September 6, 2007
24 min
Cursed to live as both monster and man, Dante must spend his life fighting the demonic forces of darkness. Brandishing his sword, Rebellion, and his always-loaded guns, Ebony and Ivory, Dante is more than happy to send the demons back to hell—especially when there’s money to be made. The wildly popular video game Devil May Cry is now a series, and this time, there’s no sympathy for the devil.
(Source: Crunchyroll, edited)
Toshiyuki Morikawa
Patty Lowell
Misato Fukuen
Fumiko Orikasa
Atsuko Tanaka
J.D. Morrison
Akio Ootsuka
Shinichirou Miki
Hirofumi Nojima
Elena Huston
Romi Park
Natsuko Kuwatani
Nachi Nozawa
Jouji Nakata
Tomokazu Seki
Gara Takashima
Katsuyuki Konishi
Lynn Marcus
Ryouka Yuzuki
Tomoyuki Shimura
Akira Sasanuma
Kelly Marcus
Yuuji Ueda
Nina Rogue
Aya Hisakawa
Kishou Taniyama
61/100at lest its not as bad as the rebootContinue on AniListWarning this review may contain spoilers.
First impressions, so devil may cry a anime adaptation of a video game about this guy who fights demons sounds cool enough.
Story, 5/10
So the story of devil may cry is about dante who is a demon hunter and is also a demon-human hybrid.
So if your a devil may cry fan you have probably wanted to know the question of what does dante do when he isn't saving the world or fucking some random chicks in a dumpster somewhere.
Well if your asked yourself this question then you will me happy to know that this anime gives you idea. He fights Random demons he then eats pizza and sundaes and we are reminded that he is drowning in debt and doing all these things while being a badass.
So from what you have just read so far you can pretty much guess that there really isn't really a plot to this and for the most part you would be right.
Devil may cry story is for the most part very episodic it mostly includes stand alone missions.
that dante dose for a living and some of what dante dose when he doesn't have work going on. Which is mostly him fucking around while eating high amounts of sundaes and pizzas.
Which I am not an expert of demon or half demon biology but surely eating all that pizza and sundaes would probably slightly bad for him .
unless in this world just demons really love pizza and sundaes.But other than that there really isn't much I can comment on
this show doesn't really use all the ingredients that it could used and even if this show for all intents and purposes is a kick ass rule of cool show about some badass dude fighting demons. It doesn't use or play on many of the elements it's brings up.Like one example there was an episode where we find a demon falling in love with this human women and though this episode we find out that not all demons are evil monsters that destroy and kill everything in there path and demons themselves have the ability to grow not just in power and also there personality and beliefs.
And what really bothers me is that they gloss over this idea in one episode,
Which leaves me with few questions like why is this demon so different from the rest of his kind or what lead him to becoming like this.
They never explain or expand on that idea and concept.
Which I think is a wasted opportunity.Now I will mention that this show tried to have an overarching plot with the loli side kick that Dante has with him.
That dose lead to this plot In the end but it really doesn't matter in the long run of things. What happens is that the this demon that's trying to become some sort of super demon and needs the loli side kicks blood or something she has to complete it.But it was boring and predictable and I don't care about in the lest.
Like here is how they could have made this show ten times more interesting and not feel like a soulless video game ad in anime form.
Still keep the episodic missions expect the episode count is 24 episodes and during these episodes we lean more about the lore and world of devil may cry.
Because the demon and super natural elements are quite interesting and it would cool to explore Dante childhood as being a half demon/orphan or talk about what other super natural shit that going down that doesn't involve demons.
It would be pretty cool to see Dante fight angels or some organization trying to capture or kill him because of his demonic nature.Surely that would be batter Than what we actually got and if it had those what ifs the story and anime could stand up on its own and not just be a video game adaptation.
The main character is pretty badass. I mean if you look up badass in the dictionary you would probably find this dude picture on it.
He is pretty cocky and very relaxed , says bad ass lines and dose the most badass things you can think of.The side characters were also pretty cool as well.
Except one character because for some reason this show has a loli side kick for dante
Who pissed me off some times.The bad guys who are demons of the week.
Are pretty much your throw away characters that I don't give a fuck about.Art, 6/10
The animation is pretty decent, it's very polished and shiny it is something you should watch in he if you can.
It also has this kind of dim color scheme that goes well with the kind setting that this show has.
It also has some pretty good fight animation as well.
The demon designs were pretty cool as well.
Dante also looks pretty cool as well.Sound, 5/10
Not a big fan of the opening or ending song.
Because it just a background noise music which doesn't sound good to me.
The ost is pretty decent and it fits the tone of the show pretty well.
And I couldn't find out who did the ost.
But ost is ok.The sub and dub is alight.
Plus Dante English voice actor sounds like he does in the games.
I liked the fight scenes.
I also like the characters as well.
I also like some of the designs for the demons they were pretty cool.Overall,6/10
So if you are Looking for a decent rule of cool show then you will probably like this anime but it seems like to be that you would have to be fan of devil may cry in order to like it more.
If you not a fan of the game you will mostly right this off as another sub par video game adaption.SolidMateus
70/100Uma perspectiva diferente de Dante.Continue on AniListO Anime de Devil May Cry ganha valor ao mostrar um ponto de vista diferente da vida do nosso caçador de demônios favorito, desde o primeiro game temos em vista um personagem completamente badass, que não se importa com muita coisa além de uma boa luta e fazer piadas de seus oponentes. Claro, em partes específicas de sua jornada temos momentos emocionantes e até mesmo tristes, como por exemplo quando ele acha que deixou Trish morrer, como se houvesse falhado com sua mãe de novo, momentos onde ele fala com o irmão ou de sua infância, levando o personagem até mesmo a chorar (daí o nome da franquia é óbvio), mas no geral o que temos é um fanfarrão, estiloso e piadista.
Já aqui temos um Dante cansado, triste com sua vida, o anime em termos cronológicos se passa logo após “Devil May Cry (2001)” ou seja, seu irmão estava supostamente morto, sua vingança contra aquele que tirou a vida de sua mãe já havia sido concretizada e suas parceiras já não estavam mais presentes, então não havia nada que desse sentido em sua vida, ele era movido apenas pelos trabalhos que Morrison o entregava e o objetivo de proteger os fracos, mas aquilo era apenas um passatempo. Curiosamente os poucos momentos em que vemos Dante sorrindo e se divertindo é quando ele luta, já que nessas horas o personagem extravasava todos os seus problemas internos, o anime também deixa claro que o protagonista passava todos os dias se alimentando de pizza e sorvete, apenas como mais um escape de sua angústia, e em sua ending fica subentendido que o álcool também fazia parte de sua rotina.
Só por esses exemplos já é válido dizer que esse anime é uma pérola em meio a franquia toda, mas as coisas ficam melhores por termos um contraponto a tudo isso que foi citado antes, “Patty Lowell” é a típica criança que mesmo jovem é madura e parece entender muito da vida e como as pessoas se sentem, e mesmo que a missão principal de Dante seja defendê-la e escoltá-la, em maior parte é ela que cuida dos sentimentos dele e o apoia, criando uma relação quase que entre irmãos. Claro que existem momentos onde um ensina o outro sobre diferentes aspectos da vida, mas é Patty quem dá um motivo para Dante viver, seja através de suas broncas ou de sua simpatia que pareciam estar faltando na vida do protagonista há um bom tempo.
Outro ponto em que a série acerta é em não depender apenas da missão principal mas finalmente mostrar Dante e os demais agindo como genuínos caçadores de demônios, coisas que são citadas em todos os jogos da franquia mas nunca mostrados, claro que eles ainda agem como protetores da humanidade, mas finalmente é mostrado o lado mercenário, que aceita os trabalhos por dinheiro, o lado investigador é de suma importância nesses momentos, mostrando que Dante não é só uma máquina de lutar sem nenhuma estratégia ou inteligência, as relações que a existência de demônios causa na humanidade também é retratada, mais um ponto positivo já que na maioria dos jogos isso é deixado de lado.
As cenas de ação também são decentes, por mais que Dante resolva a maioria de seus casos com extrema facilidade faz todo o sentido, já que nesse ponto da história o personagem é completamente invencível.
O anime também traz curiosidades bacanas como a maneira que Dante consegue seus trabalhos através de seu parceiro Morrison, como Trish e Lady se reconheceram e começaram sua rivalidade, laços nunca antes explorados de Sparda e outros demônios que seguiam sua ideologia, entre outros momentos interessantes. Enfim, esse anime é um deleite para qualquer fã da franquia e um passatempo para um público casual.MegaTheRealOne
65/100Not Quite as Stylish as It Should BeContinue on AniList(Originally Reviewed on Serializd)
One thing that I haven't really gone into too much with any of these reviews on these websites, especially on the sight where I actually review video games for a living (cough, like and follow, cough), is that I am a HUGE fan of action games. Or to be more specific, the hack n' slash kind of action games, the ones where you take control of one sole individual and take on seemingly endless hordes of monsters, demons and what have you in plenty of big, bloody and incredible spectacles. These games provide the kind of rapid-fire, adrenaline pumping gameplay that I ADORE, and I have played quite a lot of these games throughout my life, from classics like Ninja Gaiden and Shinobi to more modern titles like Bayonetta and God of War, but without a doubt, one of the best series in the genre that I love much like many others is that of Devil May Cry.
These games aren't really all that complex: just about a demon/human hybrid going around, slashing up demons and other fierce creatures in a naturally stylish way, but the flow of combat, the moves you can pull off, the weapons and upgrades you get access to, and not to mention, how COOL AS FUCK it all is, makes it all some of the best hack 'n slash action that you could find from the past over 20 years of gaming history. However, despite how much I do enjoy the games in this series, and the fact that I have played them all, I haven't actually taken the time to check out any of the other media surrounding the games before. Sure, I have known about the side media for quite some time, but nothing really pulled me into checking them out for quite some time, primarily because I thought it was gonna be.... well, shit. But I figured, now that I did check out the short-lived Devil May Cry comic series, I might as well go ahead and check out some other side media stuff too, so naturally, I started with anime adaptation the series got that was simply known as Devil May Cry: The Animated Series.
Yes, I did watch this primarily because of the new Netflix series for Devil May Cry that is going to be coming out in less then 2 months, but at the same time, I have wanted to watch this show for quite some time. I had known about it for a long time, and while I was always curious about it, I never did give it a proper look at, not only because I wasn't much of an anime guy back then, but also because video game TV show adaptations, as you all should probably know, don't exactly have the most solid track record ever. Not to mention, hearing more about how the show wasn't anything worth checking out from others definitely didn't help matters either, but now that I have sold my soul to the devil by watching more anime, and since I now have an excuse to do it, I figured I would finally check out the whole series to see if I was missing out on anything. So, was I missing out?......... no, not really. It's a fine enough series, one that does have plenty of cool and fun enough elements to make me wanna stick through to the end, but it doesn't do anything too interesting or new for the genre that it is a part of, or for the game it is supposed to be adapting, to make me care too much about it.
The stories are pretty much what you would expect from a show like this, being your run of the mill demon-of-the-week show that has plenty of baddies to kill, side characters to show off, some fun action scenes and maybe some comedy thrown in there, with it all working well enough for the show that it is a part of, but not enough to prevent it from getting lost in the crowd of the many other shows that has a similar set-up to this, the characters are alright, where the characters from the games like Dante, Trish and Lady all act pretty much like you would expect them to, although they don't come off quite as cool and badass as they should be, which does kinda suck, and as for the original characters, like Patti and Morrison, they are fine enough additions to Dante's motley crew, and the rest of the characters they run into are fine, except for the fact that all of them are pretty generic and fall under the same character tropes you are used to seeing from these kinds of shows that make me care less about them as a result, the voice acting is.... passable, where the VAs do a good enough job at playing these characters, and the voices for the Devil May Cry characters do fit them pretty well, but this show also has a somewhat severe case of dubitis, and can have plenty of performances that are either just phoning it in, or are REALLY bad, which can get pretty distracting and hilarious when you listen to it, the animation is fine, having a decent enough art style that fits the series well enough and some cool moments with it to be seen, but it doesn't look like anything unique or interesting compared to many other similar shows, and can be pretty cheap in places too, and the action is a bit of a mixed bag, where sometimes there will be some really cool scenes that give off the proper feeling of the games the show is based on, but other times, it can be really anticlimactic and boring, especially since the action scenes in this show don't last that long to begin with.
At the end of the day, I think the one big problem with this show that completely drags it down is just because of how standard it is at the end of the day. It's a very simple show with a very simple structure for most of the series: Dante gets a job he has to go take care of, always involving some demon to kill, he kills the demon, maybe some comedy and story exposition is thrown in there to try to make you care, and that's it. Sometimes they change up this formula, including the last two episodes where they pretend like they actually have a story to tell, but most of the show works pretty much exactly like this, and while it's not a bad formula at all, it is one that is pretty generic and lackluster. This especially rings true for this series, because may I remind you that this is a series based on Devil May Cry, the rocking hack 'n slash action games with attitude from Capcom, and this series doesn't feel like it belongs in the same franchise at all as the main games. I will give them credit at least for doing something different and "original" with the property rather then just adapting the games, but at the same time, if you were to take Dante, Trish and Lady out of the show and replace them with three anime randos, you would barely be able to tell the difference in the show itself, and that's a big problem. It probably would've been better if they adapted one of the games, and hell, they had three to choose from, so go nuts with it!......... maybe not Devil May Cry 2 though, we can forget about that one.
But with all that being said, at the same time, it isn't a bad show by any means, and it does get the job done at the end of the day. It does provide you with enough adventures and scenarios that Dante takes on, along with some fun moments on the side to liven things up, and there are no real terrible or annoying elements of the show that managed to get to me and make me dread watching another episode of this. If you are one that is simply looking for a basic demon hunting show with decent action and decent stories, then this one will provide, but again, it's not gonna be surprising you with anything that it tries in the process. Hell, they don't even bring in that many other elements from the game aside from some of the characters and the weapons they use either, which does kinda suck. Why not bring in Vergil at some point? Seeing him fight Dante in this world would've been awesome!...... just, you know, as long as Vergil didn't have the squeaky voice that is.
Overall, despite not feeling quite on par with the games and not having a shred of originality in its body, Devil May Cry: The Animated Series was still a decent enough show to where I thought it was good enough at the end of the day, what with it having plenty of simple and interesting enough stories to watch play out, decent animation, some neat and sometimes exciting action sequences, a good set of characters, and some pretty interesting voice acting to listen to just in case you want a good laugh. I would recommend it for those that love Devil May Cry, as well as those who are big into these kinds of shows, because it does prove to be a good and enjoyable time waster if you got a good couple of hours to kill, but for others who maybe aren't too interested in this series or these kinds of shows, there are definitely many other, better options that you can choose over this. Let's just hope that the new Devil May Cry show coming out in April actually manages to one-up this in every way and be much more memorable as a result. Hell, I would even be fine with the new show actually having some kind of plot! That would automatically make the show better then this one, just on that alone.
MOVIE ActionVampire Hunter D (2000)
ONA ActionDEVILMAN crybaby
ANIME ActionCowboy Bebop
- (3.2/5)
Ended inSeptember 6, 2007
Main Studio MADHOUSE
Trending Level 2
Favorited by 499 Users