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March 2, 2022
What if those tragic events never happened? What if no one was sick, no one had an accident, and everyone lived a normal campus life? If only there was a world just like Sarah’s wish... When Sarah opens her window, another window appears, and she discovers a different world inside, a world with an exciting campus life that she had always dreamed about.
(Source: WEBTOONS)
Geum-Ok Yeon
Hyo-Chan Gong
Seong-Jun Wi
Ki-Sung Han

53/100A shameful attempt at a great concept.Continue on AniListA poor attempt at a concept that could have been Great.
This short little manga or webtoon starts off with a scene of a man who we know only later on to be Henry on his deathbed (but even that seems uncertain) but don't get too attached to that scene folks because we won't be revisiting what led up to the scene at all in the 8 chapters that make up this manga.
The story is short but as far as we know Sarah has managed to somehow travel to another world or timeline where Henry is still alive and she ends up obsessing over the fact that she has been reunited with him, the story pans out over them spending time together living day to day happily however due to her being unable to keep her mouth shut sometimes both Henry and his mother seem to think that something is wrong or that Sarah is the one who is ill and about to pass away and that because Shes ill that's the reason Shes obsessed with Henry but of course that's completely wrong.
Any attempts at comedy in this manga for me felt rather poor and whilst there was a lot about their story that was heart-warming i wasn't exactly clutching my heart, Hell i don't even think my heartbeat increased even by a single beat.
The story ends on a scene of the two of them getting married without any mention going back to the scene at the very beginning. It feels as though this manga needed a lot more chapters to flesh out not only the story, but the characters too, otherwise were just left with a short story about 2 random people who we don't have any emotional investment in and therefor a manga that doesn't have any impact.
And dont even get me started on the side story of Sarah and Henry's two friends who i can't even remember the names of cause they are so forgettable as characters supposedly having to be together, that too could have been great if it had been fleshed out which means this manga could have had plenty of chapters with rich, emotional drama that entices its reader and instead we got something that feels like a child wrote it.For the Characters there isn't a lot to say other than Sarah being the kind of girl who clearly cares about the people she loves and Henry being a pretty nice guy, i would have maybe been more invested or cared more if the manga had bothered to explain more about them both other than casually portraying them as a perfect couple with no personality of their own outside of one another.
Now the art in this manga isn't bad, not at all its rather good in fact but once again the shortness of this anime and its lack of world building completely destroys any hope for impact.
This had the core concept for an emotional and powerful story and ended up feeling like a rushed and rather botched job. What a shame.
MANGA DramaAneun Yeojaae
MANGA DramaInsoui Beopchik
- (3.15/5)
Ended inMarch 2, 2022
Favorited by 12 Users