September 17, 2015
8 min
The story begins with Izumi Hayato running to be student body president. But when a beautiful girl swings in promising the liberalization of love while flinging condoms into the audience, he ends up losing to her and becoming the vice president. At the student council meeting, the newly-elected president invites herself over to Izumi's house, where she promptly announces she is to become Izumi's wife thanks to an agreement – facilitated by alcohol – made between their parents when they were only 3.
Ui Wakana
Ayana Taketatsu
Rin Misumi
Minami Tsuda
Hayato Izumi
Kazuyuki Okitsu
Kei Misumi
Ryouko Shiraishi
Ayane Niikura
Aoi Fujimoto
Karen Fujisaki
Yoshie Sugiyama
Makoto Sawatari
Juri Nagatsuma
Misato Wakana
Tomoko Kaneda
Ryouji Wakana
Yuu Kobayashi
Hayato no Chichi
Kuzumichi Yamaguchi
Riku Kurihara
Takafumi Tan

Not available on crunchyroll
20/100There are spoilers and swearing in this review. If you are uncomfortable with that, then please skip this review.Continue on AniListWARNING: THERE ARE SPOILERS AND SWEARING IN THIS REVIEW. PLEASE BE ADVISED.
Hello, and welcome to my review of おくさまが生徒会長, or in English, My Wife Is The Student Council President. First flaw is that she isn't even really his wife, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. I hope you enjoy.
Story: 2
Honestly, if you haven't watched this series, I'll summarize it for you. It's a fap fodder show. You watch the characters do basically non-essential stuff before Wakana or some other girl suddenly gets into whatever fap moment the episode shows. I must criticize the Student Council President part, because while yes, she is the Student Council President, THE STUDENT COUNCIL DOES BASICALLY NOTHING. You know the most important thing she did? Made it acceptable for people to hold hands. FANTASTIC LEADERSHIP WAKANA, A FUCKING PLUS. We see a rather shitty "love triangle" if you want to call it that, where Misumi also gets into sexual situations, and since she has bigger breasts, she's obviously chasing after the guy and also had more fap worthy moments. I must also say that Izumi is basically the only guy character, which makes it even more possible for the girls to be thirsty for him. Misumi is basically the "enemy" of the Student Council, and she has her own little person, and so does Wakana for that matter. You all know that moment where the two little people meet up and they fight for the honor of their "master" and it's usually funny? There was only one encounter, and it was just, I lost brain cells from watching it. It was stupid, forced, cliche, and made me want to punch my computer. I might also add that this series is also a comedy (how fitting), so we see all the ways of how Izumi is a "pervert", such as Wakana intentionally leaving her panties in the living room so Misumi can see them and then suddenly make Izumi make up a lie that he is a cross-dresser. GRADE A CONTENT GUYS. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE. Izumi and Misumi end up in a love hotel, and a sex toy suddenly fall into Misumi's private areas and basically going full blast to Izumi's utmost horror. Izumi also later sees Misumi's privates in full later in the series because we've obviously gotta make that peach joke! Also, when I watched the final episode I thought, "Wait, how is this the last episode? It felt like a regular episode." YUP, THEY DIDN'T EVEN GET MARRIED OR HAVE A WEDDING OR ANYTHING. JUST GAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.Characters: 3
Jesus Christ, I want this to end. Our main MC Izumi is basically that guy who works hard, gets his stuff done, etc. He is a rather bland character throughout, except when he's being authoritative, stopping Wakana from doing stupid stuff. Speaking of Wakana, she is like an 8 year old that has boundless amounts of energy. She doesn't even look fit for the job of Student Council President, and is quite naive. She also does whatever sexual act she's supposed to for the episode, like letting Izumi take off her panties in an alleyway because screw decisions, we need fap material! Misumi is a rather voluptuous girl, yet she is pure and dancing in the green hills of Europe, which of course is a stereotype that is quite common in ecchi and hentai. She tries to enforce stupid stuff, like no holding hands, (remember that from earlier?) or showing you're in a relationship with a person. But we saw her privates anyways, who gives a damn! (Christ, I feel like face desking.) The rest of the characters are basically useless to mention since not even the anime gave a damn about them. And when they did show up they were basically fap fodder, like Misumi's sister straddling Izumi and Wakana's mom falling onto Izumi in a way so Izumi can accidentally lick her privates. (OH JOY) Might I add that Wakana's mother looks like a third grader and sounds like one as well even though she is FORTY(or thirty, I dunno). If you're into that stuff then good for you, but I'll stay away.Sound: 7
Sound was fine, but the characters sounded like those voices you'd regularly hear from a hentai or something like that. Music was fine as well but nothing stood out to me. Opening was pretty meh and cliche.Visuals: 7
The visuals were rather normal, nothing that made me go, "OMFG THAT JUST MADE MY EYEBALLS ORGASM." Sometimes the quality was lowered, but I didn't really care all too much. Please note that this is the last good thing about this series you will hear.Enjoyment: 1.5
This show is fap fodder as I stated in the beginning. It adds nothing to your life but wasted semen on something you could've felt good that you masturbated to, but NOPE. The ecchi scenes aren't even that great, it's just toned up a bit. The comedy doesn't add much to the show, I never really even laughed at all. The story and characters were absolute shit. I don't recommend watching this series in the slightest, except if you want to see how shit an ecchi series is compared to this. I know there's an OVA, but I didn't watch it as I could've cared less. If they got married and then had sex FUCKING WOOPEE, good for them. This series is the worst anime series I have ever seen. May my eyes not have to suffer through something like this again. Once again, I hope that you enjoyed. If you think this series is actually good, then good for you! You can like whatever you want, and be proud of it. ^O^ Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!DaDerpBear
60/100[EN/PT] A very funny anime that will give some great laughs, despite how absurd it is.Continue on AniListReview em Português logo abaixo.
English review:
Hello, my name is Blaze9 and welcome to my review of Okusama ga Seitokaichou.
This review is more for people who are still in doubt if they should watch this show or not, so I will try to give the less spoilers as possible. That’s gonna be easy for this one, because the story is superficial and follows the same line until the end. I will put a spoiler warning in case I have to talk about something extra.
In case you don’t want to read the full review and want just a summary, I’d say you should watch it, if:
-you don’t have problems with NFSW anime.
-you like lewd stuff ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°);
-you’re not too serious (the story is kinda stupid, but it’s fun so I guess it’s ok).Different from what I did with my previous review, this one is gonna be smaller and simpler. I will keep my energy for the Wataten review, which I’ll do next. Now let’s begin.
Okusama ga Seitokaichou! (My Wife is the Student Council President) is an ecchi comedy anime series adapted from the original manga of Yumi Nakata. The series went on air between July 2, 2015 and September 17, 2015, in the form of 12 weekly episodes of 8 minutos.
The story is about Hayato Izumi, a student who was running for president of the student council, but ended up losing to a girl called Ui Wakana. Wakana won the election after promising the “liberalization of love”. After the defeat, Izumi became the vice-president of the council.
And then, Wakana shows up in Izumi’s house, saying that she’s up to become his wife, later explaining that their parents know each other and made a marriage deal when the two were kids.
Izumi doesn’t want to marry anyone, but he can’t help but to fell attracted by Wakana, as she’s really cute and beautiful. She, on the other hand, tries her best to make him fall for her.
What? Did you think that was absurd? Did you think that was a development we could see in a hentai movie? Yeah, I agree with both. I mean, what are the chances of that happening in real life? I guess I have better chances of winning the lottery than a beautiful girl throwing herself in my arms like that.
That’s why I said you should watch it if you’re not too serious. Despite the absurdness, it’s a fun series, and it will definitely make you laugh. But if you’re too serious of a guy you’ll think it’s too stupid and won’t like it.
After watching, I took a look at the manga to see if there is a big difference between the two. The story is the same, but surprisingly the manga flows better than the anime. I guess it is because of the small time available, and some scenes seem to be rushed if you compare the two.
The anime doesn’t escape from this initial premise. In fact, it gets even more absurd with every episode, and sometimes things get so hot, that I started to think about how thin the boundary between ecchi and hentai is.
For instance, in the first episode, Izumi loses his mind and starts to suck on Wakana’s breasts. In later episodes, it gets even hotter than that.My notes:
Art: 10/10 – I loved the art. It basically is what kept me going through the whole thing. I took a look at the manga to see how similar it is to the original work, and for this one, I like the anime art more. It doesn’t stray away from the original, but it looks simpler and better fit in my opinion.
Soundtrack: 6/10 – It’s great, the music follow the scenes very well. Nothing memorable though.
Voice Acting: 7/10 – it’s also good. Nothing really special here in my opinion.
Animation: 9/10 – Dude, I loved the animation. There is only one scene I didn’t like, but come on.
What I would change:
Actually I wouldn’t change anything on this one. I liked it the way it is, and to be honest, this kind of series is not to be taken seriously.
As a whole, I liked the show, despite the weird premise. As I said before, it’s not meant to be taken seriously. I had some great laughs watching it, and to be honest, who cares about the premise. If we would watch anime just because of the premise, we would miss great shows out there. I will still give it a 6 though, haha.
So yeah, go ahead and watch it. Have fun and thank you for reading.
Review em Português:
Oi, eu sou o Blaze9 e seja bem-vindo ao meu review de Okusama ga Seitokaichou.
Este review é mais pra pessoas que ainda estão em dúvida se devem ou não assistir esse anime, por isso tentarei dar o mínimo possível de spoilers. Pra esse aqui isso vai ser fácil de fazer, porque a história segue a mesma linha até o final e é bem superficial. Vou colocar um aviso de spoiler caso eu precise falar sobre algo extra.
Caso não queira ler todo o review e prefira apenas um resumo, eu diria que você deveria assistir esse anime, se:
-você gosta de NFSW, ou não liga caso tenha NFSW em animes;
-você gosta de p*taria ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°);
-você não é uma pessoa muito séria (a história é meio idiota, mas é divertida).Diferente do que eu fiz com o review anterior, esse será menor e mais simples. Guardarei minhas energias pra fazer o review do Wataten, que virá em breve. Agora vamos começar.
Visão geral:
Okusama ga Seitokaichou! ("Minha Esposa é Presidente do Conselho Estudantil", em português) é um anime de comédia ecchi adaptado do mangá de mesmo nome de Yumi Nakata. A série foi ao ar de 2 de julho de 2015 a 17 de setembro de 2015, em 12 episódios de 8 minutos.
A história é sobre Hayato Izumi, um estudante que estava concorrendo à presidencia do conselho estudantil de uma certa escola, mas acabou perdendo a eleição pra uma garota chamada Ui Wakana. Wakana ganhou a eleição depois de prometer a "liberalização do amor". Depois da derrota, Izumi acabou virando o vice-presidente do conselho.
Depois, essa garota, Wakana, aparece na casa do Izumi, dizendo que ela veio pra virar esposa dele. Depois ela explica que os pais deles se conhecem, e fizeram um acordo de casamento quando os dois eram crianças.
Izumi não quer se casar com ninguém, mas ele não consegue deixar de se sentir atraído pela Wakana, já que ela é bem bonita e charmosa. Ela, por outro lado, faz de tudo para fazê-lo se apaixonar por ela.
Que foi? Achou absurdo? Achou que esse é um roteiro digno de um filme hentai? Sim, eu concordo. Tipo, quais as chances de isso acontecer na vida real? Pra mim deve ser mais fácil ganhar na loteria do que uma gata se jogar nos meus braços desse jeito.
É por isso que eu disse que você deve assistir se você não for muito sério. Apesar de ser bem absurdo, é um anime divertido, e com certeza vai te fazer rir. Mas se você for muito sério você vai achar que é mujito estúpido e não vai gostar.
Depois de assistir, eu dei uma lida no mangá pra ver se tinha muita diferença entre os dois. A história é a mesma, mas no mangá ela flui bem melhor. Deve ser por conta do pouco tempo disponível nos episódios, e algumas cenas parecem bem corridas se você comparar os dois.
O anime não foge dessa premissa inicial. Na verdade, ele só vai ficando ainda mais absurdo em cada episódio novo, e às vezes as coisas ficam tão "quentes" que eu comecei a pensar em qual a verdadeira diferença entre ecchi e hentai.
Por exemplo, no primeiro episódio, o Izumi perde o juízo e começa a chupar os peitos da Wakana. Nos episódios seguintes tem cenas ainda mais tensas.Minhas Notas:
Arte: 10/10 – amei a arte. É basicamente a razão porque eu assisti tudo. Dei uma olhada no mangá pra ver se a arte do anime era parecida com a da obra original, e pra essa aqui eu digo que prefiro a arte do anime. Respeita o artista, mas parece mais simples e melhor, na minha opinião.
Trilha Sonora: 6/10 – é boa, a música segue bem as cenas. porém nada memorável.
Atuação de voz: 7/10 – também é boa. Nada especial que eu possa falar aqui.
Animação: 9/10 – também adorei a animação. Só tem uma cena que eu não gostei, mas enfim.
O que eu mudaria:
Na verdade eu não mudaria nada aqui. Eu gostei da forma como foi feito, e pra ser franco, esse anime não é pra ser levado a sério.
Como um todo, eu gostei do anime, apesar da premissa esquisita. Mas como eu disse antes, não é pra ser levado a sério. Eu ri bastante assistindo e pra ser honesto com vocês, quem se importa com a premissa. Se fôssemos assistir animes só por causa da premissa, iríamos deixar de ver muitos animes incríveis, Steins;Gate que o diga. Porém mesmo assim esse aqui ainda vai ganhar uma nota 6, kk.
É isso, divirta-se assistindo e obrigado por ler.
79/100Perverted anime that is the definition of short but sweet.Continue on AniListEroticism brings out the carnivorous beast inside us all, even if we are unaware of its existence. At least with those who are not repressed to their sexual drives by the time they reach that age group where it truly shines. Anime has been having no shortage of shows that try to tap into these drives in recent seasons. I will go against the majority by saying: There is nothing wrong with that. Especially whenever they are just as fun, sexy and hilarious as Okusama ga Seitokaichou!
A fair comparison to be made about Okusama would be Kiss x Sis. Not necessarily just because the main girl, Ui Wakana, is voiced by the same Seiyuu, Ayana Taketatsu, who voiced Ako Suminoe in Kiss x Sis, but because of how both anime use fanservice to create a pleasant, playful atmosphere. As a comedy anime with a running time of under 8 minutes, this style of fanservice that is there to stimulate and entertain people fits perfectly with the short duration. If this were an anime that was your standard 24 minutes, including OP and ED, I don't think the fanservice would've held on for so long. Or worst, it could've tried to take a serious turn to its story like most bad ecchi anime.
Kiss x Sis gets away with a 24-minute running time because of the charm all of the characters possess, while Okusama, unfortunately, only has the joy of our two main protagonists. The main male lead, Hayato Izumi and Ui Wakana, both supply a solid connection built up to a silly concept of getting married together out of spite from both of their parents. Ui's brand of perverted antics is both subtle and humorous when she tries to bed with Hayato, which takes it up a notch from Ayana Taketatsu's incredible performance. Of course, when those sexy scenes between them occur, they are nothing short of magical, despite how short they are.
That is where the character praises take a back seat for the supporting cast. Although I do think Ui's mother is just as entertaining as her daughter, the rest do not leave much of an impression due to their short presence. Whatever good that can be found in their character, they are overshadowed by our main protagonists fairly quickly. Ui and Hayato even have moments of hilarity by themselves from their delightful charisma. Ui stalking the other girl with affections was gut-bustlingly hilarious to see. Her throwing condoms to show a sex-positive message to her students added a nice touch of nuance commentary and absurdity to Okumasa.
As far as short anime shows go, Okusama takes advantage of its duration and makes something suitable to take in. Kind of like a fast-food restaurant, the quality of the food is ideal for the cost and time that it takes for it to be created for consumption. Sometimes if a short anime does too much for its running time, it will appear all over the place. Okusama is a solid watch to experience the character interactions for what they are inside, lewd carnivorous beasts.
Grade: B
ANIME ComedyTonikaku Kawaii
ANIME ComedyB Gata H Kei
ANIME Comedykiss×sis (TV)
OVA ComedyMujaki no Rakuen
ANIME EcchiShuumatsu no Harem
- (3.05/5)
Ended inSeptember 17, 2015
Main Studio Seven
Favorited by 490 Users
Hashtag #おくさま