October 12, 2023
24 min
In the online game "Planet," there is a powerful team of four players. This team goes by the name "The Akabane Family," and its members are a pseudo-family that only exists in the game. Although they aren't aware of it, these four players are actually a broken family in real life. A shut-in older brother. A high-achieving younger brother. A father who is not respected by his own children. A mother who neglects her own household. They do not know the warmth of family. They also don't know that the warmth of their online family is only a passing feeling. And most of all, they don't know they are a real family. Centered on the deeds of the Akabane Family in the online game "Planet," the story features battles against monsters, clashes with other guilds, and the machinations surrounding "Black Bird," the final objective of the game. The tale takes a major turn as it entangles the real world and this real family.
(Source: Netflix)
Daisuke Hirose
Nobunaga Shimazaki
Aya Endou
Shiro Akabane
Akio Ootsuka
Aoi Yuuki
Hana Kamuro
Rie Takahashi
Hiroki Nanami
Ryouhei Kimura
Aya Arima
Inori Minase
Kenjirou Tsuda

Not available on crunchyroll

90/100An amazing series with a tragic story that stumbles a bit near the end but manages to keep it's footingContinue on AniListAlright so never done this before (a review that is) but here it goes...
This was absolutely phenomenal, it was wholesome, it was sad, it was scary it was intense, i had no idea what i was about to witness when i started this but man... that blew my expectations out of the water, so lets rant a bit...
Music - 7/10
The Music wasn't anything too special but it was still pretty damn good and the use of the music was also done pretty well, there were especially a few tracks and moments here and there that stood out like when they played the slightly creepy upbeat music in horrifying and dangerous situations. Overall the music was enjoyable but it wasn't anything super mind blowingAnimation - 8/10
The animation was actually pretty damn frickin' solid, it had quite a lot of very well done animation and they knew what they were doing and when to do specific stuff, it was also quite nice that we had a more Generic Isekai sort of look while in the game world, they even go chibi at times, but when in the real world it's very dark and grey, much more detailed which i appreciate very much, two art styles for each specific part of the showCharacters - 8/10
The characters were pretty damn well written, it doesn't shy away from getting nice and gritty about who the characters are and their faults, every character here has many flaws (some more then others) and they display them proudly and use them as much as they can for quite compelling characters, you can get behind the MC and other people are fairly easy to understand when you really take a look at them The Father, while not a great person, you can understand what he is and the show doesn't ask you to sympathize with him either which is great i will say you will dislike some of the characters and the show knows this so while it has it's own story to tell it never asks you to forgive themAnother note i should make is that they also get you invested in the characters, they easily win you over with them and a small spoiler as a warning to you, you WILL cry at least once
Story - 8.5/10
At first the story is quite wholesome and nice and then after about the half way point things go off the rails (in a good way) the story gets really good, the plot twists are plenty and well done, the only reason i don't give the story a 9 is because near the end while wrapping things up it gets a bit messy as it sort of gets a bit too complicated (there are stuff i even just now realize that i didn't before after discussing stuff with other people), so just be warned that if you start to get a little lost near the end it's not just you, the ending of the anime gets a bit hard to understand at times but just know that there's MUCH more to this anime then just "a broken family playing video games"As a side note while the ending wraps everything up pretty nicely there are a few things that i would've liked to see covered a bit more but there is a sequel manga being made at the moment so maybe that's where i'll find them, stuff like the specifics of what happened to Aya, how did the mom and the dad even end up together, just more about the mom in general really because she felt like wasted potential, and a few other things
All in all a very great anime and i highly recommend giving it a go, when/if you give this a go i HIGHLY recommend at least staying tell episode 6
77/100There are plot holes, but it can hold on its own enough.Continue on AniList__PLOT__ Summary
The story focuses around the Akabanes, a family of four buillt from online connections within the game PLANET. They get along well, with their only rule is to ever pry into each other's real lives. What they don't know is that, in real life, they are "family".In PLANET, one can socialize with other players, form teams, make guilds and fight monsters - but the true end goal of PLANET is about its final boss, called the "Black Bird of Happiness", which boasts a reward of 300 million yen.
My Review
It definitely had an interesting premise, even with a premise as simple as that - it had a lot to unravel and things to be realized. It was enough to stand by own its own.And then they added the Black Bird of Happiness, which only complicates things further.
Things becoming more complicated within the plot was decent and a given. I feel like it still would be as compelling even if it only kept the family drama in.
Interesting plot, bad executions sometimes.
__SETTING/S__ Summary
The story mostly takes place in PLANET... and certain places within it. Of course, it also shows us sometimes the household of the Arimas (real life surname of the Akabanes).My Review
PLANET as the place (or game) where they meet was excellent, it perfectly does its job well (narratively) as an escapism for the family, as well as certain parts of it doing a good job of making the viewers confused as well as certain parts of PLANET being excellent in displaying moments of fear and urgency of the situation.__CHARACTER/S__ Summary
I'm only going to list the family (and the most basic description) to avoid spoilers, especially since for the other characters - it seems better to let their characters unravel by itself.Arima, Taichiro (MC) - A shut-in gaming addict and the eldest sibling in the family.
Arima, Asuma - The younger brother who dislikes Taichiro's lifestyle (gaming).
Arima, Kojiro - The father who Taichiro does not respect.
Arima, Miyabi - The mother who doesn't show up much.
My Review
The characters are certainly interesting in their own rights, and can stand on their own as a character with their own conflicts.I feel like some were lacking in attention (the mom), however, some characters certainly were great and had interesting moments (a certain guildmaster).
__DEVELOPMENT__ The story mostly shows the characters first before giving the explanation as to why they're like that, you can certainly see how they'd changed from the past - but I wouldn't say it explicitly showed us the literal development of a character besides some moments.
__RELATIONSHIP/S__ With how much it emphasized family, we didn't really get to see much of the mother unfortunately.
Still, the character dynamics are interesting, whether it'd be the Akabanes' avatars, the Arima brothers, a certain Granada duo, and the Pirates. All of them had their own weight and emotional values.
In my opinion, the Arima brothers had the most care in the way their relationship unravelled. The Granada duo also had their interesting moments, and Taichiro's relationship with his father had its own importance.
There were definitely a lot of conflicts shown, they had all their unique charm, strengths and weaknesses to it. Whether it'd be the family's or as individual person.I feel like most conflicts were given a decent conclusion, but there were some parts that missed too.
The themes were definitely engaging, and they constantly clashed with others - still, they remain to be firm in what theme it was presenting despite unravelling many plot points and themes.__SOUNDS__ The voice acting nailed it, the way Tachiro's emotions and eraticness (at some parts) were shown through his lines were excellent.
Other than that, nothing much stands out (though that could be just my opinion) but nothing felt off either, so I'd say it was decent.
I definitely liked the opening though.
__VISUALS__ The art style is very pleasant to look at, it's simple in a unique way. The animation can sometimes be only decent, but sometimes it was extremely good - it usually depends on the moment in the story.
What I can say though is that did a great job at portraying the themes of the story (regardless if it was a good part or a bad part of the plot), it also enchanced the mood of the scene for me.
__EXECUTION__ I feel like there could've been more to the worldbuilding of PLANET or the more Sci-fi elements, at least.
Though, in my opinion, they did manage to pull off the family drama pretty well - the characters' reasons, what they ended up as, and more are understandable (I can't say the same much about most stuff past Episode 6).
__PERSONAL THOUGHTS__ I definitely enjoyed it, despite there being plot holes. At first, when I saw the trailer - as well as the dark elements happening in their "real life" and not just the game, I was quite skeptical, but it ended up being fine in the end.
Personally, I'd recommend it (even more so if you're a beginner in anime who enjoys psychological elements and heavy themes). Although it was quite predictable at times, it certainly had interesting concepts.CONCLUSION
Watch it with an open mind, and still end up confused about the ending like me (but it ended up being alright).MissAsakura
37/100Wasted potential for something greatContinue on AniListHow many twist can you do in a movie or show before it becomes too much. It's like twisting too much before you end up breaking it and it becomes a mess... basically sums up this anime. We were given a twist at the first episode which was probably the best twist and then after that, we got more and more... which they kind of made less and less sense as you continued on.
I was really excited about this when it first aired, the first 5 episodes were really enjoyable. Sure given I didn't really care for Ichi, being a shut in and complaining about how the world is so terrible... but then we were introduced to the best character, Pico.
Now given I didn't like Pico at first, but as we got to know her character more and her motivations, she grew on me and became my favorite character among them all.
Okay the rest will be spoilers for the rest of the show to explain why I didn't enjoy this show and if you want to read it and see if you want to watch it for yourself or not. And I'll share what I was hoping it would've been, which I think would've been far more enjoyable.
The concept of what makes AI and human different isn't new to anime, it's an idea that's been explored a lot. And the whole idea of the virtual world and dying inside of it causes death in the real world is done as well. And love or hate SAO, SAO actually did a good job at establishing this concept.
I feel like this anime tried a little bit to be like "Serial Experiment Lain" and "SAO." Why trying to be both failed at being anything really... it couldn't decided which path it wanted to go... like we are connected to the virtual world and if we die in the virtual world... it causes death in the real world? And how does any of it works? It made zero sense at all, it wasn't explored at all... it's like creating ideas but not exploring it or giving any lore to it.
Let setting up for a joke but without...
What this anime should've been is what was introduced in the first episode. A dysfunctional family that slowly eventually learns to become a family in the real world. Where they learn to forgive each other and learn to create the family they have in the game but in the real world instead. I think that would've been a far better anime. Where they slowly understand each other and that no matter how much you try to create in the virtual world it doesn't compared to the real world.
And they could've used Pico more to established this, as being the one that finally meets Ichi and they build a relationship to help him slowly get out of his neet stage. And by their friendship and relationship they build, he slowly reconnects with his real family. At least that's what I thought we were going to get going in...
Pico is some AI... LIKE WHAT??? What kind of twist is this and it came out of no where and after her whole emotional scene with Ichi how she wanted to meet him in person... and then she vanishes and he doesn't really even think about her at all until way later on and argh... such a wasted character.
I'm sorry, this anime just was so frustrating... if you want to make something be clever and unique at least explore it better. Don't just make up stuff and say just because... that's just lazy writing...
Because the AI are so smart they can somehow hack reality... geez... if this was a fantasy anime it would work... but you're trying to be sci-fi and kind of stay in the realm of possibility even if impossible.
I'll end it here, I had high hope, but this is what you get for hoping... hope is a dangerous thing they say.
But hey... the part with Ichi and Pico meeting was actually really sweet... I'll give them that at least but I barely could finish the last coupe episode, it was a dragged...
ANIME ActionSword Art Online
ANIME Adventure.hack//SIGN
MOVIE ActionSummer Wars
ANIME ActionMirai Nikki
ANIME DramaMousou Dairinin
ANIME ActionShangri-La Frontier
- (3.5/5)
Ended inOctober 12, 2023
Main Studio NAZ
Trending Level 1
Favorited by 309 Users
Hashtag #グッドナイトワールド