August 6, 2002
An earnestly honest guy who doesn’t even grant pipe dreams to himself, physiologically incapable of letting a single contradiction go, in other words me, got dragged this June to a renowned academy for rich girls, no questions allowed, by the world’s strongest contractor. No matter how you put it, no matter how you spin it, there was probably no point to it. Because the case that arose there was, in and of itself, a bit of nonsense.
(Source: Kodansha USA)
Jun Aikawa
Ichihime Yukariki
Shiogi Hagihara
Tamamo Saijou
Noa Origami
Yuma Shisei
83/100Zaregoto series, Assassin's High SchoolContinue on AniListINTRODUCTION
In this third volume we found the shortest story of the series, really fast to read but also one of the less interesting.
Personally I found it very nice but absolutely not at the level of the previous ones perhaps due to its diluting purpose globally functional to the series
This review would be very fast cause in my opinion there isn't so much to analyze instead of other reviews.
ONLY MINOR SPOILERS will be made that do not go to ruin the story.Summary
The story begins with our protagonist who this time will have to work for Jun Aikawa to pay off various debts with her, and will find himself having to play the role of a schoolgirl in a renowned academy for rich girls to save a girl who cannot leave.
But as soon as he infiltrates the protagonist will understand that things are not what they seem.General plot
A start certainly much more perky than the other stories, in fact this is the first time that the Contractor arrives at the beginning instead of at the end as usual.
There is a greater even if slight confidence between the two, if before they seemed acquaintances now they seem almost two friends, this in fact is one of the two main objectives in my opinion of the novel, since there are many moments (especially when the two have that little discussion in which the protagonist risked antagonizing her) in which the two argue precisely to show the progress of their relationship.
The second reason mentioned above is to add new characters important not only for the story but also for the macro plot of this narrative world, first of all our Ichihime, who will prove to be a key character for the growth of the protagonist later on.
Here, too, the mystery factor is a bit left out to deepen the new character a bit, a bit like it happened in the second novel.Characters
<img width='220' src='https://s4.anilist.co/file/anilistcdn/character/large/b29593-Q0d2dIVBmhbU.png'> <span class='markdown_spoiler'><span>Although the relationship between Jun and him has evolved, he hasn't really changed that much, or at least until he meets Ichihime who awakens something in him, a strange feeling; she reminds him a lot of Tomo before she became the one we know, and this confuses him making him have conflicting feelings for this young girl with whom he binds almost immediately (in his own way). It should also be noted that he treats all the girls who attend the academy by making fun of them and treating them like little girls.</span></span> __Jun Aikawa__ <img width='220' src='https://s4.anilist.co/file/anilistcdn/character/large/b29595-pZvcUzUhVTtm.png'> <span class='markdown_spoiler'><span>The Contractor in this volume has been much more present than in the others showing how she is now on friendly terms with Iichan, relationships that will be tested by the crisis situation that will arise in the school, where they will even have a discussion where Iichan will risk antagonizing the most powerful being that exists (unwise choice hahahaha).</span></span> __Ichihime__ <img width='220' src='https://s4.anilist.co/file/anilistcdn/character/large/b44993-4GMC2IDMFkBE.jpg'> <span class='markdown_spoiler'><span>Main character who not only creates a strong bond with the protagonist but also becomes a bridge between him and Jun. She is a very shy and naive girl who unfortunately paid for her fragility, ruined by the school she attends and with the desire to leave and destroy everything about her sad past. Iichan wants to save her at any cost precisely because she represents what Tomo could have been what He could have been, a normal person. She can still be normal and saving her for the protagonist would mean being able to save himself (finding salvation in the happiness of others).</span></span> __Shiogi Hagihara__ <img width='220' src='https://s4.anilist.co/file/anilistcdn/character/large/b44997-qJTMKDKq4g96.png'> <span class='markdown_spoiler'><span>Finally I wanted to add this character because even if he was not too important in the story he is still one of the pieces that make up this immense puzzle that is the story of Zaregoto. Known as the Strategist she is precisely the greatest strategist who among all those of the main cast of the series and has exceptional skills (compensated by a very bad physical ability) so as to make her very well known in her sector. She is related to the principal of the school and is completely in favor of her policies and she therefore wants to prevent Ichihime from escaping, despite this she manages to relate a minimum with the protagonist by building quite interesting dialogues. </span></span>
Final part
Speaking of the ending, I really like the idea of the culprit but the mystery itself is quite intuitive but not at all obvious, leaving the surprise effect anyway, but as already mentioned in this book, the mystery part takes a back seat to leave room for all 'psychological deepening of the characters still managing to entertain the reader even if it is actually a bit subdued compared to the other two books in the series.
I feel the same as recommending this book because even if it is inferior to the others, it remains a great reading that still lets you see some beautiful interactions and above all some beautiful dialogues which are Nisio's strong point.I hope you enjoyed this reviw and leave a like of encouragement if you want, THANK YOU for your attention.
NOVEL MysteryDanganronpa/Zero
NOVEL SupernaturalShigofumi: Stories of Last Letter
- (3.7/5)
Ended inAugust 6, 2002
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