September 25, 2022
24 min
The anime is set in Bayron City, an artificial island city established, outside of any country's jurisdiction, in the Pacific Ocean to exploit local natural resources. In particular, the mining of the new energy resource orgonium has resulted in an outbreak of "D disasters" by demons in the city. Private military companies (PMCs) are tasked with dealing with these incidents.
The protagonist Shuu runs a small PMC, though his spending habits have left him constantly penniless. A demon girl named Kisara does contract work at Shuu's office and is constantly worried for him. Kisara attends a high school in Bayron City, and does everything from clerical work to household chores with confidence. Meanwhile, Ayano is Shuu's ex-girlfriend, an elite agent, and a former work colleague in a major PMC that Shuu used to work for.
(Source: Anime News Network, edited)
Saya Aizawa
Ayano Yuugiri
Shuu Ogata
Souma Saitou
Sharon Holygrail
Rumi Ookubo
Kanna Ogata
Akari Kitou
Akino Yuugiri
Akeno Watanabe
Linhua Hachisuka
Saori Oonishi
Tetsuya Mikami
Yoshiaki Hasegawa
Shenhua Hachisuka
Aya Uchida
Miles Morgan
Kenichirou Matsuda
Mikhail Hachisuka
Ryouta Oosaka

53/100A Bunch Of Plot Points Crammed In With Little CareContinue on AniListImagine taking a French fry, and putting sugar on it. Imagine getting a bowl of cereal, and pouring orange juice into it. Imagine eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but the jelly was replaced with mayo. Now grab a plate, and put all these foods together and eat it all. Are you utterly confused by what I just said? That's how much I felt confused watching this show. This recipe is what I call the “Engage Kiss”, which was a plate of every trope imaginable in the most nonsensical and dumb ways sometimes, plus a lot of plot points crammed together. Harem, check! Cute girls, check! Demons, check! Dumb waifu wars, check! Ecchi, check! Little sister, check! Rip-off Naofumi, check!
Say hello to yet another A-1 Pictures original airing this summer season, and once again, the animation and music did not miss. Everything else though, had its share of frustrating and generic moments. This show really does not start well in my opinion, and because of that, it really lost me for a good chunk of the series, except for a few very good episodes, which made this a passable series overall. If you were wondering which A-1 Pictures original from this season was better, it would easily be Lycoris Recoil. Funny enough, I’d thought for sure it’d be the other way around, but guess I was wrong.
My grading criteria: Story: /25 Art: /10 Music: /10 Characters: /20 Enjoyment /15 Thematic Execution /20
STORY: 9.8/25
To give a quick overview first, this show takes place in Bayron City, a rather futuristic and extravagant looking place that strives to give every citizen a lavish lifestyle. However, for wannabe Shield Hero MC Shuu Ogata, that is not the case. He struggles to make ends meet, and is taken care of by his demon partner, Kisara, who holds down the fort and takes care of chores. These two work side by side along with the military forces to take down demons who pose the biggest threat to the city. In order to gain enough power to defeat these formidable creatures, Shuu and Kisara must kiss for her to turn into a more powerful being. This arrangement comes at a cost for Shuu, and it whittles him down bit by bit throughout the story.
So this seems interesting right? So it seemed, but this show has quite the identity crisis in that instead of having some world building for us to understand how the city works and why the demons are here, it focused a lot of the romance aspects instead, of a lazy deadbeat and his harem who for some reason are smitten with him. To be honest, an exposition dump of why the demons were here would have been better than whatever was presented. In a show like this, you would expect that the romance would come second, and the story come first, but nah, let’s just have girls getting jealous for a big chunk of the show.
There are some good parts about the story, and some emotional bits too, and while the emotional scenes were honestly executed well, if everything was developed properly, it would have hit even harder. Otherwise, the plot is quite ambitious, but because of a lack of world building, nothing felt very significant, it just felt like many things crammed together in an attempt to make a good plot, but felt like a pile of things that didn’t mix well, just very messy.
ART: 8.9/10
The animation is quite worthy of praise. The action is fluid and the character designs are decent, except for Naofumi 2.0. The colour palette also works well. Lots of pinks that give the show its uniqueness.
MUSIC: 8.4/10
The sound is pretty solid too. The OP and ED were both great songs, and the soundtrack fit well in each scene.
The character development in the show was quite abysmal, because first of all, there was so little backstory, so we had no idea how why all the girls like Shuu, and that made it hard to justify their motives. Kisara was the cute character, and helped Shuu make ends meet, and was also the military’s biggest weapon in countering the demons. Ayano was the more mature character who also played a role in fighting the demons. Some of the supporting cast felt more well developed than the mains honestly, especially Miles, who was Shuu’s caretaker when he was little.
Shuu, while he starts out being extremely frustrating to watch, ends up being a solid character in my opinion, but all his goodness came at a point where I already lost most of my interest in the characters.
There were good moments in this show, but few and far between. I did enjoy the action sequences too, but not much else. Pretty average throughout.
Like I have mentioned throughout, the lack of world building made a lot of the themes dull, and the plot points insignificant and I just found myself not caring a whole lot. The show attempts to make you feel a wide range of emotions, but it doesn’t work out very well.
OVERALL: 52.8/100
There is some minimal enjoyment to be had here, but there wasn’t a whole lot to enjoy except for the action. If you like waifus, go ahead and give this a try, but the dysfunctional plot had me bored at times, although there were a few great moments in this show. I don’t exactly know what we were served up here, but it ends up just feeling messy and tropey.
50/100An Original Anime of Great Potential That I Was Very Excited for; Sadly Resulted in Summer '22s Biggest DisapointmentContinue on AniListVery upsetting that I must do this, but it needs to be done. Engage Kiss was: a major disappointment. Probably the biggest letdown of the summer season.
When rumors started circulating about a new A-1 original anime back in January, then confirmed in March by the announcement of a collaboration between Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend author Fumiaki Maruto doing the writing and Date a Live illustrator Tsunako in charge of character design – to say I was excited would be an understatement. These were 2 representatives of the famous Fantasia Bunko "Big 3" harem light novel series that dominated the 2010s (High School DxD is the 3rd) coming together to work on a project together. There was talent and potential here to make an amazing anime from this, especially a romance given the 2 mentioned above's resumes. And despite being an anime original project with no source material - light novel enthusiasts, who you'd think have no interest in this, were also following the news of this anime given who was behind it. It was one of the most anicipated new titles going into the summer. And upon reading the premise and the concept art, I immediately added it to my must watch list. I. Was. Excited.
For What it Does Well (Animation and the MC):
For what Engage Kiss does have going for it: is top of the line animation and art. It was consistent, high quality all throughout with little for me to complain about. The fight scenes were fluid, fast paced, extremely well detailed and the movement looked well-choreographed. The quality never dipped in the unimportant scenes either, from its characters to its backgrounds. It maintained it throughout its entire runtime. It had some high quality fanservice and it did not stray away from its adult moments. Slight spoilers: but there are sex scenes in this anime. Not full blown hentai, but it gets steamy and it they get it on in frame. Visually, this anime was beautiful. But that won't be a suprise for everyone, after all - A1 Pictures is known for its visual quality and general consistency in this department. I greatly commend consistency of this level. And so on this end: it gets a rare, full 10/10.
The main character is also pretty good. Yea visually he isn't great, people have complained about him being a Naofumi look-alike (and they aren't wrong). But his personality and direction as a character are where he shines. He starts off as an unlikable, deplorable bum that seems very 1-note and surface level. However, as time goes be he becomes gradually more interesting and his story/backstory is genuinely intriguing. The premise of his motivation and what he chooses to go through sets him apart from other generic protags and was by far the main reason I stuck through to the end. Shu is also not some factory-made, vanilla nice guy with a default cowardly urge to shy away from every girl who touches him like most romance or harem MCs. He's a known sleeze who has no problems with taking girls to bed with him and has used sex as a means to an end to gain what he wants; Be it information or personal aid. The way we also he how his personality changes, or rather... without spoiling anything, regresses - but in a good way is solidly written. Far from perfect, but good. In short: while visually uninspiring, as a character he's as far as you can get from being a lazily made, indulgent, easy to fit self-insert character. But they manage to at least keep him within the realm of reasonable redemption. AKA: not going too overboard like how Mushoku Tensei's author made Rudeus, so he isn't a detriment to the series in the way Rudeus somewhat is to his series. Long story short: Shu is a pretty decent MC and character, but unfortunately is one of the only good characters in this anime.
So with all these good qualities, why is Engage Kiss not at the top of the charts? Heck, it’s barely even garnered any mentions at all past its debut. So what happened - How did this go from being one of the most anticipated shows of the summer, to being barely talked about and regarded as a dud?
The answer: a combination of many problems, but 3 central ones stand out the most: Bad storyboard planning, shallow worldbuilding, and very poor timing.
The Story (is a mess):
When making a story, especially an original story, you have to be able to convey to your audience the premise of what is going on. Who the characters are, what are they like, what’s this anime going to be about essentially. Engage Kiss’ first mistake was taking too long to accomplish this. The first 2 episodes felt like you were watching the 2nd season of an anime. It didn’t organically introduce anything and just kinda dragged you along like you should be already up to speed with everything – despite knowing next to nothing. It took till the end of the 3rd and part of the 4th episode for them to finally give an exposition dump that explains what’s going on. But by that point, the damage has been done and it turned off a lot of viewers willing to give it the 3-episode rule.Even after that with the story finally put into gear, it felt like this jumbled mess. The plot didn’t feel like it was planned out, it just felt like they were making things up as they go along with no long-term vision of where they want to take it. The tone was never consistent. The OP and ED made this series out to be a lighthearted comedic romcom, and then attempted to turn it into a dark and serious murder mystery of the MC trying to find his sister while rapidly losing his entire personality and memories. It felt like they didn't flesh out a full story before going into production and had to wing it as they went along. The "twists" they tried pulling feel so half-a$$ed because there was no real foreshadowing whatsoever, then make some far fetched excuse to justify it. It lacks the buildup or development to make the twists interesting, or the interest that makes you feel differently about any character introduced that isn’t part of the main trio.
For example (spoilers ahead) when the blond boy we meet in episode 2 finally shows back up as the secret “informant” for Shu and the head of the NSA-like organization of the city... it didn’t affect me in the slightest. It was like the ProZD skit where he makes fun of Pixar/Marvel movie villains for revealing some guy you meet at the beginning of the movie turns out to be the big, evil boss towards the end. But without him doing anything in between those points, you just... forget they existed and when it happens you just go “oh... that guy... who were they again?”. Nothing felt organic, natural, or planned and everything felt like it was made up on the fly.
The only thing that felt like it had meaning and impact was the Miles episode. The big difference between him and everyone else is that he continued to show up and proactively be part of the story – which makes his betrayal genuinely impactful. Though it did spend 70% of the episode info dumping just to understand what was going on and try to garner sympathy and understanding for the guy. But unlike the other plot twists, this one was done fairly right and by far is the best episode in the entire anime. If only they could’ve saved it for the finale.
Speaking of which, I really dislike the ending. We were led to believe it would be a tense standoff and race between Ayano and Kisara to win the MC over throughout the story. Had the final scene been the MC hooking up with Kisara in his apartment to afirm his love for her after her memory wipe would've been both sentimental and kept the echii enthusiasts happy. We still could've mantained the 2's fierce rivalry and kept the tone of the story intact, as a means to level the field with Ayano's hookup in the earlier episodes. To pull a complete 180 and go "nah, here's the full on happy-harem ending with the little sister now in the mix" was a complete mood-killer that took away from climax and previous scene at the graveyard. Unexpected? Sure, you definitely got me. Good and meaningful conclusion? Big no, I genuninely hated it.
Worldbuilding (or lack thereof):
Next up, the worldbuilding itself wasn't done well at all. You'd think for a setting of a fictional man-made city island in the middle of the ocean they would go heavy and hard on the amount of creative freedom that give you over a real place. But they barely dipped into it at all, making it just... feel like another city in any other place on Earth. And when the anime debuted and introduced a bunch of different factions vying for control of the city, you think maybe we'd get to know more about this unique factions and the people we keep seeing as background characters pop up. As flawed as Asterisk War (another anime I see Engage Kiss compared to) was, the one thing it did well was with its worldbuilding of a manmade island with multiple factions was give us more insight into those factions - making the experience more immersive, characters developed, and story interesting. Surely Engage Kiss can replicate that it to that level least. These factions and their characters we're introduced to in episode 1 surely will be important, right?... Right?... Please say right.
But no, these factions do not matter at all, except for when they're needed to fill space/conflict in the plot. Only Ayano and her Mom's company get any real attention. They just exist in the background just as an excuse for the MC and his company to bid against them. We have no reason to care about them (or even remember they exist tbh) until they start getting involved by banding together in the final few episodes. Same goes with the secret government agency that's in charge of controling the island. There was so much that could've been done, but didn't.With anime based on a LN or manga you can sometimes get away with underdeveloped worldbuilding by citing "if you wanna know more, you can read about it". It's not a good excuse, but it does let some things fly for those anime. But with original anime - you don't get that luxury. You don't have any source material to go off of. So whatever you don't explain ends up as a blaring plot hole, or leaves behind a shallow environment. This is why its such a big deal as a lacking quality for Engage Kiss.
Bad Timing (Lycoris Recoil factor):
Then comes the outside issue of timing. While not E.K’s fault, it’s relevant to mention A-1's decision to launch 2 originals in the same season. And with 2 originals (from the same studio no less) vying for attention, one of them is naturally gonna outshine the other and soak up most of the attention. And despite Engage Kiss going into the season with more initial hype and attention on it, Lycoris Recoil’s reception was far better. It lacked many of the problems that plagued this show and quickly established itself as not only a more appealing anime, but also a seasonal frontrunner; leaving E.K in the dust. Had Lycoris Recoil not existed (or just moved to the Fall lineup more realistically) Engage Kiss would’ve probably been notably better received. But it wasn’t, and as a result it was subject to more scrutiny and less wiggle room than what originals sometimes get from the general fanbase. Not sure what A-1's thought process was, but it wasn't a probably wasn't a good decision. But they likely don't care, Lycoris Recoil was such a massive success that they'll just prioritize promoting it and just dust this failure of their under the rug - knowing most people will forget about Engage Kiss it within a few months.Final Thoughts:
Overall, I’m really saddened by how disappointingly underwhelming this anime was. I do have myself largely to blame for that, as I know and try not to let myself get overhyped for anything given the age-old cycle of shows almost never matching the expectations you wanted for them. But this time I caved in as I couldn’t resist the urge to go into this with high hopes: Date a Live is my favorite guilty pleasure anime of all time, so the news that Tsunako was involved in its production was enough to get my attention. And while in visual department I have 0 complaints, it's lacking in almost everywhere else.The hook, story progression, worldbuilding, and many of its characters were either sub-par, or extremely inconsistent. It felt like a bunch of good ideas, but taped together without much foresight for how the final product would turn out. The writing was just felt unpolished and like a first draft more than a well thought out final product. Now it'd be unfair to blame it's writer, Fumiaki Maruto, for all of it. We know that he was given a very rigid frame for how the anime had to go and how it needed to end - because of the mobile game the anime was a promotion for had to be setup in a certain way. There was not a lot of flexability for him to shape the story like he could've wanted to ideally. If this wasn't a project soley made to promote a mobile game I think that he could've taken it in a direction that would've been well written and more fleshed out in areas where it was lacking. But instead it is left as this... unpolished product with shallow characters, worldbuilding, and a weak supporting cast.
Now with all that being said, I will say that Engage Kiss is not unwatchably bad - if you crave sci-fi action fights and high quality echii scenes without caring for the execution of the story it can be enjoyable enough to at least get you through to the end. I don't blame anyone who find enjoyment in this as a guilty pleasure anime to that extent, but it is definitely not a "good" anime by any stretch.
Sequel Chances? Don't get your hopes up.
As of right now, there is no guarantee of this getting a sequel to follow it up. There was an alleged leak from one of the more reliable sources in the community that a 2nd cour was already lined up, and it made the rounds back around the 4th week of the Summer season. However, nothing official has been announced yet other than a related announcement set for the series in January. It could be a season/part 2, but it also very likely could just be an update for the mobile game this anime is basically an advertisement for. We'll just have to wait and see.
If it does get a season 2, will I watch it? Honestly, idk - but leaning more towards no atm. This show was such a dissapointment that it would hard to convince myself to willingly sit down and commit more time towards this series. Maybe as a background time-waster I can set to binge once it's done if I'm bored, or if I hear it makes some kind of miraculous turn around I'll give it another chance.
For what changes needs to be made for it to be better: By far the biggest thing they need to fix is having a more consistent tone and theme. Also, they desperately need to start focusing on making a cohesive story and developing the world more. My advice to the writers (on the extreme off chance they read the reviews for their work here): is to think about focusing on introducing the background of the Celestial Abbey, the other Protection companies and drive the story to interact with those things. It would build depth, help push character development and introduce a bevy of new, interesting characters into the mix. It could be genuinely interesting. Also, perhaps mold more of the secondary characters into people we actually want to care about or at least follow along with? Because outside of the MC and the main Trio: every other character might as well not exist. They're so unmemorable, bland, tropey and 1 dimensional. And because of this, every "twist" made fell flat because - again - nobody had a reason to care about them so it was hardly a shock. Only Miles made somewhat of an impact because he was the only secondary character they kept fairly consistent. And, well... he's obviously not gonna be around for a 2nd season sadly. There's a lot more that could've been done here to make the world and story more immersive/interesting, but they dropped the ball and let it roll away. If you do make a season 2, this needs to be rectified.
The Grade:
While I usually give 5/10's for things that simply made me go "meh" while watching, in Engage Kiss' case it's simply the best way to balance out the scales. Half of this anime was a 3 to 4/10, and the other was a 6, maybe peaking at a 7 between episodes 8-12 particularly before falling hard again at the end. 5 is average for this show overall, so that's what I'm gonna have to give it. Really wish it was better so I could give it higher, but cannot. It's sadly not deserving.
Update 2/11/23
January came and went with said announcement being... an update for the mobile game. The rumor and "leaks" about a 2nd cour appear to have been just that: rumors. As such, the chances of season 2 look pretty bleak, especially after today as A1-Pictures officially announced with a teaser trailer that a sequel project for Lycoris Recoil is currently in production. I do not foresee them deviating any more resources away towards funding an hypothetical Engage Kiss sequel, or at the very minimum anytime soon. As Lycoris Recoil was definitely the better preformer of the summer season and one of the most popular shows of 2022 as a whole. I wrote about this back when I made this review in the Bad Timing section, but to reiterate again as it definitely has held up and holds true - It's tough luck for Engage Kiss. Especially when it's direct competition is another original anime that both debuted in the same season and by the same studio.
The only way this anime would likely ever get a chance of a second season now is if the mobile game really started blowing up in popularity enough to make it worth the investment. Bar that, I think we've likely seen the last of Engage Kiss as an anime adaptation.
Update 3/24/24
Engage Kiss, the mobile game, officially shut down as of yesterday. There is no redemption arc, no running or hiding from the truth anymore. The series is; completely dead.End of update(s)
That being said, if you did like Engage Kiss I do have some recommendations for similar anime:
The Asterisk War: In my opinion the most similar anime to Engage Kiss. Shared theme of a manmade fictional island setting with several factions vying for control. MC being a part of one of the factions, and one of the romantic interests being a head of said faction. Main girl is also a pink haired girl with supernatural powers, and the other romantic interests also have supernatural or mech themed powers. Quality Sci-fi fights. And the MC's driving motivation is to find his missing sister. Asterisk War is basically Engage Kiss but with the worldbuilding and faction focus EK should've aimed to make imo. Though the fanservice is more tropey in AW in comparison to EK's more mature approach. If you really did enjoy Engage Kiss then you likely have already watched this - but if you haven't yet then I would strongly recommend it for you personally, as it would be right you up your alley.
Date a Live: Probably the anime that Engage Kiss gets compared to the most. Shares EK's echii focus on the MC kissing supernatural girls to control their powers. In Date a Live's case it's to seal them, while in Engage Kiss it's to unseal them. Sci-fi fights, advanced technology, harem tropes, and Tohka/Origami's relationship is very comparable to Kisara/Ayano's with each other and the MC. And similar character designs to E.K's characters, which isn't suprising as - mentioned multiple times throughout this review - both E.K and DAL were illustrated by Tsunako. What DAL has going over EK is that it fully commits to what it is, while managing to successfully lean over into a gradually dark plot - without zig-zagging and whiplashing the viewer around like EK unfortunately did going through it's identity crisis of a story and tone. But EK fights are far better looking over DAL (as it should given the almost decade age difference between the two).
Takt Op Destiny: Another orginal anime that shares Engage Kiss's level of high quality animation, propensity for sci-fi action, and a story of 2 partners bound by a contract that lets them fight supernatural beings together - at the cost of the supernatural girl gradually killing the MC as a cost for accessing her powers. Engage Kiss has more an echii focus than Takt Op does though. And while EK has the more interesting premise, the identity crisis it went through it's runtime botched it hard. Takt Op's story was far more consistent and definitively better as a result. If you came to E.K just for the high quality sci-fi action, Takt Op would give you the same kind of experience you might be looking for.
81/100Don’t let others opinion about this anime let you downContinue on AniListHow many times have you been told that this anime was the summer 2022 biggest disappointment? Might have been a bunch of times between tier lists made by youtube content creators or even the community that watched the show. But, if you are someone that is doubting between watching or not watching this anime you found the right spot! Because I believe all those bad opinions are not true and they are only discouraging viewers that could appreciate the art and story this great anime is offering.
First of all, I don’t believe this anime was a masterpiece or something, as there are some lacks of information, plot problems and minor errors. Its just that I don’t know why it was so poorly received by the community when the execution was actually amazing.
Ill rate from 0-10 the following subjects: story, animation quality, character design, soundtracks, direction and enjoyability.
STORY 10/10
I believe its not good to stereotype an anime by its portrait and description, as people are often misleaded into thinking its the typical romcom where it only knows how to take advantage of the cuteness of their waifus by making cliché scenes. However, the plot goes SO MUCH further than that.The story is set in a world and period like our earth, but the main difference is the presence of demons, these demons terrorize the cities around the world so there are demon hunters that kill them. The main character fights demons for the sake of revenge against the demon that killed his family. For that, he made a contract with a very powerful demon, but theres a catch, every time he desires the power of the demon he has to give up some of his memories. So you can see how chapter by chapter he gives up his most important memories, forgetting the time he spent with people he loved and even forgetting his own family he is fighting for. Its so sad but admirable at the same time, as he is able to give up everything of himself for the sake of revenge.
Finally, I wanted to say that not only its plot, but the mix with comedy also boosts the anime upwards.
Really well made and polished animation, it doesn’t feel static at all, the camera angles are always in the perfect position.In the other hand, theres a flaw, a very disgusting but typical one, and that is that even though melee and sword fighting battles are really well animated, background characters dealing ranged damage make no sense, what I mean is that rifles and guns in the anime are so useless as shurikens and projectiles in naruto. Bullets are so weak that the monsters don’t even bother to react to them, and it gives me the feeling of: “why the fuck are you here?” or “get out of the scene if you are so fucking useless”.
The 3 main girls of the anime feel really unique, we have a yandere (the demon), a tsundere (the blue haired girl) and a kuudere (the monk), each of them has complete different personalities and their interactions with the main character never feel boring or disturbing. The only problem I see is the lack of background information, at most it only shows some little flashbacks and I believe a deeper focus on the 3 girl’s backstory would have made this anime even better than it is.SOUNDTRACKS 7/10
I know its done on purpose, but there are too many sudden cuts of soundtracks
that make you unable to fully enjoy the scene you are watching as it changes so fast.Even so, the selection of sounds are decent, but its specially in character development scenes where the soundtracks shines
Its weird, because there are so parts where the direction is amazing, but there are some others where you question the ability of the director. Some particular scenes I want to complain about is the endings. He ruins the hype created by the scene with the ending theme, I believe he could had managed it better and be more creative so the ending could blend in with the scene (something like those rezero endings, where the ending plays but the scene is still running).In the other hand, the director really does well with hiding information from the viewer and showing them little by little so the spectator can play detective and immerse himself into the anime.
Its true that the action and romance scenes are really good, there is also really good fan service but there are plenty of boring scenes that are really useful for character development and to give meaning to the story, but it doesn’t take down the fact that its boring.CONCLUSION
In conclusion, its a really enjoyable anime with a good plot and really well designed characters so don’t let others opinions make you not watch this amazing anime.
ANIME Actiontakt op.Destiny
ANIME ActionBlack Bullet
ANIME ActionDate A Live
ANIME ActionGuilty Crown
ANIME ActionMasou Gakuen HxH
ANIME ActionAkudama Drive
ANIME ActionGakusen Toshi Asterisk
ANIME ActionKyoukai no Kanata
ANIME ActionLycoris Recoil
- (3.3/5)
Ended inSeptember 25, 2022
Main Studio A-1 Pictures
Favorited by 1,289 Users
Hashtag #エンゲージキス