March 28, 2024
24 min
Adachi's 30th birthday as a virgin came with the oddest gift—the ability to read the mind of anyone he touches. Pondering what to do with this mysterious power, he gets a lead when he accidentally reads his colleague Kurosawa's mind. Turns out the handsome hotshot of the sales team has got a thing for him! How will Adachi respond to overhearing these affectionate thoughts?
(Source: Crunchyroll)
Yuichi Kurosawa
Ryouta Suzuki
Kiyoshi Adachi
Chiaki Kobayashi
Minato Wataya
Gen Satou
Nozomi Fujisaki
Ami Koshimizu
Masato Tsuge
Makoto Furukawa
Yuuta Rokkaku
Yuusuke Shirai
Momoka Watabe
Mari Kurosawa
You Taichi
Hiroki Yasumoto
Josei Shain A
Ami Sawada
Torihikisaki no Shachou
Kazuki Tsujimoto
Momoka Osaki
Yoshia Nakasone
Josei Shain B
Shiori Kawabata
Josei Shain C
Sayano Ikou
Josei Shain
Ami Sawada
Josei Shain D
Momoka Watabe
Ryouta Watanabe
Josei Shain
Shiori Kawabata
Dansei Shain A
Yoshia Nakasone
Yuki Maruyama
Momoka Watabe
Takeshi Sugawara
Matsuura Shachou
Momoka Osaki
80/100A MUST watch if you like romance!Continue on AniListWhen I watched the live action, I really liked the plot but some of the scenes of the characters were very cringe to me, I don't know but when you transfer the manga characters' expression to real people some things were off. But I really liked it so when the anime was announced I was very happy and I'm so glad I watched it!!
I've seen a lot of BL and I'm so happy that we are getting to see more positive and healthy relationships in this genre! Kurosawa is honestly the completly opposite of the typical "seme" (although I don't like to use this tag) in BL, he is cute, he is not afraid to show his feelings, he is kind and it's the way he loves Adachi so dearly that makes him so charming, I think everyone wishes to have a Kurosawa in his/her life xD. Adachi is the typical shy character that it's confused by his feelings but he doesn't take an annoyingly time amount to show them, he has a typical development to understand his feelings and is really cute to see him gain confidence in himself throughout the series and even doing things independently of Kurosawa, we don't only see the change in his relationship but also with himself.
The plot is really beautiful when you think about how Adachi feels like he has nothing interesting to show but others can see charming things in you when you don't think about it yourself, like Kurosawa. I also liked that the cast is primarly in his 30s, I wish there were more BL with adults in general, and I love the whole idea that is not bad or to be ashamed of being virgin or not found love even in your 30s.
The other couple has a better development than in the live action, I don't understand why in the LA they were more advanced than the main couple if they took longer to met, the actor of Tsuge in the LA was sometimes cringe because the expressions (It's not the actor's fault It's just that in real life it feels weird to me), I think the anime feels more natural and funny. The age gap relationship doesn't feel weird and I liked that Tsuge doesn't do anything till Minato reciprocated him, I liked the pace and the fact that they are going slower than the main couple, I wish we get to see more of them in the future.
My only complain with this anime is that the animation sometimes was a bit off and that's why I didn't put a 100, but it's nothing to be annoyed. If you like BL you should see this immediately and even if you don't watch BL but like romance you should try it! The plot is soft, cute and happy and because the manga is still ongoing, I hope we get to see more of them in the future! As I said, I'm really glad BL is having anime adaptations that are far away for being toxic and breaking the stereotypes and portraying healthy relationships with happy endings!
PS: The ending sang by both seiyuus is a BOP!!!!!!SenNkA
90/100Not just for BL lovers! Cherry Magic! is a great way to enter the BL world... just with your eyes squinted. [Spoilers?]Continue on AniListA big warning right away - I cannot stress this enough. I am not biased. My first anime was yaoi, and this is yaoi too. While I was too nice during it's airing time, I am not playing any games now during reviewing this show.
How would you feel if I told you, that if you won't loose your virginity by the time you're 30 years old, you will get magical ability? How does reading mind sounds? Well, Adachi and his friend Tsuge will both find that out, and not only that. They are going to learn a lot about their life, and they are going to do it while everything is changing.
When Encanto (bear with me) came out, it was a huge hit. Why wouldn't it be, it was Disney made right. However, my generation (that being college kids) started analyzing everything and finding out little details about the show. One of them was Dolores' super hearing ability that meant she was hearing everything all the damn time. Adachi nor Tsuge have that problem, they can control their ability. It only works if they are touching each other - or they can use it as a telepathic communication device with other magicians.
While having this ability, one finds out his popular colleague is in love with him and the other uses it to get closer to a boy he falls in love with.
As your typical yaoi, it had drama, it had good moments, it had cringey yelling and cute confessions. It was awkward in the best way of possible! The story wasn't anything original, but it was made tastefully, in a way that you didn't mind that you knew what would happen.Animation:
Could be better at times. While the usual stuff was in the usual quality, I wished some things (e.g. dancing) was a bit better animated, so it wouldn't look as shitty. Or kissing. We didn't have too much of that, so would it kill them if they went all out on it? Or at least hugging. God the important moments! Seriously! I was so unhappy when something that needed to be good wasn't.
I do guess the part when it mattered was animated nicely, but other than that, this was the anime's doom. Bad animation killed a lot of moments.Art:
While the boys themselves were incredibly pretty (at least Adachi and Kurosawa), the art was shitty. I saw a few chapters from the manga, and god it looks good. So this is the studio's fault - I presume.
Awful faces, terrible close ups, twisted bodies, bad proportions... I was so upset, I could rant about it for hours. Some episodes looked so good, some were shit. The first episode was so good I rewatched it right as it aired, the third episode upset me the most. They reused half of the second episode - giving us nothing but moments of something new, fresh.
After a few episodes, you got used to the "new" art & animation and it wasn't especially awful... it just never reached the same level as in the first episode. God knows what happened there...Characters:
In romance anime there is always the couple you're rooting for and the couple you don't care for. For me, it was a clear choice. (That is a bad thing. Why? I'll explain.) While the two main guys Adachi and Kurosawa very absolutely adorable together and made my heart flutter, I could not get into Tsuge and Minato for the life of me. They weren't bad, they had interesting story and that "fateful meeting" vibe to their romance. I just dislike both of them so much. I couldn't care less for them!In moment that story focused only on them, I found myself bored and wished it would be over soon. And that is not good. It's the worst that can happen. Because that's how a lot of twists and turns loose your attention and you are left with "get on with it already".
To be fair, I blame anime and it's flow. I am watching Cherry Magic! Live action, and Minato and Tsuge's story is very interesting. The characters are totally different and it makes me enjoy them much more.Rokkaku. Let's talk about Adachi's coworker Rokkaku. His voice (I'm sure his VA is great) was so annoying. I couldn't stand him. He was a great tool for Kurosawa's jealousy, but that was it. I hated him with all my might. Again, not in the Live action, just in the anime.
But! Fujisaki - Adachi's female colleague was the sun of my life. She was so good. As a fujoshi (girl who... no I am not explaining this) she was so incredibly funny and relatable. She was sweet, she was adorable, she has the softest heart in the whole world, I would give my life for her. She was another great addition to the story and to romance between Adachi and Kurosawa, and her presence was such a gift.
But hey, I didn't talk about Adachi or Kurosawa yet! While Adachi had to grow on me, Kurosawa was my sweetheart from the day 1. He was dazzling, funny, and good mix of jealous and chaotic. I want to have him so much! (Yeah, yeah, I know that's cringy.) I think he went on a great journey, being with Adachi. While I hated the range of perverseness he hit at times, I forgive it because he was funny.
And like I said, Adachi had to grow on me a lot. While I think he was cute & pretty, I was the most surprised with him. Taking the first step, going to such lengths for Kurosawa and accepting his fate... he grew the most.Music:
Opening - I liked the opening a lot! I am not sure who the singer is, but his soft voice fit perfectly with the vibe of this anime. It's no best opening by any means, but it was really great to vibe to!
Ending - The same goes for ending. I like it less than the opening, but it was tasty enough to be enjoyed. (Not the spoken parts...) Good soundtrack.
Insert song - another "what the fuck ♡". The little song Kurosawa sang on their date haunts me in the best way possible.Entertainment value:
Telenovela. That's how it felt at times. But if you are a fan of BL and know what you like, I promise you, this will give it to you. I was squealing like a crazy at moments, and I was just as dramatic as the show. It was... a great experience for me.Conclusion: recommended!!!
Are you a BL lover? Go watch this.
Are you not a BL lover? Well, give this a change. I know, the art and animation might be a breaking point for someone who is looking for reasons why to drop it, but the story itself is so very worth it. The ending especially. (It might seem hurried but it's perfect for romance!)
Like I said, I am not going to lie. This could be better. But it wasn't bad and if you like romance, if you like drama and ridiculousness, go give this a try. 9/10.
MOVIE DramaGiven Movie
ANIME ComedySasaki to Miyano
MOVIE DramaDoukyuusei
ANIME ComedyYuuri!!! on ICE
TV SHORT ComedyCool Doji Danshi
MOVIE RomanceYes ka No ka Hanbun ka
- (3.75/5)
Ended inMarch 28, 2024
Main Studio Satelight
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