beautifully integrated throughout the series’ heightening moments of hype and grief. Altogether, the Noragami series is known for its OST and new catchy OP (Kyouran Hey Kids!! By THE ORAL C!GARETTES).
The new season begins to unravel with the introduction of the Bishamon arc. As seen in the prequel, Yato and Bishamon hold grudges dating back centuries, their resentment for one another remains unknown to the audience. However, this arc does a great job of slowly unraveling the history and past of the two Gods and their regalia. Flashbacks and dialogues are naturally integrated, making the story interesting yet easy to follow. Not only does this arc dissolve the bad blood between the God of War and God of Calamity, but it also strengthens the relationship between them. Through this arc, new understandings and relationships are formed between characters, furthering their trust, faith, and hope in one another.Sound: Noragami's opening song 'Hey Kids' by 'THE ORAL CIGARETTES' is a BLAST! There's no way anyone can deny me with this point. While everyone may not agree with me, the ending song 'Nirvana' by 'Tia' is another great song and the visuals and the lyrics adds more to it. While Noragami 1st season's soundtracks were already good, there has been a great improvement in the soundtracks in the 2nd season. The number of soundtracks under different situations have been changed, increased in number, and has become more suited to it than before. The soundtracks played during battles, sad scenes, happy scenes etc. makes them even more interesting and fun to watch.
Characters: The male protagonist of the show, Yato, is my most favorite of all the characters. Not just from Noragami, but Yato has become one of my favorite character of all the anime and that's because of his cool attitude, wicked sense of humor and his seriousness when it is needed. Other characters like Bishamon, Kazuma, Yukine are also pretty likeable for their own unique personality. While most of you will disagree with me, I feel that Iki Hiyori is also an important character which adds some spice to the story. Due to her caring and loving nature, she is also pretty likable
Overall-Enjoyment daaaa:
Noragami was overall quite an enjoyable anime which certainly maintained me entertained throughout the whole series with the different aspects and mysteries presented. Expanding on the different character's past was a pleasant sight, although some were annoying, as well as underdeveloped, which was a drawback personally. The art style was nice to look at, as well as the catchy soundtrack. Although the different outcomes where somewhat predictable, in addition to some convenient plot twists which weren't convincing, I certainly could recommend Noragami for an entertaining time. Just don't expect impressive characters or stories.pereni
87/100Noragami Aragato lebih bagus dari first season, cerita yang jelas dan tidak bertele-teleContinue on AniListIni merupakan review ke-2 saya dengan memakai Bahasa Indonesia di AniList. Sekarang saya akan meriview Noragami Aragoto yang menjadi kelanjutan dari Noragami first season. Review ini murni dari penulisan saya sendiri, dan untuk cara penilaiannya berdasarkan kualitas film/anime yang akan dipaparkan dalam bentuk kuantitas atau angka. Teridiri dari Story (cerita); bertele-tele atau tidak, punya tujuan yang jelas atau tidak, kemudian Character (karakter); pembangunan personalitas atau kepribadian seorang karakter yang kuat atau tidak, berhasil atau tidaknya membangun emosi bagi penonton (diri saya) setelah itu Graphic (grafik); bagaimana bentuk art stylenya, ada keunikan tidak dengan anime biasanya, semacam memiliki art style tersendiri, lalu Sound (suara); bagaimana untuk opening dan endingnya, sound efectnya, back soundnya, terakhir Enjoyment (keseruan/kenikmatan) seberapa seru anime dan seberapa menikmati anime. Langsung saja ke peniliaiannya
STORY 87/100
Kembali lagi dengan Noragami Aragoto anime yang bergenre comedy, advanture, action, dan supernatural. Cerita dari Noragami ini lebih tertata rapih dari pada season satunya. Memiliki tujuan yang jelas, mungkin karena ini second season pasti masuk main story, tidak perlu lagi membangun masalah terlalu lama, tidak seperti season satu yang saya sendiri tidak tahu apa tujuannya. Namun untuk season dua ini menurutu saya top deh. Tujuannya terpapar dengan jelas (tidak akan saya paparkan tujuannya karena akan mengandung bocoran/spoiler), untuk penggila cerita saya menyarankan untuk menontonnya.Di cerita ini memiliki dua permasalahan pertama masalah dengan kugaha dan yang kedua terjebaknya Yato perpindahan dari masalah 1 ke masalah 2 di anime ini juga dieksekusi dengan baik. Pembuat cerita dapat membuat suasana yang mendukung untuk mengeksekusi di waktu yang tepat, seperti flashbacknya Bishamonten, ini salah satu pembangun suasana yang tepat untuk mengeksekusi. Lalu dari permasalahn pertama selesai tidak terlalu lama perpindahannya ke permasalahan kedua yang menyebabkan terjadinya tidak bertele-tele. Baik sudah sampai penghujung peniliaian dari segi cerita, so... untuk ceritanya 87/100
Untuk segi karakter ini memiliki bentuk pembangunan yang mirip dengan season satu. Di mana season satu masih pada tahap pembangunan, tetapi di season kedua ini sudah lebih jelas, karakter atau kepribadiannya sudah terbentuk dengan baik. Jadi untuk scene untuk ini tidak terlalu diperlihatkan oleh produser. Dari segi karakter ini, produser berhasil membuat karakterisasi yang kuat sehingga dapat menimbulkan emosional bagi penonton. Contoh: Kepribadian Yato yang rilex, suka bercanda, serius hanya jika perlu, dan saya tau banyak sekali orang yang menyukai karakter Yato (then tidak hanya Yato yang karakternya kuat, yang lainya juga). Ini membuktikan betapa kuatnya karakter di Noragamai Aragato. so 85/100GRAPHIC 84/100
Untuk graphic anime ini memakai art style yang unik (bagian opening). Bisa dilihat pada bagian opening suasananya begtu colorful. Memang kalau soal graphic bagus atau tergantung studio yang membuat dari segi biaya, jadi mau bagaimana lagi yang produksi Noragami Aragoto ini Studio BONES, jelas bagus.SOUND 87/100
Untuk sound ini, sudah lebih baik dari season pertamanya yang menurut saya flat. Apalagai opening di season dua ini jelas banyak sekali yang menyukainya, ini poin plus yang menjadi daya tarik Noragami Aragoto. Untuk judul openingnya "Kyouran Hey Kids" posisi lagu ini cocok sekali dengan animenya, dapat membangun emosi bagi penonton. Lalu seperti efek suara pada saat fight scene, rilex scene, dapat memilihnya dengan tepat.ENJOYMENT 90/100
Jelas saya sangat menikmatinya, karena anime ini bergenre comedy. Tidak perlu serius-serius nontonnya. Also banyak sekali emosi-emosi yang dibangun. Kenapa saya sering menyebut emosi pada penilaian karena selain dinilai dari kualitas yang berdasarkan fakta, penilai juga punya atau butuh yang namanya emosi. Jadi sebenarnya kehebatan anime ini dinilai seberapa jauh pembuat dapat menimbulkan/membangun/membuat emosi sehingga penonton jadi terpikat. So karena saya sangat terpikat 90 dehHOPE YOU ENJOY MY SECOND REVIEW
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ANIME ComedyKamisama Hajimemashita◎
ANIME ActionBungou Stray Dogs
ANIME ActionJujutsu Kaisen
ANIME ComedyKamisama Hajimemashita
ANIME ActionMononogatari
- (4/5)
Ended inDecember 26, 2015
Main Studio bones
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