December 22, 2022
24 min
Known as the Bibliophile Princess for her unquenchable love of books, Lady Eliana Bernstein wants nothing more than to shirk social duties in favor of retreating to the library. So, when the handsome Crown Prince Christopher promises to shield her from high-society drudgery in exchange for pretending to be his fiancée, she jumps at the chance to hide behind their sham relationship and read to her heart’s content (especially since he’s offered her access to the palace library). But much like the plot of her favorite novel, soon Eli’s feelings for the prince develop in unexpected ways, and she realizes she can’t always judge a royal book by its cover.
(Source: HIDIVE)
Eliana Bernstein
Reina Ueda
Christopher Ashelard
Ryouhei Kimura
Alexei Strasser
Kouki Uchiyama
Alan Ferrera
Gen Satou
Theodore Ashelard
Wataru Hatano
Glen Eisenach
Yuuma Uchida
Irvin Olanza
Youhei Azakami
Taku Yashiro
Tomoaki Maeno
Anna Hayden
Mikako Komatsu
Alfred Bernstein
Nobunaga Shimazaki
Anrietta Ashelard
Kikuko Inoue
Sharon Godwin
Aoi Yuuki
Bernstein Koushaku
Susumu Chiba
Yuu Shimamura
Irene Palcas
Ayaka Nanase
Cassul Hakushaku
Hiroshi Yanaka
Shishaku Palcas
Hironori Kondou

Not available on crunchyroll

50/100Quite Bland, Not Much To Take AwayContinue on AniListSimply put, this show was just not for me. I’m all for more shoujo anime being out in the anime world, but this was not the best showing of what the shoujo genre can offer. It’s just a simple story in a royalty setting, where someone who doesn’t really belong tries to fit in, and people get jealous because she’s the prince’s fiancée. It’s quite the bland story with a very straight forward romance, and boring politics that I couldn’t bring myself to care about.
In a nutshell, Elianna Bernstein, a noble from the Sauslind family, which was not the most renowned family out there, is invited by the Crown Prince, Christopher Selkirk Asherald, to become his fiancée, in exchange for being able to enter the royal archives filled with books to satisfy her craving to read, as she’s a bookworm. Elianna believes the relationship is just one devoid of real love, but just convenience, so she constantly thinks that she’s no match for Christopher, and that she’s a burden to him.
This sentiment from Elianna lingers for most of the series, and eventually, she does try to prove that she is worthy of the prince’s hand in marriage, but these doubts in her mind constantly hold both her, and the show back, because it just dances around this theme, and is quite slow in developing effectively.
It looks fine, though the movement is quite limited. I would have expected a bit more from Madhouse, but they haven’t been nearly as good of a studio for quite a while now.
Not very noticeable, the OP and ED are quite generic and average, and so is the soundtrack.
By far, Elianna does have the best development out of all the characters, but it’s still quite slow. She learns over time that her words matter, and that her knowledge due to reading books can be put to good use to help others. She’s sadly quite gullible while being smart, and I suppose that’s due to her limited interactions with others since she spends a lot of her time reading. She’s so much a bookworm, she’d probably care more about books than Prince Christopher.
Most of the other cast members, including Christopher, just didn’t really do anything for me. Most of them support Elianna well, and for Christopher, there are some good romantic moments, but he didn’t do anything too memorable.
I never really liked it, or hated it, it was just consistently average all the way through.
If anything, the romance was executed decently, but not very memorably. The political themes were not really intriguing at all, and I struggled to care about them. Some of the normal royalty tropes were there, with the drama, but they were only decent at the start.
There wasn’t much to take away from this, other than the aesthetic being quite decent. There could have been more done around the dramatic aspects of this show, and it felt more slice of life than anything else. It’s not bad by any means, just very average and bland for me personally.
40/100Bibliophile Princess, aka "Shilling a Useless Mary Sue: The Anime" or "How NOT To Adapt a Light Novel."Continue on AniListI want to make something very clear: I NEVER go into watching, reading, or playing something wanting to hate it. Whenever I see something that seems like it appeals to my tastes, I actually try to keep an open mind about it. Similarly, there are certain shows and genres that I avoid like the plague because I know I won't like them from the onset. Don't expect me to talk about any ecchi anime ever and don't expect me to watch shows such as Haruhi Suzumiya, Redo of Healer, or Ranma 1/2 or anything of the like. If you like those shows, cool, good for you. So when I first heard about Bibliophile Princess and its upcoming anime adaptation, I thought it seemed cute, so I decided to try it out. Since the light novels are only available digitally, I can't really rent them, and I don't want to buy something and then find that I don't like it and be unable to return it, y'know? I thought, "Hey! Maybe Bibliophile Princess might be good! I'll give it a watch and see for myself!" Boy howdy do I regret that decision so, so, sooooo much. Dear lord, I wanted to like this show so badly. I really did. But seriously, watching Bibliophile Princess was like being made to go through a muddy river with the promise of a prize at the end, only to find out too late that there was never a prize to begin with. By God, not only is Bibliophile Princess one of the most utterly generic, mediocre, frustrating anime I've ever seen, based on what little I've read of the light novels, it completely fails as an overall adaptation.
In the kingdom of Sauslind, Lady Elianna Bernstein and her family of self-professed bookworms live in relative peace, with no desire for power and content with spending their days doing nothing but reading and acquiring knowledge. During Elianna's debutante season at court, she is proposed to by the dashing Prince Christopher, the heir to the kingdom. At first, Elianna balks at the idea of being married to him, as she feels there are better candidates out there, but Christopher makes an offer she can't bring herself to refuse: If she marries him, she'll have special access to the fabled royal archives, a repository of rare tomes, and her social duties will be intentionally limited. Unable to resist the allure of reading new books, Elianna accepts and becomes Christopher's fiance, but she does wonder why he of all people would rather marry her and make her his bride when there are other, far better suitable people that want it more?
Man, I honestly thought Prima Doll was going to be the worst anime I saw this year, but Bibliophile Princess took the throne by virtue of the fact that everything about it just screams "I don't give a shit." Seriously, there's barely anything redeemable about Bibliophile Princess as an anime. Everything it does has been done way better in other shows, some of which I'll mention further down. Bibliophile Princess at best is a boring cliche-fest that has zero ambition. Now, cliches in and of themselves aren't inherently bad, and I abide by the philosophy that as long as you flesh out the characters well and care about the story you want to tell, you can make anything good whether it's cliche or not, as there's no such thing as a truly original story anymore. But everything about Bibliophile Princess just feels extremely passionless, listless, and workman-like, like the staff on the show only produced this because they were mandated to do so to fill out a light novel adaptation quota. From the obnoxiously bright, washed out, and shadowless animation to the similarly mediocre and generic soundtrack, the whole production feels like a poor man's Ascendance of a Bookworm. Speaking of Bookworm, does anybody else think that the only reason Yuka Iguchi was brought on to sing the opening was because the producers for this wanted to cash in on Bookworm's fame and popularity? Ironically, the opening song is actually the best thing about this show.
Beyond that, the writing is just outright stupid. This is the kind of show that was written by people who think that its target audience has the mental capacity of a lobotomized squirrel. Characters act solely on what’s convenient to the plot and make the most bizarre leaps in logic at times. Any attempts this show makes to try and be genuine is overshadowed by their complete stupidity. Add that to a story that is just chockful of plot devices and inconsequential politicial babble that we never even see portrayed on screen, and you basically have a bland mess. Even the character designs have no passion put into them, as the men are all just generic bishounen that are carbon copies of each other save for Alan (Who, ironically, is the only character in this show I liked even though his whole running gag is that nobody remembers him at all), and all the women have similar faces that you wouldn't be able to tell apart even if you swapped their hair styles and costumes. The show's attempts at political intrigue fall flat because a lot of it just consists of catty girls trying to sabotage Elianna with absolutely no sense of subtlety whatsoever. Characters telegraph their evil intentions like blaring neon lights. The show thinks its smart when it actually isn't.
Speaking of Elianna, I hate to say it, but she's the absolute worst aspect of this show. Bibliophile Princess is constantly beating into our heads that Elianna is this super awesome lady who does great things for her kingdom and others, even showing other characters praising her for her feats and shilling her to the nth degree...but the thing is, the anime doesn't actually show her doing anything of note on screen, so any praise she winds up getting feels not only unearned, but completely undeserved. For example, episode 2, which I feel encapsulates every single flaw this show has, has Elianna be caught up in some girl's bad attempt at trying to usurp her as Christopher's fiance, and the nobles all wax poetic about all the wonderful things Elianna has done for them. What does Elianna actually do throughout the entire episode? Nothing! She literally just stands at the top of the stairs like a deer in the headlights, making absolutely no attempt to refute any of the mean girl's accusations when she has all the power to do so, and everyone else just does everything for her. Tl;dr, she spends THE ENTIRE FUCKING EPISODE JUST STANDING AROUND!!! The fact that everyone worships the ground Elianna walks on even when the anime makes no effort to show her actually doing anything of note on screen just makes Elianna come off as a blatant Mary Sue straight out of someone's bad fan fiction, and I've both read and written my fair share of bad fan fiction (My fics were a lot worse as a kid, and I can say I've vastly improved my writing since then)! Furthermore, Elianna's personality doesn't change all that much and her views are never challenged. There's one arc where a military guy points out a lot of the flaws in Elianna's proposal about storing food and putting less money into war weapons, and the guy actually makes some fairly reasonable points considering Elianna has literally no experience with military affairs and is a bit too idealistic about preventing war, but after she makes some overly cheesy speech, the guy just laughs it off and accepts Elianna without a second thought! Plus, Elianna never makes the effort to actually talk to people about any issues she has, especially when it matters (Again, episode 2 is the worst example of this), and any time she tries, somebody else steps in and does everything for her, or claim that she did nothing wrong when a lot of conflict could have been avoided if she had just talked to SOMEBODY AT ALL rather than jumping to outlandish, unfounded conclusions about it. All throughout the series, Elianna just comes across as a whiny, listless, passionless waif who only cares about books and nothing else, yet is constantly shilled by the entire narrative as this amazing person when she's done literally nothing to deserve any praise at all and is given little to no agency or autonomy. The one time she does try to do something (During the Star of Sissel arc) also falls flat because she recklessly throws herself into a situation where a nobleman could easily kill her right then and there, and she didn't bother to bring her guard with her. Gee, it's almost like trying to confront a powerful nobleman without any weapons or self-defense training is a bad idea!
And the thing is, Elianna does have established reasons for being the way she is in the light novels! The LNs establish that she mostly stayed away from social gatherings because she was picked on by aristocratic girls for her love of books and her plain looks, which the anime never bothers to establish in the beginning. Even during the Irene incident, Elianna, while she still stood around and didn't do anything, she saw through Irene's ploy and even snarked about it in her head, and the LN establishes that the only reason she didn't speak up was because she didn't know if she was supposed to act or just stay put and follow the mental script everyone was acting out. So basically, the anime deliberately left out what little personality Elianna had in the LNs in favor of making her into a swooning, spineless waif who jumps to conclusions at the slightest thing and barely does anything of her own initiative, even when she has all the power and freedom to do so. Any reasons she has for being the way she is are left out, so it's really hard to feel any sympathy for anime Elianna because she basically brought a lot of her own issues on herself and doesn't even make the effort to solve her own problems! Do you want to know an anime that features a character that actually does shit and has legitimate reasons for being the way she is? Raven of the Inner Palace, which is airing right now! In that anime, Shouxue is shown to be lonely and isolated because not only does her position as the Raven Consort dictate such, if certain people find out what she really is, they will literally kill her, yet Raven of the Inner Palace actually shows Shouxue going out of her way to help people and solve their problems, whether by their own request or because she wants to, so any loyalty she receives from her new friends and acquaintances actually feels earned. Plus, it is possible to write a heroine who starts off listless and dispassionate as long as the reasons for her being such are plausible. For example, I'm reading the light novel My Happy Marriage right now (Which is getting an anime fairly soon), and in that series, the heroine, Miyo, is quiet and has zero self-esteem because she was abused and mistreated by her family for her entire life, with the series making it clear right off the bat. Her life improves when she's made to marry a rich man named Kiyoka, but marriage alone doesn't magically resolve all of her trauma and issues, with the series empathizing that Miyo's path to healing will be a long one. In that series, Miyo's arc is about her regaining her self-worth, agency, and autonomy and allowing herself to become a more self-assured individual now that she interacts with people who genuinely love and care about her. Elianna doesn't have that excuse, so her problems, again, come off more like a girl's insufferable whining than anything truly genuine.
That's not even getting into all the other little problems the anime has as well. In one episode, the series just randomly introduces a character named Lilia and expects us to already know that she and Elianna are acquainted without even showing us how they know each other. Like, the hell? I know Arte had this problem with its anime, but Bibliophile Princess is actually worse about it because even though this girl is in the opening, she just disappears after that arc and never shows up again. The LNs establish that Lilia is Elianna's cousin on her mother's side, and yet again, the anime just chucks her in there without rhyme or reason. Like, why even put this girl in the opening if you're only gonna have her be in the series for two or three episodes and then never again?! God, just thinking more about this series makes my head hurt. Overall, if you're into shows like Bibliophile Princess, that's totally cool, more power to you. If you like it, great! I personally feel the Bibliophile Princess anime is frustrating and terrible, mainly because it commits a cardinal sin that no adaptation should ever do: It made me question if the source material is even that good to begin with. Seriously, there are so many other things out there that manage to tackle their premise and characters better than Bibliophile Princess could ever hope to do, some of which I've named. All in all, Bibliophile Princess is not only a hopelessly blank, generic anime, but also a terrible adaptation. But don't just take my word for it. ANN writer Rebecca Silverman did weekly reviews for the series, and since she's read the light novels, she also recognizes the adaptation's failures in capturing the spirit and essence of the source material, and even other ANN writers don't feel the anime is worth much. But ultimately, you should make your own judgment and see for yourself whether you like or dislike Bibliophile Princess, or anything else, really. At the end of the day, my reviews are just my personal opinions on the stuff I read, watch, and play, nothing more and nothing less.
70/100Autism be damned, my girl can work a country!Continue on AniListA country where people are not persecuted just for liking their neighbors. I'd like to see that someday as well More than anything, "Bibliophile Princess" is a show about improving the world, and cherishing individuals - treating people as who they are, instead of shoving them into some collective. Although the protagonist's motivations aren't clearly defined at first - she doesn't understand herself in the slightest at that point, after all - this is the core thats leads on the entire narrative.
When you look at the story from this angle, it's quite a tough goal it set out to accomplish, don't you think? Can this show really manage to be on the same level as something like Maoyuu (another pro-individualism anime with the same core premise, and one of the pinnacles of the medium)?
Well, no, not really. It's not as politically intruiging nor well-written as other works with the same premise. However, it's still worth watching as one of the better anime out there, life-affirming as it is. It's an incredibly comfy story (shoutouts to the protagonist's floof hair; I gotta squeeze her) that, above all, treats people with kindness. But if that was all, I would just tell you to watch another, better show instead.
What you CAN'T find elsewhere in the protagonist's unique journey of self-acceptance and self-discovery. She's the one character this story revolves around. Everyone else's job is just to progress her story (nothing wrong with that, of course). It's a fluffy, bubbly character arc: Going from living day to day in a daze, reading books without a clear goal, never realizing her true abilities - to slowly realizing that she is cherished by those around her, and that her incredibly deep knowledge of history and politics has given her a place in this world - to finding her true purpose in life: Improving the world, and being with her beloved.
It's comforting to watch, and as you watch her express her love for art and humanity, you can't help but slowly be swept away by her enthusiasm. All the while, she's so autistic that she can't flirt with her beloved to save her life, and takes every statement at face value (girl, this is royalty, you have to be calculating, dammit!). It's pretty hilarious.
She outright states later on that it's the fault of the state that the people are suffering, and that it's the state's job to support individuals. It may seem idealized (which it is; I mean, that's every anime), but her desire to support pro-individualistic actions is all meant as a love letter to history. Because of her knowledge and intelligence, nurtured by her love for books (meaning history), the world improves. Thanks to her love of history, her political power, her love for art, and her support of science, she has covered the four pillars holding up humanity - and uses them to change the world.
It's cute! Don't you think?I also view the little character-arcs with the bratty 10 year old and the court women, among others, as an extension of this love for individuals. They don't directly advance the themes or plot of the show, but they drive home the point of seeing people as who they are. After all, how can the protagonist love individuals if there aren't any individuals, eh?
Once I get around to reading the novels, my rating will likely change drastically - for better or worse. Because while this story IMPLIES certain goals and political decisions, it hasn't properly elaborated on them yet. For example, one of the primary goals of the princess is to reduce military investments and increase investments in healthcare - an incredibly simplistic way of looking at the matter, one that I hope the novels will continue to explore in more detail. I will be gravely disappointed, however, if the novels don't manage to build on these political struggles in a satisfactory manner.
Who knows. For now, this was a great time, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to cheer up while watching a fluffy, pro-individualistic show.I don't believe that people who can't value themselves are able to protect others
ANIME ComedyOuran Koukou Host Club
ANIME ComedyKimi ni Todoke
ANIME ComedySasaki to Miyano
ANIME DramaCandy Candy
ANIME AdventureSugar Apple Fairy Tale
ANIME ActionToshokan Sensou
- (3.3/5)
Ended inDecember 22, 2022
Main Studio MADHOUSE
Favorited by 419 Users
Hashtag #虫かぶり姫