November 1, 1986
91 min
In the distant future, ten space cadets embark on a survival test that sets them adrift in a derelict spacecraft from which they must find their way home. Terror strikes when the cadets discover eleven of themselves aboard the ship. Who is the imposter, and what is his (or her) purpose? Paranoia runs rampant and lives hang in the balance as the cadets scrutinize one another for any wrong move. Can they identify the spy before it’s too late?
(Source: Central Park Media)
Michiko Kawai
Lane Tadatos
Akira Kamiya
King Mayan Baceska
Hideyuki Tanaka
Amazon Carnais
Hirotaka Suzuoki
Doricas Soldam IV
Toshio Furukawa
Vidmenir Knume
Norio Wakamoto
Glenn Groff
Michihiro Ikemizu
Toto Ni
Chako Kacka
Tsutomu Kashiwakura
Dolph Tasta
Kouzou Shioya
Ganigas Gagtos
Tesshou Genda

50/100A refreshing work that brings many genres together in a fun enjoyable way "except romance"Continue on AniListA story about ten space students who go for a practical test for admission to a famous academy, are surprised to learn that their mission is to go live in a real old space parade for more than 50 days in order to succeed, which is made worse when they learn that they are 11 instead of 10 members Inside this procession, they panicked between the task of finding out who is the impostor and the task of managing the procession, and they accused everyone of the impostor, but the hero tells them to deal with the leadership of the procession first and then discover who the impostor later, and then we continue to know what the personality of the characters and how each student deals according to his social and scientific experiences in the past in order to deal with problems. and how they will live more than 50 days alone.
Green > Yellow > Red
Green: from good to excellent
Yellow: There are problems, but it's okay, And they can be ignored
Red: Damaged and cannot be overlookedStory and plots: excellently written, logical, and interesting. Green
Pace: Suitable for the story of this anime, it was neither long in vain nor short. Green
Theme: Although we do not see the feature of the world in abundance, and all that we see is inside the procession, the lights and colors in this work were pleasing to the eye, and there is the aesthetics of space in this anime, which was wonderful, and there are degrees of difference in lighting and opacity in the faces of the characters according to their mood and the nervousness of situations in an excellent and precise way. It is very suitable for the genres of this anime. GreenCharacters: Fun and the chemistry between them was fun to watch, which makes you want to watch it longer. If it were 24 episodes instead of a movie, I don't think we'd get bored of them. For example, when we see the characters in a very difficult situation, they are about to die after five days, so of course, anyone will get angry about any trivial problem in a serious way, and when they were verbally fighting and the person started throwing cake and ketchup on someone's face and then in a strange way and everyone enters playing and throwing food and ketchup at each other even the impostor "who is a mentor of the exam" started playing with them and they laughed at the end so they cleared their burn and frustration and seemed to work better later on. It was a fun event. However, unfortunately, there are some characters whose presence was like their absence, and this is unfair to them, as there is a character that was focused on a lot, but it was poorly written and inappropriate for the type of anime, which is Frolbericheri. We want to see adventure, action, space, mystery, and sci-fi with excitement, and this hermaphrodite banality made it so much worse, more awkward, and not so much fun... Yellow
Relationships: Oh boy... a [redacted] relationship, unfortunately, Frol is a hermaphrodite character, meaning that when they are born it is not determined if they are male or female, but when they grow up and reach a certain age their sexual part will be determined, which is why Frolbericheri entered the academy exam
Frolbericheri thinks that "I'm going to talk to her as a female because she acts like a female." If she behaves like a man, she may become a man, I don't know what the relationship between Space Academy and masculinity is? Well, let's ignore this illogical point for once
She also hates women even though she said that she prefers their gaze more than men "not in a sexual way" and throughout the entire hour of the anime she risked her life more than once to win the test because she believed that she would become a man if she succeeded and did not say for any reason that she actually wanted to be a man except She admires her brother, who was a man. A ridiculous and illogical reason again, but let's ignore this one more time. The hero ends up telling her that he likes her and that if she becomes a female in the future, he will want to marry her. Then in a quick and foolish way she told him she agreed... What's with this stupid romance and how many times should I ignore Frol's androgynous blunders? If she was cis, the anime would be much better than this. RedThe end: Although all the characters seriously tried to kill the hero only because they thought he was an impostor and I have no problem with this reason, my problem is that they reconciled very easily when they discovered that he was not the impostor, although they tried to kill him. The biggest problem is that the secret mentor who was among them did not tells them it was a test to stop crime, this is legitimately very horrible and they handle it very poorly and completely forget it. Red
Conclusion: good space action and a secret test among students show, this is interesting enough but have so many problems other than that.
3 Green
1 Yellow
2 Red
My final rating: 5/10Bizancio
70/100En cooperar y aceptar las diferencias está la solución.Continue on AniListA pesar de que Moto Hagio es una de las autoras más importantes del Grupo del 24, junto con otras como Ryoko Ikeda o Keiko Takemiya, por sus aportaciones al manga shōjo su extensa obra no ha encontrado un hueco en la extensa producción de anime. La única excepción, por supuesto, es la obra que vamos a reseñar en este momento. Una película que si bien no adapta todo el material del manga, resulta una pieza interesante dentro del mediocre conjunto de mediometrajes y largometrajes de los años 80. No tuvo gran suerte con el estudio porque la animación corre a cargo de Magic Bus. Tampoco con el director, Satoshi Dezaki, que sin ser para nada un mal profesional palidece al lado de las dotes de su hermano. Con todo es una película cuyo planteamiento resulta atractivo al recordarnos a alguna novela de Agatha Cristie con la particularidad de que la acción se desenvuelve en el espacio.
¿Quién es el 11º pasajero? es un largometraje protagonizado por Tadatos y otros 10 aspirantes que buscan entrar a la Academia Galáctica, una institución formativa reservada para la élite. Sin embargo, para superar la última prueba que les imponen los examinadores tendrán que combinar su capacidad de supervivencia y colaboración mientras intentan descubrir quién es el farsante entre ellos. En relación con esto, también se irá revelando el misterioso vínculo entre el protagonista y la nave espacial donde tiene lugar la prueba. ¿Será en realidad el polizón de la nave?
Como ya he dicho, el planteamiento del filme puede que nos recuerde a alguna novela de misterio donde hay un grupo de individuos encerrados con un asesino. La temática espacial, en cambio, nos conduce a pensar en largometrajes como Alien: el octavo pasajero (1979). Realmente ninguno se ajusta perfectamente a lo que se desenvuelve durante sus casi noventa minutos de metraje. El factor "invitado inesperado" lleva a pensar en la existencia de un impostor que busca asesinar al resto de la tripulación mientras oculta su identidad. Pero aquí lo que el "asesino" busca es descubrir si los aspirantes a entrar en la Academia tienen las aptitudes necesarias. Para mí esta particularidad le otorga puntos extra, ya que por lo menos en el anime de la época no hay ningún filme o serie con una idea semejante.
Al estar ante una prueba diseñada por una institución académica es de suponer que el nivel de peligro al que están sometidos los personajes no puede ser muy alto. De lo contrario, los candidatos podrían morir y no les convendría. Sin duda, el botón de emergencia que se presenta desde el inicio ayuda a generar esta idea en el espectador. Si algo sale mal pueden pulsarlo y sobrevivir todos, aunque eso implique el suspenso de todo el grupo. Sin embargo, la autora no cayó en este error porque en el transcurso de los cincuenta y tres días de convivencia ocurren una serie de eventualidades y contratiempos no programados por la Academia y que, por tanto, ponen en riesgo sus vidas. El desvío de la trayectoria de la nave, el virus de las manchas rojas o la posibilidad de que la nave explote sirven para añadir suficiente tensión al relato. En este sentido, el aspecto de supervivencia me parece más que acertado.
Lástima que mi opinión no sea tan favorable respecto al misterio. En un principio, la autora acierta al intentar confundirnos usando la pérdida de memoria del protagonista. El hecho de que conozca la nave nos lleva a pensar necesariamente en que estuvo ahí anteriormente y que los eventos pasados que explican el abandono del transporte tienen relación con él. Gracias a esta maniobra de distracción, el espectador desconfía del protagonista más que del resto. El problema del misterio radica, sin embargo, en la escasez de pistas que nos lleven a descubrir la identidad del impostor. Prácticamente nada de lo que sucede, a excepción de la treta inicial del polizón, sirve para llegar hasta él. Si hubiera ofrecido alguna pista de quien era el telépata nos habrían ayudado, pero no lo hicieron. Observar la inmadurez de algunos personajes, en cambio, ayudó a descartar a varios con seguridad. Pero el impostor se hallaba entre los secundarios que apenas participaron y precisamente no eran pocos. Un misterio debería dar garantías para ser resuelto porque sino no sirve de mucho.
Desde mi punto de vista, la película no escogió el mejor enfoque al hacer un mayor énfasis en el misterio. El verdadero punto clave del filme se encuentra en su mensaje: la necesidad de que todos los pasajeros tienen que cooperar para sobrevivir, a pesar de la desconfianza y las profundas diferencias que los distancian. Una misión que no resulta nada sencilla porque requiere aprender a confiar en los demás y aceptar las diferencias de cada uno. La obra hace un trabajo competente al presentarnos las particularidades de cada uno de estos personajes porque gasta parte de su tiempo en permitir que hablen de sus aspiraciones, su hogar de origen, los rasgos de su especie, etc. Es como si en un mismo lugar mezclaran personas de diversas clases sociales, etnias y razas, con todo lo que ello conlleva. Si bien esta diversidad no suele ser tanto el motor del conflicto como sí lo es el hecho de que están ante unos desconocidos, entre los cuales uno es un impostor al que se le puede achacar los problemas por los que están pasando. En cualquier caso, este hecho potencia mucho el mensaje de aceptación, unión y cooperación. Al final de la cinta, el cambio de mentalidad en los tripulantes cristaliza de manera adecuada, tras una intensa interacción y resolución conjunta de problemas.
100/100I am so normal about this perfect movie that more people need to see or I'll die... Seriously, watch it!Continue on AniListQuick summary:
A hidden gem, lost in time. Despite being 38 years old, 11-nin Iru! is just as good as Knives out, Glass Onion, and beats a lot of new media in quality. 700 applicants divided into group of 10 take a series of hard tests to be admitted to Cosmo Academy. For their final test, they need to crew on a ship for 54 days - but to their surprise, there is 11 of them! And if it wasn't enough, one of them seems to know a little too much about the ship...
._Murder mystery...without the murder_ Everyone loves murder mysteries. Someone dies in a place where escape isn't possible, so you know you are around a murdered 24/7. Thankfully, there is always someone who came to save the day, and finds the murderer, saving the day and others. But have you ever thought about a murder mystery without the murder? 11 people, stranded on a spacer ship, needing, no having to pass their test find out there is one too many people. It's scary, they're not sure what to do - but they all know what their ultimate goal is. Finish the test and get into academy. So they try to work together... but there are those, that can't let their guard down. And if you can't trust your teammates, how can you work in a team? The cast can be divided into three groups. Dumbasses - a group of lovable but not very important characters. Biatches - a group of little bitches that made this whole experience harder than necessary (not for the viewers, but themselves). And dumbasses in love - that is my special little category of three people, Tada, Frol, Amazon. I must say, it's been a while since I met cast this good. The "bad" guys are just immature little pricks, mostly King's butt-kissers. They seem to be besties, and just kind of let him take on the leader's role. Those who don't get much screen time still have fun little lines and great design. And my best trio - Amazon who is ridiculous, Frol that got on my nerves sometimes and Tada who I kind of hate in a good way... They were all great._Dumbasses, dumbasses in love, and stupid biatches_ The love story between Frol and Tada was so awful I loved it. Frol was annoying Tada from the beginning, comparing them at everything because of Frol's need to be a good man. And when it seemed liek they will fail the test, Tada just casually asked Frol for their hand in marriage. Frol said yes, of course, and I swooned. Then when they found out they passes, Tada was so sad, the poor thing, because he thought Frol will want to become a man and won't marry him. But Frol said they still want to marry Tada!!!! I am so normal about them....Gay panic - but when you see a menir naked.
When you annoy the hell out of your crewmate. but he is the first one you cling to when something goes wrong. You might think, thank God Tada is a telepath. Now he can tell us who is lying about being an applicant. Haha, no. All 11 of them seem to be real deals. Which means there is nothing they can do. Oh, yes. There is a button to call for help - but that would mean they all failed the test. But this isn't their only problem. Around the ship - Esperanza - are Conductor vines. They are used for wiring, but they can also spread a Dell Red Spotted Fever - that is deadly. You might think, thankfully they only cause fever at a high temperature... but what if, hypothetically, the temperature of the ship started to raise? That's not all. Tada is a huge problem as well. Hearing voices, having visions... What is happening to him??_Problem & more problems_ _The "cringe" parts are incredibly funny_ We're in year 1986. Of course some things will be incredibly funny. Just to name few:Always showing his face to let us know which suit belongs to him. (Normally we just see black screen,) Some things just aren't supposed to be funny, but they so are! Still, they're not bad. You get what I'm saying?This dramatic blue lighting on the lower and upper screen.
These close-ups.
_ Manga and a sequel_ I read the manga prior to watching this movie. I prefer clean manga, which means I don't like a lot of text, bubbles, sparkles and too many pictures cramped on one page. Sometimes it's hard for me to read it. But this one... I enjoyed a lot. I thought it was one of the best mangas I have ever read. I do recommend it to all the manga readers out there! The adaptation was staying pretty true to the source. I was happy about that - I saw all my favorite moments animated. What I didn't find too amusing were the ending credits that told us the fate of the applicants after they passes the test. Nevermind that! Once you're done with the movie and the manga, you might find yourself wanting a little more... And thankfully there is a sequel. I didn't read it yet, but I am sure it will be okay! What I wanted to say in this section is that it doesn't matter what media you enjoy more - 11-nin Iru! is for everyone and EVERYONE should give it a chance!# Conclusion: recommended <33
ANIME ActionTerra e... (TV)
ANIME AdventureKanata no Astra
ONA AdventureChikyuugai Shounen Shoujo
OVA AdventureLILY-C.A.T.
ANIME DramaMugen no Ryvius
OVA DramaHi no Tori: Uchuu-hen
MOVIE ActionTerra e...
- (3.35/5)
Ended inNovember 1, 1986
Main Studio Magic Bus
Favorited by 48 Users