July 18, 2015
24 min
This spin-off of the Haruhi Suzumiya series takes place in the world of the "Disappearance" arc of the original novels, focusing on the high school life (and romance!) of a tentative and bashful Yuki Nagato quite unlike the one you've come to know and love through the usual exploits of the SOS Brigade... but no less charming!
As the shy head of the Literature Club, Nagato has had a hard time recruiting members. Her close friend Ryoko Asakura supports her in this. Drafting Kyon, she eventually meets up with Haruhi Suzumiya, Tsuruya, Mikuru Asahina and Itsuki Koizumi, and has to put up with their hijinks while trying to romance Kyon. Asakura seems ambivalent about the latter prospect.
Yuki Nagato
Minori Chihara
Tomokazu Sugita
Haruhi Suzumiya
Aya Hirano
Mikuru Asahina
Yuuko Gotou
Itsuki Koizumi
Daisuke Ono
Ryouko Asakura
Natsuko Kuwatani
Yuki Matsuoka
Kyon no Imouto
Sayaka Aoki
Minoru Shiraishi
Megumi Matsumoto
Sonou Mori
Chiaki Omigawa
Akio Ootsuka
90/100It's no Haruhi, but it's great for fans of The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya!Continue on AniListAs a fan of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, I won't hesitate to watch or read (or at least plan to) anything related to that series. Of course, that includes this spin-off, The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan. I read a few volumes of the manga and loved it, so when this anime was announced, my excitement was only doubled! However, I admit that I also had my concerns, as Kyoto Animation, the studio that worked on the original anime, didn't work on the spin-off. As it aired, I found that it wasn't received that well, either. However, that doesn't change the fact that I still really enjoyed The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan.
Okay, so does anyone remember The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya? This anime takes place in the alternate world from that movie, where everything is normal and there is no aliens, time travelers, or espers whatsoever. Yuki Nagato is a shy girl who is nothing like the Yuki Nagato we all know and love. This Yuki is a member of the Literature Club, along with Ryoko Asakura and Kyon. Yuki also happens to have a crush on Kyon. Basically, the anime follows Yuki as she goes through her everyday life with the Literature Club and her feelings for Kyon develops.
As you can see, a majority of the characters have changed. As I've said before, Yuki is now a really shy girl, and Kyon is kinder in comparison to the original. Ryoko Asakura is also different from the original; she acts as more of a motherly or a sisterly figure to Yuki. I wasn't really a fan of her in the original anime, and I'm guessing other Haruhi fans can understand why. However, that's not to say everyone's completely different. Mikuru still retains her character from the original series (which is a good thing, as I LOVED her in the original series), and Haruhi is still as fun of a character as ever. Even so, even the characters whose personalities have changed were still fun to watch, although I can't deny that they're still not the same as the ones we know and love.
The story is a good one, with lots of comedy and drama. The story is especially great in episodes 10-13, where the Yuki Nagato we all know and love is shown to us. The animation, I admit, is not as good as in the original series. What do you expect, though? It wasn't Kyoto Animation that did the animation this time; instead, it was Satelight. As a result, the animation is more bright and more cutesy, and it takes a while to get used to. It's not bad animation at all, though; in fact, Satelight did a good job with the animation. The voice actors also did a great job at reprising their roles, as expected. The OP and ED are great, too; I could listen to them on repeat without getting bored!
Let's face it, everyone; The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan is NOT a Haruhi Season 3. However, it's still a really, really, REALLY enjoyable anime. If anyone liked Yuki Nagato from The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya and want to see more of her, this anime is PERFECT for you. It's given me even the tiniest of hopes that The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya will get an actual third season!
3/100Should you watch this anime? No. No, don't. Even if you liked Nagato? Yeah, run, don't look back.Continue on AniListLook, listen. Nagato was best girl in the Haruhi series. Would be nice to see more of her, yes? Oh, look! An anime about Nagato. Well, you might think so, if you read the title but you are wrong, very wrong. The voice actress is the same, the character design is .. roughly the same? The artstyle is definitely different and I guess it's a question of personal taste but Kyon looks almost nothing like himself. Nagato's personality is not the same. It's like they took everything that made her great and threw it right out the window. What you're left with is an incredibly boring slice-of-nothing anime with characters that could be easily replaced with cardboard cut-outs. Remember Koizumi? His one single role in this anime is to simp for Haruhi and simp he does.
At the very least there is a little bit of fanservice - mainly done by showing off Nagato's PSVita, what a gem. (
The next section will contain spoilers, but honestly just read it, spare yourself from watching this:
For some stupid reason both Nagato and Haruhi fall in love with Kyon after like one interaction with him. In Nagato's case he helped her get a library card, in Haruhi's case.. he said that maybe Aliens do exist, or something. BAM - love. You might think, well, maybe this rivalry will become a major plotpoint in the series? It doesn't. It goes nowhere, just like the rest of the anime.
The best part of the anime are 3 episodes in which Nagato's personality changes due to a 'traumatic' car accident. She basically becomes 'Old Nagato' but all too soon the tumor that is New Nagato's personality starts to spread. Of course, this Nagato also falls in love with Kyon and she actually manages to confess her feelings before she 'dramatically' disappears, letting New Nagato take control once again.
It only goes downhill from there.
Kyon acts awkward around Nagato after 'her' confession, there's a whole lot of nothing + some nods and referenced to the Haruhi series - you know, an actually good anime?
And don't get me started on the last episode.
They go to a summer festival, including a firework show. The PERFECT opportunity for Kyon to confess, that he too has fallen in love with Nagato, amirite? As the trope goes, he tells her everything but - oh snap - Nagato couldn't hear a thing! No kiss, no clarification but for some reason Kyon feels like he accomplished what he had set out to do, pats himself on the back, and moves on. It's like nothing ever happened since Episode 1.
Oh yeah, and of course the end teases us with a reminder of the endless eight, setting up for a timeloop-scenario that will be covered in the OVA.Should you watch this anime? No. No, don't. Even if you liked Nagato? Yeah, run, don't look back. Do not let your memory of Nagato be ruined by this generic, trope-abusing, boring piece of media.
ANIME ActionSoul Eater Not!
ANIME DramaGolden Time
ANIME ComedyKotoura-san
ANIME DramaKanon (2006)
- (3.15/5)
Ended inJuly 18, 2015
Main Studio Satelight
Favorited by 223 Users
Hashtag #有希ちゃん