March 25, 1999
30 min
Masquerade is the story surrounding the Hiraga bloodline in which Gen is a part of. Recently orphaned, he moves in to his grandmother's house and unwittingly triggers the Hiraga clan's curse in which nearly every member leads a tragically short life. In his grandmother's house, Gen begins to unravel vaguely remembered memories from a dream he's always had. With the help of an American graduate student, they try to uncover the secret of the Hiraga bloodline, the whispered legend of immortality that is locked in his genes, and a way to keep Gen from sharing the same fate that every one of his ancestors before him has suffered.
(Source: Anime News Network)

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51/100A decent classic hentaiContinue on AniListGosenzo San'e follows the Hiraga bloodline, in which Gen is part of. Recently orphaned, he has to move into his grandmother's house, and he unwittingly triggers the Hiraga clan's curse in which nearly every member leads to a tragically short life. Soon, Gen's begin's to unravel vague memories from a dream that he's always had. With the help of an American graduate student, they try to uncover the secret of the Hiraga bloodline.
The whole thing is actually pretty well paced, something that I wouldn't expect from a hentai. Normally a hentai either has no plot, or a plot that rushes through it so fast that it makes you question why they included a plot at all.
While some of the acting English dub isn't all that bad, it's still pretty much the standard fare for an English hentai dub. Props to the voice actor for out main character, Gen, who sounds as stiff as a board. But on the upside, the animation and art artstyle is also actually quite good.
Also, apparently Gen's bloodline suffers from a rare "condition", and Gen ejaculates gold semen, called "Aqua Permanence", which can lead to immortality if consumed. After Doing a cursory search on google and ruining my search results forever, yellow semen can range from something as simple as a dietary change, infrequent ejaculation, to an STI , and even abnormally high white blood cells and jaundice. Basically, yellow semen doesn't mean immortality, it means that you probably should see a doctor, and quickly.
On the sex front, it's not that bad, but the OVA isn't really all that focused on the sex, instead making it more of a catalyst for the plot to exist. I don't know if it was made the way it was to be called a 'hentai', or if it was studio mandated to make it a hentai and the team behind it had to work around it, but if you edited down the sex, the plot would still work.
Would I recommend Gosenzo San'e? Yes, but weirdly enough, not for the sex. The story and characters are blander than tofu, but the fact that it actually tries to have both a plot, as shallow as it is, as well as being decently paced and atmospheric, it makes it a decent watch for the people who might want to watch an incredibly obscure anime. Here I was expecting another terribly put together horror hentai like "Mystery of the Necronomicon" or "Alien From The Darkness", but I actually got something half-way decent.
- (2.7/5)
Ended inMarch 25, 1999
Main Studio AIC
Favorited by 8 Users